OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
Abortion Amy Klobuchar: Public supports contraception and safe abortion.
Cory Booker: Create Office of Reproductive Freedom & Reproductive Rights.
Cory Booker: Women shouldn't be only ones for reproductive rights.
Elizabeth Warren: Americans support Roe, Congress should be able to pass.
Julian Castro: Codify Roe v. Wade, repeal Hyde Amendment.
Kamala Harris: Reproductive healthcare under attack in American today.
Kamala Harris: Stop men telling women what they can do with their bodies.
Tulsi Gabbard: No 3rd-trimester abortion unless life of mother at stake.
Corporations Amy Klobuchar: Consolidation of business leading to startup slump.
Cory Booker: We will enforce antitrust laws.
Joe Biden: Double the capital gains tax.
Julian Castro: Fight back against monopolistic practices.
Tom Steyer: Break the corporate stranglehold of our government.
Tom Steyer: Break up monopolies but we should focus on the positive.
Drugs Andrew Yang: Decriminalize small opiate possession, safe injection sites.
Bernie Sanders: Opioid manufacturers profited & knew their products killed.
Beto O`Rourke: Decriminalize opioids; legalize marijuana.
Julian Castro: Send high-level executives to jail for opioids & corruption.
Tom Steyer: 72,000 died from opioids last year; that's a health crisis.
Energy & Oil Tom Steyer: We need to lead the world on climate, with allies abroad.
Families & Children Amy Klobuchar: We need to talk about aging population, long term care.
Foreign Policy Amy Klobuchar: Need consistency in our foreign policy.
Bernie Sanders: Turkey is not a US ally when they invade & mass slaughter.
Cory Booker: Trump's withdrawal from world stage is sign of weakness.
Joe Biden: Russia wants to break up NATO; work with Turkey to keep it.
Julian Castro: North Korea won't work with US after ditching Iran nuke deal.
Tom Steyer: Unilateral action, without allies, makes absolutely no sense.
Free Trade Elizabeth Warren: Multinational corporations have no loyalty to America.
Tom Steyer: Trump tax plan & trade war are failures; I can show how.
Government Reform Amy Klobuchar: Russia didn't just meddle in our election; they invaded it.
Elizabeth Warren: The elephant in the room is how campaigns are financed.
Joe Biden: Don't pack the Supreme Court.
Pete Buttigieg: Expand but depoliticize Supreme Court.
Gun Control Amy Klobuchar: Public is with us on background checks & police vetting.
Beto O`Rourke: No door-to-door enforcement, but reduce weapons of war.
Elizabeth Warren: Repeal filibuster or gun industry will veto any gun laws.
Joe Biden: I beat the NRA twice: AR-15s & high-capacity magazines.
Julian Castro: No mandatory buybacks--it means more cops banging on doors.
Kamala Harris: Mandatory buyback for 5 million assault weapons.
Health Care Bernie Sanders: Taxes will go up with Medicare for All, most will pay less.
Elizabeth Warren: Health care bill must reduce costs for middle class families.
Pete Buttigieg: Forced Medicare for All would divide the country.
Homeland Security Beto O`Rourke: Renew alliances like Kurds; they make America stronger.
Joe Biden: ISIS will come here if they take over Iraq and Syria.
Jobs Andrew Yang: Federal job programs are not the answer to changing economy.
Bernie Sanders: Create jobs with infrastructure repair & Green New Deal.
Cory Booker: Increase union strength to improve workers' conditions.
Julian Castro: We need to invest and spark new job opportunities.
Tom Steyer: Minimum wage should be $11 to $20, for parity with 1980.
Tulsi Gabbard: Prefers universal basic income to federal jobs guarantee.
Principles & Values Amy Klobuchar: What unites us is bigger than what divides us.
Amy Klobuchar: Trump's actions make Russia great again, not America.
Andrew Yang: Not left or right, but forward.
Andrew Yang: Impeachment won't solve problems that got Trump elected.
Bernie Sanders: I hold major rallies despite age & health.
Bernie Sanders: End divisiveness; unite people with progressive agenda.
Bernie Sanders: Trump a corrupt president, worthy of impeachment.
Beto O`Rourke: 1600 miles with Republican led to finding common ground.
Beto O`Rourke: Impeachment: Can't fail those who sacrificed for our country.
Cory Booker: Rugged individualism is fine, but we must work together.
Cory Booker: Impeachment: We need a moral moment, not a political one.
Elizabeth Warren: Would be oldest president; ready to fight for the people.
Elizabeth Warren: Ready to use executive authority for the people.
Elizabeth Warren: Impeachment is about more than Trump.
Joe Biden: With age comes wisdom; and for me, experience on Day One.
Joe Biden: I'm the only Dem candidate who's gotten big things done.
Joe Biden: Better positioned than any country to own 21st century.
Joe Biden: Congress had no choice but to move on impeachment.
Kamala Harris: We have much more in common than what separates us.
Kamala Harris: Trump committed crimes in plain sight.
Pete Buttigieg: America known as country that keeps its word.
Pete Buttigieg: Purpose of presidency is unification, not self-glorification.
Pete Buttigieg: Impeachment is not just about Trump, but about presidency.
Tom Steyer: Impeachment reflects the will of the American people.
Tulsi Gabbard: Would be youngest president, but has experience.
Tulsi Gabbard: Treat people with respect, even when we disagree strongly.
Tulsi Gabbard: Supports impeachment inquiry providing info to Americans.
Social Security Elizabeth Warren: Add $200 per month to everyone on Social Security.
Tax Reform Amy Klobuchar: Repeal significant portions of Trump tax bill.
Andrew Yang: Wealth tax didn't work where it was tried.
Technology Andrew Yang: Russian hacking of our elections is a hostile act.
Andrew Yang: Concerned about how tech affects children.
Andrew Yang: Users should own their personal data, get paid for its use.
Beto O`Rourke: We don't allow lies in books; why do we allow Facebook?
Kamala Harris: Same rules for everyone; Twitter should shut down Trump.
War & Peace Elizabeth Warren: Exit from Mideast wars, but do it the right way.
Joe Biden: Troop withdrawal from Syria was shameful.
Pete Buttigieg: We have betrayed our allies & values by exiting Syria.
Pete Buttigieg: Syrian withdrawal undermines our soldiers' honor.
Tulsi Gabbard: End the regime change war in Syria.
Tulsi Gabbard: Indefinite stay in Syria IS "endless war".
Welfare & Poverty Cory Booker: Level of U.S. child poverty is a moral obscenity.
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Amy Klobuchar Minnesota Democratic candidate for President; Minnesota Senator
Andrew Yang Democratic candidate for President; CEO