Voted against certifying the 2020 election results
Democrats criticized Budd for his vote against certifying the 2020 election results in the House, a vote a majority of House Republicans took following the insurrection at the Capitol. A spokesperson for the Democratic Senatorial Campaign
Committee called Budd Trump's "number one cheerleader in North Carolina's congressional delegation--even after Trump's outrageous voter fraud lies helped fuel a violent mob that attacked the Capitol and tried to overthrow the results of an election."
Source: on 2022 North Carolina Senate race
, Apr 28, 2021
Deregulate small businesses strangled by big government
Ted's record is clear: he is dedicated to fighting for North Carolina families.
That's why Ted voted to cut middle-class taxes and why he votes to deregulate small businesses who are strangled by big government.
Budd recently tweeted he's opposed to a federal voting rights bill because he said it "allows minors to vote." His office said he was referencing a provision that would allow 16- and 17-year-olds to preregister to vote. And that's the key word there:
preregister. That does not mean they could vote early. It means that those kids could fill out paperwork and get everything in order so that when the day comes, when they do turn 18 and the election does come around, everything is ready to go.
Source: WFAE 90.7 NPR Fact Check on 2022 North Carolina Senate race
, Mar 17, 2021
Leave redistricting to states; no independent commissions
Q: On Elections: Support nonpartisan redistricting to address charges of partisan gerrymandering?
A: No. "Redistricting is a state issue & each state should handle it as they see fit. I don't think that any commission would be inherently independent."
Q: On Campaign Finance: Strengthen campaign donation disclosure rules?
A: No stand found. "There does seem to be a lot of money in politics. I wish it wasn't this way but it is."
Source: 2018 Issue Guides: Congress NC-13 election
, Dec 31, 2019
It's time to take on the Establishment
Having never run for office before, I did not jump at the opportunity to run for Congress this year. I prayerfully weighed the decision with my wife & family, and I sought advice from friends and colleagues. I filed for Congress on the last day, because
I don't believe we can expect anything to change as long as we keep sending people with political resumes to solve our problems.
It's time to take on the Establishment. We cannot send another politician to Washington with so much riding on this
election. We need men and women in Congress who are willing to make the tough decisions it will take to solve problems--no matter how the liberal media and the politically correct Establishment react. Now is the time to take a stand and get things done.
I am running for Congress to serve my community and defend our conservative values. Freedom, the family, and fiscal responsibility are under attack like never before. Taking a stand will make a difference.
Constitutional amendment for Congressional term limits.
Budd signed supporting Congressional term limits
Excerpts from press release on Term Limits Caucus: Two U.S. Term Limits pledge signers, Republican Rep. Rod Blum (IA-1) and Democrat Rep. Beto O`Rourke (TX-16), have announced the formation of a Term Limits Caucus, which will work to build bipartisan support behind a constitutional amendment imposing term limits on Congress. "The root of this problem is that politicians are incentivized by the system to care more about retaining their position than doing what is best for the country," Blum said. "Our founding fathers never intended for public service to be a career, rather, serving in Congress was designed to be a temporary sacrifice made for the public good."
The new working group will marshal pro-term limits members together to pursue common ground. One of its most important duties will be building consensus around the U.S. Term Limits Amendment of three House terms and two Senate terms, to which both Blum and O`Rourke have pledged their exclusive support.
Supporting argument: (Cato Institute): We should limit members to three terms in the House and two terms in the Senate. Let more people serve. Let more people make the laws. And let's get some people who don't want to make Congress a lifelong career. Some say that term limits would deprive us of the skills of experienced lawmakers. Really? It's the experienced legislators who gave us a $17 trillion national debt, and the endless war in Iraq, and the Wall Street bailout.
Supporting argument: (Heritage Foundation): The only serious opponents of term limits are incumbent politicians and the special interests--particularly labor unions--that support them. Special interests oppose term limits because they do not want to lose their valuable investments in incumbent legislators. Many are organized to extract programs, subsidies, and regulations from the federal government--to use the law as a lever to benefit their own constituencies or harm their rivals.
Source: U.S. Term Limits 17MEM-USTL on Jan 26, 2017
No holiday on election day; no same-day registration.
Budd voted NAY For the People Act of 2019
This bill expands voter registration and voting access, makes Election Day a federal holiday, and limits removing voters from voter rolls.
The bill provides for states to establish independent, nonpartisan redistricting commissions.
The bill also sets forth provisions for sharing intelligence information with state election officials, and supporting states in securing their election systems, and establishing the National Commission to Protect U.S. Democratic Institutions.
This bill addresses campaign spending, by expanding the ban on foreign nationals contributing to or spending on elections; and expanding disclosure rules.
This bill establishes an alternative campaign funding system [with] federal matching of small contributions for qualified candidates.
The bill also requires candidates for President and Vice President to submit 10 years of tax returns.
Opposing argument from the Heritage Foundation, 2/1/2019: HR1 federalizes and micromanages
the election process administered by the states, imposing unnecessary mandates on the states and reversing the decentralization of the American election process. What HR1 Would Do:
Seize the authority of states to regulate the voting process by forcing states to implement early voting, automatic voter registration, same-day registration, online voter registration, and no-fault absentee balloting.
Make it easier to commit fraud at the polls through same-day registration, as election officials have no time to verify the accuracy of voter registration.
Degrade the accuracy of registration lists by automatically registering individuals from state databases, such as DMV.
Cripple the effectiveness of state voter ID laws by allowing individuals to vote without an ID and merely signing a statement in which they claim they are who they say they are.
Legislative outcome: Passed House 234-193-5 on 3/8/19; received with no action in Senate thru 12/31/2019