OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
Scott Walker: Supports Personhood Amendment prohibiting all abortions.
Budget & Economy
Chris McDaniel: Era of big spending is over; age of appropriations must end.
Civil Rights
Anthony Kennedy: No longer deny gays the profound liberty of marriage.
Anthony Kennedy: Living Constitution: apply 14th amendment to gay marriage.
Antonin Scalia: Showy profundities on gay marriage are profoundly incoherent.
Antonin Scalia: Everyone in history, until 15 years ago, understood marriage.
Elena Kagan: Concurred on no longer deny gays the right to marriage.
John Roberts: Constitution says nothing about marriage OR gay marriage.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Concurred on no longer deny gays the right to marriage.
Sonia Sotomayor: Concurred on no longer deny gays the right to marriage.
Stephen Breyer: Concurred on no longer deny gays the right to marriage.
Rick Perry: Would attend same-sex marriage of a family member.
Bobby Jindal: Institution of marriage existed long before our laws existed.
Rick Santorum: I would never attend a same-sex wedding.
Ted Cruz: Pray against a court decision legalizing same-sex marriage.
Scott Walker: 2013: same-sex marriage issue over; 2015: issue not settled.
Jeb Bush: Don't-ask-don't-tell ok if it doesn't affect policy.
Chris McDaniel: As host of Right Side Radio, railed against hip-hop culture.
Elizabeth Warren: We need a reliable vote for equal pay for equal work.
Sarah Palin: Vetoed bill denying benefits to gays, as unconstitutional.
Ben Sasse: FactCheck: stretched truth on job as management consultant.
Al Franken: Block merger of biggest & 2nd biggest cable providers.
Don Blankenship: Past criminal conviction not a barrier to running for office.
Jason Carter: No ban on the death penalty.
Merrick Garland: Prosecuted terrorism as Justice Department official.
Merrick Garland: Oversaw death penalty prosecution for Oklahoma City bombers.
George W. Bush: 134 Texas executions are �fair and just�.
Donald Trump: Brother died of alcoholism; so Donald never touched alcohol.
Thom Tillis: Department of Education is 5,000 overpaid bureaucrats.
Jeb Bush: I won't run from Common Core, even if GOP does.
Energy & Oil
Rick Perry: Defend Keystone XL and other oil & gas exploration.
Mike Parson: Right to farm & ranch, despite environmental critics.
Pat Roberts: For early farm bill, but final bill had too many subsidies.
Families & Children
Jeb Bush: Shame fathers who walk away from paternal obligations.
Foreign Policy
James Mattis: Supports NATO alliance principle of collective defense.
Mike Pompeo: Investigate Russian interference with U.S. election.
Bill Weld: Priority is not "no fly zone" but to stop killing in Aleppo.
Rick Perry: Cancel any nuclear deal Obama makes with Iran.
Jeb Bush: Pressured father's V.P. staff to help Cuban prisoners.
Chris Christie: Given who I am, Putin would not have invaded Crimea.
Jason Carter: Declares his powerful connection to Israel.
Jeb Bush: Leading from behind is so odd to me.
Marco Rubio: Only America can stand up to world totalitarianism.
Pat Roberts: Opposed UN ban on discrimination against disabilities.
Free Trade
Chris Christie: Trade mission to Mexico doubles as foreign policy tour.
Government Reform
Tim Kaine: Public companies should publish their political spending.
Kate Brown: Automatic voter registration for all drivers.
Tim Pawlenty: Registering to vote should be a voluntary, intentional act.
Dave Brat: 2011: how to reconcile Christianity with federal programs?
Health Care
Bill Weld: Tweak ObamaCare with more free market and more choices.
Antonin Scalia: We should start calling ObamaCare "SCOTUS-care".
John Roberts: ObamaCare improves health insurance market: not destroy them.
Hillary Clinton: The science is clear: vaccines work.
Howard Dean: Only anti-government conservatives oppose vaccines.
Mike Huckabee: Vaccines don't cause autism; I get vaccinated myself.
Rick Perry: Increase immunization rates as part of protecting life.
Homeland Security
James Mattis: Don't revisit old issues; let women in combat roles.
Mike Pompeo: No torture, including coercive methods like waterboarding.
Elizabeth Warren: Reduce size of standing army to reduce deficit.
Merrick Garland: Release non-enemy combatants from Guantanamo prison.
Scott Walker: We have too many legal immigrants.
Thom Tillis: Amnesty shouldn't be on the table.
Sierra Club: Limiting immigration perhaps curbs population growth damage.
Principles & Values
James Mattis: Dislikes nickname Mad Dog Mattis.
Bill Weld: Hillary's "public and private view" makes her vulnerable.
Gary Johnson: I offer choices beyond the same old red vs. blue.
Scott Walker: My relationship with God drives every major decision.
Scott Walker: Raised as a "P.K.", Pastor's Kid, by his father Pastor Llew.
Martin O`Malley: History celebrates courage, not triangulation.
Jason Carter: Grandfather Jimmy Carter participates in grandson's campaign.
John Walsh: OpEd: 2007 Master's thesis plagiarized from online sources.
Tom Cotton: Served in military, academia, and as management consultant.
Milton Wolf: Career politicians are changed by Washington.
Pat Roberts: Resides in Virginia but votes in Kansas.
Social Security
Martin O`Malley: Without Social Security, 1 in 4 seniors would be poor.
Tax Reform
Bill Weld: I am releasing my returns and Trump should release his.
Scott Brown: Never raise taxes in a recession; it hurts job creators.
Chelsea Manning: Business is collecting data on us, creating a life pattern.
Jeb Bush: BlackBerry pictured in official gubernatorial portrait.
War & Peace
Donald Trump: One-time missile strike in response to Syria chemical attack.
Donald Trump: OpEd: now believes that US has national interest in Syria.
James Mattis: Supports the Iran nuclear agreement.
Rick Perry: ISIS is worst threat to freedom since Communism.
Rick Perry: Provide lethal aid to Ukraine against Russian separatists.
Jeb Bush: Non-state terrorists are greatest threat we now face.
Chris Christie: Syria: If we draw a red line, we must finish the job.
Welfare & Poverty
Al Gore: Investing in inner cities is good deed & good business.