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Donald Trump on Crime

2016 Republican incumbent President; 2000 Reform Primary Challenger for President


FactCheck: Order on statues merely enforces existing law

Trump said that when demonstrators began tearing down statues and monuments, "I signed an order immediately. Ten years in prison."

Trump's actions simply directed the attorney general to enforce already-existing laws. The executive order doesn't create new laws or possible prison sentences. Trump issued the order that, among other things, directed the attorney general to "prioritize" certain cases of vandalism in accordance with "applicable law." The law has been around since 1964.

Source: CNN Fact-Check on 2020 Republican Convention speech , Aug 28, 2020

Enforcement to protect our monuments: ten years in prison

They are determined to tear down every statue, symbol, and memory of our national heritage. That is why I am deploying federal law enforcement to protect our monuments, arrest the rioters, and prosecute offenders to the fullest extent of the law. Under the executive order I signed last week--pertaining to the Veterans' Memorial Preservation and Recognition Act and other laws--people who damage or deface federal statues or monuments will get a minimum of 10 years in prison.
Source: Trump Administration: Trump Remarks at Mount Rushmore , Jul 4, 2020

Think of the VICTIMS and keep the death penalty

Source: on California ballot measure voting records , Jul 2, 2019

Central Park 5 admitted guilt; exoneration doesn't matter

Donald Trump has refused to apologise for saying the Central Park Five should be executed, 17 years after they were exonerated with DNA evidence.

The president was asked about the case in light of Ava DuVernay's four-part Netflix series about the 1989 case. "You have people on both sides of that. They admitted their guilt," Mr Trump said after a reporter asked him whether he would apologise to the five men.

Five black and Latino teenagers were convicted of attacking a 28-year-old white female jogger who was raped and beaten almost to death during a run in Central Park on 19 April, 1989. Authorities vacated their convictions in 2002, after [another] convicted murderer and serial rapist confessed to the attack and said he had committed it alone. DNA evidence backed up his confession. In 2014, the City of New York settled a wrongful conviction lawsuit with the five men for $41m.

Source: The Independent (UK) on 2020 presidential hopefuls , Jun 18, 2019

Keep death penalty; don't forget the victims

President Trump blasted California Gov. Gavin Newsom for halting executions for the state's 737 death row inmates. "Defying voters, the Governor of California will halt all death penalty executions of 737 stone cold killers. Friends and families of the always forgotten VICTIMS are not thrilled, and neither am I!" Trump tweeted.

The tweet comes as Newsom signs an executive order that would halt all executions at San Quentin State Prison, closing a new execution chamber. Newsom's order will go against the wishes of California voters, who in 2016 backed a measure to speed up executions.

Meanwhile, Trump has been a supporter of the death penalty. In October, Trump called for the death penalty for those who kill police officers. "Reducing crime begins with respecting law enforcement," Trump said. "We believe that criminals who kill our police officers should immediately, with trial, but rapidly as possible, not 15 years later, 20 years later--get the death penalty."

Source: Fox News on 2020 Presidential hopefuls , Mar 12, 2019

Unfair to serve a life sentence for a nonviolent drug crime

In 1997, Alice was sentenced to life in prison as a first-time non-violent drug offender. Over the next two decades, she became a prison minister, inspiring others to choose a better path. Alice's story underscores the disparities and unfairness that can exist in criminal sentencing--and the need to remedy this injustice. She served almost 22 years and had expected to be in prison for the rest of her life. In June, I commuted Alice's sentence.
Source: 2019 State of the Union address to United States Congress , Feb 5, 2019

Stop-and-frisk works in high-crime cities like Chicago

President Trump touted the "stop and frisk" policy in a speech to the International Association of Chief of Police Annual Convention, saying it's a policy that works and was meant for places like Chicago.

The president, who regularly brings up Chicago when talking about crime, said that city should strongly consider the controversial "stop and frisk" policy used when his lawyer Rudy Giuliani was mayor of NYC.

"I have directed the attorney general's office to immediately go to the great city of Chicago to help straighten out the terrible shooting wave. I'm going to straighten it out and straighten it out fast," Mr. Trump said. "There's no reason for what's going on there. I've told them to work with local authorities to try to change the terrible deal the city of Chicago entered into with ACLU, which ties law enforcement's hands and to strongly consider stop and frisk. It works and it was meant for problems like Chicago. Got to be properly applied, but stop and frisk works."

Source: CBS News on 2018 Trump Administration , Oct 8, 2018

Stop-and-frisk worked very well in NYC

Q: What should be done about crime?

TRUMP: Stop and frisk worked very well in New York. It brought the crime rate way down. You take the gun away from criminals that shouldn't be having it. We have gangs roaming the street. And in many cases, they're illegal immigrants. And they have guns. And they shoot people. And we have to be very vigilant. Right now, our police, in many cases, are afraid to do anything. We have to protect our inner cities, because African-American communities are being decimated by crime.

Q: Stop-and-frisk was ruled unconstitutional in New York, because it largely singled out black and Hispanic young men.

TRUMP: No, you're wrong. Our new mayor refused to go forward with the case. They would have won on appeal. There are many places where it's allowed.

Q: The argument is that it's a form of racial profiling.

TRUMP: No, the argument is that we have to take the guns away from bad people that shouldn't have them. You have to have stop-and-frisk.

Source: First 2016 Presidential Debate at Hofstra University , Sep 26, 2016

Settling Central Park jogger case was "a disgrace"

Two weeks after the "Central Park jogger case," millions of New Yorkers reading the city's four major newspapers were greeted with a full-page ad paid for by Trump. "Bring back the death penalty," he wrote. Trump wrote in the ad "They should be forced to suffer and, when they kill, they should be executed for their crimes." Many blacks saw in Trump's ads not just opportunism, but also racism.

The female jogger would survive the brutal beating but the young men were convicted and served 6 to 13 years in prison. But years later, a career criminal confessed to the rape, providing a DNA match. The convictions were overturned, and the city paid $41 million to settle a wrongful imprisonment suit that the men had filed. Trump called the settlement "a disgrace," refused to apologize, and said, "These young men do not exactly have the pasts of angels." He said he wouldn't have given them "a dime" and insisted "they owe the taxpayers an apology for taking money out of their pockets."

Source: Trump Revealed, by Michael Kranish & Mark Fisher, p.279-80 , Aug 23, 2016

The police are the most mistreated people in America

I want security for this country. I want to find out why those two horrible young people in California when they shot the 14 people. Many people saw pipe bombs and all sorts of things all over their apartment. Why weren't they vigilant? Why didn't they call the police? And by the way, the police are the most mistreated people in this country. I will tell you that. The most mistreated people. We need vigilance. There's something going on and it's bad. And I'm saying we have to get to the bottom of it.
Source: Fox Business 2016 Republican 2-tier debate , Jan 14, 2016

1989 full-page newspaper ads: "Bring Back the Death Penalty"

In April 1989, Trump saw an opportunity to speak his mind when a young white woman was raped and beaten while out for a jog in Central Park. As media reports shocked the city and the victim struggled for survival, police mounted an intense investigation that ended with the apprehension of five black youths between the ages of 14 and 16. The five implicated themselves under interrogation, but would later recant, saying they had been pressured into making false statements. Donald Trump bought full-page advertisements in the city's four big daily papers to proclaim BRING BACK THE DEATH PENALTY. BRING BACK OUR POLICE!

Although he avoided naming the accused in the jogger case, Trump's reference to "roving bands of wild criminals" left no doubt about why he had paid for the ads. Newspaper accounts had described "wolf pack" gangs marauding in the park.

Source: Never Enough, by Michael D'Antonio, p.192 , Sep 22, 2015

Capital punishment isnt uncivilized; murderers living is

Civilized people dont put up with barbaric behavior. Would it have been civilized to put Hitler in prison? No-it would have been an affront to civilization. The same is true of criminals who prey on innocent people. They have declared war on civilization. I dont care if the victim is a CEO or a floor sweeper. A life is a life, and if you criminally take an innocent life youd better be prepared to forfeit your own. My only complaint is that lethal injection is too comfortable a way to go
Source: The America We Deserve, by Donald Trump, p.102-3 , Jul 2, 2000

Death penalty deters like violent TV leads kids astray

I cant believe that executing criminals doesnt have a deterrent effect. To point out the extreme, 100% of the people who are executed never commit another crime. And it seems self-evident (we cant put numbers to this) that a lot of people who might otherwise commit a capital crime are convinced not to because they know theres a chance they could die for it.

Young male murderers, we are constantly told, are led astray by violent music and violent movies. Fair enough. I believe that people are affected by what they read, see, hear, and experience. Only a fool believes otherwise. So you cant say on one hand that a kid is affected by music and movies and then turn around and say he is absolutely not affected when he turns on the evening news and sees that a criminal has gone to the chair for killing a child. Obviously capital punishment isnt going to deter everyone. But how can it not put the fear of death into many would-be killers?

Source: The America We Deserve, by Donald Trump, p.102-4 , Jul 2, 2000

Hold judges accountable; dont reduce sentences

Criminals are often returned to society because of forgiving judges. This has to stop. We need to hold judges more accountable, and the best way to make that happen is to elect them. Whey they hurt us, we need to make sure we can vote them out of the job. The rest of us need to rethink prisons and punishment. The next time you hear someone saying there are too many people in prison, ask them how many thugs theyre willing to relocate to their neighborhood. The answer: None.
Source: The America We Deserve, by Donald Trump, p.106-7 , Jul 2, 2000

Donald Trump on Police Reform

Strong on law enforcement AND on enforcing law on police

Q: How do you prevent the kind of policing that results in police-on-civilian tragedies?

TRUMP: We have a Senator named Tim Scott from South Carolina. He came up with a bill that should have been approved. It was great. It was a bill that was strong in terms of law enforcement, and strong in terms of enforcing the proper thing, and doing the proper thing by law enforcement. And the Democrats just wouldn't go for it. They wouldn't go for it at all. And I don't know why, because it was a really great bill.

BIDEN: One of the things that has to change is so many cops get called into circumstances where somebody is mentally off. That's why we have to provide within police departments psychologists and social workers to go out with the cops on those calls, some of those 911 calls to de-escalate the circumstance, to deal with talking them down. We shouldn't be defunding cops. We should be mandating the things that we should be doing within police departments and make sure there's total transparency.

Source: Second 2020 Presidential Debate/NBC Town Hall Miami , Oct 15, 2020

FactCheck: No, not endorsed by Portland's Sheriff

Trump said that he has endorsements from "almost every law enforcement group in the United States. I have Florida. I have Texas. I have Ohio. I have Portland--the sheriff just came out today and he said, 'I support President Trump.' "

Is that true about Portland, the site of ongoing police protests? No, Portland's Sheriff says it's not true. Excerpts from a 9/30 article in "The Hill" with headline "Sheriff from Portland quickly refutes Trump claim of endorsement":

"The sheriff of Multnomah County, Oregon, which includes Portland, quickly refuted President Trump's claim of an endorsement during Tuesday night's first general election presidential debate. 'I have never supported Donald Trump and will never support him,' Sheriff Mike Reese responded on Twitter. The sheriff added: 'Donald Trump has made my job a hell of a lot harder since he started talking about Portland, but I never thought he'd try to turn my wife against me!' "

Source: OnTheIssues FactCheck on First 2020 Presidential Debate , Sep 29, 2020

FactCheck: Yes, Trump aide said rioting & chaos helps Trump

[We checked if Biden was correct in this exchange about BLM protests:]

BIDEN: [Trump's] own former spokesperson said, "Riots and chaos and violence help his cause." That's what this is all about.

TRUMP: I don't know who said that.

BIDEN: I do. [Former White House advisor] Kellyanne Conway.

TRUMP: I don't think she said that.

[So we found this article from Business Insider magazine on Aug 27, 2020, headlined, "Kellyanne Conway says 'chaos and violence' after the police shooting of Jacob Blake is good for Trump's reelection"; excerpts:

"President Trump's close adviser, Kellyanne Conway, told Fox News that 'chaos and anarchy' following police shootings are good for Trump's reelection effort. 'The more chaos and anarchy and vandalism and violence reigns, the better it is for the very clear choice on who's best on public safety and law and order,' Conway said. Conway was referring to protests following the police shooting of a Black man, Jacob Blake, in Kenosha, Wisconsin this week.

Source: OnTheIssues FactCheck on First 2020 Presidential Debate , Sep 29, 2020

FactCheck: Hillary used term "super predators," not Biden

TRUMP: You did a crime bill, 1994, where you call them super predators. "African-Americans are super predators," and they've never forgotten it.

FactCheck: Did Biden use the term "super-predators"? No, not quite. Excerpts from on Sept. 29:

Trump has attacked Joe Biden for his role in crafting the 1994 crime bill. It was Hillary Clinton, however, who infamously uttered the term "superpredators" back in 1996. (You can still find plenty of videos of floor speeches of then-Senator Biden railing against "predators" or generally demagoguing on the subject of violent crime.)

The rise of criminal justice reform as a major issue in politics has made the 1994 crime bill a liability for Biden, who has since apologized for his role in tough-on-crime legislation passed in the 1980s and '90s by large bipartisan margins.

In a speech last year on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Biden said those bills "trapped an entire generation," and that "it was a big mistake when it was made."

Source: Fact-Check on First 2020 Presidential Debate , Sep 29, 2020

Law-and-order, or you'll see your cities burn

TRUMP: We have a great senator named Tim Scott and he had a compromise plan. A lot of Democrats agreed to it but they wouldn't vote for it. Because I think the Democrats are viewing this as a political issue. I think it's very bad for them because we're about law and order. We have to be about law and order, otherwise you're going to see your cities burn and that's the way it is.

If we can do a plan like Tim Scott's plan, which goes far enough but it doesn't take the dignity away from our police. We can't take their dignity away. We have to let them be able to do what they do. Police are so afraid today that if they do something slightly wrong, and their pension's gone, their job's gone, who knows what happens. It is a very tough job and it's a very dangerous job. We have to give them back their dignity and we have to give them back respect. These are great people for the most part. There's always going to be a bad apple in your business, and we have to weed out the bad apples.

Source: ABC This Week: special edition 2020 Town Hall interview , Sep 15, 2020

I've established law-and-order, except in Democrat cities

Q: You promised four years ago at the Republican Convention, "I'm going to restore law and order."

TRUMP: And I have, except in Democrat run cities. Look, we have to go by the laws. We can't move in the National Guard unless we're requested by a governor. What happened in Minneapolis was pretty amazing. [Governor Tim Walz, D-MN,] allowed us to bring in the National Guard. When we brought in the National Guard, everything stopped, the crime was gone meaning the whole thing. But by that time a big portion of the city was burned down.

Wherever you have a Democrat city--not in all cases, but if you look at the really troubled cities in our country, they're Democrat-run and that's Biden. They're weak, they're ineffective.

Q: You're president for those cities right now.

TRUMP: I'm president, but I can only do what I'm allowed to do. I don't need an Insurrection Act to take care of 250 anarchists. We can do that very easily with the National Guard. We proved that Minneapolis.

Source: ABC This Week: special edition 2020 Town Hall interview , Sep 15, 2020

We have to give police their mojo and let them protect us

If you look at our police, they do a phenomenal job. You'll have people choke, make mistakes, and it happens, where they have to make a fast decision and some bad things happen. You also have bad apples. But you have 99% great people. If you're going to stop crime, we have to give the respect back to the police that they deserve. We have to give the police the respect that they deserve, and we have to give them their mojo. We have to let them protect us.
Source: ABC This Week: special edition 2020 Town Hall interview , Sep 15, 2020

We have to give police their mojo and let them protect us

If you look at our police, they do a phenomenal job. You'll have people choke, make mistakes, and it happens, where they have to make a fast decision and some bad things happen. You also have bad apples. But you have 99% great people. If you're going to stop crime, we have to give the respect back to the police that they deserve. We have to give the police the respect that they deserve, and we have to give them their mojo. We have to let them protect us.
Source: ABC This Week: special edition 2020 Town Hall interview , Sep 15, 2020

Stand with law enforcement; never allow mob rule

Make no mistake, if you give power to Joe Biden, the radical left will Defund Police Departments all across America. They will pass federal legislation to reduce law enforcement nationwide. They will make every city look like Democrat-run Portland, Oregon. No one will be safe in Biden's America. My administration will always stand with the men and women of law enforcement. Every day, police officers risk their lives to keep us safe, and every year, many sacrifice their lives in the line of duty. What we can never have in America -- and must never allow -- is MOB RULE. We must always have law and order. All federal crimes are being investigated, prosecuted, and punished to the fullest extent of the law. When the anarchists started ripping down our statues and monuments, I signed an order, ten years in prison, and it all stopped. We will hire MORE police, increase penalties for assaults on law enforcement, and surge federal prosecutors into high-crime communities.
Source: Speech at 2020 Republican National Convention , Aug 28, 2020

FactCheck: falsely claims Biden wants to defund the police

WALLACE: George Floyd's murder has reignited the issue of racism in policing in this country. Can you understand why blacks would be angry at that?

TRUMP: Of course I do. Many whites are killed also. You have to say that.

WALLACE: I understand that.

TRUMP: I mean, many, many whites are killed. This is going on for decades. This is going on for a long time, long before I got here.

WALLACE: Why is it so bad right now?

TRUMP: Biden wants to defund the police.

Q: No, sir, he does not.

TRUMP: Look. He signed a charter with Bernie Sanders.

WALLACE: He says defund the police?

TRUMP: He says defund the police. They talk about abolishing the police.

(WALLACE VOICE OVER: The White House never sent us evidence the Bernie-Biden platform calls for defunding or abolishing police--because there is none. It calls for increased funding for police departments--that meet certain standards. Biden has called for redirecting some police funding for related programs--like mental health counseling.

Source: OnTheIssues FactCheck on Fox News Sunday 2020 , Jul 19, 2020

OpEd: Central Park 5 innocent by DNA, but still "guilty"

[In the 2016 campaign], he did tap into a certain bigotry and inchoate rage, which he's always been good at doing. The full-page screed he paid to publish in the New York Times back in 1989 calling for The Central Park Five to be put to death wasn't about his deep concern for rule of law; it was an easy opportunity for him to take a deeply concerned topic that was deeply important to the city, while sounding like an authority. It was unvarnished racism meant to stir up racial animosity in a city already seething with it. All five boys (Kevin Richardson, Anton McCray, Raymond Santana, Korey Wise, and Yusef Salaam, were subsequently cleared, proven innocent via incontrovertible DNA evidence. To this day however, Donald insists that they were guilty--yet another example of his inability to drop a preferred narrative even when it's contradicted by established facts.
Source: Too Much and Never Enough, by Mary Trump, p.204 , Jul 14, 2020

FactCheck: yes, second chance with criminal justice reform

Trump said, "Our roaring economy has, for the first time ever, given many former prisoners the ability to get a great job and a fresh start. This second chance at life is made possible because we passed landmark Criminal Justice Reform into law. Everybody said that Criminal Justice Reform could not be done, but I got it done, and the people in this room got it done."

Mother Jones Fact-Check: Yes, it's true that Trump signed a much-heralded bill in 2018 to reform the federal criminal justice system, with broad bipartisan support. The First Step Act made changes that have reduced the federal prison population, and it was the first criminal justice reform bill to pass Congress in a generation. So far, the law has shortened the prison stays of about 2,500 people who were serving disproportionately long sentences for crack cocaine offenses, most of them African American. And it could lead to improvements in prison conditions.

Source: Mother Jones Fact-Check on 2019 State of the Union , Feb 4, 2020

First Step Act: criminal justice reform & fairer sentencing

My Administration worked closely with members of both parties to sign the First Step Act into law. This legislation reformed sentencing laws that have wrongly and disproportionately harmed the African-American community. The First Step Act gives non-violent offenders the chance to re-enter society as productive, law-abiding citizens. Now, States across the country are following our lead. America is a Nation that believes in redemption.
Source: 2019 State of the Union address to United States Congress , Feb 5, 2019

Civil liberties end when an attack on our safety begins

In 1989, a woman was raped, beaten, and left for dead in Central Park. Five young minority men were arrested. Trump took out a full page ad in all the New York papers, to urge for the toughest penalties on the accused: "Bring back the death penalty! Bring back our police!" He seemed to be incensed over the crime itself and the response from City Hall:

"Mayor Koch has stated that hate and rancor should be removed from our hearts. I do not think so. I want to hate these muggers and murderers. They should be forced to suffer. Yes, Mayor Koch, I want to hate these murderers and I always will. How can our great society tolerate the continued brutalization of its citizens by crazed misfits? Criminals must be told that their CIVIL LIBERTIES END WHEN AN ATTACK ON OUR SAFET BEGINS!

Source: The Faith of Donald J. Trump, by Brody & Lamb, p.124-125 , Feb 3, 2018

Unify behind law enforcement; support the victims of crime

The murder rate in 2015 experienced its largest single-year increase in nearly half a century. In Chicago, more than 4,000 people were shot last year alone--and the murder rate so far this year has been even higher. This is not acceptable in our society.

Every American child should be able to grow up in a safe community, to attend a great school, and to have access to a high-paying job.But to create this future, we must work with--not against--the men and women of law enforcement. We must build bridges of cooperation and trust--not drive the wedge of disunity and division.

Police and sheriffs are members of our community. They are friends and neighbors, they are mothers and fathers, sons and daughters--and they leave behind loved ones every day who worry whether or not they'll come home safe and sound. We must support the incredible men and women of law enforcement. And we must support the victims of crime.

Source: 2017 State of the Union address to Congress , Feb 28, 2017

More penalties for violence against police

Some of Trump's executive orders to undo many of President Barack Obama's regulatory policies:

Preventing Violence Against Federal, State, Tribal, and Local Law Enforcement Officers: Signed: Feb. 9, 2017

The order calls on the Justice Department to "enhance the protection and safety" of law enforcement by increasing penalties for crimes committed against officers. The order recommends changes in federal grant funding to law enforcement programs if they do not protect officers.

Enforcing Federal Law With Respect to Transnational Criminal Organizations: Signed: Feb. 9, 2017

The order outlines the administration's approach to cutting down on organized crime--including gangs, cartels and racketeering organizations--by enhancing cooperation with foreign governments and the ways in which federal agencies share data. It identifies human trafficking, drug smuggling, financial crimes, cyber-crime and corruption as "a threat to public safety and national security."
Source: NBC News on 2017 Trump Administration promises & actions , Feb 14, 2017

Crime and gangs and drugs have created American carnage

Americans want great schools for their children, safe neighborhoods for their families, and good jobs for themselves. These are the just and reasonable demands of a righteous public.

But for too many of our citizens, a different reality exists: Mothers and children trapped in poverty in our inner cities; rusted-out factories scattered like tombstones across the landscape of our nation; an education system, flush with cash, but which leaves our young and beautiful students deprived of knowledge; and the crime and gangs and drugs that have stolen too many lives and robbed our country of so much unrealized potential.

This American carnage stops right here and stops right now. We are one nation--and their pain is our pain. Their dreams are our dreams; and their success will be our success. We share one heart, one home, and one glorious destiny.

Source: 2017 Trump Inaugural address at presidential Inauguration , Jan 20, 2017

FactCheck: Stop-&-frisk unconstitutional but NYPD disagrees

When the moderator commented that "stop and frisk was ruled unconstitutional in New York," Trump responded, "No, you're wrong. It went before a judge, who was a very against-police judge. It was taken away from her." Who's right?

The important distinction here is that stop and frisk as a tactic is constitutional. The way it was applied in New York City, and as it was challenged in the lawsuit that Trump was referring to, was found unconstitutional. Blacks and Hispanics who were stopped by New York police sued the city, arguing that they were targeted for stops in violation of the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment.

The Center for Constitutional Rights, which argued the case on behalf of the plaintiffs, confirmed that the practice was found unconstitutional in the 2013 case. But NYPD rejected the claim that stop and frisk is unconstitutional, saying Scheindlin ordered remedies to ensure the agency "applies the lawful policing tool constitutionally."

Source: Washington Post Fact-check on First 2016 Presidential Debate , Sep 28, 2016

Without law and order, we don't have a country

Q: How do you heal the racial divide?

A: We need law and order. If we don't have it, we're not going to have a country. I just got today the endorsement of the Fraternal Order of Police. We have endorsements from almost every police group, a large percentage of them in the US. We have a situation where we have our inner cities, African- Americans, Hispanics are living in he'll because it's so dangerous. You walk down the street, you get shot.

Source: First 2016 Presidential Debate at Hofstra University , Sep 26, 2016

Considers stop-and-frisk useful and tremendous beyond belief

Q: Do you believe that police are implicitly biased against black people? A: When it comes to stop-and-frisk, you're talking about takes guns away. Well, I'm talking about taking guns away from gangs and people that use them. And I really don't think you disagree with me on this, if you want to know the truth. I think maybe there's a political reason why [Clinton] can't say it, but I really don't believe--in New York City, stop-and-frisk, we had 2,200 murders, and stop-and-frisk brought it down to 500 murders. Five hundred murders is a lot of murders. It's hard to believe, 500 is like supposed to be good? But we went from 2,200 to 500. And it was continued on by Mayor Bloomberg. And it was terminated by current mayor. But stop-and- frisk had a tremendous impact on the safety of New York City. Tremendous beyond belief. So when you say it has no impact, it really did. It had a very, very big impact.
Source: First 2016 Presidential Debate at Hofstra University , Sep 26, 2016

Racial disparities in law enforcement? Maybe or maybe not

At the Post, Trump's tone remained even and his sentences grew longer and more complex then they'd been in debates or TV appearances. But he would no be pushed. Six times, his questioners tried to get him to talk about whether police treat blacks more harshly then whites.

"You know, I feel very strongly about law enforcement," Trump replied. "Law enforcement, it's got to play a big role."

Asked again if he believed there were racial disparities in law enforcement, Trump replied, "I've read where there are and I've read where there aren't. I mean, I've read both. And, you know, I have no opinion on that."

Source: Trump Revealed, by Michael Kranish & Mark Fisher, p. 10 , Aug 23, 2016

Police can't act due to disrespect; but weed out bad ones

Q: The FBI director said there's a chill wind blowing through law enforcement because of increased scrutiny. How do you bridge the divide?

TRUMP: The police are absolutely mistreated and misunderstood, and if there is an incident--whether it's an incident done purposely, which is a horror, and you should really take very strong action--or if it is a mistake, it's on your newscasts, and it never ends. The police in this country have done an unbelievable job of keeping law and order, and they're afraid for their jobs, they're afraid of the mistreatment they get, and I'm telling you that not only, me speaking, minorities all over the country, they respect the police of this country and we have to give them more respect. They can't act. They're afraid for losing their pension, their job. They don't know what to do. They want to do their job. And you're going to have abuse and you're going to have problems, and you've got to solve the problems and you have to weed out the problems.

Source: 2016 ABC Republican debate on eve of N.H. primary , Feb 6, 2016

Black lives matter, but we need strong police presence

Q: Do you see a crisis in the US of white police officers shooting unarmed blacks?

TRUMP: It's a massive crisis. It's a double crisis. I look at these things, I see them on television. And some horrible mistakes are made. But at the same time, we have to give power back to the police because crime is rampant. I believe very strongly that we need police.

Cities need strong police protection. But officers' jobs are being taken away from them. And there's no question about it, there is turmoil in our country on both sides.

Q: Do you understand why African Americans don't trust the police right now?

TRUMP: Well, I can certainly see it when I see what's going on. But at the same time, we have to give power back to the police because we have to have law and order. And you're always going to have mistakes made. And you're always going to have bad apples. But you can't let that stop the fact that police have to regain control of this tremendous crime wave that's hitting the US.

Source: Meet the Press 2015 interviews of 2016 presidential hopefuls , Aug 2, 2015

For tough anti-crime policies; not criminals rights

We can have safe streets. But unless we stand up for tough anticrime policies, they will be replaced by policies that emphasize criminals rights over those of ordinary citizens.

Soft criminal sentences are based on the proposition that criminals are the victims of society. A lot of people in high places really do believe that criminals are victims. The only victim of a violent crime is the person getting shot, stabbed, or raped. The perpetrator is never a victim. Hes nothing more than a predator.

Source: The America We Deserve, by Donald Trump, p. 93-94 , Jul 2, 2000

Signed First Step Act to reduce recidivism.

Trump voted YEA First Step Act

Congressional Summary:

Opposing press release from Rep. Doug LaMalfa (R-CA-1):: The reform sentencing laws in this bill may compromise the safety of our communities. Criminals convicted of violent crimes would have the opportunity to achieve 'low risk' status and become eligible for early release. California already has similar laws in place--Propositions 47 and 57--which have hamstrung law enforcement and caused a significant uptick in crime.

Supporting press release from Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY-10):: S. 756 establishes a new system to reduce the risk that [federal prisoners] will commit crimes once they are released. Critically, S. 756 would not only implement these reforms to our prison system, but it also takes a crucial first step toward addressing grave concerns about our sentencing laws, which have for years fed a national crisis of mass incarceration. The bill is a 'first step' that demonstrates that we can work together to make the system fairer in ways that will also reduce crime and victimization.

Legislative outcome: Concurrence Passed Senate, 87-12-1, on Dec. 18, 2018; Concurrence Passed House 358-36-28, Dec. 20, 2018; President Trump signed, Dec. 21, 2018

Source: Congressional vote 18-S756 on Dec 20, 2018

Reinstate lethal injections; implement federal death penalty.

Justice Trump wrote the dissent on Federal Death Penalty Abolition Act on Dec 15, 2020:

Legislative summary of H.R.4052: This bill prohibits the imposition of a death penalty sentence for a violation of federal law. A person sentenced to death before enactment of this bill must be resentenced.

Press release and letter on Capital punishment is unjust, racist and defective. The United States stands alone among its peers in executing its own citizens, a barbaric punishment that denies the dignity and humanity of all people and is disproportionately applied to people who are Black, Latinx, and poor. In their letter, the lawmakers called on President-Elect Biden to affirm his commitment to eliminating the death penalty--as laid out in his criminal justice reform plan--by ending it through executive action on Day 1 of his administration. The lawmakers also made clear that in the 117th Congress, they will continue to work to advance H.R. 4052, legislation to permanently abolish the death penalty.

ProPublica summary by Isaac Arnsdorf 12/23/20: Throughout the campaign, Trump highlighted executions as a contrast to Joe Biden's opposition to the death penalty, reinforcing Trump's "law and order" message. The Justice Department has killed 10 people since July, with three more executions scheduled before Biden's inauguration. "Death penalty all the way," Trump said at a February 2016 campaign event. "I've always supported the death penalty. I don't even understand people that don't."

Until this year, the Justice Department hadn't executed anyone since 2003. A drug that most states and the federal government used in lethal injections, a sedative called sodium pentothal, became unavailable because the sole American manufacturer stopped making it. Shortly after Trump's presidency began, his first attorney general, Jeff Sessions, [pushed] to resolve these issues so that the federal Bureau of Prisons could resume executions.

Source: Supreme Court case 20-HR4052 argued on Jul 25, 2019

Other candidates on Crime: Donald Trump on other issues:
2020 Presidential Candidates:
Pres.Donald Trump (R-NY)
V.P.Mike Pence (R-IN)
V.P.Joe Biden (D-DE)
Sen.Kamala Harris (D-CA)
CEO Don Blankenship (Constitution-WV)
CEO Rocky De La Fuente (R-CA)
Howie Hawkins (Green-NY)
Jo Jorgensen (Libertarian-IL)
Gloria La Riva (Socialist-CA)
Kanye West (Birthday-CA)

2020 GOP and Independent primary candidates:
Rep.Justin Amash (Libertarian-MI)
Gov.Lincoln Chafee (Libertarian-RI)
Gov.Larry Hogan (R-MD)
Zoltan Istvan (Libertarian-CA)
Gov.John Kasich (R-OH)
Gov.Mark Sanford (R-SC)
Ian Schlackman (Green-MD)
CEO Howard Schultz (Independent-WA)
Gov.Jesse Ventura (Green-MN)
V.C.Arvin Vohra (Libertarian-MD)
Rep.Joe Walsh (R-IL)
Gov.Bill Weld (Libertarian-NY,R-MA)

2020 Democratic Veepstakes Candidates:
State Rep.Stacey Abrams (D-GA)
Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms (D-GA)
Rep.Val Demings (D-FL)
Sen.Amy Klobuchar (D-MN)
Sen.Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY)
Sen.Maggie Hassan (D-NH)
Gov.Michelle Lujan-Grisham (D-NM)
Sen.Catherine Masto (D-NV)
Gov.Gina Raimondo (D-RI)
Amb.Susan Rice (D-ME)
Sen.Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH)
Sen.Elizabeth Warren (D-MA)
Gov.Gretchen Whitmer (D-MI)
A.G.Sally Yates (D-GA)
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External Links about Donald Trump:

2020 Withdrawn Democratic Candidates:
Sen.Michael Bennet (D-CO)
Mayor Mike Bloomberg (I-NYC)
Sen.Cory Booker (D-NJ)
Gov.Steve Bullock (D-MT)
Mayor Pete Buttigieg (D-IN)
Secy.Julian Castro (D-TX)
Mayor Bill de Blasio (D-NYC)
Rep.John Delaney (D-MD)
Rep.Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI)
Sen.Mike Gravel (D-AK)
Gov.John Hickenlooper (D-CO)
Gov.Jay Inslee (D-WA)
Mayor Wayne Messam (D-FL)
Rep.Seth Moulton (D-MA)
Rep.Beto O`Rourke (D-TX)
Gov.Deval Patrick (D-MA)
Rep.Tim Ryan (D-CA)
Sen.Bernie Sanders (I-VT)
Adm.Joe Sestak (D-PA)
CEO Tom Steyer (D-CA)
Rep.Eric Swalwell (D-CA)
Marianne Williamson (D-CA)
CEO Andrew Yang (D-NY)

Page last updated: Jan 03, 2022
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