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Bill Sponsorships
Policy Reports
Memberships / Affiliations
Group Ratings
Court Rulings
Senate Surveys

Bill Sponsorships:
Congressional bills 2011-2012
Congressional bills 2009-2010
2008 Presidential Contenders' bills
Congressional bills 1998-2008
2010 Senate signature bills
2008 Senate signature bills
2008 Presidential signature bills
Pres. Barack Obama's Senate signature bills
V.P. Joe Biden's Senate signature bills
Rep. Ron Paul's House signature bills
Sen. John McCain's Senate signature bills
Sen. Hillary Clinton's Senate signature bills

Congressional memberships 2012
Congressional memberships 2001-2011
112th Congress Committees
Congressional Caucuses
Congressional Group Ratings

Surveys: Collection of all surveys in one summary.
2012 Project Vote Smart
2012 Christian Coalition voter guide
2010 Christian Coalition voter guide
2010 voter guide
2010 Project Vote Smart
Contract From America
Contract With America

Reports & Letters:
Governmental Reports
Resolutions 2011
Letters 2011
Supreme Court Rulings
Supreme Court 2011:

2008 Presidential
2004 Presidential
2000 Presidential
2008 Issues
2004 Issues
2000 Issues

Senate Votes:
Through 2011
Through 2009
Through 2007
Through 2003

House Votes:
Through 2011


    This page contains bill sponsorships in the Senate and House. Bill sponsorships indicate the topics that legislators are most interested in, and spend the most time on.

01-HJR36 on Mar 13, 2001

Bill Sponsorship: a Constitutional Amendment:
Source: House Resolution Sponsorship
Supports granting Congress power to prohibit the physical desecration of the U.S. flag. Proposes an amendment to the Constitution of the United States authorizing the Congress to prohibit the physical desecration of the flag of the United States.

    Participating counts on VoteMatch question 4. Question 4: Keep God in the public sphere Scores: -2=Strongly oppose; -1=Oppose; 0=neutral; 1=Support; 2=Strongly support.
  • Topic: Civil Rights
  • Headline: Supports anti-flag desecration amendment (Score: 1)

  • Key for participation codes:
  • Sponsorships: p=sponsored; o=co-sponsored; s=signed
  • Memberships: c=chair; m=member; e=endorsed; f=profiled; s=scored
  • Resolutions: i=introduced; w=wrote; a=adopted
  • Cases: w=wrote; j=joined; d=dissented; c=concurred
  • Surveys: '+' supports; '-' opposes.

Democrats participating in 01-HJR36

Rob Andrews s1oNew Jersey Democrat 
Joe Baca s1oCalifornia Democratic Challenger 
John Baldacci s1oMaine Democrat 
James Barcia s1oMichigan Democrat 
Max Baucus s1oMT Democratic Sr Senator (retiring 2014) 
Ken Bentsen s1oTexas Democrat 
Shelley Berkley s1oNevada Democrat (Senate run 2012) 
Marion Berry s1oArkansas Former Democrat (until 2010) 
Sanford Bishop s1oGeorgia Democrat 
Leonard Boswell s1oIowa Democrat 
John Breaux s1oLA Former Democratic incumbent; retired 2004 
Corrine Brown s1oFlorida Democrat 
Sherrod Brown s1oOH Democratic Sr Senator 
Max Cleland s1oGA Democratic Senator (Former) 
Bob Clement s1oTennessee Democrat 
Gary Condit s1oCalifornia Democrat 
Jerry Costello s1oIllinois Democrat (Retiring 2012) 
Bud Cramer s1oAlabama Democrat (Retired 2008) 
Joseph Crowley s1oNew York Democrat 
Mark Dayton s1oMN Democratic Governor 
Cal Dooley s1oCalifornia Democrat (Until 2004) 
Mike Doyle s1oPennsylvania Democrat 
Chet Edwards s1oTexas Former Democrat (until 2010) 
Bob Etheridge s1oNorth Carolina Democrat (Unseated 2010) 
Dianne Feinstein s1oCA Democratic Sr Senator 
Martin Frost s1oTexas Democrat (Until 2004) 
Bart Gordon s1oTennessee Democrat (until 2010) 
Gene Green s1oTexas Democrat 
Ralph Moody Hall s1oTexas Democrat 
Jane Harman s1oCalifornia Democrat (Resigned 2011) 
Ruben Hinojosa s1oTexas Democrat 
Tim Holden s1oPennsylvania Democrat (Lost 2012 Primary) 
Fritz Hollings s1oSC Former Democratic Sr Senator; retired 2004 
Tim Johnson s1oSD Democratic Sr Senator (retiring 2014) 
Paul Kanjorski s1oPennsylvania Democrat (until 2010) 
Marcy Kaptur s1oOhio Democrat 
Dale Kildee s1oMichigan Democrat (Retiring 2012) 
Nicholas Lampson s1oTexas Democrat (Unseated 2008) 
James Langevin s1oRhode Island Democrat 
Blanche Lambert Lincoln s1oAR Former Democratic Senator 
William Lipinski s1oIllinois Democrat (Until 2004) 
Ken Lucas s1oKentucky Democrat (Until 2004) 
Bill Luther s1oMinnesota Democrat/Farmer/Labor 
Jim Maloney s1oConnecticut Democrat (retired) 
Frank Mascara s1oPennsylvania Democrat 
Carolyn McCarthy s1oNew York Dem./Ind./Working-Families 
Jim McGovern s1oMassachusetts Democrat 
Mike McIntyre s1oNorth Carolina Democrat 
Michael McNulty s1oNew York Dem./Cons. (Retiring 2008) 
Robert Menendez s1oNew Jersey Democrat 
Zell Miller s1oGA Former Democratic Senator; retired 2004 
Joe Moakley s1oMassachusetts Democrat (until 2001) 
Alan Mollohan s1oWest Virginia Democrat 
John Murtha s1oPennsylvania Democrat (Deceased Feb. 2010) 
Grace Napolitano s1oCalifornia Democrat 
Frank Pallone s1oNew Jersey Democrat 
Bill Pascrell s1oNew Jersey Democrat 
Collin Peterson s1oMinnesota Democrat/Farmer/Labor 
David Phelps s1oIllinois Democrat 
Earl Pomeroy s1oNorth Dakota Democrat (until 2010) 
Nick Rahall s1oWest Virginia Democrat 
Harry Reid s1oNV Democratic Sr Senator 
Silvestre Reyes s1oTexas Democrat 
Ciro Rodriguez s1oTexas Democrat (until 2010) 
Tim Roemer s1oIndiana Democrat 
Steven Rothman s1oNew Jersey Democrat 
Loretta Sanchez s1oCalifornia Democrat 
Max Sandlin s1oTexas Democrat (Until 2004) 
Ronnie Shows s1oMississippi Democrat 
Ike Skelton s1oMissouri Democrat (until 2010) 
David Adam Smith s1oWashington Democrat 
Charles Stenholm s1oTexas Democrat 
Ted Strickland s1oOH Former Democratic Governor (2006-2010) 
Bart Stupak s1oMichigan Democrat (until 2010) 
Gene Taylor s1oMississippi Democratic Challenger 
Karen Thurman s1oFlorida Former Democrat 
Jim Traficant s1oOhio Democrat 
Jim Turner s1oTexas Democrat (Until 2004) 
Albert Wynn s1oMaryland Democrat (Unseated 2008) 

Republicans participating in 01-HJR36

Robert Aderholt s1oAlabama Republican 
Todd Akin s1oMissouri Republican (Senate run 2012) 
Wayne Allard s1oCO Former Republican Senator (retired 2008) 
George Allen s1oPOTUS Republican 
Spencer Bachus s1oAlabama Republican 
Richard Hugh Baker s1oLouisiana Republican (Resigned 2008) 
Cass Ballenger s1oNorth Carolina Republican 
Bob Barr s1oGeorgia Republican Challenger 
Roscoe Bartlett s1oMaryland Republican 
Joe Linus Barton s1oTexas Republican 
Charlie Bass s1oNew Hampshire Republican (Retired 2012) 
Doug Bereuter s1oNebraska Republican (Until 2004) 
Michael Bilirakis s1oFlorida Republican (Retired 2006) 
Roy Blunt s1oMissouri Republican (until 2010) 
Sherry Boehlert s1oNew York Republican/Independence 
John Boehner s1oOhio Republican 
Kit Bond s1oMO Republican Sr Senator (retiring 2010) 
Henry Bonilla s1oTexas Republican 
Mary Bono s1oCalifornia Republican 
Kevin Brady s1oTexas Republican 
Henry Brown s1oSouth Carolina Republican (until 2010) 
Sam Brownback s1oKS Republican Governor 
Ed Bryant s1oTennessee Republican 
Jim Bunning s1oKY Republican Jr Senator (retiring 2010) 
Conrad Burns s1oMT Former Republican Senator (MT, 1989-2007) 
Richard Burr s1oNC Republican Sr Senator; previously Representative 
Dan Burton s1oIndiana Republican (Retiring 2012) 
Steve Buyer s1oIndiana Republican (until 2010) 
Sonny Callahan s1oAlabama Republican 
Dave Camp s1oMichigan Republican 
Chris Cannon s1oUtah Republican 
Eric Cantor s1oVirginia Republican 
Shelley Moore Capito s1oWest Virginia Republican 
Saxby Chambliss s1oGA Republican Sr Senator (retiring 2014) 
John Howard Coble s1oNorth Carolina Republican 
Susan Collins s1oME Republican Sr Senator 
Larry Combest s1oTexas Republican 
Larry Craig s1oID Former Republican Senator (until 2008) 
Philip Crane s1oIllinois Republican (Until 2004) 
Michael Crapo s1oID Republican Sr Senator 
Ander Crenshaw s1oFlorida Republican 
Barbara Cubin s1oWyoming Republican (Retiring 2008) 
John Culberson s1oTexas Republican 
Duke Cunningham s1wCalifornia Republican 
Jo Ann Davis s1oVirginia Republican 
Tom Davis s1oVirginia Republican (Retiring 2008) 
Nathan Deal s1oGA Republican Governor 
Mike DeWine s1oOH Former Republican Senator (lost re-election, 2006) 
Pete Domenici s1oNM Former Republican Senator (retired 2008) 
John Doolittle s1oCalifornia Republican (Retiring 2008) 
Jimmy Duncan s1oTennessee Republican 
Jennifer Dunn s1oWashington Republican (Until 2004) 
Robert Ehrlich s1oMaryland Republican 
Jo Ann Emerson s1oMissouri Republican (Resigned 2013) 
Phil English s1oPennsylvania Republican (Unseated 2008) 
John Ensign s1oNV Republican Jr Senator 
Michael Enzi s1oWY Republican Sr Senator 
Terry Everett s1oAlabama Republican (Retiring 2008) 
Mike Ferguson s1oNew Jersey Republican (Retiring 2008) 
Peter Fitzgerald s1oIL Former Republican incumbent; retired 2004 
Ernie Fletcher s1oKentucky Republican 
Mark Foley s1oFlorida Republican 
Randy Forbes s1oVirginia Republican 
Vito Fossella s1oNew York Rep./Cons. challenger 
Rodney Frelinghuysen s1oNew Jersey Republican 
Bill Frist s1oPOTUS Republican 
Greg Ganske s1oIA Former Republican Nominee (2002) 
George Gekas s1oPennsylvania Republican 
Jim Gibbons s1oNevada Republican 
Paul Gillmor s1oOhio Republican (Deceased 2007) 
Benjamin Gilman s1oNew York Republican 
Bob Goodlatte s1oVirginia Republican 
Lindsey Graham s1oSC Republican Sr Senator 
Phil Gramm s1oTX Former Republican Senator 
Kay Granger s1oTexas Republican 
Chuck Grassley s1oIA Republican Sr Senator 
Samuel Graves s1oMissouri Republican 
Mark Green s1oWisconsin Republican 
Judd Gregg s1oNH Republican Sr Senator (retiring 2010) 
Felix Grucci s1oNew York Republican 
Gil Gutknecht s1oMinnesota Republican 
Chuck Hagel s1oNE Former Republican Senator (retired 2008) 
James Hansen s1oUtah Republican 
Melissa Hart s1oPennsylvania Republican 
Denny Hastert s1oIllinois Republican (Retired 2007) 
Doc Hastings s1oWashington Republican 
Orrin Hatch s1wUT Republican Sr Senator 
Robin Hayes s1oNorth Carolina Republican (Unseated 2008) 
J.D. Hayworth s1oArizona Republican (until 2007) 
Joel Hefley s1oColorado Republican 
Jesse Helms s1oNC Former Republican Senator 
Wally Herger s1oCalifornia Republican (Retiring 2012) 
Van Hilleary s1oTennessee Republican 
Dave Hobson s1oOhio Republican (Retiring 2008) 
Steve Horn s1oCalifornia Republican 
Amo Houghton s1oNew York Republican/Conservative 
Kenny Hulshof s1oMissouri Republican (Governor 2008) 
Duncan Hunter s1oCalifornia Republican (Retiring 2008) 
Asa Hutchinson s1oAR Republican Gubernatorial Challenger 
Tim Hutchinson s1oAR Former Republican Sr Senator (until 2002) 
Kay Bailey Hutchison s1oTX Republican Sr Senator (Retiring) 
Henry Hyde s1oIllinois Republican 
James Inhofe s1oOK Republican Sr Senator 
Johnny Isakson s1oGA Republican Jr Senator; previously Representative 
Ernest Istook s1oOklahoma Republican 
Bill Jenkins s1oTennessee Republican (Retired 2006) 
Nancy Lee Johnson s1oConnecticut Republican 
Sam Johnson s1oTexas Republican 
Timothy Johnson s1oIllinois Republican (Retiring 2012) 
Walter Beaman Jones s1oNorth Carolina Republican 
Ric Keller s1oFlorida Republican (Unseated 2008) 
Sue Kelly s1oNew York Republican (until 2007) 
Mark Kennedy s1oMinnesota Republican (until 2006) 
Brian Kerns s1oIndiana Republican 
Peter King s1oNew York Rep./Ind./Cons./Right-To-Life 
Jack Kingston s1oGA Republican Challenger 
Mark Kirk s1oIL Republican Jr Senator 
Joe Knollenberg s1oMichigan Republican (Unseated 2008) 
Jon Kyl s1oAZ Republican Jr Senator (Retiring) 
Ray LaHood s1oIllinois Republican (Retiring 2008) 
Steve Largent s1oOK00 Former Republican Challenger (2002) 
Tom Latham s1oIowa Republican 
Steven LaTourette s1oOhio Republican 
Jerry Lewis s1oCalifornia Republican (Retiring 2012) 
Ron Lewis s1oKentucky Republican (Retiring 2008) 
Frank LoBiondo s1oNew Jersey Republican 
Trent Lott s1oMS Former Republican Senator (MS, 1989-2007) 
Frank Dean Lucas s1oOklahoma Republican 
Richard Lugar s1oIN Republican Sr Senator 
Donald Manzullo s1oIllinois Republican (Lost 2012 Primary) 
John McCain s1oAZ Republican Sr Senator 
Jim McCrery s1oLouisiana Republican (Retiring 2008) 
John McHugh s1oNew York Republican/Conservative 
Buck McKeon s1oCalifornia Republican 
Dan Miller s1oFlorida Republican (retired) 
Gary Miller s1oCalifornia Republican 
Jerry Moran s1oKansas Republican (until 2010) 
Frank Murkowski s1oAK Former Republican Governor (2002-2006) 
Sue Myrick s1oNorth Carolina Republican (Retiring 2012) 
Bob Ney s1oOhio Republican 
Anne Meagher Northup s1oKentucky Republican 
Charlie Norwood s1oGeorgia Republican 
Jim Nussle s1oIowa Republican 
Tom Osborne s1oNebraska Republican 
Doug Ose s1oCalifornia Republican challenger 
Butch Otter s1oID Republican Governor 
Michael Oxley s1oOhio Republican 
Mike Pence s1oIN Republican Governor 
John Peterson s1oPennsylvania Republican (Retired 2008) 
Chip Pickering s1oMS Republican challenger (2006), U.S. Rep. 
Joseph Pitts s1oPennsylvania Republican 
Todd Platts s1oPennsylvania Republican (Retiring 2012) 
Richard Pombo s1oCalifornia Republican 
Rob Portman s1oOH Republican Jr Senator 
Jack Quinn s1oNew York Republican/Ind./Cons. 
Jim Ramstad s1oMinnesota Republican (Retiring 2008) 
Dennis Rehberg s1oMontana Republican (Senate run 2012) 
Thomas Reynolds s1oNew York Republican (Retiring 2008) 
Bob Riley s1oAL Former Republican Governor (until 2010) 
Pat Roberts s1oKS Republican Sr Senator 
Hal Rogers s1oKentucky Republican 
Mike Rogers s1oMichigan Republican 
Dana Rohrabacher s1oCalifornia Republican 
Marge Roukema s1oNew Jersey Republican 
Ed Royce s1oCalifornia Republican 
Paul Ryan s1oPOTUS Republican 
Jim Ryun s1oKansas Republican 
Rick Santorum s1oPA Former Republican Senator (lost re-election, 2006) 
Jim Saxton s1oNew Jersey Republican (Retiring 2008) 
Edward Schrock s1oVirginia Republican (Until 2004) 
Jeff Sessions s1oAL Republican Sr Senator 
Pete Sessions s1oTexas Republican 
Clay Shaw s1oFlorida Republican 
Richard Shelby s1oAL Republican Jr Senator 
Don Sherwood s1oPennsylvania Republican 
John Shimkus s1oIllinois Republican 
Bill Shuster s1oPennsylvania Republican 
Rob Simmons s1oConnecticut Republican 
Mike Simpson s1oIdaho Republican 
Joe Skeen s1oNew Mexico Former Republican 
Christopher Smith s1oNew Jersey Republican 
Lamar Smith s1oTexas Republican 
Olympia Snowe s1oME Republican Sr Senator 
Mark Souder s1oIndiana Republican (until 2010) 
Floyd Spence s1oSouth Carolina Republican 
Ted Stevens s1oAK Former Republican Sr Senator 
John Sununu s1oNew Hampshire Republican 
John Sweeney s1oNew York Republican/Conservative 
Tom Tancredo s1oColorado Republican Governor challenger 
Charles Taylor s1oNorth Carolina Republican 
Lee Terry s1oNebraska Republican 
Craig Thomas s1oWY Former Republican Senator (deceased in office 2007) 
Mac Thornberry s1oTexas Republican 
John Thune s1oSD Republican Jr Senator; previously Representative 
Strom Thurmond s1oSC Former Republican Senator 
Todd Tiahrt s1oKansas Republican (until 2010) 
Pat Tiberi s1oOhio Republican 
Pat Toomey s1oPA Republican Jr Senator 
David Vitter s1oLA Republican Jr Senator; previously Representative 
George Voinovich s1oOH Republican Sr Senator (retiring 2010) 
Greg Walden s1oOregon Republican 
Jim Walsh s1oNew York Rep./Ind. (Retiring 2008) 
Zach Wamp s1oTennessee Republican (until 2010) 
John Warner s1oVA Former Republican Senator (retired 2008) 
Wes Watkins s1oOklahoma Republican 
J.C. Watts s1oOklahoma Republican 
Curt Weldon s1oPennsylvania Republican 
Dave Weldon s1oFL Republican Senate Challenger (Lost primary) 
Jerry Weller s1oIllinois Republican (Retiring 2008) 
Ed Whitfield s1oKentucky Republican 
Roger Wicker s1oMississippi Republican (Senate 2008) 
Heather Wilson s1oNew Mexico Republican (Senate 2008) 
Frank Wolf s1oVirginia Republican 
Bill Young s1oFlorida Republican 
Don Young s1oAlaska Republican 

Independents participating in 01-HJR36

Brad Carson s1oOK 2004 former Democratic challenger; US Representative 
Mac Collins s1oGA 2004 former Republican challenger; US Representative 
John Cooksey s1oLA 2004 former Republican Nominee 
Lincoln Diaz-Balart s1oFlorida Former GOP (until 2010) 
Virgil Goode s1oPOTUS Constitution Party Challenger 
John Hostettler s1oIN 2010 Senate Challenger (lost GOP primary); formerly US Rep. 
Darrell Issa s1oCA03 Former Initiator of Gubernatorial Recall (2003) 
Chris John s1oLA 2004 former Democratic challenger; US Representative 
John Linder s1oGeorgia Former GOP (until 2010) 
George Nethercutt s1oWA 2004 former Republican challenger; US Representative 
Adam Putnam s1oFlorida Former GOP (until 2010) 
George Radanovich s1oCalifornia Former GOP (until 2010) 
Bob Schaffer s1oCO Former GOP Senate Challenger (2008) 
Bob Smith s1oFL 2010 Challenger; lost FL GOP primary; previous NH Senator 
Bob Stump s1oArizona Former GOP (until 2010) 

Total recorded by OnTheIssues:

Democrats: 79
Republicans: 215
Independents: 15

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