Bob Casey (D): Legal. "Will never support the Republican effort to ban abortions." Overturning Roe v. Wade is "dangerous," "will put women's lives at risk."
Voted to make abortion rights federal law. In 2018 called himself "pro-life" but voted mostly to maintain abortion access.
David McCormick (R): Mostly ban. Is "pro-life." Called overturning Roe v. Wade "a huge victory for the protection of innocent life."
In 2022 supported banning abortion except to save a mother's life. Now also supports exceptions for rape and incest. Opposes a national abortion ban. "States should decide."
Plan B morning-after pill is contraception, not abortion
Q: The FDA has said that Plan B, the morning-after pill, can be sold over the counter. Are you in favor?
SANTORUM: No, I�m not. I agree that it is an abortifacient, and that it�s dangerous to give a dose of hormones equivalent to one third of a whole
series of birth control pills to someone without any kind of doctor supervision.
CASEY: Yes, I�m in favor. I think what emergency contraception is contraception.
Q: But you do believe life begins at conception?
CASEY: I do.
Q: If this was
fertilized, would you call it abortion?
CASEY: The science is clear on this. It is contraception, and I support it. I think we�ve got to make it widely available, and I think that�s one of the ways we reach common ground on the very tough issue of
abortion: emergency contraception can reduce the number of abortions and unwanted pregnancies. That�s what we should emphasize.
SANTORUM: The science is clear. In fact, it is an abortifacient in certain circumstances.
Democratic Senate candidate Robert P. Casey Jr., who opposes abortion, believes Roe v. Wade should be overturned. �You can�t say you have the position I have and not believe that,� Casey said in a recent interview.
Source: Philadelphia Inquirer, �Casey�s Clear View on Abortion�
, Dec 18, 2005
Right to Privacy means contraception, not unborn
Casey says he believes the Constitution protects a right to privacy on some matters, such as contraceptive use. But, he adds, it does not trump the rights of the unborn.
Source: Philadelphia Inquirer, �Casey�s Clear View on Abortion�
, Dec 18, 2005
No embryonic stem cell research; adult research ok
Q: Would you explain your stance on embryonic stem cell research and human cloning?
A: I support the current federal policy on embryonic stem cell research.
Q: How would you vote if the Castle bill came to you in the Senate? [The Stem Cell Research
Enhancement Act, known as the Castle bill, would allow embryonic stem cell research on so-called �left over� embryos from in-vitro fertilization clinics.]
A: I would oppose the Castle bill to expand federal support of embryonic stem cell research.
As a US Senator, I will strongly support funding for stem cell research that doesn�t destroy an embryo. There are many promising techniques under development that don�t require destroying the embryo and there�s good reason to hope that soon we�ll be
able to remove the politics from this issue. I also strongly support increased federal funding for research on stem cells derived from adult cells, bone marrow and placentas - areas where tremendous progress has already been made.
Q: What is your position on legal protection for unborn children from the moment of conception if Roe v. Wade is overturned? What exceptions would you require: a) life of the mother b) rape & incest c) fetal deformity?
A: Support a) Life of the mother.
If the Supreme Court were to overturn Roe v. Wade, a PA bill would contain exceptions for rape, for incest, and for the life of the mother. I would strongly support that bill because it would have the effect of reducing the number of abortions in PA.
Source: Archdiocese of Philadelphia survey of Treasurer candidates
, Nov 7, 2004
Opposes public funding of abortion
Q: What is your position on legislation that would attempt to weaken or repeal the PA Abortion Control Act?
A: Oppose .
Q: What is your position on public funding of abortion?
A: Oppose
Source: Archdiocese of Philadelphia survey of Treasurer candidates
, Nov 7, 2004
Supports state funding of contraceptive services
Q: What is your position on a provision in the state�s budget to fund contraceptive services?
A: Support
Q: What is your position on requiring employers or health insurance plans to cover contraceptives in their prescription drug plans?
A: Support
Source: Archdiocese of Philadelphia survey of Treasurer candidates
, Nov 7, 2004
Opposes Woman�s Right to Abortion
Opposes woman�s right to abortion.
Source: Lancaster County Action 2004 Voter Guide Questionnaire
, Nov 2, 2004
Opposes Tax-Funded Abortion
Opposes tax-funded abortion.
Source: Lancaster County Action 2004 Voter Guide Questionnaire
, Nov 2, 2004
Supports Legal Protection for Human Life from Conception
Supports legal protection for human life from conception.
Source: Lancaster County Action 2004 Voter Guide Questionnaire
, Nov 2, 2004
Casey supports the CC Voters Guide question on abortion funding
Christian Coalition publishes a number of special voter educational materials including the Christian Coalition Voter Guides, which provide voters with critical information about where candidates stand on important faith and family issues.
The Christian Coalition Voters Guide summarizes candidate stances on the following topic: "Public funding of abortions"
Source: Christian Coalition Voter Guide 12-CC-q1a on Oct 31, 2012
Casey supports the CC Voters Guide question on minor's abortions
Christian Coalition publishes a number of special voter educational materials including the Christian Coalition Voter Guides, which provide voters with critical information about where candidates stand on important faith and family issues.
The Christian Coalition Voters Guide summarizes candidate stances on the following topic: "Parental notification for abortions by minors"
Source: Christian Coalition Voter Guide 12-CC-q1b on Oct 31, 2012
Casey opposes the CC Voters Guide question on churches and contraception
Christian Coalition publishes a number of special voter educational materials including the Christian Coalition Voter Guides, which provide voters with critical information about where candidates stand on important faith and family issues.
The Christian Coalition Voters Guide summarizes candidate stances on the following topic: "Requiring religious groups to cover birth control & abortion in insurance"
Source: Christian Coalition Voter Guide 12-CC-q1d on Oct 31, 2012
Keep federal funding for family planning clinics.
Casey signed keeping federal funding for family planning clinics
Excerpts from Letter to the Senate Majority Leader from 46 Senators: The recent vote in the House to overturn rules protecting Title X health centers would deny women access to care. In 2015, Title X provided basic primary and preventive health care services such as pap tests, breast exams, and HIV testing to more than four million low-income women and men at over 4,000 health centers. In large part due to this work, the US unintended pregnancy rate is at a 30-year low, and rates of teenage pregnancy are the lowest in our nation`s history. The success of the program is dependent on funding. Family planning services, like those provided at Planned Parenthood and other family planning centers, should be available to all women, no matter where they live or how much money they make.
Opposing argument: (Heritage Foundation, `Disentangling the Data`): Planned Parenthood received approximately $60 million of taxpayer money under Title X, and $390 million
through Medicaid. To ensure that taxpayers are not forced to subsidize America`s number one abortion provider, Congress should make Planned Parenthood affiliates ineligible to receive either Medicaid reimbursements or Title X grants if they continue to perform abortions. Taxpayer money from these programs should instead be redirected to the more than 9,000 federally qualified health center sites that provide comprehensive primary health care for those in need without entanglement in abortion.
Supporting argument: (ACLU, `Urging Title X`): Title X services help women & men to plan the number and timing of their pregnancies, thereby helping to prevent approximately one million unintended pregnancies, nearly half of which would end in abortion. However, current funding is inadequate. Had Title X funding kept up with inflation it would now be funded at nearly $700 million. We ask that Title X be funded at $375 million, which is $92 million above its current funding level.
Source: Letter to the Senate Majority Leader from 46 Senators 17LTR-TITX on Mar 1, 2017
S.311/H.R.962: Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act: Congress finds the following:
If an abortion results in the live birth of an infant, the infant is a legal person for all purposes under the laws of the United States, and entitled to all the protections of such laws.
(2) Any infant born alive after an abortion or within a hospital, clinic, or other facility has the same claim to the protection of the law that would arise for any newborn, or for any person who comes to a hospital, clinic, or other facility for screening and treatment or otherwise becomes a patient within its care.
In the case of an attempted abortion that results in a child born alive, any health care practitioner present at the time the child is born alive shall exercise the same degree of professional skill, care, and diligence to preserve the life and health of the child as a reasonably diligent and conscientious health care practitioner would render to any other child born
alive at the same gestational age.
Opposing argument from, `Born Alive Propaganda,` by Calla Hales, 4/12/2019: From restrictive bans at various points of pregnancy to a proposed death penalty for seeking care, both federal and state legislators are taking aim at abortion rights. The goal? To make abortion illegal, criminalizing patients and providers in the process. One kind of bill making a recent resurgence is the `Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act.` These bills aim to further the false narrative that abortions regularly occur immediately before or, according to the president, at the time of birth. Intentional action to end the life of an infant is already illegal. This is covered by federal and state infanticide laws. These bills do nothing but vilify physicians who provide reproductive health care.
Legislative outcome Referred to Committee in House; Senate motion to proceed rejected, 56-41-3 (60 required).
Source: Congressional vote 19-S0311 on Feb 5, 2019