Economy of the future built on collaboration for innovation
Q: How do you view the role of innovation and entrepreneurship in North Dakota?
DB: Entrepreneurs are the lifeblood of our economy. From the original Dakota Territory pioneering settlers, to the grassroots innovators whose ideas and
actions lead to the creation of global companies, North Dakota has a history of innovation.
The economy of the future will be built around collaboration from research, universities, communities, companies, and entrepreneurs. We have to do more than create great jobs; we have to create
communities that foster interaction and ideas that become attractors for innovators. While innovation and entrepreneurship are simply buzzwords for some, for me, they are tangibles that I have lived and breathed throughout my entire life in North Dakota.
Founded software company at age 26; grew to 2,000 staff
At the age of 26, I literally "bet the farm" to provide the seed capital for then fledgling startup, Great Plains Software. Before being acquired by Microsoft, we grew Great Plains to 2,000 team members hailing from more than 220 towns and cities across
North Dakota. After leaving Microsoft, I co-founded Arthur Ventures, which strongly supports the tech startup community in North Dakota, which has grown to more than 120 team members and is working to transform healthcare operations worldwide.
Source: on 2016 North Dakota gubernatorial race
, Apr 26, 2016