Mike Gravel on Gun ControlLibertarian for President; Former Dem. Senator (AK); withdrew from Presidential primary July 2019 | |
Moose have spindly legs. Rather than cutting themselves in the snow, theyd jump onto the tracks where th snow had been plowed. Trains would accidentally run over moose all the time. Usually, just the legs got severed. The poor animal would be lying there. So the engineer would call a native hospital and theyd come with a handcar or an automobile to pick up the moose and use it for food at the hospital.
After seeing this once I told the engineer that the next time it happens, Id jump off and shoot the moose, rather than just let it lie there suffering. I dont hunt or fish, which made Alaskans suspicious of me, but I couldnt watch the moose writhing in the snow, moaning. So I climbed down from the caboose into the snow. I must have shot three or four moose that way. Then wed call the hospital to tell them to pick up their meat.
A: The answer to that is to try to decrease the military culture in this country thats been created over the last 50 years. That sustains the military industrial complex. Its not that complex. When you take Americans and you teach them to solve problems with violence, they come home and they deal in violence. Thats our problem. When you talk about crime problems, youre nine times more likely to get killed if youre African-American. Theres a fellow by the name of Todd Tiahrt. He just has been sentenced to 25 years in Florida and all he did was the same thing as Rush Limbaugh did--had some pain pills, but he didnt have any of those Viagra. Thats justice.