Never raise, never, the age for our seniors to retire
Katie McGinty accused Joe Sestak of supporting cuts to Social Security and Medicare. Sestak said she was distorting his record and relying on negativity.
McGinty has cited Sestak's praise for the 2010 Simpson-Bowles plan's broad deficit-reduction
blueprint, an outline that includes cuts to Social Security, to go after him on that issue.
Sestak did not let that stand. "Katie, you're wrong--here's why--you should remember, as I do as a Catholic, the
Eighth Commandment," he said, citing the order to not bear false witness against a neighbor. He said he has publicly advocated that "we should never raise, never, the age for our seniors to retire." Sestak also said he voted 41 times as a congressman
to protect Social Security and Medicare.
Republicans pointed out that McGinty's campaign chairman, former Gov. Ed Rendell, has often praised the courage of lawmakers who have embraced the deficit reduction plan she is now criticizing.
Joe Sestak has worked hard to assist America's senior citizens. Highlights Of Joe Sestak's Legislative Efforts To Support Seniors:
Authored the elder abuse victims Act
Co-sponsored the community choice Act
Co-sponsored the Social Security
Fairness Act: Drastically improves monthly Social Security benefits by repealing the Government Pension Offset and the Windfall Elimination Provision, which punish more than 1 million employees in more than a dozen states.
Oppose privatization; would have lost income in recession
Looking forward, we see that the programs seniors rely on today are in jeopardy. The Medicare Trust fund is scheduled to run out by 2017 and the Social Security trust fund will run out in 2037. I believe we should preserve long term fiscal solvency not
by cutting benefits but by reexamining the way we find revenues for social security benefits.
Secure the Long-Term Solvency of Social Security while Maintaining Benefits
Oppose Privatization of Social Security, which would have decreased the
income of retirees significantly during the recent economic recession.
Support Efforts to Credit Social Security Revenue to the Trust Fund Rather than the General Fund.
Establish a Social
Security "Lock Box" Policy, such a policy would prevent diversion of funds from Social Security for other programs.
Supports Examining the Regressive Nature of Social Security Taxes and Exclusion of Investment Income.
Sestak opposes the CC survey question on private retirement accounts
The Christian Coalition voter guide [is] one of the most powerful tools Christians have ever had to impact our society during elections. This simple tool has helped educate tens of millions of citizens across this nation as to where candidates for public office stand on key faith and family issues.
The CC survey summarizes candidate stances on the following topic: "Allowing individuals to invest a portion of their Social Security tax in private retirement accounts"
Source: Christian Coalition Survey 10-CC-q6 on Aug 11, 2010