Books by and about 2024 presidential candidates |
Hillbilly Elegy, by JD Vance (2017) |
Crippled America, by Donald J. Trump (2015) |
Fire and Fury, by Michael Wolff (2018) |
Trump Revealed, by Michael Kranish and Marc Fisher (2016) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2016) |
Promise Me, Dad , by Joe Biden (2017) |
The Book of Joe , by Jeff Wilser (2019; biography of Joe Biden) |
The Truths We Hold, by Kamala Harris (2019) |
Smart on Crime, by Kamala Harris (2010) |
Becoming, by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Higher Loyalty, by James Comey (2018) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2017) |
Book Reviews |
(from Amazon.com) |
(click a book cover for a review or other books by or about the presidency from Amazon.com)
Forbes biweekly business magazine
 (Click for external website)
Click on a participant to pop-up their full list of quotations from Forbes Magazine (number of quotes indicated):
- Ben Carson (5) HUD Secretary
- Bernie Sanders (3) Democratic Presidential candidate
- Beto O`Rourke (1) Texas Democratic candidate for Governor; U.S. Rep
- Bobby Jindal (3) Louisiana Republican 2016 Presidential candidate
- Bruce Lunsford (1) Former Democratic Senate challenger (2008) Kentucky
- Carly Fiorina (3) California V.P. nominee toTed Cruz
- Chris Christie (3) New Jersey N.J. Governor; Republican Presidential candidate
- Cynthia Nixon (2) New York Democratic candidate for governor of New York
- Deval Patrick (1) Massachusetts Democratic Governor
- Donald Trump (6) Republican Presidential incumbent
- Eric Holder (1) Cabinet-2015
- Eric Swalwell (1) California Presidential candidate (withdrawn); U.S. Rep from CA-15
- George Pataki (1) New York Republican presidential candidate
- Hillary Clinton (2) Democratic Presidential candidate
- Jeb Bush (1) Florida Former FL Governor; Republican Presidential candidate
- Jim Oberweis (5) Republican U.S. Rep Illinois-14
- John Rose (1) Republican U.S. Rep Tennessee-6
- Kamala Harris (2) California Democratic Vice President; former California Senator
- Kanye West (11) Birthday Party candidate for President
- Lawrence Lessig (2) Massachusetts Democrat for President
- Lincoln Chafee (1) Rhode Island Independent Rhode Island Governor
- Lindsey Graham (3) South Carolina S.C. Senator; Republican Presidential candidate
- Marco Rubio (1) FL Senator; Republican Presidential candidate
- Mark Green (1) Tennessee Republican candidate for Governor
- Martin O`Malley (1) Maryland Democratic Presidential candidate
- Mary Mayhew (1) Maine Republican candidate for governor of Maine
- Mike Huckabee (4) Arkansas Republican Presidential candidate
- Mitch McConnell (1) Republican Sr Senator Kentucky
- Phil Murphy (1) New Jersey Democratic 2021 Gubernatorial contender
- Rand Paul (2) Republican 2016 Primary Challenger
- Rick Perry (1) Texas Former Secretary of Energy
- Rick Santorum (1) Republican Presidential candidate
- Rob Hogg (1) Democratic Senate challenger Iowa
- Steve Forbes (3)
- Ted Cruz (3) Republican 2016 Primary Challenger
- Tom Del Beccaro (3) Republican Senate challenger California
- Tom Price (2) Georgia Secretary of Health and Human Services-2017
- Tom Vilsack (1) Iowa USDA Secretary
- Tulsi Gabbard (1) Hawaii Democratic candidate for President; U.S. Rep from HI-2
OR click on an issue category below for a subset. |
Articles from Forbes Magazine:
- Forbes Magazine, "Will Trump's Tariffs Raise Prices? What To Know As Kamala Harris Slams 'Trump Tax'," by Alison Durkee, 8/19/24, (Forbes FactCheck, "U.S. Energy Independence Has Grown," by Robert Rapier, Oct 1, 2022, (Link)
- IN-6 House race, "Representative Greg Pence opposes commission to probe January 6 riot that targeted his brother," by Andrew Solender, 5/19/2021
- "With Deval Patrick, Private Equity Takes Center Stage in Presidential Race," by Nathan Vardi, Nov 14, 2019
- "Marijuana Banking Bill Approved By Congressional Committee," by Tom Angell, Mar 28, 2019
- "Four Reasons Kamala Harris' Teacher Pay Raise Proposal Is Not A Winner," by Peter Greene, Mar 26, 2019
- "Swalwell Touts 'Coverage For All'," by Bruce Japsen, Mar 19, 2019
- "O'Rourke Dials Back Medicare-For-All Talk," by Bruce Japsen, Mar 17, 2019
- "Marijuana Sits At Nexus Of Good Policy And Smart Politics," by Tom Angell, Mar 7, 2019
- "For Tulsi Gabbard, Marijuana Sits At Nexus Of Good Policy And Smart Politics," by Tom Angell, Mar 7, 2019
- (On Gina Raimondo): Forbes magazine on 2018 Rhode Island gubernatorial race, 8/7/2018
- 2018 R.I. Governor's race: "How Rhode Island Is Sparking Another Industrial Revolution," Daniel D'Ambrosio, Jul 5, 2018
- (On Cynthia Nixon): Forbes Magazine on 2018 New York gubernatorial race, 5/7/2018
- (On Donald Trump): Forbes Magazine on 2018 Trump Administration, 5/7/2018
- (On Phil Murphy): Forbes Magazine on 2017 New Jersey gubernatorial race, 5/7/2018
- On 2022_PA_Senate: "Dr. Oz Says Medical Marijuana Could Help Solve Opioid Addiction," by Tom Angell, Sep 19, 2017
- (On Mary Mayhew): Forbes Magazine interview on 2018 Maine Gubernatorial race, 6/1/2017
- (On Tim Kaine): Forbes.com, intro V.P. speech with Hillary Clinton in Miami, 7/24/2016
- (On Eric Holder): Forbes Magazine, "Little Black Book of Billionaire Secrets", 5/30/2016
- (On Mark Green): Forbes Magazine OpEd on 2018 Tennessee Gubernatorial race, 5/4/2016
- (On Rob Hogg): Forbes Magazine OpEd on 2016 Iowa Senate race, 3/15/2016
- (On Lawrence Lessig): Forbes Magazine "2016 Candidates Want You to Know" series, 9/30/2015
- (On Chris Christie): Forbes Magazine on 2016 Faith & Freedom Conference, 6/30/2015
- (On Bobby Jindal): Forbes Magazine on 2014 CPAC convention, 6/24/2015
- (On Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton and others): Forbes Magazine "2016 Candidates Want You to Know" series, 6/1/2015-6/30/2015
- (On Rand Paul): Forbes Magazine "2016 Candidates Want You to Know" series, 4/7/2015
- (On Carly Fiorina): Forbes Magazine 2016 series:"Tough Choices" by Carly Fiorina, 3/24/2015
- (On Carly Fiorina): Forbes Magazine on 2015 Conservative Political Action Conf., 3/24/2015
- (On Carly Fiorina & Ted Cruz): Forbes Magazine "2016 Candidates Want You to Know" series, 3/24/2015
- (On Ted Cruz): Forbes Magazine on 2015 Conservative Political Action Conf., 3/5/2015
- (On Ben Carson): Forbes Magazine 2015 interview by Mike Patton, 1/29/2015
- (On Tom Del Beccaro): Forbes Magazine OpEd on 2016 California Senate race, 1/14/2015
- (On Tom Del Beccaro): Forbes magazine on 2016 California Senate race, 6/7/2014
- (On Rand Paul): Forbes Magazine 2014 coverage of 2016 presidential hopefuls, 3/11/2014
- (On Tom Del Beccaro): Forbes Magazine column for 2016 California Senate race, 11/28/2012
- (On Jim Oberweis): Forbes Magazine interview on 2014 Illinois Senate race, 1/5/2012
- (On Bruce Lunsford & Mitch McConnell): 2008 Kentucky Senate debate reported by AP, in Forbes Mag., 9/6/2008
- (On Tom Vilsack): 2008 speculation by Associated Press in Forbes Mag, 11/9/2006
- (On Steve Forbes): Fact and Comment, Forbes Magazine, 11/15/1999
OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
Kanye West: I am pro-life because I'm following the word of the Bible.
Budget & Economy
Deval Patrick: Headed "Double Impact" group at Bain, as a "force for good".
Civil Rights
Kanye West: Never registered to vote before; Democrats "threatened" him.
Kanye West: I'm against the death penalty.
Kanye West: One of my to-do lists is to end police brutality.
Cynthia Nixon: Arresting people for cannabis is racist war on drugs.
Cynthia Nixon: Racial equity in cannabis industry as form of reparations.
Donald Trump: Melania's "Be Best": focus on well-being & opioid abuse.
John Rose: Amendment: no criminal associations re: cannabis banking.
Phil Murphy: Focus on racial justice with marijuana legalization.
Ted Cruz: 2014: federal enforcement; 2015: let states experiment.
Tom Price: Co-signs support letter to free states to act on marijuana.
Tulsi Gabbard: Let states legalize marijuana; non-user supports free choice.
Ben Carson: Our public education system has become a propaganda system.
Bernie Sanders: College loan repayment is regressive; refinance & forgive.
Bobby Jindal: If it's not about student achievement, what's it about?
Bobby Jindal: Money follows the child, instead of child following money.
Bobby Jindal: Shrink Dept. of Education, and reduce its power.
Carly Fiorina: Education crisis:we're behind on teaching skills & character.
Carly Fiorina: Make sure that every parent has a choice.
Carly Fiorina: Synthesis of public school system and competitive vouchers.
Chris Christie: Supports both charter schools and vouchers.
Chris Christie: Speak the truth to the teachers union; then reform tenure.
Chris Christie: Extend school until 6 PM daily; and 12 months per year.
Donald Trump: Cut the Department of Education way, way down.
Donald Trump: Founded Trump University to teach the art of deal-making.
George Pataki: Common Core is a horrible idea.
Hillary Clinton: Vouchers aren't constitutional; charter schools are ok.
Hillary Clinton: Let's get back to schools where kids are socialized.
Jeb Bush: Stop school districts that value money over learning.
Kamala Harris: Federal money to subsidize teach pay raises.
Kanye West: Reinstate the fear and love of God in all schools.
Lawrence Lessig: Congress should decide student loan rates, not banks.
Lawrence Lessig: No Child Left Behind gave birth to testing industry.
Lincoln Chafee: $6 million for RI higher education: make tuition affordable.
Lindsey Graham: States were bribed and coerced into adopting Common Core.
Marco Rubio: Too many 4-year college grads; focus on vocational careers.
Martin O`Malley: Allow refinancing college loans & income-based repayments.
Mike Huckabee: College creates mountains of debt but not lifelong careers.
Mike Huckabee: No constitutional authority for Department of Education.
Mike Huckabee: School choice for all: public or private for all kids.
Mike Huckabee: Some homeschooled kids are the most successful kids.
Rand Paul: Transfer $100B spent on federal DOE to states & local.
Rick Perry: Supported homeschooling; and scholarships for choice.
Rick Santorum: Common sense instead of Common Core.
Rob Hogg: Excellent schools are of utmost importance.
Ted Cruz: Right to education: public, private, charter, or homeschool.
Ted Cruz: We should thank parents who homeschool.
Energy & Oil
Bruce Lunsford: Expand drilling; draw strategic reserve; plus alternatives.
Mitch McConnell: Supports coal-to-liquid fuels, nuclear tech, & electric cars.
Kanye West: Chemicals affect our ability to be of service to God.
Tom Del Beccaro: Farmers bear the brunt of a plethora of regulations.
Foreign Policy
Jim Oberweis: To understand China, read the 5-year plans.
Free Trade
Jim Oberweis: Challenge in China is lack of clarity on taxes.
Jim Oberweis: Invest in Indonesia, Vietnam, Japan, India, and China.
Donald Trump: FactCheck: 60% tariffs would cause 5% inflation.
Kamala Harris: Trump Tax: tariffs are a national sales tax.
Health Care
Beto O`Rourke: Protect existing priorities, then expand Medicare & Medicaid.
Eric Swalwell: Keep private insurance; allow public option.
Jim Oberweis: Not a fan of ObamaCare, but it helps healthcare businesses.
Kanye West: Vaccines are the mark of the beast.
Steve Forbes: Allow opting out of Medicare via private doctors.
Tom Del Beccaro: More taxes & regulations loom with ObamaCare.
Homeland Security
Bernie Sanders: Cut defense by $18B to pay for 55% of all college tuition.
Eric Holder: Snowden did us all a favor by leaking documents.
Lindsey Graham: Make homeschooled graduates eligible for military service.
Steve Forbes: Maintain production of F-22 fighters.
Steve Forbes: Problem is procurement process, not defense spending.
Tom Del Beccaro: $15 mandated wages results in lower employment.
Donald Trump: FactCheck: Tariffs would result in reduction of 675,000 jobs.
Principles & Values
Bernie Sanders: Registered Independent; calls himself a democratic socialist.
Donald Trump: Attended military academy & Wharton Business School.
Kanye West: Trump allowing God to still be part of the conversation.
Kanye West: God appoints the president.
Kanye West: I put everything I get on the line to serve God.
Tom Vilsack: Launches presidential bid; files FEC paperwork.
Social Security
Ben Carson: Raise retirement age gradually; & forbid raiding Trust Fund.
Ben Carson: Individuals responsible for pension; with federal supplement.
Ben Carson: Each person should be responsible for their own pension.
Ben Carson: Gradually raise the age of eligibility for benefits.
Tom Price: Supports major cutbacks to Social Security.
Tax Reform
Mark Green: Eliminate Hall tax: 6% on unearned interest and dividends.
Jim Oberweis: Protect intellectual property rights, including lawsuits.
Lindsey Graham: Designate 25 "manufacturing universities" for engineers.
War & Peace
Kanye West: I'm focused on protecting America with our great military.
Rand Paul: Don't get stuck in Cold War idea of tweaking Russia.
Welfare & Poverty
Mary Mayhew: Time limits on welfare benefits, to promote employment.
The above quotations are from Forbes biweekly business magazine.