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Bill Sponsorships:
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2010 voter guide
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House Votes:
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    This page contains bill sponsorships in the Senate and House. Bill sponsorships indicate the topics that legislators are most interested in, and spend the most time on.

14_H5078 on Jul 11, 2014

Bill Sponsorship: Waters of the U.S. Regulatory Overreach Protection Act
Source: H.5078
Congressional Summary:
    A BILL to preserve existing rights and responsibilities with respect to waters of the United States.
  • The EPA Administrator are prohibited from developing, finalizing, adopting, implementing, applying, administering, or enforcing the proposed Definition of 'Waters of the United States' Under the Clean Water Act (April 21, 2014); or any substantially similar proposed rule.
  • FEDERALISM CONSULTATION: The EPA Administrator shall jointly consult with relevant State and local officials to develop recommendations for a regulatory proposal, taking into consideration differences in State and local geography, hydrology, climate, legal frameworks, economies, priorities, and needs.

Argument in opposition: (by Rep. Bishop, D-NY-1)

The enactment of H.R. 5078 would, unfortunately, lock in place the interpretive guidance of the Bush administration: traditional Clean Water Act protections over a significant percentage of waters has been called into question or have simply been lost. These are protections that existed for over 30 years prior to the issuance of the first Bush-era guidance in 2003 and are now all but lost, making it harder and more costly for individual States to protect their own waters should their upstream neighbors be unwilling or unable to fill in the gap in protecting water quality.

Pollution needs to go somewhere, and since pollution does not respect State boundaries when it travels downstream, it will have an adverse impact on the quality of life and the quality of the environment of those downstream States. Under H.R. 5078, the EPA would be prohibited from ensuring that polluters in Connecticut continue to reduce excessive amounts of nitrogen in the Sound, leaving my constituents in the State of New York without any recourse to stop them.

    Participating counts on VoteMatch question 8. Question 8: EPA regulations are too restrictive Scores: -2=Strongly oppose; -1=Oppose; 0=neutral; 1=Support; 2=Strongly support.
  • Topic: Environment
  • Headline: No EPA expansion of regulated waters (Score: 1)
  • Headline 2: No EPA expansion of regulated waters (Score: 2)

    Participating counts on AmericansElect question 8.
  • Headline: No EPA expansion of regulated waters (Answer: C)
  • Headline 2: No EPA expansion of regulated waters (Answer: D)
  • AmericansElect Quiz Question 8 on Environment: Which of the following statements comes closest to your personal view?
    • A: Natural resources exist for the benefit of humanity
    • B: Natural resources exist for the benefit of humanity, but should be somewhat protected
    • C: Natural resources should be mostly protected, but also exist for the benefit of humanity
    • D: Natural resources exist on their own and should be completely protected
    • E: Unsure

  • Key for participation codes:
  • Sponsorships: p=sponsored; o=co-sponsored; s=signed
  • Memberships: c=chair; m=member; e=endorsed; f=profiled; s=scored
  • Resolutions: i=introduced; w=wrote; a=adopted
  • Cases: w=wrote; j=joined; d=dissented; c=concurred
  • Surveys: '+' supports; '-' opposes.

Democrats participating in 14_H5078

Bill Enyart s1sIllinois DemocratJul 11, 2014
Jim Matheson s1sUtah Democrat (retiring 2014)Jul 11, 2014
Collin Peterson s1sMinnesota Democrat/Farmer/LaborJul 11, 2014
Nick Rahall s1sWest Virginia DemocratJul 11, 2014
Kurt Schrader s1sOregon DemocratJul 11, 2014

Republicans participating in 14_H5078

Justin Amash s1sMichigan RepublicanJul 31, 2014
Mark Amodei s1sNevada RepublicanJul 28, 2014
Michele Bachmann s1sMinnesota Republican (retiring 2014)Jul 29, 2014
Lou Barletta s1sPennsylvania RepublicanJul 16, 2014
Gus Bilirakis s1sFlorida RepublicanJul 30, 2014
Marsha Blackburn s1sTennessee RepublicanJul 23, 2014
Kevin Brady s1sTexas RepublicanJul 23, 2014
Jim Bridenstine s1sOklahoma RepublicanJul 14, 2014
Mo Brooks s1sAlabama RepublicanJul 16, 2014
Vern Buchanan s1sFlorida RepublicanJul 28, 2014
Ken Calvert s1sCalifornia RepublicanJul 30, 2014
Shelley Moore Capito s1sWest Virginia Republican (Senate run 2014)Jul 11, 2014
Steve Chabot s1sOhio RepublicanJul 24, 2014
Tom Cole s1sOklahoma RepublicanJul 30, 2014
Chris Collins s1sNew York RepublicanJul 14, 2014
Doug Collins s1sGeorgia RepublicanJul 14, 2014
Tom Cotton s1sAR Republican Senate challengerJul 16, 2014
Kevin Cramer s1sNorth Dakota RepublicanJul 14, 2014
Rick Crawford s1sArkansas RepublicanJul 11, 2014
John Culberson s1sTexas RepublicanJul 24, 2014
Rodney Davis s1sIllinois RepublicanJul 16, 2014
Jeff Denham s1sCalifornia RepublicanJul 14, 2014
Ron DeSantis s1sFL Republican Senate candidateJul 29, 2014
Mario Diaz-Balart s1sFlorida RepublicanJul 28, 2014
Sean Duffy s1sWisconsin RepublicanJul 29, 2014
John Fleming s1sLA Republican Senate candidateJul 30, 2014
Bill Flores s1sTexas RepublicanJul 30, 2014
Randy Forbes s1sVirginia RepublicanJul 28, 2014
Cory Gardner s1sCO Republican Senate challengerJul 29, 2014
Bob Gibbs s1sOhio RepublicanJul 11, 2014
Chris Gibson s1sNew York Republican (retiring 2016)Jul 31, 2014
Phil Gingrey s1sGA Republican ChallengerJul 31, 2014
Bob Goodlatte s1sVirginia RepublicanJul 31, 2014
Paul Gosar s1sArizona RepublicanJul 16, 2014
Trey Gowdy s1sSouth Carolina RepublicanJul 28, 2014
Samuel Graves s1sMissouri RepublicanJul 16, 2014
Tom Graves s1sGeorgia RepublicanJul 23, 2014
Brett Guthrie s1sKentucky RepublicanJul 31, 2014
Richard Hanna s1sNew York RepublicanJul 14, 2014
Andy Harris s1sMaryland RepublicanJul 31, 2014
Vicky Hartzler s1sMissouri RepublicanJul 31, 2014
Doc Hastings s1sWashington Republican (retiring 2014)Jul 23, 2014
Joe Heck s1sNevada RepublicanJul 24, 2014
Tim Huelskamp s1sKansas RepublicanJul 16, 2014
Bill Huizenga s1sMichigan RepublicanJul 29, 2014
Robert Hurt s1sVirginia RepublicanJul 23, 2014
David Jolly s1sFL Republican Senate ChallengerJul 11, 2014
Walter Beaman Jones s1sNorth Carolina RepublicanJul 16, 2014
Dave Joyce s1sOhio RepublicanJul 31, 2014
Mike Kelly s1sPennsylvania RepublicanJul 23, 2014
Adam Kinzinger s1sIllinois RepublicanJul 29, 2014
John Kline s1sMinnesota RepublicanJul 23, 2014
Raul Labrador s1sIdaho RepublicanJul 28, 2014
Doug LaMalfa s1sCalifornia RepublicanJul 30, 2014
James Lankford s1sOK Republican Senate challengerJul 16, 2014
Tom Latham s1sIowa Republican (retiring 2014)Jul 23, 2014
Bob Latta s1sOhio RepublicanJul 17, 2014
Billy Long s1sMissouri RepublicanJul 28, 2014
Frank Dean Lucas s1sOklahoma RepublicanJul 11, 2014
Blaine Luetkemeyer s1sMissouri RepublicanJul 23, 2014
Cynthia Lummis s1sWyoming RepublicanJul 28, 2014
Tom Marino s1sPennsylvania RepublicanJul 16, 2014
Tom McClintock s1sCA03 Former Republican Challenger (2003)Jul 14, 2014
David McKinley s1sWest Virginia RepublicanJul 23, 2014
Mark Meadows s1sNorth Carolina RepublicanJul 14, 2014
Candice Miller s1sMichigan Republican (retiring 2016)Jul 24, 2014
Jeff Miller s1sFlorida RepublicanJul 24, 2014
Markwayne Mullin s1sOklahoma RepublicanJul 11, 2014
Mick Mulvaney s1sSouth Carolina RepublicanJul 23, 2014
Randy Neugebauer s1sTexas RepublicanJul 31, 2014
Kristi Noem s1sSouth Dakota RepublicanJul 17, 2014
Rich Nugent s1sFlorida RepublicanJul 23, 2014
Devin Nunes s1sCalifornia RepublicanJul 28, 2014
Steve Pearce s1sNew Mexico RepublicanJul 17, 2014
Scott Perry s1sPennsylvania RepublicanJul 14, 2014
Robert Pittenger s1sNorth Carolina RepublicanJul 30, 2014
Ted Poe s1sTexas RepublicanJul 24, 2014
Mike Pompeo s1sKansas RepublicanJul 23, 2014
Bill Posey s1sFlorida RepublicanJul 30, 2014
Tom Reed s1sNew York RepublicanJul 24, 2014
Reid Ribble s1sWisconsin RepublicanJul 11, 2014
Scott Rigell s1sVirginia RepublicanJul 30, 2014
Martha Roby s1sAlabama RepublicanJul 24, 2014
Hal Rogers s1sKentucky RepublicanJul 31, 2014
Todd Rokita s1sIndiana RepublicanJul 17, 2014
Tom Rooney s1sFlorida RepublicanJul 23, 2014
Dennis Ross s1sFlorida RepublicanJul 23, 2014
Matt Salmon s1sArizona RepublicanJul 30, 2014
Aaron Schock s1sIllinois Republican (resigned 2015)Jul 28, 2014
David Schweikert s1sArizona RepublicanJul 28, 2014
James Sensenbrenner s1sWisconsin RepublicanJul 31, 2014
John Shimkus s1sIllinois RepublicanJul 29, 2014
Bill Shuster s1sPennsylvania RepublicanJul 11, 2014
Mike Simpson s1sIdaho RepublicanJul 24, 2014
Jason Smith s1sMissouri RepublicanJul 14, 2014
Lamar Smith s1sTexas RepublicanJul 16, 2014
Steve Southerland s2pFlorida Republican 
Chris Stewart s1sUtah RepublicanJul 23, 2014
Marlin Stutzman s1sIN Republican Senate candidateJul 24, 2014
Mac Thornberry s1sTexas RepublicanJul 17, 2014
Pat Tiberi s1sOhio RepublicanJul 29, 2014
Scott Tipton s1sColorado RepublicanJul 17, 2014
Fred Upton s1sMichigan RepublicanJul 23, 2014
David Valadao s1sCalifornia RepublicanJul 28, 2014
Tim Walberg s1sMichigan RepublicanJul 30, 2014
Greg Walden s1sOregon RepublicanJul 29, 2014
Randy Weber s1sTexas RepublicanJul 30, 2014
Brad Wenstrup s1sOhio RepublicanJul 31, 2014
Lynn Westmoreland s1sGeorgia RepublicanJul 28, 2014
Ed Whitfield s1sKentucky RepublicanJul 28, 2014
Steve Womack s1sArkansas RepublicanJul 16, 2014
Ted Yoho s1sFlorida RepublicanJul 29, 2014
Don Young s1sAlaska RepublicanJul 14, 2014

Independents participating in 14_H5078

Tim Griffin s1sAR GOP Lt.Gov ChallengerJul 16, 2014

Total recorded by OnTheIssues:

Democrats: 5
Republicans: 113
Independents: 1

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