Books by and about 2020 presidential candidates |
Crippled America, by Donald J. Trump (2015) |
United, by Cory Booker (2016) |
The Truths We Hold, by Kamala Harris (2019) |
Smart on Crime, by Kamala Harris (2010) |
Guide to Political Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2017) |
Where We Go From Here, by Bernie Sanders (2018) |
Promise Me, Dad , by Joe Biden (2017) |
Conscience of a Conservative, by Jeff Flake (2017) |
Two Paths, by Gov. John Kasich (2017) |
Every Other Monday, by Rep. John Kasich (2010) |
Courage is Contagious, by John Kasich (1998) |
Shortest Way Home, by Pete Buttigieg (2019) |
The Book of Joe , by Jeff Wilser (2019; biography of Joe Biden) |
Becoming, by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Our Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2016) |
This Fight Is Our Fight, by Elizabeth Warren (2017) |
Higher Loyalty, by James Comey (2018) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2017) |
Books by and about the 2016 presidential election |
What Happened , by Hillary Clinton (2017) |
Higher Loyalty , by James Comey (2018) |
Trump vs. Hillary On The Issues , by Jesse Gordon (2016) |
Hard Choices, by Hillary Clinton (2014) |
Becoming , by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Outsider in the White House, by Bernie Sanders (2015) |
Book Reviews |
(from Amazon.com) |
(click a book cover for a review or other books by or about the presidency from Amazon.com)
Survey of 2006 Senate campaign websites
 (Click for external website)
Click on a participant to pop-up their full list of quotations from Survey of 2006 Senate campaign websites (number of quotes indicated):
- Alan Schlesinger (6) Republican Senate Challenger (2006) Connecticut
- Allen McCulloch (6) Former Republican Challenger (2006) New Mexico
- Amy Klobuchar (25) Democrat/DFL Sr Senator Minnesota
- Barbara Radnofsky (37) Democratic challenger (2006) Texas
- Benjamin Cardin (2) Democratic Jr Senator, previously Representative Maryland
- Bill Bowlin (2) Former Democratic Challenger (2006) Mississippi
- Bo Heyward (11) Independent challenger (2006) Tennessee
- Bob Casey (13) Democratic Sr Senator; previously state treasurer Pennsylvania
- Bob Corker (15) Republican Jr Senator Tennessee
- Bob Keenan (12) Former Republican Challenger (2006), state senator Montana
- Brad Klippert (27) Republican Challenger (2006) Washington
- Brian Macdonald (8) Republican challenger (2008) Massachusetts
- Bruce Guthrie (8) Libertarian Challenger (2006) Washington
- Carl Romanelli (12) Green Challenger (2006) Pennsylvania
- Carl Sheeler (15) Democratic Challenger (2006) Rhode Island
- Charlie Crist (6) Florida Democratic Governor Challenger
- Chet Culver (6) Iowa Democratic Gubernatorial Challenger
- Chris Carney (8) Democrat (Retired 2010) U.S. Rep Pennsylvania-10
- Chris Lugo (1) Green challenger (2008) Tennessee
- Christine O`Donnell (5) Republican Senate Challenger Delaware
- Chuck Pennacchio (7) Former Democratic challenger (2006) Pennsylvania
- Claire McCaskill (21) Democratic Sr Senator; previously state Auditor Missouri
- Corrogan Vaughn (6) Former Republican Primary Challenger (2012) Maryland
- Cynthia Thielen (8) Republican Challenger (2006) Hawaii
- Dale Groutage (16) Former Democratic challenger (2006) Wyoming
- Daniel Vovak (1) Republican challenger (2008) Maryland
- David Kramer (11) Republican challenger, state party chair (lost May primary) Nebraska
- David Pfeffer (8) Former Republican Challenger (2006) New Mexico
- David Redick (25) Libertarian Challenger (2006) Wisconsin
- Dean Heller (5) Republican Jr Senator Nevada
- Dick Mountjoy (11) Former Republican Senate Challenger (2006) California
- Don Stenberg (6) Former Republican Primary Challenger (2012) Nebraska
- Ed Bryant (1) Republican challenger (2006), previously U.S. Rep Tennessee
- Ed Case (1) Democratic challenger (2006); U.S. Rep. Hawaii
- Ed Cox (14) Former Republican Challenger (withdrew Jan. 2006) New York
- Erik Fleming (15) Democratic Challenger (2008) Mississippi
- Ford Bell (24) DFL challenger (2006) Minnesota
- Francesca Lobato (7) Former Republican Challenger (2006) New Mexico
- Greg Parke (6) Republican challenger (2006) Vermont
- Harold Ford (5) 2010 Democratic Primary Challenger; previously US Rep (TN) New York
- Harris Miller (7) Former Democratic challenger (2006) Virginia
- Hiram Lewis (5) Former Republican challenger (lost May 2006 primary) West Virginia
- Howie Hawkins (18) New York Green Party Gubernatorial Challenger
- Jack Carter (4) Democratic challenger (2006), previously First Son Nevada
- James Webb (8) Former Virginia Senator; Democratic Presidential candidate
- Jan Ting (9) Republican Challenger (2006) Delaware
- Jean Hay Bright (9) Democratic challenger (2006) Maine
- Jerry Zandstra (13) Former Republican challenger (2006) Michigan
- Jim Pederson (12) 2006 Democratic challenger, state party chair Arizona
- Joe Carraro (5) Former Republican Challenger (2006) New Mexico
- John Featherman (22) Libertarian Challenger (2006) Pennsylvania
- John Morrison (5) Former Democratic challenger (2006); state Auditor Montana
- John Raese (15) Republican Senate Challenger West Virginia
- John Spencer (5) Republican Challenger (2006), previously Mayor of Yonkers New York
- Jon Tester (19) Democratic Jr Senator Montana
- Katherine Harris (3) Republican challenger (2006); Former US Representative Florida
- Keith Butler (24) Republican challenger (2006), previously Detroit councilor Michigan
- Kenneth Chase (3) Republican Challenger, 2004 Congressional candidate Massachusetts
- Kevin Scott (15) Republican Challenger (2008), previously Wakefield Selectman Massachusetts
- Kevin Zeese (21) Green/ Libertarian/ Populist Challenger (2006) Maryland
- Kirsten Gillibrand (7) Democratic Jr Senator New York
- KT McFarland (8) Republican Challenger (2006) New York
- Kweisi Mfume (15) Democratic challenger (2006), previously U.S. Rep. Maryland
- Larry Drown (7) Democratic challenger (2006) Vermont
- Leonard Schwartz (5) Libertarian Challenger (2006) Michigan
- Linda Lingle (1) Hawaii Former Republican Governor (2002-2010)
- Mark Kennedy (3) Republican challenger (2006), U.S. Rep Minnesota
- Matt Brown (6) Rhode Island Democratic challenger for Rhode Island Governor
- Mazie Hirono (11) Democratic Challenger Hawaii
- Michael Cavlan (10) Green Challenger (2008) Minnesota
- Michael Steele (5) Republican challenger, Lt. Gov. Maryland
- Mike Bouchard (17) Republican Challenger Michigan
- Mike McGavick (17) Republican challenger (2006) Washington
- Mike Protack (14) Republican challenger (2006) Delaware
- Ned Lamont (21) Connecticut Democratic Candidate for governor
- Paul Hodes (7) 2010 Democratic Senate Challenger; currently US Rep. New Hampshire
- Pete Ashdown (19) Former Democratic challenger (2012) Utah
- Peter Ricketts (6) Nebraska Republican Governor
- Rae Vogeler (23) Green Challenger (2006) Wisconsin
- Richard Tarrant (8) Republican Challenger (2006) Vermont
- Rick Snuffer (8) Former Republican challenger (lost May 2006 primary) West Virginia
- Robert Fitzgerald (13) Independence Party Challenger (2006) Minnesota
- Robert Lorge (5) Republican Senate challenger Wisconsin
- Rosalind Kurita (17) Former Democratic challenger (2006) Tennessee
- Scott Jameson (9) Libertarian Challenger (2008) Texas
- Sheldon Whitehouse (14) Democratic Jr Senator Rhode Island
- Sherrod Brown (6) Democratic Sr Senator Ohio
- Stan Jones (33) Libertarian Challenger (2006) Montana
- Steve Osborn (6) Libertarian Challenger (2006) Indiana
- Thomas Kean Jr. (6) Former Republican challenger (2006) New Jersey
- Tom Martin (37) Former Democratic Senate Candidate (2006) Pennsylvania
- Van Hilleary (5) Republican challenger (2006), previously U.S. Rep Tennessee
- Zane Lawhorn (32) Republican Senate Challenger West Virginia
OR click on an issue category below for a subset. |
OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
Charlie Crist: Defend parental notification rights.
Chet Culver: Re-start stem cell research program.
Chris Carney: Opposes abortion, but government should provide full info.
Dean Heller: No federal funds to pay for or support abortion.
Paul Hodes: Protect a womans right to choose.
Robert Fitzgerald: Restrictive legislation does not lead to fewer abortions.
Tom Martin: End the federal War on Abortion.
Tom Martin: Anti-Choice zealots shouldnt outlaw research.
Bruce Guthrie: Protect Womens Reproductive Rights.
Jon Tester: Supports Stem Cell Research.
Christine O`Donnell: Pledges to always vote in favor of life.
Kenneth Chase: Support Child Custody Protection Acts parental notification.
Carl Romanelli: Defend womens right to reproductive choice.
Howie Hawkins: Supports reproductive freedom.
Keith Butler: Pro-life and opposed to abortion on demand.
Richard Tarrant: Prefers zero abortions, but respects settled law.
Allen McCulloch: Support pro-life and pro-family legislation.
Dick Mountjoy: Abortionists murder a million babies a year.
Claire McCaskill: Continue promising stem-cell research.
John Raese: Life begins at conception.
John Raese: Ban cloning - science should not play God.
John Raese: Embryonic stem cell research no; umbilical stem cells yes.
Bo Heyward: Against abortion being used as a form of birth control.
Barbara Radnofsky: Support Roe v. Wade.
Ned Lamont: Absolute support for womens right to reproductive freedom.
Jean Hay Bright: Right to decide is a constitutional & human right.
Mike Bouchard: Endorsed by Right-to-Life PAC in Sheriff campaign.
Carl Sheeler: Medically and financially assist a womans right to choose.
David Redick: A womans body is her property.
David Redick: No government payment & no partial birth abortion.
Zane Lawhorn: Stop the murdering of innocent children.
Robert Lorge: 100% pro-life.
Rosalind Kurita: Women can make their own healthcare choices.
Brad Klippert: 100% pro-life; ban partial-birth abortion.
Brad Klippert: Opposes expansion of stem-cell research.
Ed Cox: Promote a culture of life.
Ed Cox: Ban on partial birth abortions.
Rae Vogeler: Defend reproductive rights.
Rae Vogeler: Make morning-after pill accessible without a prescription.
Stan Jones: No abortion after heartbeat, at 41 days into pregnancy.
Stan Jones: Abortion is a crime against humanity.
Stan Jones: Abortion is not a private decision of a woman.
Van Hilleary: Oppose abortion-on-demand & protect innocent life.
Ed Bryant: Do everything to help protect the sanctity of life.
Bob Corker: Only appoint judges who wont overstep their bounds.
Bob Corker: Pro-life, anti-partial birth, pro-parental consent.
John Featherman: Fully pro-choice.
Mike Protack: Life in the womb is the essence of innocence.
Hiram Lewis: Protect Life.
Rick Snuffer: Protect the unborn.
Jerry Zandstra: Pro-Life for our most vulnerable citizens.
David Kramer: Protect life from conception to natural death.
Ford Bell: Pro-choice.
Barbara Radnofsky: Right to choose, but with Target Zero abortions.
Barbara Radnofsky: Uphold the right to choose, but Target Zero abortions.
Budget & Economy
Robert Fitzgerald: Deficit is reckless and irresponsible.
Tom Martin: Its the spending, stupid!
Tom Martin: Return to precious metal standard; end Federal reserve.
Bruce Guthrie: Balanced Budget Amendment is unfortunately needed.
Mike Bouchard: Federal tax-and-spend is out of control & costs jobs.
Christine O`Donnell: Pledges to vote against all earmarks & pork barrel spending.
Rae Vogeler: The rich in this country are doing better than ever.
Carl Romanelli: Balance the budget to guarantee quality of life.
Alan Schlesinger: National debt of $5 trillion is too burdensome on economy.
Leonard Schwartz: Democrats & Republicans love to spend your money (we dont).
Richard Tarrant: Ashamed of Congressional wasteful spending.
Bob Keenan: Balance the budget except for the War on Terror.
Jim Pederson: Get debt under control instead of recklessly spending taxes.
Mike McGavick: Reform government to balance budget without raising taxes.
Barbara Radnofsky: Reduce deficit via pay-as-you-go.
Mike Bouchard: Government should be as lean as possible.
David Redick: US economy in trouble due to excessive spending.
Rosalind Kurita: Fiscal conservative against borrow-&-spend mentality.
Brad Klippert: Bring spending under control & pay down National Debt.
Ed Cox: Fiscal responsibility is possible in Washington.
Bob Corker: Get control of our federal budget via efficiency.
Dale Groutage: Balance the budget to fix national debt crisis.
Amy Klobuchar: Fiscal responsibility in our federal budget.
Mike Protack: Wasteful & uncontrolled budget spending drains our economy.
Pete Ashdown: Reverse trend of other countries surpassing US innovation.
Jerry Zandstra: Tripod Economics: consider consumers, employers & employees.
David Kramer: Supports balanced budget amendment & line item veto.
Kevin Scott: Focus on small business.
Barbara Radnofsky: Reduce the deficit & advocate fiscal responsibility.
Civil Rights
Charlie Crist: Uphold Floridas Defense of Marriage Act.
Charlie Crist: Provide compensation to victims of racial discrimination.
Dean Heller: Supports traditional marriage.
Mazie Hirono: Affirmative action is as important now as it ever was.
Mazie Hirono: No Constitutional bans on same sex marriage.
Corrogan Vaughn: Accessible, affordable health care for American citizens.
Tom Martin: Marriage is up to the individuals, including gays.
Tom Martin: Flag burning is protected (but stupid) speech.
Tom Martin: Govt. should be color-blind; end affirmative action.
Tom Martin: For Gay rights, because they are citizens.
Bruce Guthrie: Recognize marriage equality for gays.
John Spencer: Supports the Marriage Protection Amendment.
Jan Ting: Separating religious faith from government is misguided.
Jan Ting: The American flag is sacred.
Steve Osborn: Definition of marriage is a states rights issue.
Howie Hawkins: End racial profiling.
Leonard Schwartz: Racial preferences,created by executive order, are hypocrisy.
Carl Sheeler: Imperative against gender, sex, & age discrimination.
Keith Butler: Opposes quotas or set aside programs for anyone.
Allen McCulloch: Defend traditional marriage.
Jean Hay Bright: Marriage Protection Amendment is indefensible.
Ned Lamont: Limiting marriage blurs the line between church & state.
John Raese: Marriage is between a man and a woman.
Mike McGavick: Re-authorize Patriot Act to win war on terror.
Ned Lamont: I am a strong supporter of affirmative action.
Ned Lamont: Hold Bush accountable for warrantless wiretaps.
Peter Ricketts: Judges shouldnt reinterpret marriage.
Dick Mountjoy: Marriage between man & woman, not based on sexual preference.
Ned Lamont: Dont compromise Constitutional liberties in war on terror.
KT McFarland: Anti-terrorism requires monitoring domestic suspects.
Carl Sheeler: Equal rights for same gender relationships.
David Redick: Patriot Act gives excess authority which is easily abused.
Zane Lawhorn: Require citizens of certain races to carry National ID Card.
Zane Lawhorn: Marriage is union between a man and a woman.
Brian Macdonald: Make English our official language.
Brian Macdonald: Opposes affirmative action as currently understood.
Jean Hay Bright: Special Prosecutor should investigate Bush FISA violations.
Rosalind Kurita: Supports equal pay rules for women.
Brad Klippert: Supports limited wire-tapping for national security.
Brad Klippert: Opposes racial and sexual quotas.
Scott Jameson: Public prayer is a civil right.
Scott Jameson: Repeal the unPatriotic Act of 2001.
Ed Cox: Marriage is between a man and a woman.
Rae Vogeler: Defend affirmative action.
Rae Vogeler: Equality regardless of sexual orientation.
Kevin Zeese: Restore civil liberties undermined by the Patriot Act.
Stan Jones: Blanket pardon on license laws until Soc.Sec.number removed.
Stan Jones: Equal status for homosexuals, not special status.
Stan Jones: Consensual behavior is none of the governments business.
Van Hilleary: Traditional marriage must be preserved.
Greg Parke: Homeland Security without sacrificing our God-given rights.
Bob Corker: Support the sanctity of marriage.
John Featherman: Patriot Act is an overreaching law.
John Featherman: Pro gay marriage and pro gay rights.
John Featherman: Encourage more women to join the economy.
Mike Protack: Marriage is between one man and one woman.
Mike Protack: Supports tradition of personal religious expression.
Pete Ashdown: Patriot Act side-steps the Fourth Amendment.
Rick Snuffer: Supports marriage between a man and a woman.
Jerry Zandstra: I believe in meritocracy, not in pandering.
Sherrod Brown: Opposed Issue 1, the state gay marriage ban.
Barbara Radnofsky: Equal pay for equal work.
Jean Hay Bright: Flag desecration expresses gripes in a Constitutional way.
John Raese: Roll back regulations to spur business and job growth.
Ned Lamont: Brings real business experience that government needs.
Kweisi Mfume: Encourage female and minority-owned proprietorships.
Kweisi Mfume: Small businesses need advocates.
Rosalind Kurita: Bush tax policy is a huge corporate giveaway.
Kevin Zeese: Stop international corporate welfare and unfair competition.
Kevin Zeese: Restore right to sue and reduce eminent domain.
Michael Cavlan: Democracy requires media independent of corporate power.
Bob Corker: Reduce burden of taxation, litigation, and regulation.
John Featherman: Stricter rules for lawsuits, and against corporate officers.
Pete Ashdown: Businesses abuse copyright and hold back innovation.
David Kramer: Small businesses are the engine that drives our economy.
Charlie Crist: Require that prisoners serve at least 85% of their sentences.
Mazie Hirono: Mandatory sentences are ineffective use of money.
Corrogan Vaughn: Restore the rights to non-violent ex-offenders.
Tom Martin: Mandatory sentencing takes jail space from real criminals.
Michael Steele: More focus on victims of violent crime.
Michael Steele: Mandatory sentencing guidelines for child sex offenders.
Howie Hawkins: End the death penalty.
Keith Butler: Serve out full sentences.
Keith Butler: Invest in prisons and jails.
Pete Ashdown: Death penalty is not a deterrent.
Joe Carraro: More state prisons, privately built, right away.
Joe Carraro: Toughen regulations for sex offenders.
Bo Heyward: Pedophiles deserve the death penalty.
Mike Bouchard: Tough policies when dealing with law breakers.
Mike Bouchard: Publicly register convicted sex offenders.
Zane Lawhorn: Punishment should suit victims and taxpayers, not criminals.
Brad Klippert: Supports Two Strikes, Youre Out and stricter sentencing.
Brad Klippert: Supports death penalty & more prisons.
Ed Cox: Premeditated murderers deserve the ultimate punishment.
Stan Jones: Require aggressors to pay restitution and costs of jail.
Stan Jones: Not all sins should be crimes.
Keith Butler: Advised on federal response to Rodney King beating.
Bob Corker: Put repeat criminals behind bars.
Amy Klobuchar: Lock up predatory sex offenders indefinitely.
Barbara Radnofsky: High priority to anti-lynching resolution.
Claire McCaskill: Increase sentences for repeat violent criminals.
Sheldon Whitehouse: Prosecuted gang members as U.S. Attorney.
Tom Martin: The Drug war on the Constitution is insane.
Tom Martin: Legalize marijuana and tax it.
Michael Steele: More enforcement against Drug Trafficking.
Jon Tester: Tough penalties for manufacturing & selling drugs.
Carl Romanelli: After 35 years, its obvious Drug War is not working.
Howie Hawkins: End the War on Drugs.
Leonard Schwartz: Asset forfeiture is arbitrary for drugs, gambling, & sex.
Dick Mountjoy: Dont legalize drugs that destroy our young people.
Joe Carraro: Teach about alcohol, drug and tobacco in schools.
Mike McGavick: Stop inflow of illegal drugs-whatever it takes.
Zane Lawhorn: Yes, I did inhale, but God helped me walk away from drugs.
Zane Lawhorn: Increase penalties for manufacturing and distributing drugs.
Erik Fleming: Let patients use medical marijuana.
Brad Klippert: Stand strong against illegal drug activity.
Kevin Zeese: End the failed war on drugs.
Kevin Zeese: Protect medical marijuana users & providers.
Stan Jones: Government has lost the war on drugs.
Stan Jones: The Drug War kills more people than the drugs.
John Featherman: The war on drugs is a failure.
Claire McCaskill: National leader in the war on meth.
Charlie Crist: Early advocate for parental choice in education.
Chet Culver: Raise teacher salaries; expand early education.
Chet Culver: Students need framework for character development.
Chris Carney: Invest in our educational infrastructure.
Kirsten Gillibrand: More funds for NCLB and early education.
Mazie Hirono: Life long learning, P through L.
Robert Fitzgerald: Local communities can best react to education needs.
Tom Martin: Separate school and state.
Tom Martin: No School Prayer Amendment.
Tom Martin: Vouchers will make better public schools.
Cynthia Thielen: Limited opportunities for college dropout vs. college grad.
Cynthia Thielen: Quality public education is an essential service.
Cynthia Thielen: Support NCLB to make fundamental changes in schooling.
Cynthia Thielen: Ensure an excellent, free education to all children.
Jan Ting: Study foreign languages for national security.
Howie Hawkins: Guarantee a quality education to everyone.
Carl Sheeler: Supports private scholarships & portable education accounts.
Dale Groutage: Raise teacher pay and incentives for new teachers.
Keith Butler: Supports accountability, competition, and portability.
Keith Butler: Supported vouchers but respects voters rejection.
Larry Drown: Strong Public Education.
Richard Tarrant: Home school at school, and more individualized education.
Pete Ashdown: Public schools should be propaganda-free havens.
Allen McCulloch: More choice in where children go to school.
Ned Lamont: Teaching creationism blurs the line between church & state.
Bob Keenan: Drastically cut back federal involvement in schools.
Bob Keenan: NCLB fails because its a one size fits all approach.
Claire McCaskill: Expand pre-school and Head Start.
Claire McCaskill: Expand Pell Grants and HOPE Scholarships.
Claire McCaskill: Scholarships to fill science & math slots in public schools.
Harris Miller: Make urgent investments in our education system.
James Webb: Public education levels the playing field.
Jim Pederson: Public education invests in our children & our futures.
John Raese: Vouchers let all families choose like wealthy families.
John Raese: Break education monopoly; competition will improve schools.
Mike McGavick: Private initiatives are best education investment.
Ned Lamont: Vouchers are not the answer; more support is.
Thomas Kean Jr.: Measure the progress of every childs education.
Barbara Radnofsky: Expand Upward Bound & Head Start.
Ned Lamont: Increase funding for a 21st century education system.
Bob Casey: Fight for more funding for public education.
Carl Sheeler: Tax credit for educational expenses.
Carl Sheeler: Replace property tax with gambling tax as school revenue.
David Redick: Make all schools private nonprofits.
David Redick: Phase-out property taxes as a source of school revenue.
Francesca Lobato: Use very best teaching methods in our public schools.
Zane Lawhorn: Return education back into the hands of professionals.
Zane Lawhorn: Majority wants to see prayer return to our schools.
Robert Lorge: Supports education tax credits.
Erik Fleming: Fully fund No Child Left Behind.
Erik Fleming: Tax credits for private schools ok, but not vouchers.
Erik Fleming: Not opposed to charter schools.
Rosalind Kurita: Invest in pre-kindergarten programs.
Rosalind Kurita: More HOPE lottery scholarships for college.
Rosalind Kurita: Increase teacher salaries.
Brad Klippert: Supports school prayer and Pledge of Allegiance.
Brad Klippert: Tax credit for accredited private schools.
Ed Cox: Schools are bogged down in bureaucracies.
Rae Vogeler: Stop disinvesting in education.
Rae Vogeler: School vouchers and charters transfer money out.
Stan Jones: Privatize all schools-get government out.
Stan Jones: The poor advocate for school choice for good reason.
Dale Groutage: Federal incentives for teachers to stay in Wyoming.
Dale Groutage: Increase federal funding for Wyomings state colleges.
Harold Ford: Keep words Under God in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Amy Klobuchar: No Child Left Behind is an unfunded mandate.
Amy Klobuchar: Expand early childhood education opportunities.
John Featherman: Tax credits for students at non-public schools.
John Featherman: Intelligent Design has no place in public schools.
Mike Protack: Educational choice for all students.
Pete Ashdown: Public education is key to our future economy.
Barbara Radnofsky: Strengthen Pell Grant programs.
Hiram Lewis: Supports result-oriented education programs.
Rick Snuffer: Taxes should go to schools, not bureaucrats.
Jerry Zandstra: Parental choice improves involvement & hence school quality.
Jerry Zandstra: Teacher competition improve performance of school systems.
David Kramer: Every child in America is entitled to the gift of education.
Claire McCaskill: Education dollars wasted on bureaucracy.
Ford Bell: Promise of No Child Left Behind lacks federal funding.
Ford Bell: Pay teachers fair wages & shrink class sizes.
Jon Tester: Public education is the backbone of our democracy.
Kweisi Mfume: End devastating cuts to public colleges and universities.
Kweisi Mfume: Committed to strengthening our public schools.
Kweisi Mfume: Public schools overcrowded, understaffed & under-equipped.
Barbara Radnofsky: Improve and fund our public school systems.
Barbara Radnofsky: Vouchers are divisive.
Barbara Radnofsky: Vouchers bankrupt our public educational system.
Energy & Oil
Chet Culver: Move agriculture from feeding the world to fueling the world.
Chris Carney: Sustainable energy plan to reduce fossil fuel dependence.
Kirsten Gillibrand: Raise CAFE; plus alternative energy R&D.
Mazie Hirono: Ratify Kyoto; raise CAFE and apply to SUVs.
Paul Hodes: Manhattan Project to address global warming.
Robert Fitzgerald: Develop renewable energy by tax incentives & research funds.
Tom Martin: Global Warming is inconclusive.
Cynthia Thielen: Were missing the wave on ocean energy replacing oil.
Jan Ting: Foster new refineries, and new on- and off-shore drilling.
Kenneth Chase: Supports Cape Wind Project.
Carl Romanelli: Overhaul development to focus on other energy technologies.
Howie Hawkins: Solar-Based Renewable Energy.
Howie Hawkins: More mass transportation, and fuel cell cars.
Keith Butler: Kyoto Accord puts an undue burden on the US.
Larry Drown: Dont drill for oil in our national parks.
Mike Bouchard: Look for energy efficiency & alternative sources.
Pete Ashdown: R&D to wean America off addiction to oil.
Claire McCaskill: Energy independence by 2020 via alternative fuels.
Jim Pederson: Climate change is real; renewables needed and ready.
Jim Pederson: Commonsense market-based solutions for climate change.
Mike McGavick: Drill ANWR but also explore coal, nuclear, & biofuel.
Mike McGavick: Keep existing dams to maintain clean hydro power.
Ned Lamont: Overarching plan for clean energy and energy independence.
Bo Heyward: Tap our own resources and build more refineries.
Barbara Radnofsky: Promote energy independence & renewables.
Jon Tester: Long-term tax credits for wind power development.
Jon Tester: 4-point plan for getting over Americas oil addiction.
KT McFarland: Dependence on foreign energy makes US vulnerable.
Bob Casey: Reduce emissions & dependence on foreign oil.
Bob Casey: Opposes drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
Carl Sheeler: Make alternative energy a national priority.
Zane Lawhorn: Global warming is punishment for not caring for environment.
Zane Lawhorn: Tax incentives for hybrid cars & alternate energy.
Erik Fleming: Opposes drilling in Alaskas ANWR.
Rosalind Kurita: We cant drill our way out of our energy problems.
Brad Klippert: Drill ANWR and build more oil refineries.
Ed Cox: Supports cheaper energy from domestic sources.
Rae Vogeler: Support renewable, clean energy.
Rae Vogeler: No such thing as the safe disposal of nuclear waste.
Kevin Zeese: Foreign oil is the root cause of many military conflicts.
Stan Jones: Electricity deregulation fosters innovation.
Dale Groutage: Shift from foreign energy to local energy.
Dale Groutage: Energy Blueprint for alternative energy & cars.
Harold Ford: We need an energy policy that reduces Mideast oil.
Amy Klobuchar: Invest in homegrown, renewable energy sources.
Amy Klobuchar: Gas gouging penalty against oil companies.
Amy Klobuchar: National strategy to address global warming.
Don Stenberg: Develop domestic energy to lower prices.
John Featherman: Tax credits & incentives for alternative renewable energy.
John Featherman: Fund research on nuclear fission.
John Featherman: Proposes national intra-city transportation system.
Barbara Radnofsky: National policy of energy independence.
Rick Snuffer: We have a right to mine and transport coal.
David Kramer: Emphasize hybrid, fuel cell, and hydrogen technologies.
Ford Bell: Energy independence-now.
Ford Bell: Bushs energy bill supports oil companies, not renewables.
Ford Bell: Join the Kyoto Treaty and do whats right.
Ford Bell: Dependence on foreign oil is a national security threat.
Ford Bell: Replace oil dependence with clean, renewable sources.
Jon Tester: Affordable energy first in our resource-rich state.
Barbara Radnofsky: Make renewable energy a priority.
Robert Fitzgerald: Supports regulated market of pollution credits.
Tom Martin: Sell off federal assets, including National parks.
Claire McCaskill: Enforce the Clean Air Act and the Clean Water Act.
Jon Tester: Respects tribal sovereignty and supports trust reform.
Sheldon Whitehouse: Protect our public wetlands from development.
Jean Hay Bright: Label genetically-modified crops, as a first step.
Mike McGavick: Endangered Species Act is ineffective.
Dick Mountjoy: Protect private property rights against eminent domain.
Bob Casey: Fund brownfield and Superfund cleanups.
Zane Lawhorn: Do everything in our power to protect the environment.
Brad Klippert: Balance between land use and environmental stewardship.
Scott Jameson: Prevent pollution by more private ownership.
Ed Cox: Overregulation is not the answer.
Rae Vogeler: We must reverse course and protect the environment.
Michael Cavlan: Root causes: throw-away society & corporate polluters.
Stan Jones: Most environmental problems can be traced to the government.
Dale Groutage: Control wolves outside protected areas.
Amy Klobuchar: Preserve open spaces, farmlands, hunting lands, & wetlands.
Pete Ashdown: Against reopening the Nevada nuclear test range.
Kevin Scott: Chair of Wakefield Rails-to-Trails Committee.
Ford Bell: Our leaders lost their way on safeguarding our environment.
Jon Tester: Clean air & water are Montanas treasured resources.
Jon Tester: Keep open access to public lands.
Kweisi Mfume: Clean air and clean water are American birthrights.
Barbara Radnofsky: Incentivize pollution control to spur innovation.
Families & Children
Corrogan Vaughn: Priority on family and marriage values.
Tom Martin: Cant replace family & church with government.
Howie Hawkins: Raise minimum wage to family-supporting wage.
Zane Lawhorn: Keep the traditional family unit whenever possible.
Brad Klippert: Supports traditional family unit with traditional values.
Stan Jones: Restore the right and responsibilities of parenting.
Amy Klobuchar: Strengthen Family and Medical Leave Act.
Don Stenberg: Strong, traditional families are foundation of our culture.
Mike Protack: Supports Moms Agenda of addressing parental challenges.
Foreign Policy
Tom Martin: End foreign aid; exit the UN.
Carl Romanelli: Demand the administration comply with international law.
Carl Sheeler: Combine energy policy & improve relations with oil exporters.
Pete Ashdown: US should become fair player in international arena.
Bill Bowlin: Maintain Great Britain and Israel as our strongest allies.
Bill Bowlin: Dont use religion as a divisive force, as superpower.
Chuck Pennacchio: Withdraw from PNTR to force reforms in Communist China.
Claire McCaskill: US should create respect abroad, not just fear.
Erik Fleming: Fully fund our financial obligation to the UN.
Brad Klippert: Opposes UN approval of US military actions.
Scott Jameson: Convert foreign aid from govt gifts to volunteer donations.
Rae Vogeler: End the economic blockade of Cuba.
Kevin Zeese: US should chide Israel for human rights abuses.
Michael Cavlan: Work toward a world of greater tolerance and acceptance.
Michael Cavlan: America engineered coup in Haiti for corporate interests.
Van Hilleary: Never delegate to the UN or the European Union.
Bob Corker: Iran and North Korea must renounce nuclear weapons.
Kevin Scott: Speaks Russian and studies U.S.-Russian relations.
Free Trade
Kirsten Gillibrand: Protect American jobs from going overseas.
Mazie Hirono: Protect workers & environment in new trade agreements.
Tom Martin: Open trade policy without NAFTA or WTO.
Michael Steele: Led trade mission to Ghana and South Africa.
Jon Tester: Recent trade agreements put our jobs & farms in jeopardy.
Carl Romanelli: Supports fair trade; opposes FreeTrade Area of the Americas.
Carl Sheeler: Charge companies $20,000 per worked for each exported job.
Keith Butler: Fair trade: no agreements that hurt our economy.
Richard Tarrant: Globalization is inevitable, and good for Vermont.
Chuck Pennacchio: Trade is beneficial only if theres a level playing field.
Chuck Pennacchio: Replace NAFTA & CAFTA with bilateral fair-trade agreements.
Claire McCaskill: Supports fair trade which avoids shipping jobs overseas.
James Webb: Enforce existing trade laws to create fair trade.
Peter Ricketts: Free trade in our vital interest.
Thomas Kean Jr.: Our jobs depend on the free flow of international trade.
Barbara Radnofsky: Fair trade policy and reduced reliance on China.
Ned Lamont: Strictly enforce fair trade policies.
Bob Casey: Opposes CAFTA and other unfair trade laws.
Rosalind Kurita: Opposes CAFTA.
Brad Klippert: Link between Human Rights and trade with China.
Katherine Harris: Worked to get Free Trade Area of the Americas office in FL.
Sherrod Brown: Fight against unfair trade agreements.
Rae Vogeler: US policy good for business, but bad for people.
Rae Vogeler: Renegotiate NAFTA, CAFTA and GATT.
Amy Klobuchar: I will fight for fair trade.
Amy Klobuchar: Opposes CAFTA.
Jerry Zandstra: Global trade provides great opportunity for Michigan.
Barbara Radnofsky: Promote fair trade with incentives to keep jobs at home.
Government Reform
Chet Culver: Stricter ethical rules, with stricter enforcement.
Kirsten Gillibrand: No lobbyist gifts.
Robert Fitzgerald: Lobbyist scandals and bribes threaten faith in democracy.
Robert Fitzgerald: Both parties have given away power to the Presidency.
Tom Martin: Limiting ballot access is a monopoly tactic by Dems & GOP.
Tom Martin: Remove citizens campaign donation limits.
Christine O`Donnell: Pledges only 2 terms, so decisions not based on keeping seat.
Bob Casey: Require more public lobbyist financial disclosure.
Bob Casey: Attack the source of corrupt pay-to-play culture.
Claire McCaskill: Ban lobbyist gifts to root out corruption.
Carl Romanelli: Reduce restrictions on third-party ballot access.
Carl Romanelli: Establish a system of public financing of federal elections.
Howie Hawkins: Abolish the Electoral College; support IRV.
Leonard Schwartz: Busybody law system unfair and wasteful.
Carl Sheeler: Reduce federal election spending & lobbying influence.
Keith Butler: Supports tort reform and medical liability reform.
Keith Butler: Against Judges who legislate from the bench.
Kevin Zeese: Supports clean money campaigns and other election reforms.
Larry Drown: Bring back honesty and openness into government.
Mike Bouchard: Tort Reform: end frivolous lawsuits.
Pete Ashdown: Supports public election financing.
Pete Ashdown: Opposes term limits; but choose Senate leaders by lottery.
Jean Hay Bright: Impeach Bush & Cheney for violating Constitution.
Jack Carter: Stop the mauling of our Constitutional balance of powers.
John Morrison: Major ethics reforms needed to end cronyism.
Bob Keenan: End pork barrel spending and earmarks.
John Raese: Supports line-item veto to reduce deficit.
Mike McGavick: Lawsuits drive up healthcare costs and reduce access.
Mike McGavick: End budget earmarking for pet projects.
Sheldon Whitehouse: Stricter rules for lobbyists and ethics.
Bo Heyward: End frivolous lawsuits.
Bo Heyward: Supports Congressional term limits.
Barbara Radnofsky: Post all bills on Internet, with honest bill titles.
Barbara Radnofsky: Supports earmark reform and an office of public integrity.
KT McFarland: Supports stricter lobbying rules.
Zane Lawhorn: Reform elections for easier access for more parties.
Rosalind Kurita: No personal profit or pay raises for Congress.
Brad Klippert: Supports photo ID for voter registration.
Katherine Harris: In wake of 2000 election controversy, led impetus for reform.
Scott Jameson: Make campaign contribution tax-deductible so more can donate.
Ed Cox: New Yorkers want tort reform.
Kevin Zeese: Impeach Bush & Cheney for lying about Iraq.
Kevin Zeese: Doubt about election results weakens democracy.
Kevin Zeese: Require a paper record for computerized voting.
Kevin Zeese: Supports IRV, debates, & same day registration.
Stan Jones: Drastically reduce state government.
Stan Jones: All elected offices should have term limits.
Stan Jones: No public finance of political campaigns.
Stan Jones: No public financing of the arts, but encouragement ok.
Stan Jones: Privatize all possible government services.
Don Stenberg: Judges should not impose liberal social policies on families.
Mike Protack: Judges should interpret the Constitution, not write new laws.
Mike Protack: Bankruptcy laws should recognize its causes.
Barbara Radnofsky: Transparency, honesty, and integrity in government.
Rick Snuffer: Judges should uphold the original Constitution.
Jerry Zandstra: Tort abuse adds 2% to the cost of everything.
Matt Brown: Americas promise is broken by problems in Washington.
Matt Brown: $15M for voter list improvements.
Gun Control
Charlie Crist: Strongly supports Second Amendment rights.
Chris Carney: Protect the Second Amendment.
Paul Hodes: Support Second Amendment rights.
Tom Martin: Gun restrictions are unconstitutional.
Jon Tester: Strongly believes in our Second Amendment rights.
Sheldon Whitehouse: Common-sense solutions to fight gun crime.
Sheldon Whitehouse: Fight to keep guns off our streets.
Leonard Schwartz: Robbers and Rapists love gun control laws.
Dale Groutage: Avid sportsman who supports second amendment.
Keith Butler: Has always supported our 2nd amendment rights.
Keith Butler: Right to bear arms is as important as other freedoms.
Pete Ashdown: Current laws are reasonable and are working.
Chuck Pennacchio: Irresponsible gun policy is a plague on our nation.
Chuck Pennacchio: Supports limits on weapons & sales, and closing loopholes.
John Raese: Disarming citizens makes them less safe.
Peter Ricketts: I strongly support the Second Amendment.
Barbara Radnofsky: Fully support a legally armed citizenry.
Mike Bouchard: Endorsed by NRA in Sheriff campaign.
David Redick: Second amendment only applies to state militias.
David Redick: Leave responsible gun owners alone.
Zane Lawhorn: The Second Amendment IS the Constitution.
Zane Lawhorn: The right to carry makes violent crimes drop dramatically.
Zane Lawhorn: High powered rifles ok; gun lawsuits not ok.
Zane Lawhorn: Right to protect your home & property by blasting criminals.
Robert Lorge: 100% pro-Second Amendment rights.
Brad Klippert: Absolutely supports of the Second Amendment.
Scott Jameson: God bless a self-defended America.
John Spencer: Second Amendment is the first right among equals.
John Spencer: No gun ban, no gun lawsuits.
Ed Cox: Supports Second Amendment rights.
Stan Jones: Inalienable right to protect our lives.
Bob Corker: Protect the Second Amendments guarantee.
Harold Ford: Supports Second Amendment rights.
John Featherman: Second Amendment has conditions.
John Featherman: No lawsuit immunity for gun manufacturers.
Hiram Lewis: Protect our right to bear arms.
Rick Snuffer: No infringement of the right to keep and bear arms.
Jerry Zandstra: Defend our Second Amendment rights.
David Kramer: Defend our right to bear arms.
Ford Bell: Lifelong hunter & outdoorsman.
Sheldon Whitehouse: Strengthened penalties for armed criminals.
Health Care
Chet Culver: Affordable, quality health care for every Iowan.
Chris Carney: Moral obligation to ensure access to quality healthcare.
Kirsten Gillibrand: Medicare for all; allow drug reimportation.
Linda Lingle: Vigorously pursue medical malpractice reform.
Mazie Hirono: Single-payer plans are viable starting points.
Paul Hodes: Universal access to quality healthcare.
Robert Fitzgerald: Balance affordability with universality.
Tom Martin: Make the FDA advisory, not regulatory.
Bruce Guthrie: Consumer-Directed over Insurance-Directed care.
Carl Romanelli: Only sensible approach is a universal single-payer.
Howie Hawkins: Supports Universal Medicare.
Alan Schlesinger: Plan for $30 trillion in future elderly medical expenditure.
David Redick: Federally mandated health services just raise costs.
Larry Drown: Healthcare that works for everyone.
Mike Bouchard: Shifting costs to government exacerbates problem.
Richard Tarrant: Free-market-based system for the uninsured.
Jean Hay Bright: National health care system is long overdue.
Jack Carter: Support individual states enforcing their coverage standards.
Bob Keenan: Supports small business health plans.
Bob Keenan: Single payer universal healthcare is socialistic.
Claire McCaskill: Expand Medicare for people, not for drug companies.
Claire McCaskill: Negotiate for lower Rx prices and reimportation.
James Webb: Focus on health access, not on corporate profits.
Jim Pederson: Feds should negotiate for better Rx prices.
Joe Carraro: Taxing nursing homes to finance Medicare is a scam.
John Morrison: Watch out for bogus union plans & association plans.
John Raese: Free market is best approach for affordable health care.
John Raese: Supports Health Savings Accounts.
Mike McGavick: Harness competition to make system simpler & cheaper.
Mike McGavick: Health Savings Accounts give stewardship to families.
Ned Lamont: Business-required, federally-subsidized insurance pool.
Sheldon Whitehouse: Provide all families with insurance.
Sheldon Whitehouse: Scrap Medicare Rx plan, and negotiate for drug prices.
Thomas Kean Jr.: Supports individual Health Savings Accounts.
Bo Heyward: Healthcare should be handled by states, not feds.
Barbara Radnofsky: Federal insurance reform via free markets for fair prices.
Barbara Radnofsky: Federal negotiations with drug companies for prescriptions.
Bob Casey: Fill the doughnut hole of missing Medicare Rx costs.
Carl Sheeler: Preventive medicine is real health care.
Carl Sheeler: We have a shared responsibility to take care of ourselves.
David Redick: Institute federal catastrophic health insurance.
David Redick: More consumer choice in health care.
Francesca Lobato: We must ensure Medicaid is fully funded.
Robert Lorge: Supports private insurance premium tax credits.
Erik Fleming: Make Medicaid funding a budgetary priority.
Erik Fleming: Cooperation from industry could provide universal coverage.
Erik Fleming: Provide additional funding for abstinence education.
Rosalind Kurita: Access for all to quality, affordable healthcare.
Rosalind Kurita: Worked as a nurse doing hands-on healthcare.
Rosalind Kurita: Re-import safe prescription drugs.
Jon Tester: Negotiate for lower prescription drug prices.
Jon Tester: Extend enrollment period for new Medicare.
Brad Klippert: Strongly opposes socialized health care.
Ed Cox: Rhetoric of big government doesnt solve healthcare problems.
Rae Vogeler: Single-payer provides better health at same cost.
Rae Vogeler: Health care should not be a privilege.
Rae Vogeler: Supports universal national single-payer health care.
Michael Cavlan: Take corporations out of health care.
Michael Cavlan: Institute single payer health care.
Stan Jones: Allow euthanasia, under church-state separation.
Stan Jones: Health care is not an unalienable right.
Stan Jones: Tobacco settlement is a blight upon Montanas record.
Bob Corker: Encourage Health Savings Accounts.
Dale Groutage: Nationwide healthcare modeled after federal employee program.
Amy Klobuchar: Crack down on the price of health care.
Amy Klobuchar: Universal coverage is our goal.
John Featherman: Combine with free market to cover everyone.
John Featherman: Cap on lawsuit damages lowers healthcare cost.
John Featherman: Supports right to die with dignity.
Mike Protack: Implement a state-run National Health Care system.
Pete Ashdown: Replace Medicare by one health plan for all.
Barbara Radnofsky: Fund preventive care.
Jerry Zandstra: Increase competition among health care providers.
Claire McCaskill: Uncovering Medicaid waste reduces cost of medicine.
Ford Bell: We cant afford not to insure every American.
Ford Bell: Supports single-payer universal health care.
Ford Bell: Cost of private health bureaucracy higher than Medicare.
Jon Tester: People cant afford to get sick.
Kweisi Mfume: Malpractice insurance & bureaucracy focus on cost,not health.
Kweisi Mfume: Make health care affordable and accessible to everyone.
Matt Brown: Launched RIMeds to let seniors reimport drugs from Canada.
Matt Brown: Lower health costs by watch-dogging big insurance companies.
Sheldon Whitehouse: Focus on quality to address healthcare crisis.
Barbara Radnofsky: Fully fund Medicaid and restore cuts.
Barbara Radnofsky: Medicaid must be properly funded.
Homeland Security
Dean Heller: Support our troops and win the war on terrorism.
Mazie Hirono: Pre-emptive strike should not be basis of foreign policy.
Paul Hodes: Reform the Patriot Act to protect individual freedoms.
Corrogan Vaughn: Strong national defense based on domestic manufacturing base.
Robert Fitzgerald: Administrations power grab threatens 4th amendment rights.
Tom Martin: There is nothing Patriotic about the Patriot Act.
Tom Martin: Build missile defense & focus on defense.
Tom Martin: Assassinate evil leaders instead of targeting the people.
Tom Martin: Keep out of wars, rather than police the world.
Tom Martin: War on Terror is Orwellian propaganda.
Bruce Guthrie: Reduce Troops Permanently Stationed Abroad.
Bruce Guthrie: End Domestic Spying and Reform the PATRIOT Act.
Mike Bouchard: Proposes Skycops, incentives for off-duty officers to fly.
Jan Ting: Supports surveillance of communications coming into US.
Howie Hawkins: End secret detentions and arrests without charge.
Daniel Vovak: I do not support the Patriot Act, or any form of it.
Howie Hawkins: Repeal the Patriot Act.
Dale Groutage: Build a fail proof defense net.
Dale Groutage: Increase funding for veterans social services.
Keith Butler: No country has ever been attacked for being too strong.
Keith Butler: Renew the Patriot Act and expand FBI & CIA.
Larry Drown: Maintain strong Armed Forces.
Mike Bouchard: Ensure unconditional victory in the War on Terror.
Richard Tarrant: We must remain ever vigilant to end terrorism.
Dick Mountjoy: Give government necessary tools to fight terrorism.
Bob Keenan: Governments greatest responsibility is to defend this land.
Bob Keenan: Better veterans benefits and veterans healthcare.
Chuck Pennacchio: Bush-Santorum have failed to fulfill promises to veterans.
Claire McCaskill: Republicans have not made us safer since 9/11.
Jim Pederson: Refocus on winning the War on Terror.
John Raese: We were weak on 9/11 & we must never allow that again.
Ned Lamont: Dont compromise Constitution for war on terror.
Peter Ricketts: Fully support strong national defense.
Thomas Kean Jr.: Grants for port security and counterterrorism.
Bo Heyward: Give military EVERYTHING it needs.
Barbara Radnofsky: More funding and services for veterans.
Barbara Radnofsky: More domestic preparedness via first responders & states.
Dick Mountjoy: Give government the tools to fight terrorism.
Mike Bouchard: Served on the frontlines of homeland security.
KT McFarland: Biggest threat is Third World nuclear proliferation.
KT McFarland: Fund security in targeted cities, not for political reasons.
Bob Casey: Urgent focus on infrastructure protection.
Bob Casey: Ensure that veterans health care receives proper funding.
Bob Casey: More G.I. benefits for college, retirement, and disability.
David Redick: Terrorists dont hate our way of life--its about occupation.
David Redick: Stop meddling with foreign nations to stop creating enemies.
David Redick: Withdraw from 100 military bases abroad.
Zane Lawhorn: Supports military draft, if needed, but not needed now.
Erik Fleming: No more domestic base closings; close bases abroad instead.
Rosalind Kurita: Equip our troops for an aggressive war on terror.
Brad Klippert: Supports Missile Defense Program.
Brad Klippert: Supports increased funding for a strong and ready military.
Scott Jameson: Withdraw all troops and close all military bases abroad.
Ed Cox: Strong national defense and a decisive foreign policy.
Rae Vogeler: Redirect the military budget to social programs.
Rae Vogeler: Fully fund veterans benefits.
Michael Cavlan: Dealing with terrorism militarily is counter-productive.
Greg Parke: Our military needs fiscal support.
Greg Parke: Win war on terror while protecting civil liberties.
Bob Corker: We can never adequately repay our military troops.
Bob Corker: Do more for our nations intelligence gathering capability.
Dale Groutage: Fail proof defense net and better alliances abroad.
Harold Ford: Bushs illegal wiretaps are unnecessary & wrong.
Amy Klobuchar: Our troops need the best equipment and intelligence.
Amy Klobuchar: More screening at ports and nuclear plants.
Don Stenberg: Defeat terrorists at home & abroad.
Pete Ashdown: Reduce nuclear warheads to a number needed for protection.
Hiram Lewis: Supports strong homeland security and defense.
Rick Snuffer: Supports strong national defense & going after terrorists.
Jerry Zandstra: I will vote for a strong military.
David Kramer: Support our troops and veterans.
Kevin Scott: Immediately deport all illegal immigrants.
Ford Bell: Dont exclude foreigners from US colleges for security.
Ford Bell: Focus on infrastructure protection, not just intelligence.
Kweisi Mfume: We are not doing enough to protect our infrastructure.
Kweisi Mfume: Dont surrender our essential liberties for anti-terrorism.
Jim Pederson: Give our border patrols & police the tools they need.
Barbara Radnofsky: Fully fund the Veterans Administration.
Chris Carney: Secure our borders; no amnesty.
Dean Heller: Opposes amnesty; defend Americas borders.
Paul Hodes: Beef up the border & work with Mexico on jobs & fairness.
Robert Fitzgerald: Secure the border and enforce same-pay laws for immigrants.
Tom Martin: No red carpet; immigrants must earn their keep.
Jan Ting: No amnesty for illegal aliens.
Jan Ting: Secure our southern border with a physical barrier.
Claire McCaskill: Building a border fence is a first step.
Claire McCaskill: No amnesty for illegal immigrants; no guest workers.
Rae Vogeler: No human being is illegal: extend rights to immigrants.
Steve Osborn: No amnesty for illegal immigrants.
Steve Osborn: Great influxes weaken sovereignty and yields Globalization.
Steve Osborn: Temporary Worker Program OK as long as borders are secure.
Alan Schlesinger: Seasonal Employee Visa without road to citizenship.
Kenneth Chase: Rewarding illegal aliens with citizenship is wrong.
Keith Butler: Drastic buildup in our Border Patrol system.
Keith Butler: Completely opposed to any amnesty for illegal immigrants.
Richard Tarrant: Earned citizenship after fines, taxes, tests, and work.
Allen McCulloch: Secure our borders to stop illegal immigration.
Bob Keenan: Enforce laws, or change laws so they can be enforced.
Bob Keenan: Create opportunities in Mexico to reduce need to immigrate.
Joe Carraro: Stop treating immigrants like criminals.
Mike McGavick: Stop inflow of illegal immigrants-whatever it.
Mike McGavick: Guest worker program for industry and students.
Peter Ricketts: Secure Americas borders, without amnesty.
Bo Heyward: Illegal immigration is harmful to the welfare of US citizens.
Bo Heyward: End illegal immigrants leeching off Americans.
Barbara Radnofsky: More border patrols, but not by vigilantes.
Dick Mountjoy: We must control our borders; and no amnesty.
Carl Sheeler: Discriminating against immigrants is false justification.
David Redick: End birthright citizenship for children of illegal aliens.
David Redick: Adopt English as an official language.
David Redick: Multiculturalism causes cultural disintegration.
Zane Lawhorn: Require immigrants to speak English & learn our customs.
Zane Lawhorn: Tax immigrants upon entering the US.
Zane Lawhorn: Require all immigrants to carry National ID Card.
Zane Lawhorn: Supports English as official language, opposes bilingualism.
Erik Fleming: Opposes English-only legislation.
Erik Fleming: Let immigrant kids in schools; let parents earn legal status.
Brian Macdonald: Deport illegal immigrants and stop illegal immigration.
Brad Klippert: No citizenship to children born in the US to illegal aliens.
John Spencer: Increase enforcement personnel at the border.
John Spencer: Crack down on illegal immigrants and their supporters.
Van Hilleary: We MUST STOP the massive illegal immigration.
David Pfeffer: Amnesty only encourages more uninvited immigration.
David Pfeffer: Take a lesson from Minutemen about securing border.
Greg Parke: Allow guest workers while discouraging illegal behavior.
Bob Corker: Control our borders and patrol our points of entry.
Don Stenberg: Strengthen our borders.
Mike Protack: To survive, nations must protect and defend borders.
Barbara Radnofsky: Encourage legal trade with Mexico as part of border strategy.
Jerry Zandstra: I will vote to defend our national borders.
David Kramer: Secure our borders so illegal immigration isnt commonplace.
Kevin Scott: First and foremost, we need to secure our borders.
Kevin Scott: Illegal immigrants pose threat to rule of law itself.
Kevin Scott: Amnesty programs reward illegal behavior.
Kevin Scott: Volunteer work earns right to remain in country.
Robert Fitzgerald: Encourage farmers to produce ethanol, biodiesel & wind power.
Tom Martin: Minimum wage is Government coercion.
Jon Tester: Raise minimum wage to fair livable wage.
Carl Romanelli: Living wage for all Americans.
Howie Hawkins: Full Employment at Living Wages.
Howie Hawkins: Supports Fair Labor Laws.
Larry Drown: Jobs in America based on alternative energy industry.
Mike Bouchard: Support manufacturing sector as heart of economy.
Richard Tarrant: Raise the federal minimum wage, and tie in COLA increases.
Chuck Pennacchio: Supports living wage increase in minimum wage.
Claire McCaskill: Raise the minimum wage.
Ned Lamont: Our high-skill jobs are being sent overseas.
Francesca Lobato: Increase minimum wage by more than $1 in 3 years.
Zane Lawhorn: China is developing at the expense of our jobs.
Brad Klippert: Support family bread-winners.
Stan Jones: Get rid of minimum wage laws.
Stan Jones: Only businesses create jobs, not government.
Dale Groutage: Graze livestock on federally owned lands.
Amy Klobuchar: Level playing field and fair prices for farmers.
Don Stenberg: Assist our family farmers to compete globally.
Mike Protack: All should compete for decent jobs.
Hiram Lewis: Support initiatives for small business.
David Kramer: Preserve the family farm via Ag research.
Sherrod Brown: Our trade policy hemorrhages manufacturing jobs.
John Morrison: Opposes $3B cut to commodity & food program for farmers.
Principles & Values
Corrogan Vaughn: Experienced as faith-based leader.
Corrogan Vaughn: Co-hosted two political radio shows in Maryland.
Tom Martin: Fiscally conservative and socially liberal.
Tom Martin: Basic principle: Government needs to be smaller.
Christine O`Donnell: Bases campaign on Deal with Delaware.
Steve Osborn: Voting for third party candidates wakes up the two parties.
Alan Schlesinger: Served as mayor of Derby and 6-term State Rep.
David Redick: No religion on coins, in schools, or Pledge of Allegiance.
Larry Drown: America needs a change in culture as well as politics.
Jack Carter: There are certain values that are intuitive to all Americans.
Dick Mountjoy: God and prayer belong in our private AND public places.
James Webb: America doesnt lack ideas, it lacks leaders.
James Webb: Progressive approach prioritizing fairness and justice.
Dick Mountjoy: Believes in God, Country and Family in that order.
Ned Lamont: Running to stand up for our progressive democratic values.
Ned Lamont: Progressive government can make a difference.
Jean Hay Bright: Snowe talks moderate, but votes right-wing Republican.
David Redick: No adorning government property with religious icons.
Zane Lawhorn: A mud turtle to Sen. Byrds junkyard dog.
Zane Lawhorn: Faith gives me the strength to keep going.
Zane Lawhorn: I support One Nation under God.
Brian Macdonald: Kennedy should have voted to convict Clinton of perjury.
Brian Macdonald: Restrictions on religion only apply to establishing churches.
Rosalind Kurita: Not persuadable once she decides something is right or wrong.
Brad Klippert: Supports a platform of strong family values.
Mark Kennedy: 4th-generation Minnesotan, 4th-generation in public service.
Mark Kennedy: Great things can happen if we trust the people.
Mark Kennedy: Married with four children; serves as church lector.
Ed Case: Our future is now!
Katherine Harris: Passed over one hundred bills in State Senate.
Rae Vogeler: We must confront our problems; not just more of the same.
Kevin Zeese: Focusing on peace, justice, democracy and prosperity.
Kevin Zeese: Member of Green, Populist, and Libertarian parties.
Michael Cavlan: America is proceeding in a dangerous direction.
Michael Cavlan: Change the debate and change society itself.
Stan Jones: I am not a politician, Im a leader.
Stan Jones: Dedicated to government of principle, not special interests.
David Pfeffer: Seniority brings home the bacon for New Mexico.
David Pfeffer: How did Christian become a dirty word?
Keith Butler: Elected as Republican City Councilor in Democratic Detroit.
Keith Butler: Wrote 1992 Republican national platform.
Keith Butler: Columnist for Detroit News and regular TV commentator.
Keith Butler: Founding pastor of Word of Faith International Church.
Keith Butler: Holds theological degree; married 29 years; 3 grown kids.
Mike McGavick: Committed to freedom, limited govt, & strength of families.
Bob Corker: Keep one nation under God in US Senate.
John Featherman: Santorums book is way out of step with mainstream.
John Featherman: Santorums book is way out of step with mainstream.
Harris Miller: This campaign is about the future.
Harris Miller: Only bipartisan approaches find meaningful solutions.
Harris Miller: Personal story about hard work, responsible choices & future.
Harris Miller: Married for 25 years with 2 grown children.
Kevin Scott: Massachusetts is moderate; only our politicians are liberals.
Kevin Scott: Why print ballots with only one candidate?
Kevin Scott: Roots in Wakefield business and as Wakefield Selectman.
Kevin Scott: Volunteers for Concord Coalition and community organizations.
Kevin Scott: Currently earning B.A. in politics from U.Mass.
Claire McCaskill: Lifelong Missouri resident from Missouri family.
Matt Brown: Beat political insiders & took on establishment corruption.
Sheldon Whitehouse: Brings 20 years of public experience to change Washington.
Sherrod Brown: This state and this country need a new direction.
Social Security
Chris Carney: Let workers invest for retirement in addition to Soc. Sec.
Kirsten Gillibrand: Against privatization.
Robert Fitzgerald: Dont make young people carry burden of solvency.
Tom Martin: Social Security is a pyramid scheme; privatize it.
Bruce Guthrie: Diversify Social Security investments.
Michael Steele: Flexibility for some ownership over retirement choices.
Carl Romanelli: Must protect taxpayer funded programs like Social Security.
Alan Schlesinger: Guarantee no diversion of trust fund to other expenditures.
David Redick: Trust fund is deceptive--were really on pay-as-you-go now.
Bob Keenan: Partial privatization for young workers.
Jim Pederson: Strongly opposes privatization of Social Security.
Jim Pederson: Private retirement savings in addition to guarantee.
Mike McGavick: Allow voluntary opt-out of Social Security.
Sheldon Whitehouse: Pro-privatization crowd wants to cut benefits.
Sheldon Whitehouse: Lift limit on withholding from $90,000 to $120,000.
Thomas Kean Jr.: Expand options for personal retirement planning.
Bo Heyward: Social Security should be done away with.
Barbara Radnofsky: Oppose efforts to privatize Social Security.
Bob Casey: Opposes Social Security privatization.
David Redick: Allow opting out of Social Security system partly or fully.
Francesca Lobato: Middle class & poor subsidize Social Security for wealthy.
Francesca Lobato: Privatization is irresponsible; stock market too volatile.
Zane Lawhorn: Make program stable, even at high cost to young workers.
Erik Fleming: Opposes privatizing Social Security.
Erik Fleming: Raise retirement age to 67 for full benefits.
Rosalind Kurita: Opposes radically changing with private accounts.
Brad Klippert: Protect the Social Security Program.
Scott Jameson: Compete with financial markets for retirement accounts.
Ed Cox: Supports private accounts and the ownership society.
Kevin Zeese: Bush is misleading America on privatization.
Kevin Zeese: Raise the ceiling and tax all income for Soc. Sec.
Stan Jones: No special compassion nor health programs for Seniors.
Greg Parke: System is broken and we have to fix it by providing choice.
Dale Groutage: Bushs plan is based on risky stock investments.
Amy Klobuchar: Privatization is a risky scheme.
Amy Klobuchar: Make Social Security more secure for the long term.
Amy Klobuchar: Incentives for private retirement options.
John Featherman: Supports means testing by income & assets.
Mike Protack: Existing program is poverty plus 10%.
Pete Ashdown: Increase premium caps and end payouts for wealthy.
Pete Ashdown: Investing Soc.Sec. funds ok in 20s, but need stability later.
Barbara Radnofsky: Ensure that our safety net remains safe.
Rick Snuffer: Protect Social Security.
David Kramer: Social Security shouldnt be peoples sole retirement plan.
Ford Bell: Solve the projected shortfall with safe & gradual changes.
John Morrison: Ironclad support for Social Security.
Jon Tester: Opposes privatization.
Barbara Radnofsky: Save Social Security from privatization.
Tax Reform
Chris Carney: Roll back tax cuts on to p1%; but decrease estate tax.
Dean Heller: Oppose any attempt to raise taxes.
Mazie Hirono: Eliminate tax breaks for the richest 2%.
Tom Martin: Abolish income tax & replace it with nothing.
Mike Bouchard: Prioritize our spending and hold ourselves accountable.
Mike Bouchard: Growth in government stunts economic growth.
Christine O`Donnell: Pledges to never increase taxes.
Jan Ting: Supports a simpler, fairer tax code.
Howie Hawkins: Shift to progressively-graduated income and wealth taxes.
Alan Schlesinger: Supports Tax Simplification.
Carl Sheeler: Restore millionaire tax cuts & pursue loopholes.
Keith Butler: Single flat tax rate, and simplify the tax code.
Keith Butler: Lower corporate taxes & make tax code pro-growth.
Pete Ashdown: Supports flat tax starting at $20,000 in income.
Ned Lamont: Estate tax essential to progressive taxation system.
Allen McCulloch: End the marriage penalty; extend the child tax credit.
Jack Carter: Oppose the elimination of the sales tax deduction by the GOP.
Harris Miller: Record surplus spent on tax giveaways.
James Webb: Our tax policy is creating a permanent underclass.
John Raese: Supports tax cuts to spur economic growth and job growth.
John Raese: Supports flat tax or national sales tax.
Mike McGavick: Tax increases are counterproductive.
Thomas Kean Jr.: Make permanent the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts.
Bo Heyward: Supports flat tax with no penalty for high income.
Dick Mountjoy: Dont raise taxes to pay for the overspending.
Mike Bouchard: Tax burden & government spending are too high.
Mike Bouchard: Reduced Real Estate Transfer Tax by $358M.
KT McFarland: Supports smart, fair and targeted tax cuts.
KT McFarland: Eliminate the dreaded death tax.
Francesca Lobato: Inheritance tax above $2 million shouldnt be repealed.
Francesca Lobato: End irresponsible repeal of federal tax laws.
Zane Lawhorn: Reduce sales taxes, gas taxes, and business taxes.
Robert Lorge: We are taxed too much by Washington.
Jon Tester: Bushs tax cuts are irresponsible.
Rosalind Kurita: Against income tax & sales tax increases.
Brad Klippert: Tax incentives to encourage business growth.
Scott Jameson: Inheritance taxes discourage the American Dream.
Ed Cox: Make the Presidents tax cuts permanent.
Rae Vogeler: Supports progressive and fair taxation.
Kevin Zeese: Tax income from wealth as heavily as income from labor.
Stan Jones: Will veto laws that increase taxes.
Stan Jones: Eliminate the state income tax.
Greg Parke: Let people take care of their own hard earned money.
Bob Corker: Make President Bushs tax cuts permanent.
Dale Groutage: Roll back tax cuts for people earning over $200,000.
John Featherman: Supports flat tax statewide and federally.
Mike Protack: Single, low rate for taxes.
Jerry Zandstra: Make Bushs tax cuts permanent.
Jerry Zandstra: Supports Fair Tax: flatter, simpler, more transparent.
David Kramer: Make President Bushs tax cuts permanent.
Kevin Scott: Supports flat tax and cutting top rate from 39% to 17%.
Kevin Scott: Simplifying taxes would save $194B annually.
Ford Bell: Focus on minimum wage, not wealthy estate tax.
Jean Hay Bright: Repealing estate tax shifts burden to working class.
Tom Martin: Keep government out of the Internet.
Cynthia Thielen: Strongly supports Net Neutrality.
Steve Osborn: Favors Net Neutrality & no higher Internet priority for pay.
James Webb: Crumbling infrastructure results from failed leadership.
Ned Lamont: Focus on interconnecting transportation strategy.
Brian Macdonald: Colonize the moon to deal with limits of earth.
Rae Vogeler: Government now listens into phones and email.
Amy Klobuchar: Maintain traditional and high-tech infrastructure.
Amy Klobuchar: Supports the V-Chip & Internet filters.
Harris Miller: 1st leader of Information Technology Association of America.
John Morrison: Supports Railroad Competition Act & ending BNSF monopoly.
War & Peace
Kirsten Gillibrand: Iraq: exit strategy & redeploy troops.
Mazie Hirono: Opposes Iraq war & would have opposed war vote in Congress.
Mazie Hirono: Unilateral actionin Iraq hurt our world reputation.
Paul Hodes: Withdraw our National Guard from Iraq immediately.
Robert Fitzgerald: Its time to get out of Iraq now.
Tom Martin: The war in Iraq was a massive mistake.
Bruce Guthrie: End the Occupation of Iraq.
Cynthia Thielen: Cannot support war in Iraq unless we make changes.
Cynthia Thielen: Orderly withdrawal from Iraq; focus on winning War on Terror.
Jan Ting: Unilateral withdrawal would have disastrous consequences.
Amy Klobuchar: Fight for accountability for the run-up to the Iraq war.
Amy Klobuchar: Supported invading Afghanistan, but not Iraq.
Carl Romanelli: Bushs intention all along was an Iraqi invasion.
Howie Hawkins: End the War in Iraq.
Chris Lugo: Time to end this immoral, unethical, and illegal war.
David Redick: End empire building and improper war in Iraq.
Carl Sheeler: Replace US occupation in Iraq with coalition forces.
Dale Groutage: Develop alliances to help control terrorism & costs in Iraq.
Kevin Zeese: Rapid, responsible withdrawal from Iraq.
Kevin Zeese: Iraq War is costing us billions of dollars weekly.
Kevin Zeese: Impeachment inquiry about misleading country into Iraq War.
Pete Ashdown: Let Iraqis vote on how long they want the US to stay.
Allen McCulloch: Take the fight to the terrorists.
Dick Mountjoy: No UN diplomacy with Iran--plausibly threaten force.
Bob Keenan: We cant abandon Iraq.
Claire McCaskill: Define a plan for success in Iraq with a clear exit strategy.
James Webb: America is fighting the wrong war in Iraq.
Jim Pederson: Finish the job in Iraq and come home.
John Raese: Dont cut-and-run in Iraq.
Mike McGavick: No timetable and no retreat in Iraq.
Ned Lamont: Hold Bush & Lieberman accountable for mess in Iraq.
Ned Lamont: Stay the course is not a winning strategy in Iraq.
Peter Ricketts: Better to fight terrorists in Iraq.
Sheldon Whitehouse: Iraq war was premature and a mistake.
Sheldon Whitehouse: Responsibly extricate ourselves from Iraq.
Barbara Radnofsky: Expose the failures of the current war on terror.
Barbara Radnofsky: Planned, professional exit from Iraq.
Ned Lamont: Iraq war has diverted our funds and our attention.
KT McFarland: Consider military to prevent Iranian nuclear bomb.
Bob Casey: Bring our troops home as soon as possible.
David Redick: Purpose of Balkans war: evict China from Eastern Europe.
David Redick: Bush planned to invade Iraq well before 9-11.
David Redick: Immediate phased withdrawal from Iraq.
Zane Lawhorn: Concerned about North Koreas nuclear weapons.
Zane Lawhorn: Committed to the protection and support of Israel.
Zane Lawhorn: In Iraq: support our troops and finish the job.
Zane Lawhorn: We are fighting a war on two fronts, like in Vietnam.
Erik Fleming: Make Iraq our last pre-emptive unilateral occupation.
Brian Macdonald: UN should carry a big stick, but US needs one until then.
Brian Macdonald: Supports pre-emptive policy of the Bush Doctrine.
Brad Klippert: Supports Americas war on terrorism.
Benjamin Cardin: Consistent opposition to President Bushs policies in Iraq.
Benjamin Cardin: Bush misled the American people about Iraq.
Rae Vogeler: Bring our troops home now.
Kevin Zeese: End the Iraq War and occupation.
Michael Cavlan: War in Iraq is brutal, immoral, racist, and corporate.
Van Hilleary: Give troops the equipment they need.
David Pfeffer: Changed parties after 9/11 to support fight for freedom.
David Pfeffer: OK to attack Iraq even if president lied thru his teeth.
David Pfeffer: Iraq has everything to do with September Eleventh.
David Pfeffer: Removing Middle East dictators sets people free.
Bob Corker: We must complete our mission in Iraq.
Harold Ford: Bush failed to define serious long-term nature of Iraq.
Amy Klobuchar: Fight for a clear plan to bring our troops home safely.
Amy Klobuchar: Fight for accountability for the run-up to the Iraq war.
John Featherman: Withdraw from Iraq within 2-3 years.
Mike Protack: Immediate withdrawal from Iraq is an unworkable strategy.
Pete Ashdown: Prisoner abuse and torture deeply shame our nation.
Ford Bell: Supports Iraq withdrawal.
Ford Bell: War in Iraq was knowingly sold on false premises.
Ford Bell: Iraq has become a recruiting ground for terrorists.
Ford Bell: Iraq is like the Soviet Unions Afghanistan.
Ford Bell: Iraq war is Bushs personal vendetta against Saddam.
Ford Bell: Victory is not just around the corner-withdraw now.
Jon Tester: Support our troops with a plan to bring them home.
Kweisi Mfume: War in Iraq has made us more vulnerable to terrorism.
Kweisi Mfume: Attends Iraq War protests-We can do better.
Kweisi Mfume: Exit strategy & time frame for withdrawal from Iraq.
Jim Pederson: Focus on hunting down Bin Laden and destroying al Qaeda.
Jim Pederson: Our situation in Iraq is a mess.
Sherrod Brown: Safe, orderly troop withdrawal from Iraq by Oct. 2006.
Sherrod Brown: Bush and Cheney lied about Iraq.
Jon Tester: Its time for a clear exit strategy from Iraq.
Welfare & Poverty
Tom Martin: Religious charities should handle welfare.
Howie Hawkins: Repeal Taft- Hartley.
Brad Klippert: Let churches reach out to those in need.
Stan Jones: Liberty-not government handouts-give poor chance to be rich.
Stan Jones: Private welfare programs deliver more resources to poor.
John Featherman: Opposes taxpayer funded faith-based initiatives.
Ford Bell: Dont trade Medicare benefits for food stamps.
Kweisi Mfume: Make poverty part of our nations public policy agenda.
Kweisi Mfume: 37 million still in poverty-We can do better.
Matt Brown: Founded City Year Rhode Island for urban youth.
Click for quotations from other sources by:
- Alan Schlesinger Republican Senate Challenger (2006) Connecticut
- Allen McCulloch Former Republican Challenger (2006) New Mexico
- Amy Klobuchar Democrat/DFL Sr Senator Minnesota
- Barbara Radnofsky Democratic challenger (2006) Texas
- Benjamin Cardin Democratic Jr Senator, previously Representative Maryland
- Bill Bowlin Former Democratic Challenger (2006) Mississippi
- Bo Heyward Independent challenger (2006) Tennessee
- Bob Casey Democratic Sr Senator; previously state treasurer Pennsylvania
- Bob Corker Republican Jr Senator Tennessee
- Bob Keenan Former Republican Challenger (2006), state senator Montana
- Brad Klippert Republican Challenger (2006) Washington
- Brian Macdonald Republican challenger (2008) Massachusetts
- Bruce Guthrie Libertarian Challenger (2006) Washington
- Carl Romanelli Green Challenger (2006) Pennsylvania
- Carl Sheeler Democratic Challenger (2006) Rhode Island
- Charlie Crist Florida Democratic Governor Challenger
- Chet Culver Iowa Democratic Gubernatorial Challenger
- Chris Carney Democrat (Retired 2010) U.S. Rep Pennsylvania-10
- Chris Lugo Green challenger (2008) Tennessee
- Christine O`Donnell Republican Senate Challenger Delaware
- Chuck Pennacchio Former Democratic challenger (2006) Pennsylvania
- Claire McCaskill Democratic Sr Senator; previously state Auditor Missouri
- Corrogan Vaughn Former Republican Primary Challenger (2012) Maryland
- Cynthia Thielen Republican Challenger (2006) Hawaii
- Dale Groutage Former Democratic challenger (2006) Wyoming
- Daniel Vovak Republican challenger (2008) Maryland
- David Kramer Republican challenger, state party chair (lost May primary) Nebraska
- David Pfeffer Former Republican Challenger (2006) New Mexico
- David Redick Libertarian Challenger (2006) Wisconsin
- Dean Heller Republican Jr Senator Nevada
- Dick Mountjoy Former Republican Senate Challenger (2006) California
- Don Stenberg Former Republican Primary Challenger (2012) Nebraska
- Ed Bryant Republican challenger (2006), previously U.S. Rep Tennessee
- Ed Case Democratic challenger (2006); U.S. Rep. Hawaii
- Ed Cox Former Republican Challenger (withdrew Jan. 2006) New York
- Erik Fleming Democratic Challenger (2008) Mississippi
- Ford Bell DFL challenger (2006) Minnesota
- Francesca Lobato Former Republican Challenger (2006) New Mexico
- Greg Parke Republican challenger (2006) Vermont
- Harold Ford 2010 Democratic Primary Challenger; previously US Rep (TN) New York
- Harris Miller Former Democratic challenger (2006) Virginia
- Hiram Lewis Former Republican challenger (lost May 2006 primary) West Virginia
- Howie Hawkins New York Green Party Gubernatorial Challenger
- Jack Carter Democratic challenger (2006), previously First Son Nevada
- James Webb Former Virginia Senator; Democratic Presidential candidate
- Jan Ting Republican Challenger (2006) Delaware
- Jean Hay Bright Democratic challenger (2006) Maine
- Jerry Zandstra Former Republican challenger (2006) Michigan
- Jim Pederson 2006 Democratic challenger, state party chair Arizona
- Joe Carraro Former Republican Challenger (2006) New Mexico
- John Featherman Libertarian Challenger (2006) Pennsylvania
- John Morrison Former Democratic challenger (2006); state Auditor Montana
- John Raese Republican Senate Challenger West Virginia
- John Spencer Republican Challenger (2006), previously Mayor of Yonkers New York
- Jon Tester Democratic Jr Senator Montana
- Katherine Harris Republican challenger (2006); Former US Representative Florida
- Keith Butler Republican challenger (2006), previously Detroit councilor Michigan
- Kenneth Chase Republican Challenger, 2004 Congressional candidate Massachusetts
- Kevin Scott Republican Challenger (2008), previously Wakefield Selectman Massachusetts
- Kevin Zeese Green/ Libertarian/ Populist Challenger (2006) Maryland
- Kirsten Gillibrand Democratic Jr Senator New York
- KT McFarland Republican Challenger (2006) New York
- Kweisi Mfume Democratic challenger (2006), previously U.S. Rep. Maryland
- Larry Drown Democratic challenger (2006) Vermont
- Leonard Schwartz Libertarian Challenger (2006) Michigan
- Linda Lingle Hawaii Former Republican Governor (2002-2010)
- Mark Kennedy Republican challenger (2006), U.S. Rep Minnesota
- Matt Brown Rhode Island Democratic challenger for Rhode Island Governor
- Mazie Hirono Democratic Challenger Hawaii
- Michael Cavlan Green Challenger (2008) Minnesota
- Michael Steele Republican challenger, Lt. Gov. Maryland
- Mike Bouchard Republican Challenger Michigan
- Mike McGavick Republican challenger (2006) Washington
- Mike Protack Republican challenger (2006) Delaware
- Ned Lamont Connecticut Democratic Candidate for governor
- Paul Hodes 2010 Democratic Senate Challenger; currently US Rep. New Hampshire
- Pete Ashdown Former Democratic challenger (2012) Utah
- Peter Ricketts Nebraska Republican Governor
- Rae Vogeler Green Challenger (2006) Wisconsin
- Richard Tarrant Republican Challenger (2006) Vermont
- Rick Snuffer Former Republican challenger (lost May 2006 primary) West Virginia
- Robert Fitzgerald Independence Party Challenger (2006) Minnesota
- Robert Lorge Republican Senate challenger Wisconsin
- Rosalind Kurita Former Democratic challenger (2006) Tennessee
- Scott Jameson Libertarian Challenger (2008) Texas
- Sheldon Whitehouse Democratic Jr Senator Rhode Island
- Sherrod Brown Democratic Sr Senator Ohio
- Stan Jones Libertarian Challenger (2006) Montana
- Steve Osborn Libertarian Challenger (2006) Indiana
- Thomas Kean Jr. Former Republican challenger (2006) New Jersey
- Tom Martin Former Democratic Senate Candidate (2006) Pennsylvania
- Van Hilleary Republican challenger (2006), previously U.S. Rep Tennessee
- Zane Lawhorn Republican Senate Challenger West Virginia
The above quotations are from Survey of 2006 Senate campaign websites.