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Donald Trump on Principles & Values

2016 Republican incumbent President; 2000 Reform Primary Challenger for President


Our country has no chance of success under Democrats

Our country is being lost. We're a failing nation. And it happened three and a half years ago. And you're going to end up in World War 3. What they have done to our country by allowing these millions and millions of people to come into our country. And look at what's happening to the towns all over the United States. She's destroying this country. And if she becomes president, this country doesn't have a chance of success. Not only success. We'll end up being Venezuela on steroids.
Source: ABC News 2024 Presidential debate in Philadelphia , Sep 10, 2024

We're a failing nation; we're in serious decline

TRUMP: [Kamala Harris says] she's going to do this, she's going to do that, she's going to do all these wonderful things. Why hasn't she done it? She's been there for 3 1/2 years. You haven't done it. And you won't do it. Because you believe in things that the American people don't believe in.

We're not ready for it. We can't sacrifice our country for the sake of bad vision. But I just ask one simple question. Why didn't she do it? We're a failing nation. We're a nation that's in serious decline. We're being laughed at all over the world. All over the world, they laugh, I know the leaders very well. They're coming to see me. They call me. They don't understand what happened to us as a nation. We're not a leader. We don't have any idea what's going on.

What these people have done to our country, and maybe toughest of all is allowing millions of people to come into our country, and they're destroying our country. The worst president, the worst vice president in the history of our country.

Source: ABC News 2024 Presidential debate in Philadelphia , Sep 10, 2024

Cut GOP platform by 3/4, & pushed his version at Convention

[Summarizing the GOP platform passed at the Republican Convention]: "Donald Trump long ago decided he wanted a very different Republican Party platform in 2024. The delegates who arrived in Milwaukee early last week before the Republican National Convention, with grand plans of drafting a sweeping document of party principles, quickly found out just how determined he was," theNew York Timesreports.

"Within minutes of their arrival, their cellphones were confiscated and placed in magnetically sealed pouches. There would be no leaks of information. It was only then that the delegates received a copy of the platform language the Trump team had meticulously prepared, which slashed the platform size by nearly three-quarters."

Said Trump on a phone call to delegates: "This is something that ultimately you'll pass. You'll pass it quickly."

Politico: Trump doesn't want to talk about abortion. Most GOP delegates are fine with that.

Source: on 2024 Presidential hopefuls , Jul 18, 2024

Now we are a Nation in SERIOUS DECLINE

But now we are a Nation in SERIOUS DECLINE. Our future, our identity, and our very way of life are under threat like never before. Today we must once again call upon the same American Spirit that led us to prevail through every challenge of the past if we are going to lead our Nation to a brighter future. We will restore our Nation of, by, and for the People. We will Make America Great Again. We will be a Nation based on Truth, Justice, and Common Sense.
Source: 2024 GOP Platform: Make America Great Again! , Jul 18, 2024

"Fake news" isn't tough enough anymore; it's "corrupt news"

I think cable's down because it's lost credibility. MSNBC, or as they say, "MSDNC," is so bad. It's so wrong. What they write and what they do and what they say. It's fake news, as I said. I think I came up with that term. I hope I did. It's a good one. It's not tough enough anymore. It's corrupt news. Really, what you do is called corrupt news. But somehow that doesn't play as nicely. But it is corrupt news.
Source: Tucker on X interview opposite 2023 GOP debate in Milwaukee , Aug 23, 2023

We will liberate America from these villains and scoundrels

We will drive out the globalists, we will cast out the Communists. We will throw off the political class that hates our country, they actually hate our country. No walls, no borders, bad elections, no voter ID. We will beat the Democrats, we will route the fake news media, we will expose and appropriately deal with the RINOs. We will evict Joe Biden from the White House. We will liberate America from these villains and scoundrels once and for all.

If you put me back in the White House, their reign will be over and they know it. America will be a free nation once again. We are not a free nation right now. We don't have a free press or free anything. In 2016, I declared, I am your voice. Today, I add, I am your warrior, I am your justice. and for those who have been wronged and betrayed, I am your retribution. I am your retribution. I will totally obliterate the deep state.

Source: Speech at the 2023 CPAC Conference in Maryland , Mar 4, 2023

Demolish woke tyranny; restore the American republic

We will not back down and we will not bend, we will not quit. We will press forward with vigor, we will push onward and finish what we started. We started a great positive revolution and nobody has ever seen anything like it before. It's called Make America Great Again. We will cross the finish line, we will dismantle the deep state, we will demolish woke tyranny and we will restore the American republic to its radiant glory. With God's help and your support we will make America powerful again.
Source: Speech at the 2023 CPAC Conference in Maryland , Mar 4, 2023

We will make America great again; it's very simple

With the help of everyone here today, we will defeat the radical left, the socialists, Marxists, and the critical race theorists. Whoever thought would be even using that term. We will secure our borders. We will stop left wing cancel culture. We will restore free speech and fair elections, and we will make America great again. It's very simple. Very simple.

[Regarding Attorney General William Barr], I always liked him. But I said, "Bill, you got to move your ass. Our country is under attack." But he became a different man when the Democrats viciously stated that they wanted to impeach him. They went wild. "We want to impeach him. We're going to impeach Bill Barr. We're going to impeach him." He became different. I understand that. I didn't become different. I got impeached twice. I didn't change. I became worse.

Source: Speech transcript from 2021 CPAC Conference , Jul 11, 2021

You will never take back our country with weakness

At the rally, Trump told his followers, "We are going to cheer on our brave Senators and Congressmen and women, and we are probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them--because you will never take back our country with weakness."

He suggested that his supporters "walk down to the Capitol" to contest "this egregious assault on our democracy."

He later addressed the nation, per Biden's request, but in a dangerous video in which he doubled down on his allegations of a fraudulent election and told the rioters to "go home" and that he loved them and they were "special."

Following the video, Trump was banned for 12-24 hours from Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. YouTube removed the video, as did other social media platforms. Twitter, which flagged the video before removing it so that it could not be liked or shared, said it was in "severe violations of our Civic Integrity policy."

Source: Detroit Metro Times on Jan. 6th insurrection , Jan 7, 2021

I could be more presidential if not for media fake news

Q: At times, some have called your behavior not presidential. What, if anything, would you do differently if reelected, to create a more unified message where all sides can come together to make positive change?

TRUMP: I'm fighting a battle. It's a big battlefield, and I have a lot of forces against me. I have the media, which I call the fake news, because a lot of it is fake. I'm fighting a lot of forces. Sometimes you don't have time to be totally, as you would say, presidential.

Source: ABC This Week: special edition 2020 Town Hall interview , Sep 15, 2020

America is the greatest nation to ever exist

We have revitalized the values, traditions, and principles that have always defined American greatness. Citizens of every age, race, color and creed are joining us in the fight to save this glorious nation. Every day, our movement grows bigger, bolder and broader, and America's future gets brighter. Our movement is united by a towering spirit of patriotism, and a deep reverence for the rights and liberties given to each of us by the hand of Almighty God. We know that America is the greatest nation to ever exist. We know that America is the strongest force for good in the history of the world.

But American forces cannot be the policemen for the entire world. We're all over the world. And a lot of times, we're not even appreciated. We can't be the policemen for the world and the democracy builders. We just can't do that for every nation that seems to have difficulty, especially for those nations that don't appreciate what we do--and there are many of them.

Source: Remarks by President Trump at the 2020 CPAC Conference , Feb 29, 2020

Desperate far-left radicals demand absolute conformity

Far-left radicals have become increasingly desperate and dangerous in their quest to transform America into a country you would not recognize, a country in which they control every aspect of American life. Just as socialist and communist movements have done all over the world, they're cracking down on all dissent and demanding absolute conformity. They want to massively raise your taxes, bury you in regulations, take over healthcare, indoctrinate our children from kindergarten to college.
Source: Remarks by President Trump at the 2020 CPAC Conference , Feb 29, 2020

There are those that think I'm a very stable genius

The title of this book borrows Trumps own words. In January 2018, Trump said. "I went from VERY successful businessman, to top T.V. Star to President of the United States (on my first try). "I think that would qualify as not smart, but genius. and a very stable genius at that!" Trump invoked the "stable genius" phrase at least four additional times
  1. At a NATO summit, in July 2018, he labeled himself "a very stable genius" as he tried to dismiss a reporter's question about whether he would reverse his support for NATO.
  2. In a July 2019 tweet storm, Trump wrote of himself, "What you have now, so great looking and smart, a true Stable genius!"
  3. In September 2019, Trump quoted himself on twitter by writing; A Very Stable Genius!" Thank you."
  4. And in October 2019, as he defended his conduct on a phone call with his Ukrainian counterpart, Trump remarked ,"There are those that think I'm a very stable genius, okay? I watch my words very, very closely."
Source: A Very Stable Genius, by P.Rucker & C.Leonnig, p. 6 , Jan 21, 2020

We don't win anymore; we lose to China and Mexico

[When 2016 debate moderator Megyn Kelly pressed Trump on misogyny], Trump launched into a tirade. "We don't win anymore. We lose to China. We lose to Mexico at the border. We lose to everybody." He spun his wheels a second before a threat slipped out, "And frankly, what I say often times, is it's fun, it's kidding. We have a good time. What I say is what I say. And honestly Megyn, If you don't like it, I'm sorry. I've been very nice to you, although I could probably maybe not be, based on the way you've treated me. But I would not do that."

The next day on CNN, Trump carried through on the threat. "You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her whatever. In my opinion, she was off base." Had Trump just accused Megyn of attacking him because she was menstruating? It sure sounded that way, but the nuances could be debated forever, and they were.

Source: Piety & Power, by Tom LoBianco, p.228-9 , Sep 14, 2019

Common good & compromise over revenge & retribution

We must reject the politics of revenge, resistance, and retribution--and embrace the boundless potential of cooperation, compromise, and the common good.

Together, we can break decades of political stalemate. We can bridge old divisions, build new coalitions, and forge new solutions. The decision is ours to make.

We must choose between greatness or gridlock, results or resistance, vision or vengeance, incredible progress or pointless destruction. Tonight, I ask you to choose greatness.

Source: 2019 State of the Union address to United States Congress , Feb 5, 2019

America's unique destiny is to be the beacon amongst nations

This is the time to re-ignite the American imagination. This is the time to search for the tallest summit, and set our sights on the brightest star. We must keep America first in our hearts. We must keep freedom alive in our souls. And we must always keep faith in America's destiny--that one Nation, under God, must be the hope and the promise and the light and the glory among all the nations of the world!
Source: 2019 State of the Union address to United States Congress , Feb 5, 2019

OpEd: Beat the mainstream media by reframing

Bernie Sanders faces a strong obstacle in the mainstream media [MSM, who favored Hillary Clinton in 2016]. Trump beat the mainstream media smear machine through radical lies. Sanders can do likewise but through radical honesty. Trust in the US media has been declining for decades. In 2016, a record low 1 in 3 Americans expressed trust in the media. Trump understood this reality and used it to frame himself as a hero fighting the corruption of the corporate media.
Source: International Policy Digest on 2020 presidential hopefuls , Jan 23, 2019

Judges should just interpret law, like religious liberty

For the last year we have sought to restore the bonds of trust between our citizens and their Government. Working with the Senate, we are appointing judges who will interpret the Constitution as written, including a great new Supreme Court Justice, and more circuit court judges than any new administration in the history of our country. We are defending our Second Amendment, and have taken historic actions to protect religious liberty.
Source: 2018 State of the Union address , Jan 30, 2018

OpEd: Replaces art of the compromise with art of conflict

In most White Houses, policy and action flow down, with staff trying to implement what the president wants -- or, at the very least, what the chief of staff says the president wants. In the Trump White House, policy making, from the very first instance of Bannon's immigration Executive Order, flowed up. It was a process of suggesting, in throw-it-against-the-wall style, what the president might want, and hoping he might then think that he had thought of this himself (a result that was often helped along with the suggestion that he had in fact already had the thought).

[On Trump's staff,] you defined yourself by your enemy's reaction. Conflict was the media bait -- hence, now, the political chum. The new politics was not the art of the compromise but the art of conflict.

Source: Fire & Fury, by Michael Wolff, pp. 63 & 113 , Jan 5, 2018

Put American citizens first, to make America great again

In 2016, the earth shifted beneath our feet. The rebellion started as a quiet protest, spoken by families of all colors and creeds--families who just wanted a fair shot for their children, and a fair hearing for their concerns. The quiet voices became a loud chorus--as thousands of citizens now spoke out together, from cities small and large, all across our country. Finally, the chorus became an earthquake--and the people turned out by the tens of millions, and they were all united by one very simple, but crucial demand, that America must put its own citizens first ... because only then, can we truly MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.

Dying industries will come roaring back to life. Heroic veterans will get the care they so desperately need. Our military will be given the resources its brave warriors so richly deserve. Crumbling infrastructure will be replaced. Our terrible drug epidemic will slow down & ultimately, stop. And our neglected inner cities will see a rebirth of hope, safety, and opportunity.

Source: 2017 State of the Union address to Congress , Feb 28, 2017

First Amendment allows us to strongly criticize fake news

I love the First Amendment; nobody loves it better than me. Nobody. I mean, who uses it more than I do? But the First Amendment gives all of us--it gives it to me, it gives it to you, it gives it to all Americans--the right to speak our minds freely. It gives you the right and me the right to criticize fake news and criticize it strongly. And many of these groups are part the large media corporations that have their own agenda and it's not your agenda and it's not the country's agenda, it's their own agenda. They have a professional obligation as members of the press to report honestly. But as you saw throughout the entire campaign, and even now, the fake news doesn't tell the truth. Doesn't tell the truth. Doesn't represent the people. Never will. We have to go out and we have to speak our minds and we have to be honest.
Source: Speech at the 2017 CPAC Convention , Feb 24, 2017

We are transferring power from Washington to the people

Today we are not merely transferring power from one Administration to another, or from one party to another--but we are transferring power from Washington, D.C. and giving it back to you, the American People.

For too long, a small group in our nation's Capital has reaped the rewards of government while the people have borne the cost. Washington flourished--but the people did not share in its wealth. Politicians prospered--but the jobs left, and the factories closed. The establishment protected itself, but not the citizens of our country.

That all changes--starting right here, and right now, because this moment is your moment: it belongs to you. What truly matters is not which party controls our government, but whether our government is controlled by the people.

January 20th 2017, will be remembered as the day the people became the rulers of this nation again. The forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer. Everyone is listening to you now.

Source: 2017 Trump Inaugural address at presidential Inauguration , Jan 20, 2017

Our flag represents equality, hope, fairness, & courage

I own a house in Palm Beach, Florida. It's called Mar-a-Lago. It has 128 rooms. The land it sits on is reportedly the most valuable 20 acres of land in Florida. After I bought it, I wanted people to know how proud and grateful I am to be an American, so I decided to flay an American flag in front of my house, an American flag that no one would miss. So I raised an extra-large flag, 15 feet by 25 feet on an 80-foot-high flagpole.

The city of Palm Beach decided my flag was too big. They claimed it exceeded zoning regulations. When I politely informed them I had no intention of taking down my American flag, they began fining me $250 a day until I removed it. Those fines added up to $120,000 by the time we had worked out a deal with the city.

As we all know, the flag is much more than a red, white, and blue cloth rectangle. It is a symbol to me, to you, and to people around the world. It represents equality, hope, and fairness. It represents courage and sacrifice.

Source: Crippled America, by Donald Trump, p.102-3 , Nov 3, 2015

I give people what they need and don't get: The Truth

Why do you think people tune in [when I'm on TV]? The fact is I give people what they need and deserve to hear--exactly what they don't get from politicians--and that is The Truth. Our country is a mess right now and we don't have time to pretend otherwise. We don't have time to waste on being politically correct.

You listen to the politicians and it's as if they are speaking from a script titled "How Boring Can I Possibly Be?" They're so afraid of tripping on their own words, terrified that they're going to say something unscripted and go off message--that's the phrase they use, "go off message"--that they are verbally paralyzed. They'll do anything they can to avoid answering a question--and the media plays the game with them.

Source: Crippled America, by Donald Trump, p. 8 , Nov 3, 2015

I will negotiate until American is great again

Our country doesn't win anymore. We lose on trade. We lose with ISIS. CNBC, they had it [this debate] down at three, three and a half hours. We called in, we said, that's it. We're not doing it. They lost a lot of money, everybody said it couldn't be done. Everybody said it was going to be three hours, three and a half, including them, and in about two minutes I renegotiated it so we can get the hell out of here. Not bad. I'll do that with the country. We will make America great again.
Source: GOP "Your Money/Your Vote" 2015 CNBC 1st-tier debate , Oct 28, 2015

5-point plan to return America to her former greatness

    We can return America to her former greatness if we get tough and act smart.
  1. It starts with China and OPEC. The hundreds of billions of dollars they steal from us each year must end right away. That one action alone will result in a windfall to help us pay down our debt and meet our commitments.
  2. Next, we enforce a zero-tolerance policy for the kind of brainless government waste that we've all become far too accustomed to from Washington.
  3. We go after the criminals and con artists who are defrauding taxpayers of $243 billion every year in Medicare fraud and billions more in other kinds of fraud, such as the disability racket.
  4. We must save Social Security through economic success.
  5. We need to put Americans back to work and kick the community organizer out of office so we can instill some fiscal sanity in Washington.
We do those five things and we will pass along to our kids and grandkids not only a government they can afford, but also one they can be proud of.
Source: Time to Get Tough, by Donald Trump, p. 82-83 , Dec 5, 2011

If I run & win, our country will be great again

I can tell you this, if I run and if I win, this country will be respected again.

If I decided to run, I will not be raising taxes, we'll be taking back hundreds of billions of dollars from other countries that are screwing us, we'll be creating vast numbers of productive jobs, and we'll rebuild our country so that we can be proud. Our country will be great again.

Source: Speech at 2011 Conservative Political Action Conference , Feb 10, 2011

Greatest fear? I don't have any; I only have "concerns"

An interviewer asked me what my greatest fears were. I said I didn't have any. He seemed surprised, but this is how I see it: If you label something as a fear, then it creates fear when sometimes it's not fear but a concern.

Do you fear owning a business? Translate that for yourself as asking: Are you concerned about owning a business yourself? Why specifically are those concerns?

It's much easier to break down a concern than it is a fear. Fear creates a block that will only hinder your creative thinking. Objectivity will remove that block & allow creative ideas to flow. If you can learn to deal with & solve problems, you'll have a much bigger margin for success.

Do not allow fear to settle into place in any part of your life. It is a defeating attitude. Recognize and zap it immediately. Replace it with a problem-solving attitude, faith in yourself, and hard work. Put that formula into working order for yourself and you'll be dealing from a position of power, not fear. That's winning.

Source: Think Like a Champion, by Donald Trump, p. 51-3 , Apr 27, 2010

Non-politicians are the wave of the future

Yes, I am considering a run for the presidency of the United States. I will run if I become convinced I can win. Two things are certain at this point, however: I believe non-politicians represent the wave of the future and if elected I would make the kind of president America needs in the new millennium.
Source: The America We Deserve, by Donald Trump, p. 15-16 , Jul 2, 2000

Toughness is equally strength, intelligence, & self-respect

I have a reputation for being tough, and Id like to think its justified. Toughness, as I see it, is a quality made up of equal parts of strength, intelligence, and self-respect.

The opposite of toughness-weakness-makes me mad and sometimes turns my stomach. Im not referring here to the kind of weakness that comes from being poor, sick, or disadvantaged. Im talking about those people who can take a strong stand but just dont.

Toughness is pride, drive, commitment, and the courage to follow through on things you believe in, even when they are under attack. It is solving problems instead of letting them fester. It is being who you really are, even when society wants you to be somebody else. Toughness is walking away from things you want because, for one reason or another, acquiring them doesnt make sense. In business, toughness means playing by the rules but also putting those rules to work for you. It is looking at an adversary across the desk and saying, simply, No.

Source: Surviving at the Top, p.207-213 & 228 , Jul 2, 1990

Donald Trump on Birtherism

Questions why Kamala'sbirth certificate lists "Caucasian"

Trump continued to raise false and incendiary questions about Vice President Kamala Harris's racial identity. A day after telling an audience of Black journalists in Chicago [at the NABJ, the National Association of Black Journalists], that Ms. Harris had "all of a sudden" decided to become "a Black person," Mr. Trump posted a photo on his social media site of Ms. Harris dressed in a sari with a caption stating: "Your warmth, friendship, and love of your Indian Heritage are very much appreciated."

Mr. Trump also amplified posts from Laura Loomer, a right-wing activist, who had posted copies of Ms. Harris's birth certificate and had spread false accusations that Ms. Harris has lied about her race. [Laura Loomer responded to Trump's NABJ interview by posting Harris's birth certificate, which lists her mother's ethnicity as "Caucasian.]

Ms. Harris, whose father is from Jamaica, and whose mother was Indian American, has long identified with both her Black and South Asian heritage.

Source: NY Times on 2024 Presidential hopefuls , Aug 2, 2024

Questions whether Kamala Harris is Black or Indian

Former President Trump used his turn before the nation's largest professional association of Black journalists to question the racial identity of his rival for the White House, telling a shocked National Association of Black Journalists conference that Vice President Kamala Harris "happened to turn Black and now she wants to be known as Black."

It took Trump all of 10 days running in a head-to-head against the first woman and first incumbent of Black and Indian-American heritage to openly question her background: "I don't know. Is she Indian or is she Black?" Trump said, raising questions that echoed the ex-President's persistent & discredited questions about former President Barack Obama's place of birth. "I respect either one, but she obviously doesn't because she was Indian all the way and then all of the sudden she made a turn and she went, she became a Black person."

Harris has always identified as a product of a multicultural family, being born of Jamaican and Indian immigrants.

Source: Time magazine FactCheck on 2024 Presidential hopefuls , Jul 31, 2024

OpEd: Rose in reaction to fear of Obama, like Tea Party

Former president Barack Obama told David Axelrod that the rise of Donald Trump was related to the fears of having the first African-American president.

Said Obama: "I think it's fair to say that something like the Tea Party does not get the traction, generate the heat that it does had it not been for the fact that I represented something that looked like something very foreign to some people and scary."

He added: "I think if you tracked Fox News coverage all the way up through Tucker Carlson talking about "white people are all being replaced and that Democrats are deliberately trying to bring in illegal immigrants and then give them voting rights and welfare checks to buy them off and build a Democratic majority." I think that argument probably gets less traction if it wasn't me who was president at the time."

Source: PoliticalWire: The Axe Files on 2023 Presidential hopefuls , Jun 15, 2023

Questions Nikki Haley's eligibility for presidency

Former President Trump promoted a false conspiracy theory questioning 2024 rival Nikki Haley's eligibility to serve as president in a social media post. Trump reposted a report from the right-wing website The Gateway Pundit that suggested Haley was not a U.S. citizen because her parents, who immigrated from India, were not citizens at the time of her birth. But Haley was born in the U.S. in 1972, and as a result is a U.S. citizen who is eligible to run for president. Haley's campaign did not respond to a request for comment.

While Trump did not add any commentary to the post, it is not the first time he has tried to sow doubt about the legitimacy of a political opponent's right to serve in the White House. Trump rose to political prominence in part by pushing the false and racist claim that then-President Obama was not born in the U.S. During the 2016 GOP primary, he claimed Sen. Ted Cruz, one of his rivals at the time, was ineligible for the White House because he was born in Canada.

Source: The Hill analysis of 2024 pre-Iowa caucus , Jul 19, 2022

Questions Kamala Harris' eligibility for vice-presidency

Trump spent years pushing lies about the birthplace and presidential eligibility of President Barack Obama, the first Black president. [This week], he started floating a new birther lie about Sen. Kamala Harris, who, if elected, would be the first Black and Asian American vice president.

Trump was told about claims on "social media" that Harris might be ineligible to serve as president and vice president. He was then asked if he can definitively say that she meets the requirements. Trump referred to a lawyer who raised the issue, Chapman University professor John Eastman, as "very highly qualified."

Trump concluded his comments by saying, "I just heard about it, I'll take a look." Nonetheless, his just-asking-questions posture--which he also employed with his Obama birtherism--doesn't change the fact that he gave credence to the conspiracy theory by praising the author of the article, saying he had heard Harris is not eligible, and raising the possibility that Harris was not born in the US.

Source: CNN FactCheck of 2024 pre-Iowa caucus , Jul 19, 2022

Questions Ted Cruz's eligibility for presidency

Is Ted Cruz constitutionally eligible to serve as president? Very few people are willing to say he isn't, exactly. But there sure are a lot of questions being raised.

Cruz, who was born in Canada to a US citizen mother and a noncitizen father, is definitely a US citizen. But is he a "natural-born citizen," as the Constitution requires?

When this question initially came up, when Cruz declared his candidacy for president (and then when Donald Trump started the whole "raising the question" thing earlier this month), the conventional wisdom among constitutional lawyers was that it was a non-issue: Cruz was obviously eligible. But the debate has heated up.

Here's the problem: The Constitution doesn't define "natural born Citizen." Neither does any current law. And no one has ever brought a court case to decisively settle the question.

Trump has taken to citing Laurence Tribe, who was Cruz's law professor at Harvard, now the leading scholar raising questions about Cruz's eligibility.

Source: "Explainer" of 2024 pre-Iowa caucus , Jul 19, 2022

Our very identity as Americans is at stake

We're in the middle of a historic struggle for America's future, America's culture, and America's institutions, borders, and most cherished principles. Our security, our prosperity, and our very identity as Americans is at stake, like perhaps at no other time. So no matter how much the Washington establishment and the powerful, special interests may want to silence us, let there be no doubt. We will be victorious. And America will be stronger and greater than ever before.

We're not starting new parties. They kept saying, he's going to start a brand new party. We have the Republican party. It's going to unite and be stronger than ever before. I am not starting a new party. That was fake news, fake news. No. Wouldn't that be brilliant? Let's start a new party and let's divide our vote so that you can never win. No, we're not interested in that.

Source: Remarks by Pres. Trump at the 2021 CPAC Conference , Feb 28, 2021

Cancel Culture is totalitarianism; they're erasing history

Our nation is witnessing a merciless campaign to wipe out our history, defame our heroes, erase our values, and indoctrinate our children. Angry mobs are trying to tear down statues of our Founders, deface our most sacred memorials, and unleash a wave of violent crime in our cities. The violent mayhem we have seen in the streets of cities that are run by liberal Democrats, in every case, is the predictable result of years of extreme indoctrination and bias in education, journalism, and other cultural

One of their political weapons is "Cancel Culture"--driving people from their jobs, shaming dissenters, and demanding total submission from anyone who disagrees. This is the very definition of totalitarianism, and it is completely alien to our culture and our values. This attack on our magnificent liberty must be stopped. We will expose this dangerous movement, protect our nation's children, end this radical assault, and preserve our beloved American way of life.

Source: Trump Administration: Trump Remarks at Mount Rushmore , Jul 4, 2020

Admired Pres. Andrew Jackson; undid Pres.Obama's Oval Office

Trump has disparaged all the former living presidents and has not said much about the dead ones. The only president he seems to truly admire is the 19th-century populist Andrew Jackson. He has a portrait of the slave-owning general who fought Native Americans hanging prominently in the Oval Office. Unlike most presidents, who are too busy with policy to make decorating decisions, Trump picked out his wallpaper and rugs. He enjoyed moving Winston Churchill's bust back to the Oval, after Obama had it placed in a hallway outside the Treaty Room on the second floor of the residence. Everything Obama had done, from letting the rug in the West Wing corridors get dingy to moving that bust, was anathema to Trump.
Source: Team of Five, by Kate Andersen Brower , Apr 21, 2020

I did a good job getting Obama to produce birth certificate

Q: You perpetuated a false claim that the nation's first black president was not a natural-born citizen. You questioned his legitimacy. In the last couple of weeks, you acknowledged that the president was born in the United States. What took you so long?

TRUMP: [Hillary's 2008 campaign] sent a highly respected reporter at McClatchy, [a news agency], to Kenya to find out about it. She failed to get the birth certificate. When I got involved, I didn't fail. I got him to give the birth certificate. So I'm satisfied with it.

Q: The birth certificate was produced in 2011. You've continued to question the president's legitimacy as recently as January 2016. So what changed your mind?

TRUMP: Well, nobody was pressing it. I figured you'd ask the question tonight, of course. But I was the one that got him to produce the birth certificate. And I think I did a good job.

CLINTON: Donald knew he was going to be asked this question, so he tried to put the whole racist birther lie to bed.

Source: First 2016 Presidential Debate at Hofstra University , Sep 26, 2016

2011: Obama's birth certificate is hiding something

Although rabid birthers and Tea Party activists (often one and the same) represented a minority in the GOP, what they lacked in numbers they made up in zeal.

Donald Trump followed his CPAC performance with a birther blitz on Fox News, telling the audience of Bill O' Reilly's nighttime program that he had once believed that Obama had been born in Hawaii but added, "I've seen too many things" and "come to have doubts." Under tough questioning from O' Reilly, who had dismissed the birther claims, Trump allowed that perhaps the president had a US birth certificate. But he added, "Now he may have one, but there is something on that birth certificate--maybe religion, maybe he says he's a Muslim, I don't know."

Source: Never Enough, by Michael D`Antonio, p.287 , Sep 22, 2015

Birtherism: demanded that Obama produce birth certificate

Trump upped the ante on the birther issue, saying, "I have investigators in Hawaii; They cannot believe what they're finding." In the midst of the birther frenzy, as Trump and others demanded Obama make public his birth certificate, TV hosts occasionally mentioned that Obama's "certificate of live birth" had been made public in 2008 and Hawaii state officials had repeatedly affirmed that he was born there. Despite this official documentary proof, Trump talked as if facts were being withheld.
Source: Never Enough, by Michael D`Antonio, p.288 , Sep 22, 2015

Stoked Tea Party suspicions about Obama's legitimacy

The freewheeling anti-Obama paranoia expressed at the Tea Party rallies has been widely reported. Various articles have quoted Tea Party members saying that Obama is a secret Muslim, a foreigner, a Socialist, a Communist, a Nazi--or maybe all of the above! Obama the un-American is the overarching theme. Stoked by demagogues like Donald Trump, the claim about President Obama's otherness and illegitimacy reached its apogee in "Birtherist" claims that Obama was not really born in the US. In our interviews, the tone was of course more measured than in public rallies, but we heard variations of all the possible epithets for Obama.

Obama is perceived by many Tea Partiers as a foreigner, an invader pretending to be an American, a 5th columnist. Obama's past as a community organizer is taken as evidence that he works on behalf of the undeserving poor and wishes to mobilize government resources on their behalf.

Source: The Remaking of Republican Conservatism, p. 78-79 , Jan 2, 2012

One hour to produce my birth certificate; Obama should too

Trump has released the certificate the hospital where he was born gave his parents. The US Constitution stipulates three requirements for the Presidency--among them that a President be a "natural born" citizen. Trump's statement: "It took me one hour to get my birth certificate. It's inconceivable that, after four years of questioning, the president still hasn't produced his birth certificate. I'm just asking Pres. Obama to show the public his birth certificate. Why's he making an issue out of this?"
Source: website , Feb 28, 2011

Donald Trump on Business Principles

I've been right probably more than anybody else

TRUMP: I think we're gonna be very good with the coronavirus. I think that at some point that's going to sort of just disappear. I hope. I'll be right eventually. I will be right eventually. You know I said, "It's going to disappear." I'll say it again.

Q: But does that discredit you?

TRUMP: It's going to disappear and I'll be right. I don't think so.

Q: WALLACE: Right.

TRUMP: I don't think so. I don't think so. You know why? Because I've been right probably more than anybody else.

Source: Fox News Sunday interview of 2020 presidential hopefuls , Jul 19, 2020

OpEd: Sowing division is what Donald has always done

The Republican Party's willingness to turn a blind eye to the corruption he has created since January 20, 2017, have led to the impending collapse of this once great nation's economy, democracy, and health.

Despite the fluke that was his electoral advantage and, a victory that was at best suspect and at worst illegitimate, he never had his finger on the pulse of the zeitgeist; his bluster and shamefulness just happened to resonate with certain segments of the population. If what he was doing during the 2016 election hadn't worked, he would've kept doing it anyways, because lying, playing to the lowest common denominator, cheating, and sowing division are all he does. He is as incapable of adjusting to changing circumstances as he is of becoming "presidential". He did tap into a certain bigotry and inchoate rage, which he's always been good at doing.

Source: Too Much and Never Enough, by Mary Trump, p.203-4 , Jul 14, 2020

We have to hit back at critics; you can't turn your cheek

Q: We are so divided as a country. How are you going to bring us together?

TRUMP: Success. But it's truly a little bit more than that, because we've had great success, and there is a division; there's no question about it. Politicians have to be able to be civil. If they're not, you have to fight back. There's so many things we could do. We've done a lot. But we could do even so much more. I really believe we're going to win this next election, and when we do, the other side is going to say, "Okay, that's it. Let's get along." I really believe that.

When they hit us, we have to hit back. I wouldn't be sitting up here if I turned my cheek. You can't turn your cheek. We get hit so hard, and we have a media that is to a large extent, it's a part of the Democrat Party. I call it "fake news." I've used that, and people are using that, I guess, all over the world right now. And that's the way it is. We have to fight back.

Source: Fox News Town Halls at the Scranton Cultural Center , Mar 5, 2020

I play to people's fantasies to Think Big

Trump was determined to push beyond his father's realm in New York's outer boroughs and make it big in Manhattan. He had neither time nor patience for climbing the ladder rung by rung. He believed in big, bold leaps, even if that meant breaking tradition or rules.

"The key to the way I promote is bravado," he wrote in "Trump: The Art of the Deal," his best -selling book. "I play to people's fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That's why a little hyperbole never hurts."

Donald Trump was determined to do whatever it took to "be a killer," as his father had repeatedly insisted. While working on his first hotel project in 1976, Trump persuaded a New York Times reporter to profile him as "a major New York builder," even though he had never built a thing and had no financing.

Source: Wash. Post "Mueller", p.507-8, on "The Art of the Deal" , Mar 30, 2019

Uses wealth to declare his competence and he can't be bought

Trump uses his wealth to state two facts about himself: (1) I'm competent, & (2) I can't be bought.

"I'm not doing that to brag because, you know what? I don't have to brag, I don't have to, believe it or not. I'm doing that to say that's the kind of thinking our country needs . We need that thinking. We have the opposite thinking. We have losers. We have losers. We have people that don't have it. We have people that are morally corrupt. We have people that are selling this country down the drain."

Source: The Faith of Donald J. Trump, by Brody & Lamb, p.145 , Feb 3, 2018

A businessman, not a lifelong politician

PENCE: Hillary Clinton and Senator Kaine--God bless you for it--career public servants. That's great--Donald Trump is a businessman, not a career politician. He actually built a business. Those tax returns that came out publicly this week show that he faced some pretty tough times 20 years ago. But like virtually every other business, he used what's called net operating loss. We have a tax code that actually is designed to encourage entrepreneurship in this country.

KAINE: But why won't he release his tax returns?

PENCE: His tax returns showed he went through a very difficult time, but he used the tax code just the way it's supposed to be used. And he did it brilliantly.

KAINE: How do you know that? You haven't seen his tax returns.

PENCE: Because he's created a business that's worth billions of dollars today. This whole riff about people saying he didn't pay taxes for years--Donald Trump has created tens of thousands of jobs. And he's paid payroll taxes, sales taxes, property taxes...

Source: OnTheIssues FactCheck on 2016 Vice-Presidential Debate , Oct 4, 2016

OpEd: Trump empire based on Trump brand, not Trump buildings

Trump menswear made an appearance, in an episode of The Apprentice. So did Trump Ice, a new brand of water, and Trump Success, a new fragrance. Riding the popularity of the show, Trump licensed his name to clothes, ties, home furnishing, eyeglasses, wallets, even mattresses. All sold well for years.

By licensing his name without putting up money, he could often make significant profits, even when the ventures failed. The new model let Trump weather even worldwide economic collapse.

Trump's crucial insight was to turn away from building one business at a time and expand his ambition to create an empire--a series of entities that bore his name, but didn't rely on his cash. His business was the brand. It was like owning a casino--when run properly, the house wins. The gamblers would be those who paid him for the rights to his name. Trump couldn't lose.

Source: Trump Revealed, by Michael Kranish & Mark Fisher, p.224 , Aug 23, 2016

Donate to political candidates, regardless of party

Trump was no political naif. He and his father had thrived in New York City's pay-to-play culture for years, in part by cultivating local elected officials. Trump almost always answered political operatives' calls for money. His criterion was simple: he wanted a winner, someone who would be an ally once in office. Sometimes he donated to opposing candidates in the same local race. He showed no concern about a candidate's views or political party.
Source: Trump Revealed, by Michael Kranish & Mark Fisher, p.323 , Aug 23, 2016

I never forgive people who deceive me

I think maybe my greatest weakness is that I trust people too much. I'm too trusting. And when they let me down, if they let me down, I never forgive. I find it very, very hard to forgive people that deceived me. So I don't know if you would call that a weakness, but my wife said let up.
Source: GOP "Your Money/Your Vote" 2015 CNBC 1st-tier debate , Oct 28, 2015

People want positive inspiration

[Trump has sued some writers, but with regards to Michael D'Antonio, the author of this unauthorized biography], Trump doubts we'll be meeting in court: "It'll probably be a bad book and I'll regret doing it. But, OK, I could sue you if it's bad, but I won't bother because the book won't sell. People want positive, inspiring. That's what you should write if you want a success."
Source: article with Trump's "Never Enough" biographer , Sep 25, 2015

I believe in the toot-your-own-horn theory

I have a wealthy friend who called me up to see if I could get him reservations at Jean-Georges Restaurant and I had to ask myself, "What's the point of his immense success if he can't even get a reservation?" No one has ever heard about him--he's shy about using his name. He has to call other people, like me, to help him out.

That got me thinking about the toot-your-own-horn theory, which is something I believe in. This poor rich guy is a perfect example of why I believe in it. The power of a name can be incredible. It can open doors like nothing else.

Until you have a "household name" you might do well to tell people who you are and what you've done. It's a start. It's also a way of networking to find out if you might have common interests.

Having an ego and acknowledging it is a healthy choice. Think about it: If you can't say great things about yourself, who do you think will? So don't be afraid to toot your own horn when you've done something worth tooting about.

Source: Think Like a Champion, by Donald Trump, p. 77-9 , Apr 27, 2010

Build your reputation as "responsible, professional & loyal"

Most of us need letters of recommendation now and then. I write them as well as receive them, and I always look for the words "responsible, professional, and loyal." If you can build your reputation on three words, those would be three at the top to choose from. I also think of those words when it comes to the Trump brand--to be authentic when it comes to responsibility, professionalism, and loyalty--to my buyers, clients, students, readers, audiences, and so forth. I'll be the first to admit it's not always easy. I am responsible for a lot of people. But high standards are high standards, and that's what I stand for. I will not accept less from myself.
Source: Think Like a Champion, by Donald Trump, p.170-1 , Apr 27, 2010

When someone crosses you, get even!

Q: When someone intentionally harms you or your reputation, how do you react?

A: When someone crosses you, my advice is "Get even!" That is not typical advice, but it is real-life advice. If you do not get even, you are just a schmuck! When people wrong you, go after those people, because it is a good feeling and because other people will see you doing it. I love getting even. I get screwed all the time. I go after people, and you know what? People do not play around with me as much as they do with others. They know that if they do, they are in for a big fight. Always get even. Go after people that go after you. Don't let people push you around. Always fight back and always get even. It's a

Source: Think Big, by Donald Trump, p. 29 , Sep 8, 2008

Never forgive someone who is bad; always strike back

Source: Think Big, by Donald Trump, p.199 , Sep 8, 2008

Get used to hearing the word "no" and ignoring it

If you want to be a success, you have to get used to frequently hearing the word no and ignoring it. As a child, when your mother told you no, your father told you no, the teacher told you no, or the coach told you no, if you were a good little boy or girl, you listened to the word "no" and stopped what you were doing. That is why 98% of adults are conditioned to stop when they hear the word "no." Quitters do not get anywhere. You will not be successful if you listen to nos.
Source: Think Big, by Donald Trump, p. 27 , Sep 8, 2008

Never give up; look at the solution, not the problem

Here's the Top Ten list I give when I speak at colleges:
  1. Never give up! Do not settle for remaining in your comfort zone..
  2. Be passionate! If you love what you're doing, it will never seem like work.
  3. Be focused! Ask yourself: What should I be thinking about right now? Shut out interference.
  4. Keep your momentum! Listen, apply and move forward. Do not procrastinate.
  5. See yourself as victorious! That will focus you in the right direction.
  6. Be tenacious! Being stubborn can work wonders.
  7. Be lucky! The old saying, "The harder I work, the luckier I get" is absolutely right on.
  8. Believe in yourself! If you don't, no one else will either.
  9. Ask yourself: What am I pretending not to see? There may be some great opportunities right around you. Great adversity can turn into great victory.
  10. Look at the solution, not the problem. And never give up! Never never never give up. This thought deserves to be said (and remembered and applied) many times. It's that important.
Source: Never Give Up, by Donald Trump,p.165-166 , Jan 18, 2008

To negotiate well, prepare and know as much as possible

Negotiating is an art. There are nuances and finely honed techniques and rules to be aware of. Here are some of them:
Source: Never Give Up, by Donald Trump,p.167-168 , Jan 18, 2008

In the best negotiations, everyone wins

In summing up, I can say that negotiation is an art. All the arts require discipline, technique, and a dose of imagination to take them beyond the realm of the ordinary. Don't be an ordinary negotiator when you can be an extraordinary one. Devote time to this art and it can bring you enormous rewards.
Source: Never Give Up, by Donald Trump,p.168 , Jan 18, 2008

Failure is not permanent

I feel strongly about the importance of wholeness. It's a combination of all the components of life that makes us healthy, happy, and productive. To my mind, the opposite of wholeness is failure. If it happens, and sometimes it does, the best remedy is to move forward, to realize that failure is not PERMANENT, and to immediately focus in the right direction. Ultimately, a solution will show up.

I don't mean t sound like a faith leader, but there is something profound and yet simple about viewing failure as a lack of wholeness. I will also add, it's EFFECTIVE. Believing that a negative situation is temporary and wrong will give you the impetus to do something about it, to feel righteous and energetic about fixing it. Being unhappy and productive is simply not part of my game plan, and it shouldn't be part of yours, either.

Source: Never Give Up, by Donald Trump,p. 5-6 , Jan 18, 2008

Beauty and elegance are my signature and my brand

Everyone knows how important beauty is to me. I always try to have it in my life. I hire the best people, find the most fabulous locations, and use the finest materials to make sure that every project I undertake is truly exceptional. Being surrounded by beauty makes me feel great; it enhances every part of my life, and I deserve it.

Beauty and elegance, whether in a woman, a building, or a work of art, is not just superficial or something pretty to see. Beauty and elegance are products of personal style that come from deep within.

My style is based on trying to make whatever I do breathtakingly beautiful. People react emotionally to my style; they want more of it. It's no accident that I'm so involved with beauty; it's my signature, my brand, and I think it's best to have it in spades.

Contact with beauty exposes successful people to an excellence from which they can learn, grow, and improve their lives. Beauty rewards people for all their hard work

Source: Trump 101, by Donald Trump, p. 55-7 , Oct 20, 2006

Think on "Trump scale" and make a BIG statement

I like to reach for the stars. I'm constructing the two tallest residential towers in New Jersey that, not surprisingly, will bear the Trump name.

Although I'm the largest developer in Manhattan, I decided to go across the Hudson River to Jersey City because I saw incredible potential there. I am good at predicting trends, and I think Jersey City has a big future... or I wouldn't be there. Don't limit yourself. Think in what I call Trump Scale and make a BIG statement. Don't build a single- family house without first seeing how much more it would take to make it into a multiunit building or even a development. Explore how to make everything you tackle bigger, better, bolder, and more exciting. Although you may not be in a position to realize your dreams now, you could be laying the groundwork for terrific future projects.

Source: Trump 101, by Donald Trump, p. 11-3 , Oct 20, 2006

Change isn't an admission that you were wrong

Source: Trump 101, by Donald Trump, p.109-10 , Oct 20, 2006

Look at people non-judgmentally, without right or wrong

The clearest way to see people and events is to examine then nonjudgmentally--to see and record the facts without coloring them with a "this is right" or "that is wrong" attitude. This follows a journalistic approach in its purest sense news without a slant. A nonjudgmental approach collects and reports the facts without jumping to conclusions or interpreting their meaning. This approach may require you to do a little more thinking, which can only be a good thing.

Never presume that your way is the only way, whether you're talking about work, ethics, or politics. Be tolerant of diverse opinions, practices, and views. Be grateful for the diversity in our lives and for the benefits of being exposed to so many different backgrounds and beliefs. Take the time to try to understand other viewpoints--how and why those people feel and act as they do. Gather information, get the whole story, and don't jump to conclusions or judge. Results are what matter; the rest is style.

Source: Trump 101, by Donald Trump, p.131-2 , Oct 20, 2006

Give others a fair chance, but eliminate scoundrels

You have to learn when to quit and when to move forward. This can be tricky because a fine line frequently exists between acceptance and resignation. Since everyone makes mistakes, try to be understanding when other people fail. Don't immediately give up on them; you wouldn't want others to write you off without a fair chance. The fine line widens when you find out that someone is a scoundrel or incompetent and will never change. When that's the case, break off the relationship, cut your losses, and eliminate that person from your life.
Source: Trump 101, by Donald Trump, p.165 , Oct 20, 2006

Passion overcomes many difficult impossibilities

Q: What is it that gets you through the resistance to change?

DJT: Passion is the number one ingredient. It can overcome many difficulties and so- called impossibilities. Getting anything started requires passion. Your enthusiasm can convince others to go along and see things your way. Resistance can be good if it gets you to improve your idea. When someone can discourage you, you probably aren't determined enough. Be resolute. That's what it takes to get things done.

Source: Trump 101, by Donald Trump, p. 5 , Oct 20, 2006

Many people are afraid to fail, so they don't try

Many people are afraid to fail, so they don't try. They may dream, talk, and even plan, but they don't take that critical step of putting their money and their effort on the line. To succeed in business, you must take risks. Even if you fail, that's how you learn. There has never been, and never will be, an Olympic ice skater who didn't fall on the ice. Skaters acquire their skill and master their moves by doing and falling, not just by watching or talking.
Source: Trump 101, by Donald Trump, p. 39 , Oct 20, 2006

Tell people youre successful or they wont know it

How to Get Rich.Thats what I decided to call this book, because whenever I meet people, thats usually what they want to know from me. You ask a baker how he makes bread. You ask a billionaire how he makes money.

A lot has happened to us all since 1987. Thats the year The Art of the Deal became the bestselling business book of the decade. Business Rule #1: If you dont tell people about your success, they probably wont know about it.

Business Rule #2: Keep it short, fast, and direct. The following pages will be straightforward and succinct, but dont let the brevity of these passages prevent you from savoring the profundity of the advice you are about to receive.

The Mother of All Advice: Trust in God and be true to yourself. -Mary Trump, My Mother. When I look back, that was great advice, concise and wise at once. I didnt really get it at first, later I realized how comprehensive this is- how to keep your bases covered while thinking about the big picture.

Source: How to Get Rich, by Donald Trump, first chapter , Mar 23, 2004

Good management requires hiring good people

If you are careful when finding employees, management becomes a lot easier. I rely on a few key people to keep me informed. They know I trust them, and they do their best to keep that trust intact.

Good people equals good management and good management equals good people. They have to work together or they wont work together for very long. Ive seen excellent people get stuck in the mires of bad management. The good managers will eventually leave, followed by the good workers, & you will be left with a team that gets along because theyre all mediocre. Save yourself time by getting the best people you can. Sometimes this can mean choosing attitude over experience and credentials. Use your creativity to come up with a good mix.

Creative people rarely need to be motivated-they have their own inner drive that refuses to be bored. They refuse to be complacent. They live on the edge, which is precisely what is needed to be successful and remain successful.

Source: How to Get Rich, by Donald Trump, first chapter , Mar 23, 2004

Lessons: stay focused on big picture

Keep the big picture in mind while attending to the daily details. This can seem like a balancing act, but it is absolutely necessary for success in running a company.

In the 1980s, I was riding high. Id become a major player in Manhattan, with many top-tier properties. I had a yacht, a plane, a bestselling book. In the late eighties, I lost focus. Id fly off to Europe to attend fashion shows, and I wasnt looking at the clothing. My lack of attention was killing my business.

That was a low point. Of the $9.2 billion I owed, Id personally guaranteed a billion dollars. I was a schmuck, but I was a lucky schmuck, and I wound up dealing with some understanding bankers who worked out a fair deal. After being the king of the eighties, I survived the early nineties, and by the mid-to-late nineties, I was thriving again. But I learned my lesson. I work as hard today as I did when I was a young developer in the 1970s. Dont make the mistake I did. Stay focused.

Source: How to Get Rich, by Donald Trump, first chapter , Mar 23, 2004

Surround yourself with people you can trust

Surround yourself with people you can trust. I often say its good to be paranoid, but not when it comes to your home team. Ask God for a great assistant. No joke. A great one can make your life a whole lot easier-or, in my case, almost manageable.

My phones are so busy that I require two executive assistants, and they never stop. They alone handle, on the average, more than 1,250 calls a week. They are not only efficient and fast, but also very pleasant and beautiful young women. You dont have to be beautiful to work for me-just be good at your job. Ive been accused of admiring beautiful women. I plead guilty. But when it comes to the workplace, anyone who is beautiful had better have brains, too. You need competent people with an inherent work ethic. Im not a complacent person and I cant have a complacent staff. I move forward quickly and so must they.

Source: How to Get Rich, by Donald Trump, first chapter , Mar 23, 2004

Negotiating deals is about persuasion, not power

Here's my basic philosophy of how deals are done: It's all about persuasion, not power.

Power is merely the ability to convince people to accept your ideas. Just because I am a successful businessman doesn't mean I always get my way. It's true that I don't have to be as vociferous about things as before. But I have to coax and make my case just like any other negotiator.

Power is not just about calling the shots. It's about ability. You can call all the shots, but if they're bad ones, no one will take much notice after a while. Know what you're doing. That's where the real power comes from.

Convincing others has a lot to do with understanding negotiation. Study the art of persuasion. Practice it. Develop an understanding of its profound value across all aspects of life.

Make it easy on the people you are trying to convince. If you are too far over their heads, they'll feel frustrated or, worse, inferior. Let them know you're all on the same level in some way.

Source: How to Get Rich, by Donald Trump, p.115-6 , Mar 23, 2004

In business & politics, stands for getting things done

I put people together, and when I feel I have the right team, I let them show me what they can do. When the bottom fell out of the real estate market, I survived because of the people I assembled. What saved Trump Organization was my willingness to step back and to let the people who work for me do their thing. Ive taken the same approach in refining my political agendas. Ive talked to people who seemed to have the right talent and ideas. Ive read until I found authors who saw problems the way I do. Ive based my political programs on this research. Im also bringing a perspective to politics that most politicians dont have. Ive built a multi-billion empire by using my intuition. Here Im letting my instincts tell me how we have to work together to build the America we deserve. I stand for getting things done.
Source: The America We Deserve, by Donald Trump, p. 33-35 , Jul 2, 2000

Appealing to middle Americans leery of political elite

Trumps tax plan [a one-time tax on assets to pay off the national debt] underscores his strategy of appealing to low- and middle-class Americans. Even amid an economic boom, Trump believes his class-conscious message will resonate with the millions of voters who are leery of Americas economic and political elite. He also believes he has a rags-to-riches story that appeals to Americans who dream of following him into the gilded life.
Source: Associated Press, via The Enterprise (Brockton MA), p. A3 , Nov 9, 1999

Learned about myself, from adversity in hard times

I'm a firm believer in learning from adversity. Often the worst of times can turn to your advantage--my life is a study of that. I learned so much during the tough years. So I decided to write it all down. If you're in trouble, or you're down and out, I hope you'll be able to glean some of my hard-learned lessons in these pages.

My wish is that this book will provide inspiration. I learned a lot about myself during these hard times; I learned about handling pressure. I was able to home in, buckle down, get back to the basics, and make things work. I worked much harder, I focused, and I got myself out of a box. Don't get me wrong--there were moments of doubt, but I never thought in negative terms. I believe in positive thought and positive thinking. I learned a lot about loyalty--who was and who wasn't. There were people that I would have guaranteed would have stuck by me who didn't, and, on the other hand, people who I made who, when it came time to help me, didn't lift a finger.

Source: The Art of the Comeback, by Donald Trump, p. xii , Oct 27, 1997

Feeling cocky & invincible can be destructive

I got a little cocky and, probably, a little bit lazy. I wasn't working as hard, and I wasn't focusing on the basics. I traveled around the world to the spring fashion shows in France.

I began to socialize more, probably too much. Frankly, I was bored. I really felt I could do no wrong. Sort of like a baseball player who keeps hitting home runs or a golfer who keeps winning tournaments--you just get a feeling of invincibility. Ultimately, this invincible feeling, while positive at times, can be destructive. You let down your guard. You don't work as hard. Then things start to go in the wrong direction. And that's what happened to me--and I never thought it could. In 1990, the market was so horrendous that prices, for even the best buildings in town, were plummeting. Apartments were being bought at prices you never thought possible. It was a complete disaster.

Source: The Art of the Comeback, by Donald Trump, p. 5-6 , Oct 27, 1997

People who inherit don't know how to earn back losses

People who inherit fortunes are very interesting to me. I see it down in Palm Beach all the time. I respect those who realize their limitations and don't want to take chances. They got lucky. I call them members of the lucky sperm club--they inherited wealth. I've noticed that the lucky ones are usually very cheap. They never pick up the tab, live very frugally, and are seldom the life of the party. They know that if they lose their money, they don't have the ability to make it back. The more unlucky ones are those who inherit wealth and decide that they are going to be the next great success, but they don't have the talent. Their money goes fast. It's not a pretty picture. I have seen it often, and seldom is there a sadder scene than a family that starts out with wealth and ends up fighting just to survive.

In order to come back, you need confidence. It's hard to think of yourself as a winner when you go through the family fortune in a few years and never sample even a morsel of success.

Source: The Art of the Comeback, by Donald Trump, p.222-3 , Oct 27, 1997

Measure success in happiness, not just in dollars

The courage to make a switch, even if it seems like a ridiculous one, is also an ingredient of success. There are times when a change in life's course does seem strange, but it may well be necessary in order to create success. And success can't be measured just in dollars and cents; it has to be measured in happiness, too. I know many rich people who are extremely unhappy and really should be doing something else. Going against the tide is often a very clever thing to do. While it can involve taking risks, and while I cannot say that it's a primary factor for success, often going in the opposite direction can lead to the highest level of achievement. When I decided to keep 40 Wall Street as an office building, I was very much going against the tide. Everyone in lower Manhattan was converting their buildings to apartments--and with good reason.

I decided that rather than going the safe route, the route that everybody else was taking, I would head in the exact opposite direction.

Source: The Art of the Comeback, by Donald Trump, p.225-6 , Oct 27, 1997

Trump Tower glitz: Italian marble 80-foot waterfall

Delineating his commercial aesthetic, he once told an interviewer, "I have glitzy casinos because people expect it. Glitz works in Atlantic City. And in my residential buildings I sometimes use flash, which is a level below glitz." His first monument to himself, Trump Tower, possessed many genuinely impressive elements--a sixty-eight-story sawtoothed silhouette, a salmon-colored Italian-marble atrium equipped with an eighty-foot waterfall--and became an instant tourist attraction.
Source: Mark Singer in New Yorker magazine, "Trump Solo" , May 12, 1997

You can't con people for long; you have to deliver the goods

You can't con people, at least not for long. You can create excitement, you can do wonderful promotion & get all kinds of press, and you can throw in a little hyperbole. But if you can't deliver the goods, people will eventually catch on.

I think of Jimmy Carter. As poorly qualified as he was for the job, Jimmy Carter had the nerve to ask for something extraordinary. That ability above all helped him get elected president. But then, of course, the American people caught on that Carter couldn't do the job, and he lost in a landslide when he ran for reelection.

I see the same thing in my business, which is full of people who talk a good game but don't deliver. When Trump Tower became successful, a lot of developers got the idea of imitating our atrium. But they saw that it all added up to many millions, and these people with great ambitions would decide [against it].

The dollar always talks in the end. I promoted the hell out of Trump Tower, but I also had a great product to promote.

Source: The Art of the Deal, by Donald Trump, p. 60-1 , Jul 6, 1993

Rules for surviving the perils of success

    Its great to have good natural instincts, but even if you do, you may find thats not enough. Over the years Ive come up with certain rules for myself that are important for surviving the perils of success.
  1. Be disciplined. This is the first and most important rule. Long vacations, drinking, drugs-all of those things are bad for discipline because they interrupt your momentum.
  2. Be honest. Despite a brash and occasionally arrogant approach, I go by the book.
  3. Dont think youre so smart that you can go it alone. I surround myself with good people, and then I give myself the luxury of trusting them.
  4. Be reachable. Although you run the risk of wasting a lot of time, the vast majority of people [writing] are nice people, and they deserve a response.
  5. Stay close to home. What got you to the top is usually what will keep you there.
  6. Be flexible. I keep white space on my calendar to allow myself to come up with ideas.
Source: Surviving at the Top, p. 40-44 , Jul 2, 1990

Donald Trump on Endorsements

Endorsed by some Democratic & Republican elected officials

Source: on Presidential 2024 Endorsements , Nov 1, 2024

Endorsed by 4 major newspapers (but 50+ endorse Harris/Walz)

The Trump campaign noted, "Major newspapers have withheld endorsements" of Harris--is that true?

FactCheck:Wikipedia reports 4 major newspapers have endorsed Trump while 50+ have endorsed Harris (we define "major" as "cited often by OnTheIssues"):

Source: OnTheIssues/Wikipedia FactCheck on 2024 endorsements , Oct 28, 2024

Endorsed by Fraternal Order of Police in 2016, 2020, & 2024

The National President of the Fraternal Order of Police announced today that the members of the FOP voted to endorse Donald J. Trump for President: "Public safety and border security will be important issues in the last months of this campaign. Our members carefully considered the positions of the candidates on the issues and there was no doubt--zero doubt--as to who they want as our President for the next four years: Donald J. Trump."

The FOPs endorsement process is unique in that every member has the opportunity, through our 46 State Lodges, to make their choice known to the National Trustee. The National Trustee casts his or her vote at our National Board meeting. In order to secure our endorsement, the candidate needs the support of two-thirds of the State Lodges, a benchmark former President Trump easily cleared.

"The National FOP endorsed Donald Trump in 2016 and 2020. He led our nation through some very tough times," the FOP President said.

Source: Presidential 2024 Press Release: "FOP endorsements" , Sep 6, 2024

Endorsed by Democratic presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard

Tulsi Gabbard, a former Democratic congresswoman, has endorsed the Republican nominee, Donald Trump.

Gabbard, who served in the military in Iraq, ran for president in the Democratic primary in 2020. She quit the party two years later and has become a fixture at conservative conferences and in rightwing media.

Addressing a National Guard Association conference in Detroit, Michigan, where Trump was speaking, Gabbard said: "This administration has us facing multiple wars on multiple fronts in regions around the world and closer to the brink of nuclear war than we ever have been before. This is one of the main reasons why Im committed to doing all that I can to send President Trump back to the White House, where he can once again serve us as our commander-in-chief. Because I am confident that his first task will be to do the work to walk us back from the brink of war."

Gabbard represented Hawaii in Congress and is a former vice-chair of the Democratic National Committee.

Source: The Guardian (UK) on 2024 Presidential endorsements , Aug 26, 2024

Endorsed by independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. suspended his independent campaign for the White House and endorsed Donald Trump, a late-stage shakeup of the race that could give the former president a modest boost from Kennedys supporters. Hours later, Kennedy joined Trump onstage at an Arizona rally, where the crowd burst into "Bobby!" cheers.

Kennedy cited free speech, the war in Ukraine and "a war on our children" as among the reasons he would try to remove his name from the ballot in battleground states.

"These are the principal causes that persuaded me to leave the Democratic Party and run as an independent, and now to throw my support to President Trump," Kennedy said. Kennedy said his actions followed conversations with Trump over the past few weeks. He cast their alliance as "a unity party," an arrangement that would "allow us to disagree publicly and privately and seriously." Kennedy suggested Trump offered him a job if he returns to the White House, but neither he nor Trump offered details.

Source: Associated press on 2024 RFK/Trump endorsements , Aug 23, 2024

Donald Trump on Impeachment

We didn't have guns on Jan. 6; it was a day of love

[On Jan. 6th]: Very importantly, you had hundreds of thousands of people come to Washington. They didn't come because of me. They came because of the election. They thought the election was a rigged election and that's why they came. Some of those people went down to the Capitol, I said, peacefully and patriotically, nothing done wrong at all. Nothing done wrong. And action was taken, strong action. Ashli Babbitt was killed. Nobody was killed. There were no guns down there. We didn't have guns. The others had guns, but we didn't have guns. And when I say "we" these are people that walk down, this was a tiny percentage of the overall, which nobody sees and nobody shows. But that was a day of love from the standpoint of the millions, it's like hundreds of thousands. It could have been the largest group I've ever spoken before. They asked me to speak. I went and I spoke and I used the term peacefully and patriotically.
Source: Univision Town Hall: Trump interview , Oct 17, 2024

Nancy Pelosi took responsibility for Jan. 6 riots, not me

Q: What do you say to those voters who believe that you violated your constitutional oath through your inaction on Jan. 6th, 2021?

TRUMP: I said 'peacefully and patriotically.' And Nancy Pelosi [said] "oh, no, it's my responsibility; I was responsible for this." Because I offered them 10,000 soldiers or National Guard. And she turned them down. Everybody was saying they're going to be there on January 6th. And I said, "That's a lot of people coming; they ought to have some National Guard." And I offered it to her. And she now admits that she turned it down [in a videotape analyzed by]. The same day, she said, "I take full responsibility for January 6th."

BIDEN: He sat in the Oval Office for three hours, being begged by his vice president and Republican colleagues to call for a stop. Instead, he talked about these people being patriots.

TRUMP: Nancy Pelosi said it was her responsibility, not mine. She said that loud and clear. [See FactCheck; Pelosi didn't say that].

Source: First Trump-Biden debate, at CNN in Atlanta , Jun 27, 2024

Says "No time for retribution"; FactCheck: fundraises on it

I'm not going to have time for retribution. We're going to make this country so successful again, I'm not going to have time for retribution and remember this, our ultimate retribution is success. I tell you this, we're going to have a success that's so great that I won't have, hopefully, I won't have time for retribution. There won't be retribution. There'll be success.

Fact Check by Mediaite , 1/11/24: Trump's claim to be squarely focused on policy is questionable, given the fact that he has repeatedly declared himself the "retribution" of his supporters and threatened to weaponize the government against his political foes. Just hours before Trump's town hall, his campaign sent out a fundraising email that literally began with the proclamation "I AM YOUR RETRIBUTION!"

Source: Mediaite FactCheck: Fox news Town Hall 2024 pre-Iowa caucus , Jan 10, 2024

Jan. 6: There was love in that crowd; love and unity

But people that were in that crowd that day, a very small group of people went down there. Then there are a lot of scenarios that we can talk about, but people in that crowd said it was the most beautiful day they've ever experienced. There was love in that crowd. There was love and unity. I have never seen such spirit, and such passion, and such love, and I've also never seen, simultaneously and from the same people, such hatred of what they've done to our country.
Source: Tucker on X interview opposite 2023 GOP debate in Milwaukee , Aug 23, 2023

FactCheck: Never ordered National Guard to Capitol on Jan. 6

[CNN Town Hall transcript]: Q: Your acting Defense secretary [on January 6, 2021]-- he says you never gave a formal order to deploy the National Guard. But when it came to that day --

TRUMP: Excuse me, just the opposite.

Q: Well, Chris Miller was your acting Defense secretary. He says you never gave that order.

TRUMP: He did not say that.

Q: He has testified that.

TRUMP: He did not say that.

Forbes Fact Check: Miller was asked to be precise. "Just so we're clear," an investigator asked him, "you did not have 10,000 troops, quote, 'to be on the ready,' prior to January 6th."

"A nonmilitary person probably could have some sort of weird interpretation, but no," Miller responded. "The answer to your question is no. That was not part of my plan or the department of defense's plan."

Source: Business Insider FactCheck: CNN Town Hall (2024 candidates) , Jul 26, 2022

Senate Leader OpEd: Trump morally responsible for Jan. 6

McConnell delivered remarks from the Senate floor after a historic vote to acquit former President Donald Trump in his second impeachment trial:

"Former President Trump's actions preceding the riot were a disgraceful dereliction of duty. The House accused the former President of 'incitement.' That is a specific term from the criminal law. Let me put that to the side for one moment and reiterate something I said weeks ago: There is no question that President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of that day.

"[On Jan. 6] the people who stormed this building believed they were acting on the wishes and instructions of their President. And their having that belief was a foreseeable consequence of the growing crescendo of false statements, conspiracy theories, and reckless hyperbole which the defeated President kept shouting into the largest megaphone on planet Earth."

Source: CNN on remarks on the Senate floor on Jan. 6 riots , Feb 13, 2021

OpEd: Ineligible for impeachment; eligible for prosecution

McConnell delivered remarks from the Senate floor after a historic vote to acquit Donald Trump:

"If President Trump were still in office, I would have carefully considered whether the House managers proved their specific charge. But in this case, that question is moot. Because former President Trump is constitutionally not eligible for conviction.

"But this just underscores that impeachment was never meant to be the final forum for American justice. Impeachment, conviction, and removal are a specific intra-governmental safety valve. We have a criminal justice system in this country. We have civil litigation. And former Presidents are not immune from being held accountable by either one.

"I believe the Senate was right not to grab power the Constitution does not give us. A Senate verdict before Inauguration Day was never possible. But the Senate has done our duty. The framers' firewall held up again. On January 6th, we returned to our posts and certified the election, uncowed."

Source: CNN on remarks on the Senate floor on Jan. 6 riots , Feb 13, 2021

Call off Georgia runoff election; it's a scam

Trump demanded that Georgia "call off" its upcoming runoff elections over his claims of fraud. Trump angrily urged Republican Gov. Brian Kemp to "do something" about absentee votes that are expected to be cast predominantly by Democrats in the pair of make-or-break Senate contests. "You allowed your state to be scammed," Trump warned Kemp on Twitter. "Call off election. It won't be needed. We will all WIN!" Trump tweeted. [Governor Kemp declined -- ed.'
Source: New York Daily News on 2020 Trump Administration , Dec 1, 2020

Raised $150M for election challenges; most goes to his PAC

Trump has raised more than $150 million with his campaign to contest Biden's victory in court. Following the November 3 defeat, the Trump campaign asked supporters for contributions to fund a legal offensive in six states on the grounds, without evidence, that there was electoral fraud. However, according to the Post and Times sources, up to 75% of that proceeds will go to finance Trump's new political action committee, "Save America," with which he will finance his next political movements.
Source: Univision, ""Electoral Results," on Trump Administration , Dec 1, 2020

2016: Sought to nullify election after losing Iowa primary

Excerpting the New York Times: "In the now-distant Republican presidential primaries of 2016, Senator Ted Cruz of Texas handily won the Iowa caucuses. This was determined by a method that has lately come under attack but at the time was considered standard: elementary math."

"One of the losers in Iowa, the developer and television personality Donald J. Trump, soon accused Mr. Cruz of electoral theft. He fired off several inflammatory tweets, including this foreshadowing of our current democracy-testing moment [where Trump calls to nullify state results where Biden won]: 'Based on the fraud committed by Senator Ted Cruz during the Iowa Caucus, either a new election should take place or Cruz results nullified'."

"The episode vanished in the tsunami of political vitriol to come during the Trump presidency. Still, it reflects what those who have worked with Mr. Trump say is his modus operandi when trying to slip the humiliating epithet he has so readily applied to others: Loser."

Source: on 2020 presidential hopefuls , Nov 26, 2020

Retweet opinions: I put it out there; people can decide

Q: You retweeted a conspiracy theory that Biden orchestrated to have Navy SEAL Team Six killed to cover up the fake death of Bin Laden.

TRUMP: I know nothing about it. That was a retweet. That was an opinion of somebody. I'll put it out there. People can decide for themselves. I don't take a position. I do a lot of retweets. The media is so fake, and so corrupt, if I didn't have social media. I don't call it Twitter, I call it social media. I wouldn't be able to get the word out.

Source: Second 2020 Presidential Debate/NBC Town Hall Miami , Oct 15, 2020

I'm president of everybody but there are Democrat-run cities

Q: Why do you keep talking about Democrat states?

TRUMP: They are.

Q: They're American states.

TRUMP: No. The Democrat-run states are the ones that are doing badly. If you look at New York, if you look at Illinois, if you look at a lot of different places, they're doing poorly. And cities in particular are being run so poorly.

Q: Don't you have a responsibility to those states and cities as well?

TRUMP: .largely because of the debt, but largely because of the crime. They don't want to do anything about crime. They have sanctuary cities where they're protecting criminals. They have things that the Republicans don't have. I'm the president of everybody, but I don't want to say it, but they're Democrat-run cities. It is what it is.

Source: ABC This Week: special edition 2020 Town Hall interview , Sep 15, 2020

GAO Report: Withholding allocated Ukraine funds violated law

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) issued a legal opinion saying that President Trump's administration broke the law by withholding defense aid to Ukraine--the issue at the heart of the president's impeachment trial. That money, $214 million which had been allocated for security assistance, was appropriated by Congress & therefore the administration did not have the right to hold it back just because it disagreed with its allocation, the opinion from the nonpartisan government watchdog said.
Source: Fox News analysis of impeaching Trump , Jan 16, 2020

Trump inaccurately claims Mueller report exonerated him

Claim 6: The Mueller report "totally exonerated":

"Complete and total exoneration," Trump wrote in one tweet in March after the Mueller report was released. It's an inaccurate claim he repeated often.

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler asked the former special counsel about this claim during a congressional hearing: "Did you actually totally exonerate the president?"

"No," Mueller said.

Mueller's written report was clear on this, too: "If we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state," the report reads in part. "While this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him."

Source: NBC News analysis of impeaching Trump , Dec 31, 2019

Pushed false theory that Ukraine framed Russia over meddling

Claim 1: Ukraine interfered in the 2016 election

This claim is false, according to the unanimous assessment of the U.S. intelligence community and the former special counsel Robert Mueller, who spent two years investigating Russia's election interference effort. The Russian government, not Ukraine, interfered in the 2016 election "in sweeping and systematic fashion," the Mueller report concluded, working to boost Trump's bid while damaging his Democratic rival, Hillary Rodham Clinton. Trump repeatedly pushed or referenced a conspiracy theory that Ukraine and the Democrats framed Russia for election meddling in an attempt to discredit his presidency.

Source: NBC News analysis of impeaching Trump , Dec 31, 2019

OpEd: Trump's attack on Ukraine politically driven falsehood

FactCheck on Claim 1: Ukraine interfered in the 2016 election

Trump's former Russia expert, Fiona Hill, called the idea that Ukraine meddled in 2016 a "fictional narrative" promoted by Russian intelligence and rebuked House Republicans for using it to defend the president against impeachment. "In the course of this investigation, I would ask that you please not promote politically driven falsehoods that so clearly advance Russian interests," Hill said in her opening statement to Congress. "I refuse to be part of an effort to legitimize an alternate narrative that the Ukrainian government is a U.S. adversary, and that Ukraine--not Russia --attacked us in 2016."

Source: NBC News analysis of impeaching Trump , Dec 31, 2019

Repeatedly blocked impeachment witnesses from testifying

Sen. Chuck Schumer renewed his call for White House acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney and former national security adviser John Bolton to testify in the Senate impeachment trial after The NY Times published new details about the effort to withhold aid to Ukraine. "Simply put: In our fight to have key documents and witnesses in a Senate impeachment trial, these new revelations are a game-changer," Schumer said at a news conference. The White House has repeatedly blocked witnesses from testifying.
Source: analysis of impeaching Trump , Dec 30, 2019

Paid hush money to porn star; lied about Moscow deal

Trump directed his lawyer, Michael Cohen, to make illegal hush-money payments to porn star Stormy Daniels shortly before the election to keep her from talking about her alleged extramarital affair with Trump. Trump secretly tried to score a development project in Moscow that could have earned him hundreds of millions of dollars, and his company asked Vladimir Putin's office for assistance in sealing the deal. (Trump falsely told American voters that he had no business interests in Russia.)
Source: Mother Jones magazine on impeaching Trump , Dec 18, 2019

Cheapened the importance of the very ugly word, impeachment

The Articles of Impeachment introduced by the House Judiciary Committee are not recognizable under any standard of Constitutional theory, interpretation, or jurisprudence. They include no crimes, no misdemeanors, and no offenses whatsoever. You have cheapened the importance of the very ugly word, impeachment!

This is nothing more than an illegal, partisan attempted coup that will, based on recent sentiment, badly fail at the voting booth. You are not just after me, as President, you are after the entire Republican Party. But because of this colossal injustice, our party is more united than it has ever been before. History will judge you harshly as you proceed with this impeachment charade. Your legacy will be that of turning the House of Representatives from a revered legislative body into a Star Chamber of partisan persecution.

Source: Letter to House Speaker from President on impeaching Trump , Dec 17, 2019

Obstruction of Congress charge is preposterous & dangerous

The second claim, so-called "Obstruction of Congress," is preposterous and dangerous. House Democrats are trying to impeach the duly elected President of the United States for asserting Constitutionally based privileges that have been asserted on a bipartisan basis by administrations of both political parties throughout our Nation's history. Under that standard, every American president would have been impeached many times over.

Your spiteful actions display unfettered contempt for America's founding and your egregious conduct threatens to destroy that which our Founders pledged their very lives to build. Even worse than offending the Founding Fathers, you are offending Americans of faith by continually saying "I pray for the President," when you know this statement is not true, unless it is meant in a negative sense. It is a terrible thing you are doing, but you will have to live with it, not I!

Source: Letter to House Speaker from President on impeaching Trump , Dec 17, 2019

OpEd: "Perfect" call a smoking gun rather than exoneration

[Analysis of Trump Letter to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi]: "Fortunately, there was a transcript of the conversation taken, and you know from the transcript (which was immediately made available) that the paragraph in question was perfect." To my mind, the White House transcript of that call reads more like a smoking gun than an exoneration.
Source: CNN analysis of Letter from President on impeaching Trump , Dec 17, 2019

Unlike Clinton, Trump lacks foreign support at time of need

[Comparing Trump's impeachment with Bill Clinton's] "I remember being surprised at how spontaneous, how universal the standing ovation was for Clinton," Robert Orr, a former senior foreign-policy advisor in the Clinton administration, said. "It was a reminder that the rest of the world was not looking at the impeachment process in the same way Americans were."

Thomas Pickering, a former diplomat, said while Clinton was able to turn his close personal relationships with foreign leaders into a reservoir of political support in difficult times, "Trump's willingness to trample" on allied leaders has resulted in what he described as the "Macron effect"--a gradual defection of an erstwhile political friend at a time of need. Macron has openly criticized Trump for diminishing trust in NATO's deterrent by reducing the alliance to a commercial proposition.

Source: Foreign Policy magazine on impeaching Trump , Dec 11, 2019

A stacked deck of gross immorality, ethical incompetence

2019: We have done our best to give evangelical Trump supporters their due, to try to understand their point of view, to see the prudential nature of so many political decisions they have made regarding Mr. Trump. To use an old cliche, it's time to call 1998: The President's failure to tell the truth--even when cornered--rips at the fabric of the nation. This is not a private affair. For above all, social intercourse is built on a presumption of trust. While politicians are notorious for breaking campaign promises, while in office they have a fundamental obligation to uphold our trust in them and to live by the law. Unsavory dealings and immoral acts by the President and those close to him have rendered this administration morally unable to lead.
Source: Christianity Today magazine on impeaching Trump , Dec 11, 2019

LameStream Media are the Enemy of the People

Tweet from President Trump: "The LameStream Media had a very bad week [reporting on President Trump's repeated requests to Ukraine to investigate the son of former Democratic Vice President Joe Biden, and the "whistleblower complaint" that sparked the reporting]. They pushed numerous phony stories and got caught, especially The Failing New York Times, which has lost more money over the last 10 years than any paper in history, and The Amazon Washington Post. They are The Enemy of the People!

The Fake News Media nowadays not only doesn't check for the accuracy of the facts, they knowingly make up the facts. They even make up sources in order to protect their partners, the Democrats. It is so wrong, but they don't even care anymore. They have gone totally CRAZY!!!!"

Source: Twitter postings by 2020 presidential hopefuls , Sep 21, 2019

OpEd: Trump met three criteria for obstruction of justice

For each of the eleven instances of potential obstruction that Muller considered, the special counsel evaluated each on the three criteria required by statute for there to have been a violation of the law. Mueller did signal in his report those that he concluded all three legal criteria were met. In particular, the president's alleged effort to shut down the Flynn inquiry was one that the special counsel considered among the strongest potentially chargeable instances.

[The three criteria are]: First, such cases need to prove that there was an "obstructive act," that the suspect had taken an action that could impede a criminal investigation. Second, the motivation of the person had "corrupt intent." The third essential element of any obstruction charge is that there needs to be a "nexus of a proceeding," meaning that a person must demonstrably have understood that whomever he was aiming to protect was under criminal investigation.

Source: on Prosectors' letter on Mueller Report , Apr 26, 2019

OpEd: Trump is a symbol of renewed white identity

The mosque shootings in Christchurch, New Zealand, killed 50 people and injured another 50. The perpetrator was described as an alt-right-affiliated white supremacist, who recorded his beliefs in a 73-page manifesto titled "The Great Replacement", a reference to anti-immigrant white genocide conspiracy theories. The manifesto refers to President Trump:

[pp. 15-17 of the manifesto, "The Great Replacement"]:

Q: What are your views?

A: I am on Ethno-nationalist Eco-fascist.

Q: Who do you support?

A: Those that wish a future for white children, and to ensure the existence of our people.

Q: Are you an islamophobe?

A: No, I am not afraid of islam, only that, due to its high fertility rates, it will grow to replace other peoples and faiths.

Q: Are you an anti-semite?

A: No, A jew living in israel is no enemy of mine.

Q: Are you a supporter of Donald Trump?

A: As a symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose? Sure. As a policy maker and leader? Dear god no.

Source: article on Christchurch mosque shootings , Mar 15, 2019

OpEd: Incited violence at rallies starting in 2015

On March 11, Trump had to cancel an event in Chicago when there was rioting in the streets and protesters were threatening to disrupt his rally. It was an ugly scene, and my people were telling me that Trump was out there inciting this type of violence.

I asked my staff to put together a list of some of Trump's comments and maybe some footage showing examples of his inciting rhetoric. What I saw was appalling. Now I don't pretend to know what was in Donald Trump's heart. All we can do is judge a candidate by his words. What did I see and hear? Well, there was damning video evidence of hateful, rabble-rousing conduct from more than a dozen Trump rallies, going all the way back to an event in Alabama in November 2015. Taken together, I found these incendiary incidents so profoundly disturbing that I felt I had to say something. I issued a statement reading, "Tonight, the seeds of division that Donald Trump has been sowing this whole campaign finally bore fruit, and it was ugly."

Source: Two Paths, by John Kasich, p.119 , Apr 25, 2017

OpEd: Trump's rise analogous to Hitler's in 1930s Germany

A closer look at why [Hitler rose to power in the 1930s] could help explain why conservative elites today are largely coalescing behind Trump.

First, the German establishment saw Hitler as the "lesser evil." The greater threat was the left, including the Social Democrats and especially the Communists. Trump is also rebranding himself as the "lesser evil," the only alternative to a continuation of the Obama betrayal of the US.

Second, the conservative establishment counted on parliamentary politicians to rein in Hitler. So, too, Republican congressional leaders in the US have convinced themselves that they can make deals with Trump.

Third, the Germans underestimated the anger of the public. And they also underestimated Hitler's charisma, mastery of the media and skill in speaking to the mainly rural "red state" Germans--Hitler gave voice to their humiliation about the collapse of the German nation and promised to eliminate those to blame [analogous to Trump].

Source: Truthout OpEd by Charles Derber and Yale Magrass , Jun 9, 2016

Donald Trump on Mueller Report

FactCheck: Putin and Russian trolling support Trump

Ilya Gambashidze and his company were named among the architects of a disinformation campaign known as Doppelganger that has for the past 2 years been targeting Ukraine & US elections. The Doppelganger campaign uses AI-generated content on dozens of fake websites designed to impersonate mainstream media outlets.

[Newly unsealed] court documents contain a treasure trove of documents, outlining the Kremlin's tactics to influence the outcome of the 2024 US election.

The records also reveal the plan was discussed at the highest levels of the Russian government, appearing to show that President Vladimir Putin may have been updated.

The orchestrators of the campaign targeted existing divisions within US society, using racist stereotypes and far-right conspiracies to target supporters of former president Donald Trump.

The plan lists a variety of targeted audiences, including residents of swing states, American Jews, "US citizens of Hispanic descent," and the "community of American gamers."

Source: FactCheck on Foreign Influences in 2024 Pres. race , Sep 5, 2024

Pardons Michael Flynn and Roger Stone in Russia probe

President Trump pardoned former national security adviser Michael Flynn despite Flynn's guilty plea to lying to the FBI about his Russia contacts. The pardon, coming in the waning days of the Trump administration, takes direct aim at a Russia investigation that he has long insisted was motivated by political bias.

"It is my Great Honor to announce that General Michael Flynn has been granted a Full Pardon," Trump tweeted. "Congratulations to @GenFlynn and his wonderful family!"

Flynn is the 2nd Trump associate convicted in the Russia probe to be granted clemency by the president. Trump commuted the sentence of longtime confidant Roger Stone just days before he was to report to prison. It is part of a broader effort to undo the results of an investigation that for years has shadowed his administration and yielded criminal charges against a half dozen associates.

The action voids the criminal case against Flynn. Democrats lambasted the pardon, calling it undeserved & unprincipled.

Source: Columbia Daily Tribune on 2020 Trump Cabinet , Nov 25, 2020

The Mueller investigation was an expensive witch hunt

TRUMP: There has been nobody tougher than me on Russia, between the sanctions, between all of what I've done with NATO. I've got the NATO countries to put up an extra $130 billion a year. That's to guard against Russia. While he was selling pillows and sheets, I sold tank busters to Ukraine.

BIDEN: Every single person, when he was going through his impeachment, said I did my job impeccably, not one single solitary thing was out of line. The guy who got in trouble in Ukraine was this guy trying to bribe the Ukrainian government to say something negative about me, which they would not do and did not do because it never ever, ever happened.

TRUMP: I was put through a phony witch hunt for three years. It started before I got elected. They spied on my campaign. Let me just say this, Mueller and 18 angry Democrats and FBI agents all over the place spent $48 million. They went through everything I had, including my tax returns, and they found absolutely no collusion and nothing wrong.

Source: Third 2020 Presidential Debate, moderated by Kristen Welker , Oct 22, 2020

Mueller: Presidents may not be indicted for obstruction

During an exchange with Rep. Ted Lieu, Mueller seemed to say that the reason he did not indict Trump for obstruction of justice was because of a Justice Department opinion stating that a sitting president cannot be indicted:

Lieu said, "I'd like to ask you the reason, again, that you did not indict Donald Trump is because of the O.L.C. opinion stating that you cannot indict a sitting president, correct?" he asked, referring to the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel.

"That is correct," Mueller said. That assertion directly contradicted the report itself and Mueller's statement in May describing it, in which he said that he and his team had decided not to decide whether to charge the president because of the O.L.C. opinions.

By afternoon, Mueller walked back the inconsistency, saying that Lieu had incorrectly described his decision. "What I wanted to clarify is the fact that we did not make any determination with regard to culpability in any way," Mueller said.

Source: NYTimes on 2019 Congressional Testimony on Mueller Report , Jul 24, 2019

Foreign-provided opposition info? Read it; maybe call FBI

STEPHANOPOULOS: Your campaign this time around, if foreigners, if Russia, if China, if someone else offers you information on opponents, should they accept it or should they call the FBI?

TRUMP: I think maybe you do both. I think you might want to listen. There's nothing wrong with listening. If somebody called from a country, Norway, "We have information on your opponent." Oh, I think I'd want to hear it.

STEPHANOPOULOS: You want that kind of interference in our elections?

TRUMP: It's not an interference. They have information. I think I'd take it. If I thought there was something wrong, I'd go maybe to the FBI. If I thought there was something wrong. But when somebody comes up with oppo research, right, that they come up with oppo research. "Oh, let's call the FBI." The FBI doesn't have enough agents to take care of it, but you go and talk honestly to congressmen, they all do it, they always have. And that's the way it is. It's called oppo research.

Source: ABC This Week 2019 interview on impeaching Trump , Jun 16, 2019

No collusion, if you read the Mueller Report as I did

TRUMP: He found no collusion. And they didn't find anything having to do with obstruction because they made a ruling based on his findings and they said no obstruction.

STEPHANOPOULOS: They didn't examine collusion. He laid out evidence of obstruction.

TRUMP: Oh, are you trying to say now that there was collusion even though he said there was no collusion?

STEPHANOPOULOS: He didn't say there's no collusion.

TRUMP: He said no collusion.

STEPHANOPOULOS: He said he didn't look at collusion.

TRUMP: George, the report said no collusion.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Did you read the report?

TRUMP: Uh, yes I did, and you should read it, too.

STEPHANOPOULOS: I read every word.

TRUMP: Alright, let's go. You should read it, too, George.

Source: ABC This Week 2019 interview on Mueller Report , Jun 16, 2019

OpEd: Based on Mueller report, indict Trump if not president

We are former federal prosecutors. Each of us believes that the conduct of President Trump described in Special Counsel Robert Mueller's report would, in the case of any other person not covered by the Office of Legal Counsel policy against indicting a sitting President, result in multiple felony charges for obstruction of justice. The Mueller report describes several acts that satisfy all of the elements for an obstruction charge: conduct that obstructed or attempted to obstruct the truth-finding process, as to which the evidence of corrupt intent and connection to pending proceedings is overwhelming. These include:
Source: Letter from 500 ex-prosecutors on Mueller Report , May 6, 2019

OpEd: Russia helped Trump so they'd control eastern Ukraine

What the Mueller Report says:The Aug. 2, 2016 meeting included the start of what would be a series of discussions between Manafort & Kilimnik about a so-called peace plan for Ukraine, which Manafort admitted to prosecutors was "a backdoor means for Russia to control eastern Ukraine."

Supplemental information and analysis:A senior prosecutor in the Special Counsel's Office said that the Aug. 2 meeting goes "very much to the heart of what the Special Counsel's Office is investigating."

Caveats:Although Kilimnik and Manafort shared the view that Trump's support for the Ukraine peace plan would help it succeed, "the investigation did not uncover evidence of Manafort's passing along information about Ukrainian peace plans to the candidate or anyone else." The Report then notes that Manafort lied to the Special Counsel Office about the peace plan & his meetings with Kilimnik. Also, Kilimnik continued "to promote the peace plan into the summer 2018."

Source: Ryan Goodman, on Mueller Report , Apr 29, 2019

Mueller appointed to investigate Trump after Comey firing

In his first months in office, Trump had seethed over FBI director James Comey's refusal to tell the world that the president was not being scrutinized personally as part of the bureau's investigation of whether the Trump campaign had coordinated with Russia to interfere with the 2016 presidential race.

On May 9, 2017, Trump snapped; the president unceremoniously fired Comey. He conveyed the news in a terse letter, hand-delivered to FBI headquarters.

Trump's closest aides had warned him that the move could trigger a political uproar and lead to an expansion of the Russia inquiry--and it did. Lawmakers on Capitol Hill cried foul. The FBI, already deep into its investigation of election interference, now feared that the most powerful man in the country was trying to obstruct its work.

Robert Mueller was appointed to lead an independent investigation of interference in the 2016 election and other matters that might stem from the inquiry. It was a broad mandate.

Source: Mueller Report: Washington Post Related Materials, p. 9-10 , Apr 23, 2019

Mueller results: 7 guilty pleas and 34 indictments

Mueller's work was at times stymied by the lies witnesses told and the communications that they had deleted or failed to maintain. And they said Trump himself, in resisting a sit-down interview, had provided "inadequate" written answers that stated more than thirty times that he "does not recall" information investigators asked about.

Mueller's team racked up an extraordinary record. His prosecutors charged thirty-four people, including twenty-six Russian nationals. They secured guilty pleas from seven people, including a former national security adviser and the chairman of Trump's campaign. They reconstructed day-to-day interactions of Trump's closest aides and his adult children, exploring dozens of instances of Russian contacts with the Trump campaign. They documented the Russian attack on American democracy in breathtaking detail, even tracing individual keystrokes of Russian military officers in Moscow.

Source: Mueller Report: Washington Post Related Materials, p. 13 , Apr 23, 2019

Campaign manager convicted: conspiracy with Ukraine & Russia

Paul Manafort was charged in federal court on October 30, 2017, then convicted on eight felony counts.

Mueller's 24-page statement of offenses describes all of Paul Manafort's crimes. He agreed that he conspired against the US by illegally laundering through offshore accounts the $60 million he earned in Ukraine from 2006 to 2016. He evaded $15 million in US taxes. He failed to register as a foreign lobbyist while helping his Ukraine clients press their views in Washington.

The conduct outlined by Mueller painted a devastating portrait of Donald Trump's campaign chairman. Manafort had volunteered to work for Trump for free but was drowning in debt at the time. He appeared eager to use his campaign role to angle for money from his wealthy patrons in Ukraine and Russia, working in concert with an alleged Russian intelligence asset. His service for Trump coincided with the ramp-up of Russians intervention in the US election and a ratcheting-up of Trump's pro-Russia campaign rhetoric.

Source: Mueller Report: Washington Post Related Materials, p.617-8 , Apr 23, 2019

Mueller Report: Russia bought pro-Trump social media ads

The Internet Research Agency (IRA), based in St. Petersburg, Russia, received funding from Russian oligarchs with ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin, to carry out a social media campaign designed to provoke and amplify political and social discord in the United States.

To reach larger U.S. audiences, the IRA purchased advertisements from Facebook that promoted the IRA groups on the newsfeeds of U.S. audience members. According to Facebook, the IRA purchased over 3,500 advertisements, and the expenditures totaled approximately $100,000.

IRA-purchased advertisements referencing candidate Trump largely supported his campaign. The first known IRA advertisement explicitly endorsing the Trump Campaign was purchased on April 19, 2016, for its Instagram account "Tea Party News" asking US persons to upload photos with the hashtag "#KIDS4TRUMP." In subsequent months, the IRA purchased dozens of advertisements supporting the Trump Campaign, predominantly through the Facebook groups.

Source: The Mueller Report, Vol. i, pp. 4 & 24-5 , Mar 30, 2019

Russia made up voter fraud story & Trump campaign re-posted

The [Mueller] investigation identified two different forms of connections between the Russia-based Internet Research Agency (IRA) and members of the Trump Campaign. (The investigation identified no similar connections between the IRA and the Clinton Campaign.) First, on multiple occasions, members and surrogates of the Trump Campaign promoted--typically by linking or retweeting--pro-Trump or anti-Clinton social media content published by the IRA. Additionally, in a few instances, IRA employees represented themselves as U.S. persons to communicate with members of the Trump Campaign in an effort to seek assistance and coordination on IRA-organized political rallies inside the US.

Posts from the IRA-controlled Twitter account @TEN_GOP were cited or retweeted by multiple Trump Campaign officials, including Donald J. Trump Jr., Eric Trump, & Kellyanne Conway. These posts included allegations of voter fraud, as well as allegations that Secretary Clinton had mishandled classified information.

Source: The Mueller Report, Vol. i, pp. 33-4 , Mar 30, 2019

Campaign supplied Russians, without knowing it was Russia

Starting in June 2016, [the Russia-based Internet Research Agency] IRA contacted different persons affiliated with the Trump Campaign, while claiming to be US political activists working on behalf of a conservative grassroots organization. The IRA requested signs and other materials to use at IRA-organized rallies, as well as requests to promote the rallies. While certain campaign volunteers agreed to provide the requested support (for example, agreeing to set aside a number of signs), the investigation has not identified evidence that any Trump Campaign official understood the requests were coming from foreign nationals.

In sum, the [Mueller] investigation established that Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election through the social media campaign carried out by the IRA. IRA employees violated US law through these operations, principally by undermining through deceptive acts the work of federal agencies charged with regulating foreign influence in U.S. elections.

Source: The Mueller Report, Vol. i, p. 35 , Mar 30, 2019

Trump: no connection to Russia; Mueller: yes, hotel business

The President had a motive to put the FBI's Russia investigation behind him. The evidence does not establish that the termination of Comey was designed to cover up a conspiracy between the Trump Campaign and Russia. But the evidence does indicate that a thorough FBI investigation would uncover facts about the campaign and the President personally that the President could have understood to be crimes.

Although the President publicly stated during and after the election that he had no connection to Russia, the Trump Organization, through Michael Cohen's repeated briefings, was pursuing the proposed Trump Tower Moscow project through June 2016.

In addition, some witnesses said that Trump privately sought information about future WikiLeaks releases [of Russian email hacks]. More broadly, multiple witnesses described the President's preoccupation with press coverage of the Russia investigation and his persistent concern that it raised questions about the legitimacy of his election.

Source: The Mueller Report, Vol. ii, pp. 76-7 , Mar 30, 2019

Attempted to fire Special Counsel, but staff refused

On May 17, 2017, Acting Attorney General Rosenstein appointed Robert Mueller as Special Counsel to conduct the Russia investigation and matters that arose from the investigation. The President stated that the Special Counsel's appointment was the end of his presidency and that Attorney General Sessions had failed to protect him and should resign. Sessions submitted his resignation, which the President ultimately did not accept. The President told senior advisors that the Special Counsel had conflicts of interest, but they responded that those claims were "ridiculous" and posed no obstacle

That weekend, the President called McGahn and directed him to have the Special Counsel removed because of asserted conflicts of interest. McGahn did not carry out the instruction for fear of being seen as triggering another Saturday Night Massacre and instead prepared to resign. McGahn ultimately did not quit and the President did not follow up with McGahn on his request to remove the Special Counsel.

Source: The Mueller Report, Vol. ii, pp. 77-8 , Mar 30, 2019

Trump challenged Russia to hack Hillary's email; Russia did

On July 27, 2016, [the Russian GRU's] Unit 26165 targeted email accounts connected to candidate Clinton's personal office. Earlier that day, candidate Trump made the following public statement: "Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press." The "30,000 emails" were apparently a reference to emails described in media accounts as stored on a personal server that candidate Clinton had used while serving as Secretary of State.

Within 5 hours of Trump's statement, GRU officers targeted for the first time Clinton's personal office. After candidate Trump's remarks, Unit 26165 created and sent malicious links targeting 15 email accounts. The investigation did not find evidence of earlier GRU attempts to compromise accounts hosted on Clinton's email domain. It is unclear how the GRU was able to identify these email accounts, which were not public.

Source: The Mueller Report, Vol. i, p. 49 , Mar 30, 2019

Sued by Democratic Party for 2016 Russia collusion

The Democratic Party sued President Donald Trump's presidential campaign, the Russian government and the Wikileaks group, claiming a broad conspiracy to help Trump win the 2016 election.

The named defendants in the lawsuit include Trump's son Donald Trump Jr., his son-in-law Jared Kushner, former campaign chief Paul Manafort and campaign official Richard Gates, and Trump ally Roger Stone. Also named is the Russian Federation, the general staff of the Russian armed force, a Russian intelligence services hacker known as Guccifer 2.0., Wikileaks and its leader Julian Assange, and 10 unidentified people.

"No one is above the law," the suit says. "In the run-up to the 2016 election, Russia mounted a brazen attack on American Democracy. The opening salvo was an attack on the DNC, carried out on American soil."

The suit alleges claims that include conspiracy, computer fraud and abuse, misappropriation of trade secrets, trespass, and other violations of the law.

Source: CNBC's coverage of 2018 impeaching Trump , Apr 20, 2018

Donald Trump on Past Campaigns

News media lying about 2020 election & Hunter Biden laptop

The coup-attempting former president seemed upset by the final question of the debate--about his refusal to honor the results of the 2020 election that he had lost and the resulting attack on the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.

[Norah O'Donnell in the debate transcript]: After the 2020 election, President Trump's campaign and others filed 62 lawsuits contesting the results. Judges looked at the evidence and said there was no widespread fraud. The Governors of every state in the nation, Republicans and Democrats, certified the 2020 election results and sent a legal slate of electors to Congress for January 6th.

"CBS is LYING AGAIN about the 2020 Election. Where is my apology from Leslie Stahl? She claimed that the Hunter Biden LAPTOP FROM HELL was not real, and that my Campaign wasn't spied on. CBS IS FAKE NEWS!" he posted on Truth Social.

Trump attacked moderator Norah O'Donnell for even asking: "Norah just made a statement about the Election, not a question. She's having a bad night!"

Source: Huffington Post Fact-Check on 2024 Vice Presidential debate , Oct 1, 2024

I don't acknowledge that I lost in 2020; I got 75M votes

Q: For 3 and a half years after you lost the 2020 election you repeatedly falsely claimed that you won, many times saying you won in a landslide. In the past couple of weeks, you have said you lost by a whisker, that you came up a little bit short.

TRUMP: I said that?

Q: Are you now acknowledging that you lost in 2020?

TRUMP: No, I don't acknowledge that at all.

Q: But you did say that.

TRUMP: I said that sarcastically. You know, oh we lost by a whisker. That was said sarcastically. Look, there's so much proof. All you have to do is look at it. And they should have sent it back to the legislatures for approval. I got almost 75 million votes. The most votes any sitting president has ever gotten. I was told if I got 63, which was what I got in 2016, you can't be beaten. The election, people should never be thinking about an election as fraudulent.

KAMALA HARRIS: Donald Trump was fired by 81 million people. And clearly, he is having a very difficult time processing that.

Source: ABC News 2024 Presidential debate in Philadelphia , Sep 10, 2024

FactCheck: Lost dozens of court cases about 2020 election

Trump said, "I will accept loss if it's a fair election." Biden responded, "You're a whiner who lost every single case" about the 2020 election. Is that true,? This FactCheck reiterates that Trump was heard in court and lost:

(Robert Yoon in Associated Press 8/27/23): Trump is flooding the airwaves with distortions, misinformation and unfounded conspiracy theories about his defeat. The Trump campaign and its backers pursued numerous legal challenges to the election in court and alleged a variety of voter fraud and misconduct. The cases were heard and roundly rejected by dozens of courts at both state and federal levels, including by judges whom Trump appointed. One was on a federal panel that declined a request to stop Pennsylvania from certifying its results, saying, "Ballots, not lawyers' briefs, decide elections." The U.S. Supreme Court also rejected several efforts in the weeks after Election Day to overturn the election results in various battleground states that Biden won.

Source: First Trump-Biden debate, at CNN in Atlanta , Jun 27, 2024

The Big Lie was the Election itself

Why is it that the Unselect Committee of totally partisan political hacks, whose judgment has long ago been made, not discussing the rigged Presidential Election of 2020? It's because they don't have the answers or justifications for what happened. They got away with something, and it is leading to our Country's destruction. They want all conversation concerning the Election "Canceled." Just look at the numbers, they speak for themselves. They are not justifiable, so the complicit media just calls it the Big Lie, when in actuality the Big Lie was the Election itself.

[OnTheIssues FactCheck: Trump is referring to the House committee investigating the insurrection of January 6. As for the 2020 election, neither Trump nor any of his partisans have produced any evidence that it was in any way "rigged": numerous courts have studied several states results and found no valid evidence that would alter the election results].

Source: OnTheIssues FactCheck on Jan. 6 Riot (2024 candidates) , Jan 6, 2022

FactCheck: 2016 was Trump's 3rd run for presidency, not 1st

The term "Stable Genius," the title of the book, comes from a core fact that can be fact-checked:

In January 2018, a national discussion was under way about the presidents fitness for office--specifically, his mental acuity and physiological health. "Actually, throughout my life, my two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart," he continued. "I went from VERY successful businessman, to top T.V. Star to President of the United States (on my first try).

Is it true that Trump became president on his first try? No! He ran in 1999-2000 (see his Jan. 2000 campaign book, The America We Deserve), for the Reform Party nomination, and ran in 2011-2012 (see his Dec. 2011 campaign book, Time to Get Tough), for the Republican Party nomination. The mainstream press forgets those two campaigns, and Trump capitalized on that complicity in 2016--which was his third try, not his first!

Source: OnTheIssues FactCheck on A Very Stable Genius, p. 6 , Jan 21, 2020

OpEd: Spoke to people's disenfranchisement & disempowerment

[In 2016] what I began to realize was that this election was about so much more than just politics. It was about people. It was the politics of the personal. That's one of the reasons so many people responded to Donald Trump's populist message, I think: he hit them where they lived; he spoke to their feeling of disenfranchisement, disengagement, disempowerment.

The difference between his message and mine, though, had to do with the way people responded to those feelings--indeed, with the way they were ENCOURAGED to respond to those feelings. At a Trump rally, many people were driven to anger and blame; there was name calling and finger-pointing. At a Kasich event, people were given hope and all kinds of reasons to lift each other up instead of holding each other down.

Source: Two Paths, by John Kasich, p.208-9 , Apr 25, 2017

OpEd: Make America Great Again by leader being at the helm

Donald Trump Jr. reached out to float the idea of my considering a spot on the Republican ticket, as Trump's vice president. The conversation was widely reported in the press, so I'm not violating any backroom code.

"The governor would be in charge of all domestic and foreign policy," Donald Jr. reportedly said.

My campaign strategist responded, "Well, if that's the case, then what would the president be doing?"

"Why, he'll be busy making American great again," came the reply.

Don Jr. later denied the conversation that took place. [But my campaign staff] offered that there was nothing in Don Jr.'s tone to suggest that the comment was being made ironically or with tongue in cheek. "Making America great again," we could only assume, would be Donald Trump's role; he would leave running the country to someone else and keep his focus on the smoke and mirrors aspects of the job of president, helping Americans feel that he was somehow making their lives better just by being at the helm.

Source: Two Paths, by John Kasich, p.267 , Apr 25, 2017

Get a special prosecutor for email scandal to jail Hillary

Trump: We're going to get a special prosecutor, and we're going to look into [her deleting the classified emails], because you know what? People's lives have been destroyed for doing one-fifth of what [Clinton has] done. And it's a disgrace.

Clinton: It's just awfully good that someone with the temperament of Donald Trump is not in charge of the law in our country.

Trump: Because you'd be in jail.

Source: Second 2016 Presidential Debate at WUSTL in St. Louis MO , Oct 9, 2016

1997: Bill Clinton's vocal backer during Monicagate

Trump was a vocal Clinton supporter in the late 1990s. "I think Bill Clinton is terrific," Trump said on December 27, 1997, on CNN. "I think he's done an amazing job. I think he's probably got the toughest skin I've ever seen, and I think he's a terrific guy."

One month later, reports surfaced that Clinton had had a secret sexual relationship with an intern named Monica Lewinsky. Trump was unperturbed, becoming one of Clinton's most vocal backers. "The best thing he has going is the fact that the economy's doing great," Trump said in August 1998, days after Clinton finally admitted a relationship with Lewinsky. "They talked about the eighties were good. The nineties are better." When a former Arkansas state employee, Paula Jones, sued Clinton, alleging sexual harassment, Trump called her "a loser." Trump suggested that if her were a candidate, he would face similar controversy: "Can you imagine how controversial that'd be? You think about him with women. How about me with the women?"

Source: Trump Revealed, by Michael Kranish & Mark Fisher, p.284 , Aug 23, 2016

Talked about running for president since 1985

Trump had been talking about the presidency since 1985. In 1988, he proposed himself as the running mate of the first President George Bush, a job that went to Senator Dan Quayle. I also watched Trump run in 2000 on the ticket for the Reform Party.

Trump again declared his candidacy in 2012. Trump's campaign then had a purpose other than moving to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. His real goal, we surmised, was a more lucrative contract with the NBC television network for his aging "Celebrity Apprentice" show. As such, journalists gave little regard to his announcement for the 2016 election.

But this time things were different. I'd spent decades as an investigative reporter, reporting on him, and I had kept my files. When Trump announced his bid for the Republican nomination for the 2016 election, I knew it was for real.

Source: The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston, p. xi-xii , Aug 2, 2016

Didn't vote in any Republican primary from 1989 until 2016

[Trump's grandfather] Friedrich was the genesis of many family traditions in America, but voting was not among them. In fact, his grandson Donald would run for president after failing to vote in the 2002 general election, and, as records indicate, in any Republican primary from 1989 until he voted for himself in 2016.

[The next generation] were even less diligent in their civic duties. When Donald Trump's name appeared on the New York State primary ballot in 2016, his daughter Ivanka and son Eric, both in their thirties, could not cast ballots because they had neglected to register as Republicans. They blamed the government, saying they should have been allowed to change from independent to Republican at the last minute. But the primary voting rules, however outmoded, had been law in the Empire State for many years.

Source: The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston, p. 4-5 , Aug 2, 2016

My old liberal political views evolved like Reagan's did

Q: Back in 1999, you were for the wealth tax. You were for single payer. You're not for it now. How can conservatives trust that you're not going to change again?

TRUMP: Ronald Reagan himself was a Democrat at one point. And I worked with him, and he liked me a lot, and I liked [him] a lot. And he was a terrific guy, but he was a liberal Democrat, and he changed. And I have evolved very strongly in the same way. I'm a conservative and I have tremendous support, but I also have a lot of support among Democrats. You know, when you look at our polls, I have support from all over the place, and people are actually shocked by it: "Mr. Trump, you're leading in every poll."

Source: ABC This Week 2015 interviews of 2016 presidential hopefuls , Aug 9, 2015

Avoiding candidate debates cheats the American public

Q: Your reaction to the possibility that the Reform Party candidate may not be allowed in the presidential debates?

DONALD TRUMP: It's disgraceful. It's amazing that they can get away with it. I think they're very concerned. I think they're extremely nervous about it. I also think that probably the law will be changed in this case, or the rule may be changed in this case, because it's just inconceivable to me that they can allow this to happen.

JESSE VENTURA: I think it's despicable. Here in Minnesota when I ran, at the point of the primary, I was only polling 10%, which means that if you went by their criteria, I would not have been allowed to debate and subsequently would have not won the election. It shows great fear on their part in the fact that a candidate like me can be at 10% and can turn around in a mere six weeks and win. It's obviously clear to me that they don't want that to happen again. I think it's cheating the American public.

Source: CNN coverage of Reform Party Presidential Race , Jan 7, 2000

Lost 2000 Reform primary to Pat Buchanan and John Hagelin

Q: Will you endorse Trump?

GOV. JESSE VENTURA: If Donald decides to become a candidate, it will be at that point in time. But I can't sit out here and say, "Yes, I'm endorsing Donald Trump" when he's not a candidate, because if he makes the choice, which is certainly his choice and the people close to him to make that choice. If he decides to the negative that, no, he doesn't want to get in as a candidate, well, then that makes me look kind of stupid. You know, and I don't like looking stupid.

[OTI explanation: Donald Trump briefly entered the Reform Party presidential primaries in 2000, but lost without winning primaries in any states. Pat Buchanan won 47 states and the Reform Party nomination; John Hagelin won 3 states. Jesse Ventura and Ross Perot were the major founders of the Reform Party; Ventura's faction encouraged Trump to enter the primaries.]

Source: CNN coverage of Reform Party Presidential Race , Jan 7, 2000

Donald Trump on Personal Background

My mother was like a saint, my father was most solid person

I have a mother who was like a saint. She was incredible. She was an incredible woman. My father was the most solid person I've ever met. He was a very good person. He was a very, very good person. He was strong but he was good. For [Mary Trump in her book] to say the kind of things, a psychopath, that he was a psychopath, anybody that knew Fred Trump would call him a psychopath? My father was tough on me, he was tough on all of the kids. But tough in a really good sense. That book is a lie.
Source: Fox News Sunday interview of 2020 presidential hopefuls , Jul 19, 2020

OpEd diagnosis: antisocial/dependent personality disorder

I've watched as countless pundits, armchair phycologists, and journalists kept missing the mark, using phrases such as "malignant narcissism" and "narcissistic personality disorder", in an attempt to characterize Donald's often bizarre and self-defeating behavior. I have no problem calling Donald a narcissist, he meets all nine criteria as outlined in the Diagnostic and Statistical manual of Mental Disorders--but the label only gets us so far.

Does Donald have other symptoms we are unaware of? A case could be made that he also meets the criteria for antisocial personality disorder, which in its most severe form is also considered sociopathy but can also refer to criminality, arrogance, and disregard for the rights of others. Donald may also meet the criteria for dependent personality disorder, the hallmark of which include an inability to make decisions or take personal responsibility, discomfort with being alone, and going to excess lengths to get support from others.

Source: Too Much and Never Enough, by Mary Trump, p. 12-13 , Jul 14, 2020

OpEd: false bravado based in childhood fear of father

Donald continues to exist in the dark space between the fear of indifference and the fear of failure that led to his brother's destruction. The combination of those two things, what he witnessed and what he experienced, both isolated him and terrified him. The role it played in his childhood and the role it plays now can't be overstated. And the facts that fear continues to be an overriding emotion for him speaks to the hell that must have existed in the house six decades ago.

Every time you hear Donald talking about how something is the greatest, the best, the biggest, the most tremendous, you have to remember that the man speaking is still, in essential ways, the same little boy who is desperately worried that he, like his older brother, is inadequate and that he, too will be destroyed for his inadequacy. At a very deep level, his bragging, and false bravado are not directed at the audience in front of him but at an audience of one: his long dead father.

Source: Too Much and Never Enough, by Mary Trump, p.202 , Jul 14, 2020

OpEd: in Trump family, fear is seen as weakness

On November 9, 2016, my despair was triggered in part by the certainty that Donald's cruelty and incompetence would get people killed. I couldn't have seen that a global pandemic would present itself, allowing him to display his grotesque indifference to the lives of other people.

Donald's initial response to COVID-19 underscores his need to minimize negativity at all cost. Fear--the equivalent of weakness in our family--is as unacceptable to him now as it was when he was three years old. When Donald is in the most trouble, superlatives are no longer enough; both the situation and the reactions to it must be unique, even if absurd or nonsensical. On his watch, "Nobody could have predicted" a pandemic that his own Department of Health and Human Services was running simulations for just a few months before COVID-19 struck in Washington State. Why does he do this? Fear.

Source: Too Much and Never Enough, by Mary Trump, p.207-8 , Jul 14, 2020

Coronavirus: I shake anybody's hand now; I'm proud of it

Q: Before the campaign, you didn't like to shake hands. Have you changed anything in the way that you operate?

TRUMP: I love the people of this country. You can't be a politician and not shake hands. They want to shake your hand. They want to say hello. They want to hug you. They want to kiss you. I don't care. You have to do that. The bottom line is, I shake anybody's hand now. I'm proud of it. They're people that I love. They're people that I want to take care of. You're hearing a lot of stuff about "Try not to shake hands." It hasn't stopped me at all. It is a little bit of a problem, but I got over it.

Source: Fox News Town Halls at the Scranton Cultural Center , Mar 5, 2020

Fixated on personal dignity, uprightness, and respectability

The president and First Family are not subjected to [the typical] celebrity media unflattering photographs, or in endless speculation about their private lives. Even in the worst scandals, a businesslike suit-and-tie formality is still accorded the president. Saturday Night Live presidential skits are funny in part because they play on our belief that in reality, presidents are quite contained and buttoned-down figures, and their families, trotting not far behind, colorless and obedient.

His is a 1950s businessman sort of ideal. Personal dignity--that is, apparent uprightness and respectability--is one of his fixations. Formality and convention--before he became president, almost everybody without high celebrity or a billion dollars called him "Mr. Trump"--are a central part of his identity. Casualness is the enemy of pretense. And his pretense was that the Trump brand stood for power, wealth, arrival.

Source: Fire and Fury, by Michael Wolff, p. 89-90 , Jan 5, 2018

Favorite movie: Citizen Kane, about risks of accumulation

When he talked about the movies he loved, Trump was asked about Citizen Kane, the Orson Welles classic about an idealistic newspaper owner who acquires great wealth and loses his soul, Trump said, "Citizen Kane was really about accumulation, and at the end of the accumulation, you see what happens, and it's not necessarily all positive. Not positive...In real life, I believe that wealth does in fact isolate you from other people. It's a protective mechanism. You have your guard up, much more so than you would if you didn't have wealth".

He fancied himself a man of the people, more interested in the praise of cabdrivers and construction workers then in accolades from the rich and the powerful.

Source: Trump Revealed, by Michael Kranish & Mark Fisher, p. 4 , Aug 23, 2016

Father arrested in 1927 KKK riot, but didn't support Klan

The Klan kept up its nativist drumbeat. On May 30, 1927, at a Memorial Day parade, Trump, a 21-year-old Protestant and now the head of the family business, joined thousands of New Yorkers who attended. The KKK dressed in their robes and hoods, carrying giant American flags, passed out handbills in Trump's neighborhood alleging that Catholic members of the police force were harassing "native-born Protestant Americans." This typical Klan tactic tried to pit Catholics against Protestants, while stirring up anti-immigrant feelings.

A thousand Klansmen assembled at the intersection of Jamaica Ave. and 85th Street, and "combatants were knocked down, Klan banners were shredded." Fred Trump wound up in the thick of the melee, and he was arrested.

The charge against Trump was "refusing to disperse from a parade when ordered," but the charge was promptly dismissed. News accounts did not say whether Trump was for or against the Klan, or whether he was at the parade merely to see the spectacle.

Source: Trump Revealed, by Michael Kranish & Mark Fisher, p. 27-8 , Aug 23, 2016

OpEd: "Apprentice" turned Trump from blowhard to candidate

As soon as Apprentice hit the top ten in its first season, Trump was in demand on talk shows as never before. The appearances were initially meant to promote the TV show, but almost immediately, Trump started talking politics. The people who made The Apprentice with Trump didn't think he would ever really run for office, but they recall his drawing a direct line from the show's success to the possibility that he'd shoot for the nation's top job.

The Apprentice turned Trump from a blowhard Richie Rich who had just gone through his most difficult decade into an unlikely symbol of straight talk, an evangelist for the American gospel of success. Above all, Apprentice sold an image of the host-boss as supremely competent and confident, dispensing his authority and getting immediate results.

The show's creator came to believe that if Trump ever ran fro president, it wouldn't be a result of The Apprentice, but without The Apprentice there could be no candidacy.

Source: Trump Revealed, by Michael Kranish & Mark Fisher, p.217-8 , Aug 23, 2016

At 58, met and married Melania, age 34, at Kit Kat Klub

At 58, after two failed marriages, Trump found a partner who fulfilled his long-standing desire for a "no-maintenance woman." Melania, who was 34 when they wed, did not generate headlines or seek to upstage him. Donald's children referred to her as "the Portrait" because she spoke so little.

Born Melanija Knavs in the former Yugoslavia. Feeling stifled under her country's socialist regime, Melania told high school friends that she wanted to escape and travel around the world. Modeling was her path. She worked as a fashion model in Milan, Paris, and New York.

One night in 1998, Melania found herself at the Kit Kat Klub because her modeling agency was hosting a party. Donald, who had recently split up with Marla Maples, was at the event with a date, a beautiful Norwegian heiress. But Trump noticed Melania and asked for her phone number. Melania resisted, aware that Trump had come to the party with another woman. But Trump was persistent and soon they began going out.

Source: Trump Revealed, by Michael Kranish & Mark Fisher, p.267 , Aug 23, 2016

OpEd: Lifelong dance of mutual manipulation with the press

Although Trump's attitude toward Obama was tinged with emotion, he was far more caustic in his remarks about the fourth estate. "There is tremendous dishonesty, tremendous dishonesty, in the press," he volunteered, naming prominent Trump critics as chief offenders. Trump's most venomous words are reserved for the editor of Vanity Fair, whom he calls "scumbag Graydon Carter." Trump will mention the man many times, always saying the phrase in a hurry as if it were a single, indivisible word: "Scumbagraydoncarter."

Considering his lifelong dance of mutual manipulation with the press, Trump's complaints are more than a little ironic. Few have profited more from the tide of celebrity news that has swamped the public discourse. His analysis is also entirely self-referential. When the writer Timothy O`Brien said Trump wasn't as wealthy as he claimed, Trump sued. He lost, but considering the costs incurred, O`Brien's publisher lost too.

Source: article with Trump's "Never Enough" biographer , Sep 25, 2015

A germophobe: constantly washes hands; dislikes handshakes

When Trump turned to the subject of fame and its effects, he wrote from a unique perspective. Fame, which was part of his business plan, had contributed substantially to his successes even as it exacted a price.

Trump: Surviving at the Top was filled with firsthand reports on the bizarre behavior of fame-addled celebrities. Trump devoted a full page to Howard Hughes. Like Donald, Hughes was linked to many beautiful women and operated a gambling business. He was also famously germophobic, a trait that Trump confessed he too possessed. "I'm constantly washing my hands, and it wouldn't bother me if I never had to shake hands with a well- meaning stranger again."

Trump's seemingly frank statements about his contamination anxiety--gave the impression of a man who was willing to reveal himself. But all he copped to were a few missteps and quirks and forgivable sins such as working too hard.

Source: Never Enough, by Michael D`Antonio, p.217-8 , Sep 22, 2015

Attended military academy & Wharton Business School

Trump grew up in Queens, New York, where his father had created a real estate business from scratch. His father sent him off to the New York Military Academy where he was a captain of the cadets and captain of the baseball team. "I learned a lot about discipline & about channeling my aggression into achievement," he wrote in his 1987 book, "The Art of the Deal." "I was a good-enough student at the academy, thought I can't say I worked very hard. I was lucky that it came relatively easy to me, because I was never all that interested in schoolwork."

He said he "flirted briefly" with attending film school at the University of Southern California but decided that real estate was his calling. He spent two years at Fordham University in the Bronx before transferring to the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School and graduating in 1968. "Perhaps the most important thing I learned at Wharton was not to be overly impressed by academic credentials," he wrote in "The Art of the Deal."

Source: Forbes Magazine "2016 Candidates Want You to Know" series , Jun 16, 2015

The Art of the Hair: it's all natural, and all mine

I'm amazed by how often people ask me whether or not I wear a hairpiece, a wig, or a rug, as it is affectionately known.

The answer, for the record, is emphatically and categorically no: I do not wear a rug. My hair is one hundred percent mine. No animals have been harmed in the creation of my hairstyle.

However, I must admit that the day might come when I will wear a hairpiece, wig, or rug--but only if I go bald, which I hope never happens. The reason for this is because, I, like most men, am very vain. Random House is paying me a fortune for this book and specifically requested a chapter on "the art of the hair," so I will admit to my vanity.

The reason my hair looks so neat all the time is because I don't have to deal with the elements very often. I will also admit that I color my hair. Somehow, the color never looks great, but what the hell, I just don't like gray hair. I wonder how much longer my hair will be a national topic of conversation.

Source: How to Get Rich, by Donald Trump, p.151-2 , Mar 23, 2004

Donald Trump on Religion

Christians do not vote in large numbers; but vote for me

Fox News host Laura Ingraham repeatedly prodded President Trump over his comments at a conservative Christian summit, where he told attendees they won't have to vote anymore after November.

Some Democrats have suggested the former president was saying there would be no more elections if he won. Instead, Trump repeatedly argued his comments were because Christians do not vote in large numbers.

"That statement is very simple. I said, 'Vote for me; you're not going to have to do it ever again.' It's true, because we have to get the vote out. Christians are not known as a big voting group," Trump said. "This time, vote. I'll straighten out the country, you won't have to vote anymore. I won't need your vote. You can go back to not voting," he added.

"You meant you won't have to vote for you because you have four years in office. Is that what you meant?" Ingraham asked. Trump repeated his argument that Christians tend not to vote in large numbers.

Source: The Hill e-zine on 2024 Presidential hopefuls , Jul 29, 2024

Time to "bring back God" to schools and public squares

[On God in schools]: "I will immediately sign a new executive order to cut federal funding for any school pushing critical race theory, transgender insanity and other inappropriate racial, sexual or political content on our content," Trump added, claiming it was time to "bring back God" to schools and public squares.
Source: The Daily Beast on 2023 Faith & Freedom Coalition , Apr 23, 2023

Trump visit to Vatican more about detente than armistice

The Trump presidency introduced tensions unprecedented in the history of relations between the United States and the Vatican; this was not merely the result of a political accident but an index of divergent long-term trajectories. Pope Francis's particular attention to building bridges with Islam, the environmental issue, the pivots towards Asia, the Church's witness on immigration, and other social issues are part of a long-term vision for global Catholicism. While Trump's interactions with Francis during his May 2017 visit to the Vatican with First Lady Melania Trump followed protocol, even projecting a sense of diplomatic normalcy, on the Vatican side, that visit was an attempt at "detente" rather than armistice.

The idea was to introduce the pathogen of Trumpism into the symbolic and administrative heart of Catholicism, to make Rome the parallel capitol of a new anti-European and anti-Francis continent. That project, undertaken between 2018 and 2019, failed.

Source: Biden and Catholicism, by Massimo Faggioli, p. 69 , Jan 20, 2021

Aligned with Catholic leaders critical of Pope Francis

It is no coincidence that Archbishop Vigano addressed President Trump with a series of public messages during the 2020 election campaign and that the former nuncio received by Trump both public praise and a sense of legitimacy. This liaison dangereuse between Vigano and Trump continued well into the transition period after November 3, during the attempts orchestrated by the Trump movement to undermine the legitimacy of the election results via both legal challenges and Trump rallies. At the rally of December 12, in Washington, D.C., former nuncio appeared in the video, while some members of the Catholic clergy were present in person, and one of them addressed Trump supporters from the podium delivering something like an attempt at a political exorcism against the election of Joe Biden.
Source: Biden and Catholicism, by Massimo Faggioli, p. 97 , Jan 20, 2021

Our country, blessed by God, has a special purpose

What united generations past was an unshakable confidence in America's destiny, and an unbreakable faith in the American People. They knew that our country is blessed by God, and has a special purpose in this world. It is that conviction that inspired the formation of our union, our westward expansion, the abolition of slavery, the passage of civil rights, the space program, and the overthrow of fascism, tyranny and communism.

In the left's backward view, they do not see America as the most free, just, and exceptional nation on Earth. Instead, they see a wicked nation that must be punished for its sins. Our opponents say that redemption for YOU can only come from giving power to THEM. This is a tired anthem spoken by every repressive movement throughout history. In America, we don't turn to government to restore our souls -- we put our faith in Almighty God.

Source: Speech at 2020 Republican National Convention , Aug 28, 2020

Respects evangelical leaders on prayer and on policy

His respect for the clergy and evangelical leaders is apparent. He not only values their prayers and spiritual counsel in private, But he also respects their public policy knowledge on the issues of the day as well. His evangelical advisory board is concrete evidence of that. Michelle Bachmann, the former Minnesota congresswoman and 2012 presidential candidate, is part of that select group of evangelicals around the president who applaud how he is leaning into them. "For too long Christians have been excluded from the table in decision making in Washington DC," Bachmann said. "They (Trump and Pence) do not shy away, nor are they ashamed with being associated with evangelical Christians. In fact, they take the advice, they do listen to the advice of the evangelical Christians."
Source: The Faith of Donald J. Trump, by Brody & Lamb, p.274-275 , Feb 3, 2018

Always felt the need to pray; needs God more as president

During his first term we know that Trump has rarely attended church. And while we know that going to church regularly is good for the soul and for building community with other believers, we also acknowledge that ultimately God measures a man's heart, not his church attendance record. A lack of church attendance doesn't necessarily translate into lack of spiritual significance. We know he is constantly surrounded by evangelical leaders who pray with him and for him on consistent basis. Nobody except for God and Trump will know the consistency of his prayer life, but in an interview I conducted with the president during his first week in office, he gave signs that he relies on a power higher than his own. "I've always felt the need to pray." Trump told me. "So I would say that the office is so powerful that you need God even more. There's almost not a decision that you make when you're sitting in this position that isn't a life altering decision. So God comes into it even more so."
Source: The Faith of Donald J. Trump, by Brody & Lamb, p.285-286 , Feb 3, 2018

I really believe the Lord is speaking to me

[TV evangelist Paula] White discovered that Trump loves Southern Gospel music and one of his favorites is Bill Gaither, [whom Trump saw] on Christian TV. For a birthday or anniversary she would send him Gaither tapes, along with books & sermons. "Have I had in-depth spiritual conversations with Trump? Absolutely," White said. "Let me say something very literal about our president: 100% he has a relationship with God, through the Lord Jesus Christ as his savior."

In 2012, Trump called White and told her he was thinking of running for president. There was a time for prayer as he pondered the decision. Of course he didn't run then, but he called her again in 2015 and told her, "I really believe the Lord is speaking to me, that maybe I'm supposed to run for president.' I asked him, 'As my friend, what can I do for you? He asked me to bring some pastors in to him, and I did." Time & again, White and various pastors have surrounded Trump and placed their hands on his shoulders as prayers were spoken.

Source: The Faith of Donald J. Trump, by Brody & Lamb, p.135 , Feb 3, 2018

Not sure if he's ever asked God for forgiveness

[Trump was asked], "Have you ever asked God for forgiveness?"

I am not sure I have. I just try to go and do a better job from there. I don't think so. I think if I do something wrong, I just try to go back and make it right. I don't bring God into that picture. I don't.

Now when I take, you know, when I go to church, and drink my little wine, which is about the only wine I drink, and have my little cracker, I guess that is my forgiveness. And I do that as often as possible because I feel cleansed, ok? But you know, to me, that is important I do that. In terms of officially-see, I could tell you, "Absolutely"-and everybody-I don't think in terms of that.

Source: The Faith of Donald J. Trump, by Brody & Lamb, p.150-151 , Feb 3, 2018

God helped me by giving me a certain brain

[Trump was asked], "Does God help you do these great deals?"

"I think God helped me by giving me a certain brain, whether that's a good thing or a bad thing. I went through a phenomenal school, The Wharton School of Finance. I did really well there. I was a great student. So I mean, I was born with a certain intellect that is good for this."

Trump attributed his intellectual and financial success in life to God's gifting. Such attribution is a common religious practice-Thanksgiving.

Source: The Faith of Donald J. Trump, by Brody & Lamb, p.153 , Feb 3, 2018

The Bible is like a great, incredible movie

Trump compared the Bible to a great movie or a great work of art.

"I don't like to use this anthology, but like a great movie, a great incredible movie. You'll see it once it will be good. You'll see it again, you'll see it twenty times, and every time you'll appreciate it more. The bible is the most special thing.

My colleagues and I left portions of the interview on the editing room floor. Such is the nature of broadcast news that you only use a small portion of the material you obtain.

Source: The Faith of Donald J. Trump, by Brody & Lamb, p.162 , Feb 3, 2018

Supports religious liberty, and the motto, "In God We Trust"

Every day, we're restoring common sense and the timeless values that unite us all. We believe in the Constitution and the rule of law. We believe in the First Amendment right. And we believe in religious liberty. And we believe strongly in the Second Amendment and the right to keep and bear arms which is under siege, folks. They have a lot of plans. It's under siege. Be careful. But I'll protect you, I promise you that. I'll protect you. Because it all has to come through my office. And we hopefully are going to be here for six more years, so you're in good shape. We believe in the American Dream, not in the socialist nightmare. And we believe in the words of our national motto: In God We Trust.
Source: Speech at the 2019 CPAC Convention , Mar 2, 2017

I go to communion and that's asking forgiveness

Q: Briefly describe your spiritual beliefs and values.

Trump: "First Presbyterian Church in Jamaica, Queens, is where I went to church," he told Christian Broadcasting Network in 2012. "I'm a Protestant, I'm a Presbyterian. And you know I've had a good relationship with the church over the years. I think religion is a wonderful thing. I think my religion is a wonderful religion." He goes to church "when I can. Always on Christmas. Always on Easter. Always when there's a major occasion. I'm a Sunday church person." In 2015 Trump said in response to Anderson Cooper trying to get clarification on Trump's stand on asking for forgiveness, "Why do I have to repent or ask for forgiveness, if I am not making mistakes?" asked Trump. "I work hard, I'm an honorable person." In the same interview, he also said, "I go to communion and that's asking forgiveness, you know, it's a form of asking forgiveness." He then stressed that he "likes to work where he doesn't have to ask forgiveness."

Source: 2016 AFA Action iVoterGuide on 2016 presidential hopefuls , Nov 8, 2016

Our media culture often mocks and demeans people of faith

One of the greatest privileges of my journey has been the time I've spent with the evangelical community. And the support they gave me in those primaries was absolutely incredible, I have to tell you. All across the nation. A lot of people said: "I wonder if Donald will get the evangelicals." I got the evangelicals.

There are no more decent, devoted, or selfless people than our Christians brothers and sisters here in the US. I've witnessed that incredible generosity all across this land. I saw it during my trip to Louisiana, where Christian volunteers raced to help their fellow citizens in need. It's that spirit of giving that we will need to rebuild Louisiana and to rebuild this country, which is in serious, serious trouble.

Yet, our media culture often mocks and demeans people of faith. And you understand that. All the time I hear from concerned parents how much harder it is for a Christian family to raise their children in today's media environment.

Source: 11th Annual Value Voters Summit - 2016 , Sep 9, 2016

Cherish and defend our Christian heritage

In a Trump administration, our Christian heritage will be cherished, protected, defended, like you've never seen before. Believe me. I believe it. And you believe it. And you know it. And that includes religious liberty.

I recently had a chance to visit a church in Detroit, Great Faith Ministries International. I spoke about how African American churches--and this is all across the country--for centuries have been the conscience of our nation. Their unbreakable faith and sprit overcame some of the most difficult periods in our history, leading us all to a better future. This is the power of faith. It's the power to heal. It's the power to unite. It's the power to make all of us live better lives--all of us.

Our nation today is divided. Nobody likes to say it, but we're living in a very, very divided nation. It will be our faith in God and his teachings, in each other, that will lead us back to unity.

Source: 11th Annual Value Voters Summit - 2016 , Sep 9, 2016

Repeal LBJ law: let preachers talk politics, tax-exempt

To create the American future for everybody--not just a certain group of people, but for everybody--the first thing we have to do is give our churches their voice back. It's been taken away. The Johnson amendment has blocked our pastors and ministers and others from speaking their minds from their own pulpits. If they want to talk about Christianity, if they want to preach, if they want to talk about politics, they're unable to do so. If they want to do it, they take a tremendous risk that they lose their tax-exempt status.

All religious leaders should be able to freely express their thoughts and feelings on religious matters. And I will repeal the Johnson amendment if I am elected your president, I promise. So important. When did it happen? 1954 or so. Lyndon Johnson was having problems with churches. And he put in an amendment that basically stopped our great pastors and ministers and others from talking, under the penalty of losing their tax-exempt status.

Source: 11th Annual Value Voters Summit - 2016 , Sep 9, 2016

I have a daughter and son-in-law who are Jewish

When asked about relations with Israel, Donald Trump responded, "I have tremendous love for Israel. I happen to have a son-in-law and a daughter that are Jewish, OK? And two grandchildren that are Jewish." Is that true?

We fact-checked and found that Trump's daughter Ivanka, converted to Judaism in 2009 and is raising Donald's grandchildren under Jewish tradition. According to Vogue magazine (Feb. 25, 2015), Ivanka in 2007 met her future husband Jared Kushner, who is an Orthodox Jew and a real estate developer in New York. Ivanka converted to Judaism prior to their marriage in 2009, and they keep a kosher home and, Ivanak says, "we observe the Sabbath; from Friday to Saturday we don't make phone calls. It's an amazing thing when you're so connected-- for [our daughter] Arabella to know that she has me, undivided, one day a week We don't do anything except play with each other, hang out with one another, go on walks together. Pure family.

Source: OnTheIssues FactCheck on 2016 GOP primary debate in Miami , Mar 11, 2016

Who in the world is offended by "Merry Christmas"?

What offends me is the way our religious beliefs are being treated in public. There are restrictions on what you can say and what you can't say, as well as what you can put up in a public area. The belief in the lessons of the Bible has had a lot to do with our growth and success. That's our tradition, and for more than 200 years it has worked very well. For years you'd have beautiful mangers in public spaces and nobody complained about it.

Now? Mary and the baby Jesus are seldom shown. Even the word "Christmas" has somehow become controversial. Who in the world could be offended by someone saying "Merry Christmas"?! That greeting isn't critical of any other religion, and it isn't being disrespectful to those who practice another religion. It's a wonderful tradition.

The same people who demand respect for their beliefs often don't show respect for the beliefs of others. It seems like every week there is a negative ruling on some issue having to do with Christianity. I think it's outrageous.

Source: Crippled America, by Donald Trump, p.131-2 , Nov 3, 2015

I love God, and I love having a relationship with Him

The first church I belonged to was the First Presbyterian Church in Jamaica, Queens. I went there every Sunday for Bible class. The church had a strong influence on me. Later I went to Reverend Norman Vincent Peale's Marble Collegiate Church when I was in New York, and joined Bethesda-by-the-Sea in Palm Beach, Florida. I learned a lot from Norman Vincent Peale, who wrote the classic "The Power of Positive Thinking."

I think people are shocked when they find out that I am a Christian, that I am a religious person. They see me with all the surroundings of wealth so they sometimes don't associate that with being religious. That's not accurate. I go to church, I love God, and I love having a relationship with Him.

I've said it before--I think the Bible is the most important book ever written--not even close. I've had a good relationship with the church over the years--God is in my life every day. I don't go to church every Sunday, but I do go as often as I can.

Source: Crippled America, by Donald Trump, p.130-1 , Nov 3, 2015

Donald Trump on Scandals

Harris is Biden 2.0, and hid Crooked Joe's decline

Any hopes that having Kamala Harris waiting in the wings would calm Democrat nerves has obviously failed. Why? Because Kamala Harris is Joe Biden 2.0.
  • She was the copilot on some of Biden's most egregious failures as Biden's "border czar."
  • She is anti-worker. Harris embraces pro-China electric vehicle mandates, wants to eliminate the Trump middle-class tax cuts, supports the socialist Green New Deal, and wants to ban everything from plastic straws to fracking to offshore drilling.
  • She is a liar. For years, Democrats have been perpetrating a massive fraud as they willfully hid Crooked Joe Biden's obvious cognitive decline from the public--and no one has been more central to the coverup than Harris. Team Trump has documented numerous times Harris lied directly to the American people about Biden's condition.Kamala Harris' radical policies and her part in one of the greatest coverups in American history have disqualified her from office.
    Source: Trump Presidential Campaign 2024 press release: "Biden 2.0" , Jul 12, 2024

    Rated worst president by panel of 159 scholars

    TRUMP about Biden: His presidency, without question, the worst president, the worst presidency in the history of our country.

    BIDEN about TRUMP: And by the way, worst president in history. 159 presidential scholars voted him the worst president in the history of the United States of America.

    TRUMP about Biden: He is the worst president. He just said it about me because I said it. But look, he's the worst president in the history of our country. He's destroyed our country.

    BIDEN about TRUMP: Talking about worst presidents--I wasn't joking--look it up. Go online. 159 or 158, don't hold me the exact number, presidential historians. They've had meetings and they voted who's the worst president in American history. One through best to worst. They said he was the worst in all of American history. That's a fact. That's not conjecture. He can argue they're wrong, but that's what they voted.

    [See FactCheck; Biden is citing a survey; Trump is expressing an opinion].

    Source: First Trump-Biden debate, at CNN in Atlanta , Jun 27, 2024

    Hunter Biden verdict a distraction from Biden Crime Family

    Trump Campaign Statement on the Hunter Biden Trial Verdict and Biden Crime Family: "This trial has been nothing more than a distraction from the real crimes of the Biden Crime Family, which has raked in tens of millions of dollars from China, Russia and Ukraine. Crooked Joe Biden's reign over the Biden Family Criminal Empire is all coming to an end on November 5th, and never again will a Biden sell government access for personal profit."

    FactCheck (CNN June 11, 2024): A federal jury has convicted Hunter Biden on all three federal felony gun charges he faced, concluding that he violated laws meant to prevent drug addicts from owning firearms. The conviction marks the first time a president's immediate family member has been found guilty of a crime during their father's term in office, though his crimes predate Joe Biden's tenure as president. The jury returned guilty verdicts on all three charges, which stemmed from a revolver Hunter Biden bought in October 2018.

    Source: CNN FactCheck on Pres. 2024 press release: "Verdict" , Mar 30, 2024

    I said I'm going to be a dictator for one day

    So I said, I'm going to be a dictator for one day. They cut it, they go, "I'm going to be a dictator." But they cut the rest of the sentence. No, no, I am not going to be a dictator. I'm going to manage like we did. We were so successful that the country was coming together. It was actually coming together and coming together well, it was a beautiful thing to see and we're going to do that again.
    Source: Fox News Town Hall 2024 pre-Iowa caucus , Jan 10, 2024

    OpEd: "I am your retribution" means he'll exact retribution

    Q: Asked last night in Iowa whether he would be a dictator if he wins a second term in office, Donald Trump quipped, no, "Except for day one", promising to seal the southern border.

    Gov. Chris Christie: He's made it very clear. There's no mystery to what he wants to do. He started off his campaign by saying, "I am your retribution." [Trump] wants to be back as president because he wants to exact retribution on anyone who has disagreed with him, anyone who has tried to hold him to account for his own conduct. Yet at the first debate, my three colleagues on this stage, when asked if he would be convicted of federal felonies, [said] that they would still support him, even if convicted of felonies. Federal felonies which involve our election process, federal felonies which involve the most sensitive of our governmental secrets. Do I think he was kidding when he said he was a dictator? Be careful of what you're going to get if you ever got another Donald Trump term. It's Donald Trump first.

    Source: NewsNation 2023 Republican primary debate in Alabama , Dec 6, 2023

    FactCheck: No advice-of-counsel defense on election denial

    [Trump said about election denialism in a 9/17/23 Meet the Press interview]:

    TRUMP: You know who I listen to? Myself. I saw what happened. I watched that election, and I thought the election was over at 10 o'clock in the evening.

    Q: Were you calling the shots, though, Mr. President, ultimately?

    TRUMP: As to whether or not I believed it was rigged? Oh, sure. It was my decision.

    Fact-Check by ABA Journal (August 3, 2023):John Lauro, a lawyer for former President Donald Trump, is pointing to an advice-of-counsel defense in the case accusing Trump of trying to subvert the 2020 election results. Trump thought that he could ask then-Vice President Mike Pence to halt the count of presidential electors based on a "very detailed memorandum from a constitutional expert," Lauro told Fox News. Trump "got advice from counsel--very, very wise and learned counsel--on a variety of constitutional and legal issues," Lauro told NPR. "So it's a very straightforward defense."

    Source: ABA Journal FactCheck of 2024 Presidential primary hopefuls , Aug 3, 2023

    Sexual abuse case: claims trial was rigged & partisan

    Q: A Manhattan jury found you sexually abused the writer, E. Jean Carroll, and defamed her.

    TRUMP: What's happening is they're doing this for election interference. This woman, I have no idea who she is.

    Q: This was a jury of nine people who found you liable of sexual abuse.

    TRUMP: I never met this woman. This woman said I met her at the front door of Bergdorf-Goodman; I was immediately attracted to her; We had this great chemistry. And a few minutes later, we ended up in a dressing room. What kind of a woman meets somebody and brings him up and within minutes, you're playing hanky-panky in a dressing room?

    Q: This was a jury though.

    TRUMP: They said she wasn't raped; that was her charge.

    Q: They found that you sexually abused her. Do you wish you had testified?

    TRUMP: We had a horrible Clinton-appointed judge. This is a rigged deal. My lawyer said, "sir, you don't have to do it. This is a fake story and you don't want to give it credibility." That's why I didn't go.

    Source: CNN Town Hall: interviews of 2024 presidential candidates , May 10, 2023

    Can't recall if he shared classified documents with anyone

    Q: [On Trump's indictment for keeping classified documents]: The Presidential Records Act does not say that you can take documents with you. Did you ever show those classified documents to anyone?

    TRUMP: Not really. I would have the right to. By the way, they were declassified after...

    Q: What do you mean "not really"?

    TRUMP: Not that I can think of. Let me just tell you, I have the absolute right to do whatever I want with them. I have the right. I was negotiating with NARA. Do you know what NARA is?

    Q: The National Archives. But you don't negotiate with them.

    TRUMP: All of a sudden, they raided my house. They didn't raid the house of Joe Biden.

    Q: But Joe Biden didn't ignore a subpoena to get those documents back, like you did. Do you still have any classified documents in your possession?

    TRUMP: No, I don't have anything. I have no classified documents. And, by the way, they become automatically declassified when I took them.

    Q: No, you had to declassify them.

    Source: CNN Town Hall: interviews of 2024 presidential candidates , May 10, 2023

    Lost lawsuit in Supreme Court on overturning election

    Trump--and Republicans across the country--had pinned their hopes on the Texas suit. In a series of tweets, Trump called it "the big one" and later added, "it is very strong, ALL CRITERIA MET." If the court had heard the case, Sen. Ted Cruz said he would have argued it, at the request of Trump.

    Justices Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas indicated they would have allowed Texas to bring the case but said they would "not grant other relief." In a series of tweets after the ruling, Trump raged against the decision, which he called "a disgraceful miscarriage of justice."

    [The Supreme Court declined to hear the case, filed by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, called "Texas v. Pennsylvania et al", despite an Amicus brief in favor from 126 members of Congress; see details of SCOTUS case]

    Source: Texas Tribune "2020 election" on Trump Administration , Dec 11, 2020

    I explored doing business in China; no secret bank account

    Q: Your comments on the "secret bank account" in China revealed this week?

    TRUMP: I was a businessman doing business. The bank account you're referring to, which is, everybody knows about it, it's listed, the bank account was in 2013. That's what it was. It was opened. It was closed in 2015. I was thinking about doing a deal in China, like millions of other people, I was thinking about it & I decided I'm not going to do it, didn't like it, I decided not to do it, had an account open & I closed it.

    BIDEN: I'd make China play by the international rules, not like he has done. When I met with Xi and when I was still vice-president, he said we're setting up air identification zones in the South China Sea. You can't fly through them. I said we're going to fly through them. We just flew B-52, B-1 bombers through it. We're not going to pay attention. They have to play by the rules.

    Source: Third 2020 Presidential Debate, moderated by Kristen Welker , Oct 22, 2020

    OpEd: Trump dinners include casual dehumanization of people

    We thought the blatant racism on display during Donald's announcement speech would be a deal breaker, but we were disabused of that idea when white evangelicals started endorsing him.

    Nothing Donald said during the campaign--from his disparagement of Hillary Clinton, arguably the most qualified presidential candidate ever in this country, as a 'nasty woman'; to his mocking of Serge Kovaleski, a disabled New York Times reporter--deviated from my expectation of him. In fact, I was reminded of every family meal I had ever attended during which Donald had talked about all women as ugly, fat slobs or the men, usually more accomplished or powerful, he called losers, while my grandfather and Maryanne, Elizabeth, and Robert all laughed and joined in. That kind of casual dehumanization of people was commonplace at the Trump table. What did surprise me was that he kept getting away with it. Then he received the nomination. The things I thought would disqualify him seemed only to strengthen his base.

    Source: Too Much and Never Enough, by Mary Trump, p. 9 , Jul 14, 2020

    2018: Trump's lawyer disbarred for Stormy Daniel payoff

    On April 8, 2018 Trump was asked about payments to Stormy Daniels, the adult film star who claimed Trump's lawyer Michael Cohen gave her $130,000 to keep quiet about a sexual encounter with Trump:

    Q: "Did you know about the $130,000 payment to Daniels?

    "No," Trump said.

    Q: "Then why did Michael Cohen make [the payment] if there is no truth to the allegations?"

    Trump replied, "Michael is my attorney; you'll have to ask Michael."

    On April 9, federal agents search [Cohen's home]; simultaneously, agents showed up at his office, cordoning off the area to collect computers, servers and boxes of files, including tax returns and other financial records.

    Cohen was not merely Trump's attorney. He was his virtual vault--the keeper of his secrets and executor of his wishes, from business deals to personal affairs.

    [Follow-up: Cohen was disbarred and pled guilty to eight counts including campaign finance violations, tax fraud, and bank fraud.]

    Source: A Very Stable Genius, by P.Rucker & C.Leonnig, p.236-7 , Jan 21, 2020

    I don't have time for political correctness

    [In 2016,] debate moderator and Fox News host Megyn Kelly asked, "One of the things people love about you is you speak your mind and you don't use a politicians filter. However, that is not without its downsides , in particular when it comes to women. You've called women fat pigs, disgusting slobs, and disgusting animals'."

    Then Trump cuts her off, "Only Rosie O'Donnell." The studio audience, mostly Republican honchos, loved it. Kelly quickly corrected him, "No it wasn't. You once said to a contestant on Celebrity Apprentice, 'It would be a pretty picture to see her on her knees.' Does that sound to you like a man we should elect as president?" Then Trump launched into a tirade. "I don't have time for total political correctness. And to be honest with you, this country doesn't either. This country is in big trouble. What I say often times, it's fun, it's kidding. And honestly Megyn, If you don't like it, I'm sorry. I've been very nice to you."

    Source: Piety & Power, by Tom LoBianco, p.228-9 , Sep 14, 2019

    October Surprise: Access Hollywood tape of Trump

    The Washington Post revealed a tape of Donald Trump bragging about abusing women. It was a hot mic moment from a 2005 episode of Access Hollywood. Trump bantered with show host Billy Bush, the nephew of former governor Jeb Bush, about how easy it was for him to get whatever he wants from women because he's so rich and famous. As Trump and Billy Bush rode on their tour bus to en route to the studio, they spied their co-host in the parking lot--tall and slender soap star Arianne Zucker. Trump said he better get ready, "I better use some tic-tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know, I'm automatically attracted to beautiful, I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything." Billy Bush asked, "whatever you want?" Yeah, Trump said, "Grab 'em by the pussy, you can do anything you want."

    Then WikiLeaks posted e-mails from the Hillary campaign-an awfully convenient [response] "October Surprise."

    Source: Piety & Power, by Tom LoBianco, p.265 , Sep 14, 2019

    Claimed father lent him $1M; actually lent him $60M

    After the NY Times published its report [that that the president actually received today's equivalent of $413 million from his father's real estate holdings via "dubious tax schemes" including "instances of outright fraud"], the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance said it "is reviewing the allegations" and "vigorously pursuing all appropriate avenues of investigation."

    Trump's father, Fred, loaned him at least $60.7 million, or $140 million in today's dollars, rather than the $1 million loan Trump previously described on the campaign trail as "small," according to the Times.

    Trump's lawyer denied any accusations of fraud and tax evasion, saying "the facts upon which The Times bases its allegations are extremely inaccurate."

    While Trump called the story "boring and often told," it went deeper into his family's tax practices and his claims about his wealth than any report previously has.

    Source: CNBC's Jacob Pramuk on 2018 impeaching Trump , Oct 3, 2018

    OpEd: Trump is dangerous because he isn't tethered to truth

    Q: You say in your book that it's a dangerous time in our country?

    COMEY: I chose that words carefully, "dangerous." At first, I thought, "Is that an overstatement?" And I don't think it is.

    Q: Why not?

    COMEY: I worry that the norms at the center of this country--we can fight as Americans about guns or taxes, and we always have--but what we have in common is a set of norms. Most importantly, the truth. "We hold these truths to be self-evident," right? And if we lose tethering of our leaders to that truth, what are we? The foundation of this country is in jeopardy when we stop measuring our leaders against that central value of the truth.

    Q: Are we losing it?

    COMEY: I think we are in part. But I think we're going to outlast it. That there will be damage to that norm. But I liken President Trump in the book to a forest fire. Going to do tremendous damage. Going to damage those important norms. But a forest fire gives healthy things a chance to grow that had no chance before that fire.

    Source: ABC-TV Q&A: Jim Comey on Higher Loyalty & impeaching Trump , Apr 15, 2018

    OpEd: Trump demands loyalty, like a mob boss

    Q: Why the title, "A Higher Loyalty?"

    COMEY: The title comes from a bizarre conversation I had with the president in January of last year, where he asked for my loyalty personally. My loyalty's supposed to be to the American people and to the institution. He said, "I expect loyalty, I need loyalty." And I did not reply.

    Q: Why not say no?

    COMEY: Because I was caught totally by surprise. Later, he said, again, "I need loyalty." And I said, "You will always get honesty from me." And he paused and said, "Honest loyalty," as if he was proposing some compromise. And I paused and said, "You'll get that from me."

    Q: Was that a mistake?

    COMEY: Maybe. I felt like he's kidding himself if he thinks I just promised that I'm "amica nostra." But in hindsight, I should've done it differently.

    Q: You're comparing the president to a mob boss?

    COMEY: I'm talking about that leadership culture [of mob bosses demanding loyalty] me when I think about my experience with the Trump administration.

    Source: ABC-TV Q&A: Jim Comey on Higher Loyalty & impeaching Trump , Apr 15, 2018

    Debunked women fictionalized stories about sexual harassment

    CLINTON: At the last debate, we heard Trump talking about what he did to women [on a "hot mic" tape]. And after that, a number of women have come forward saying that's exactly what he did to them. Now, what was his response? Well, he held a number of big rallies where he [denounced the women making claims, and] attacked the woman reporter writing the story, called her "disgusting," as he has called a number of women during this campaign.

    TRUMP: Nobody has more respect for women than I do. Nobody. Those stories have been largely debunked. She mentions this, which is all fiction, all fictionalized, probably or possibly started by her and her very sleazy campaign. What isn't fictionalized are her e-mails, where she destroyed 33,000 e-mails criminally--criminally!--after getting a subpoena from Congress.

    Source: Third 2016 Presidential Debate moderated by Fox News , Oct 19, 2016

    Clinton's private email server was on purpose & no "mistake"

    TRUMP: Let her release the e-mails. Why did she delete 33,000?

    CLINTON: You know, I made a mistake using a private e- mail.

    TRUMP: That's for sure.

    CLINTON: And if I had to do it over again, I would, obviously, do it differently. But I'm not going to make any excuses. It was a mistake, and I take responsibility for that.

    TRUMP: That was more than a mistake. That was done purposely. OK? When you have your staff taking the Fifth Amendment, taking the Fifth so they're not prosecuted, when you have the man that set up the illegal server taking the Fifth, I think it's disgraceful. And believe me, this country thinks it's disgraceful, also. As far as my tax returns, you don't learn that much from tax returns. That I can tell you. You learn a lot from financial disclosure.

    Source: First 2016 Presidential Debate at Hofstra University , Sep 26, 2016

    Sued in 1,900 cases; defendant in 1,450 more cases

    At every stage of his career, Trump tried to punish those who questioned the image he wanted the world to see. Legal threats were as much a part of Trump's business tactics as brash talk, publicity stunts, and the renegotiation of deals. "I'll sue" became the watchwords of his business, just as "You're fired" became the mantra of his television image. Over three decades, Trump and his companies filed more than 1,900 lawsuits and were named as defendants in 1,450 others, according to a USA Today analysis. Some of his legal maneuvering was an outgrowth of complex business deals. But some of it was focused on going after those who questioned his wealth or even his taste. He once filed a $500 million defamation complaint against a Chicago Tribune critic who described Trump Tower's main hall as "a kitschy shopping atrium of blinding flamboyance." A judge dismissed the complaint.
    Source: Trump Revealed, by Michael Kranish & Mark Fisher, p.299-300 , Aug 23, 2016

    Anti-corruption laws ensure that Trump profits from campaign

    Trump ran in 2000 on the ticket for the Reform Party. It was during that brief campaign that Trump declared he would become the first person to run for president and make a profit.

    For the 2016 run as well, a large share of Trump's campaign money has been spent paying himself for the use of his Boeing 747, his smaller jet, his helicopter, his Trump Tower office space, and other services supplied by Trump businesses. By law, Trump must pay charter rates for his aircraft and market prices for services from his other businesses. This anticorruption law was designed to prevent vendors from underpricing services to win political favors--a legacy of a time when no one imagined that a man of Trump's immense wealth would buy campaign services from himself. In 2016, the law ensures that Trump makes a profit from his campaign.

    Source: The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston, p. xi-xii , Aug 2, 2016

    Lost lawsuit in Supreme Court on overturning election.

    Justice Trump wrote the dissent on Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton: "TX v. PA, GA, MI & WI" on Dec 11, 2020:

    Summary of lawsuit, Dec. 7:: The 2020 election suffered from significant and unconstitutional irregularities including:

    Supreme Court Order, Dec. 11: The State of Texas`s motion is denied for lack of standing under Article III of the Constitution. Texas has not demonstrated a judicially cognizable interest in the manner in which another State conducts its elections. All other pending motions are dismissed as moot.

    Texas Tribune analysis, Dec. 11:: Trump--and Republicans across the country--had pinned their hopes on the Texas suit. In a series of tweets, Trump called it `the big one` and later added, `it is very strong, ALL CRITERIA MET.` If the court had heard the case, Sen. Ted Cruz said he would have argued it, at the request of Trump.

    Justices Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas indicated they would have allowed Texas to bring the case but said they would `not grant other relief.` In a series of tweets after the ruling, Trump raged against the decision, which he called `a disgraceful miscarriage of justice.`

    Source: Supreme Court case 20-SCOTUS argued on Dec 7, 2020

    Other candidates on Principles & Values: Donald Trump on other issues:
    2024 Republican Presidential Candidates:
    Former Pres.Donald Trump (R nominee)
    Ohio Senator J.D. Vance (VP nominee)
    Ryan Binkley (R-TX)
    Gov. Doug Burgum (R-ND)
    Gov. Chris Christie (R-NJ)
    Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL)
    Larry Elder (R-CA;withdrew)
    Gov. Nikki Haley (R-SC)
    Rep. Will Hurd (R-FL;withdrew)
    Gov. Asa Hutchinson (R-AR)
    Perry Johnson (R-IL)
    Mayor Steve Laffey (R-RI)
    Former V.P.Mike Pence (R-IN;withdrew)
    Vivek Ramaswamy (R-OH)
    Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC)
    Secy. Corey Stapleton (R-MT)
    Mayor Francis Suarez (R-FL;withdrew)

    2024 Democratic and 3rd-party primary candidates:
    V.P.Kamala Harris (D nominee)
    MN Gov Tim Walz (VP nominee)
    Pres. Joe Biden (D-DE,retiring)
    Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (I-NY)
    Chase Oliver (L-GA)
    Rep.Dean Phillips (D-MN)
    Jill Stein (Green)
    Cornel West (Green Party)
    Kanye West (Birthday Party)
    Marianne Williamson (D-CA)
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