Books by and about 2020 presidential candidates |
Crippled America, by Donald J. Trump (2015) |
Fire and Fury, by Michael Wolff (2018) |
Trump Revealed, by Michael Kranish and Marc Fisher (2016) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2016) |
Promise Me, Dad , by Joe Biden (2017) |
The Book of Joe , by Jeff Wilser (2019; biography of Joe Biden) |
The Truths We Hold, by Kamala Harris (2019) |
Smart on Crime, by Kamala Harris (2010) |
Guide to Political Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2017) |
Where We Go From Here, by Bernie Sanders (2018) |
Our Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2016) |
This Fight Is Our Fight, by Elizabeth Warren (2017) |
United, by Cory Booker (2016) |
Conscience of a Conservative, by Jeff Flake (2017) |
Two Paths, by Gov. John Kasich (2017) |
Every Other Monday, by Rep. John Kasich (2010) |
Courage is Contagious, by John Kasich (1998) |
Shortest Way Home, by Pete Buttigieg (2019) |
Becoming, by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Higher Loyalty, by James Comey (2018) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2017) |
Trump vs. Hillary On The Issues , by Jesse Gordon (2016) |
Outsider in the White House, by Bernie Sanders (2015) |
Book Reviews |
(from Amazon.com) |
(click a book cover for a review or other books by or about the presidency from Amazon.com)
News coverage of `Blue Wave` 2018 House races in Texas
 (Click for external website)
2018 TX House race news coverage:
- TX-27 , Fox News, "China's coronavirus blunder is the last straw--move past reliance on them," by Michael Cloud, 3/19/20
- TX-16: Vox.com, "Democrats' response to the State of the Union laid out their 2020 Latino outreach strategy," by Nicole Narea, Feb 4, 2020
- TX-21: The Pluralist, "Rep Pushes for Drug Cartels to Be Designated as Terrorist Organizations," by Jason Hopkins, 11/21/19
- TX-6: Stars and Stripes, "Texas congressman introduces bill to care for military dogs," by Steven Beynon, Nov. 14, 2019
- TX-10: Dallas Morning News, "Get U.S. troops out of the way if Turkey planned to 'ethnically cleanse the Kurds'," by Todd J. Gillman, Oct. 23, 2019
- TX-6: Waxahachi Daily Light, "One-on-one with Congressman Ron Wright," by Patrick Clarke, Oct 12, 2019
- TX-32: CNBC, "House Democrats will decide the fate of Trump's North American trade deal as Congress returns," by Jacob Pramuk, Sept 9 2019
- TX-2: The Texan News, "Crenshaw Talks Guns, Healthcare, and Immigration," by Holly Hansen, August 29, 2019
- TX-2: Houston Chronicle, "Dan Crenshaw irks both the left and right with gun comments," by Jeremy Wallace, Aug. 7, 2019
- TX-5: The Cedar Creek Lake Monitor, "Congressman Gooden holds town hall meeting at high school," by Denise York, 7/28/2019
- TX-23: Washington Blade, "House votes to defund trans military ban in rebuke to Trump," by Chris Johnson, June 18, 2019
- TX-6: Dallas News, "Should women be punished for having abortions? 'Absolutely,' Wright says," by Matthew Adams, 6/6/19
- TX-21: CNBC.com, "House Republican holds up $19 billion disaster relief bill expected to pass unanimously," May 24, 2019
- TX-16: NBC News Latino, "Veronica Escobar made history in Congress," by Suzanne Gamboa, Phillip Mena and Cora Cervantes, 3/8/19
- TX-27 , KRIS 6 News, "Congressman Cloud remains steadfast in support of Trump's border policies," Mar 04, 2019
- TX-27 , The Daily Signal, "Congress Spends Without Counting the Full Cost," by Michael Cloud, February 13, 2019
- TX-23: Rolling Stone, "Republican Congressman: Trump's Border Crisis Is a 'Myth'," by Andy Kroll, 1/18/19
- TX-5: KERA News 91.7FM NPR, "Gooden Backs A National Emergency Declaration Over The Border Wall," by Jill Ament, 1/11/19
- TX-16, CNN.com, "Meet your new member of Congress: Texas Rep. Veronica Escobar," by Lauren Dezenski, January 7, 2019
- TX-3: Texas Scorecard, "Taylor Reflects on Good Governance and How to Bring it to DC," by Saurabh Sharma, 12/21/2018
- TX-2: Washington Post, "Why guys like me go to places like Syria," by Dan Crenshaw, Dec. 21, 2018
- TX-29: Houston Chronicle, "Rep-elect Garcia gets another shot at 'Dreamer' legislation," by Kevin Diaz, 12/2/2018
- TX-21: Politico.com, "Meet the Next Ted Cruz," by Tim Alberta, October 23, 2018
- TX-7: PolitiFact, "Fletcher does not want government-funded universal health care as Culberson ad claims," by S.Putterman, 10/30/18
- TX-32, Dallas News, "Colin Allred is a son of his Dallas district," by Gromer Jeffers Jr., Oct 21, 2018
- TX-32, Dallas News, "Pete Sessions, Colin Allred clash on tax cuts at Dallas debate," by Gromer Jeffers Jr., Sep 19, 2018
- TX-7: University of Houston Public Media, KUHT-TV-8, "Fletcher Talks about Role of Congress and Local Topics," by A.Ortiz, 9/11/18
- TX-29: Houston Public Media, "Garcia Calls for Protecting, Expanding Affordable Health Care" by Andrew Schneider, 9/4/2018
- TX-7: Texas Observer, "Two Democratic Primary Hopefuls Run Afoul of State Labor Group," by Christopher Collins, Jan 31, 2018
- TX-29: San Antonio Express-News, "Senate passes 'school choice' bill," by Bobby Cervantes, 3/30/2017
- TX-3 & TX-29: Texas Tribune, "Senate Education Committee passes school choice legislation," by Aliyya Swaby, 3/23/2017
- TX-29: KHOU 11, "Bill would make schools test water for lead," by Scott Noll, 3/9/2017
- TX-3: Pew Trusts, "After Court Setbacks, Lawmakers Push for New Voting Restrictions," by Rebecca Beitsch, 2/28/2017
- TX-3 & TX-29: Victoria Advocate, "Senator files bills on water rights" by Sara Sneath, 1/10/2017
- TX-3: Fort Worth Star-Telegram, "Texas lawmaker pushes majority rules in the oilfield," by Max B. Baker, 11/25/2016
- TX-29: Texas Observer, "Religious Freedom is Only for Christians in Texas," by David R. Brockman, 11/1/2016
- TX-29: Waco Tribune-Herald, "Hispanics need to think about health care enrollment," by Sylvia Garcia, 3/16/2014
- TX-29: San Antonio Express-News, "Democrat Lucio followed faith, not party," by Kolten Parker, 7/19/2013
- TX-3: USA Today, "Texas House passes 12 firearms bills on 'gun day'" 5/4/2013
Special coverage of "Blue Wave" states:
- CA: 7 new House members including 6 Democrats and 5 Democratic takeovers
- FL: 5 new House members including 2 Democrats and 2 Democratic takeovers
- MI: 5 new House members including 4 Democrats and 2 Democratic takeovers
- MN: 5 new House members including 3 Democrats and 2 Democratic takeovers (and 1 Republican takeover!)
- NJ: 4 new House members including 4 Democrats and 3 Democratic takeovers
- NY: 4 new House members including 4 Democrats and 2 Democratic takeovers
- PA: 7 new House members including 4 Democrats and 4 Democratic takeovers (with statewide redistricting)
- TX: 10 new House members including 4 Democrats and 2 Democratic takeovers
- VA: 5 new House members including 3 Democrats and 3 Democratic takeovers
- All other states: 51 new House members including 17 Democratic takeovers
- Endorsements: Organizational endorsements of new House members, from groups that focus on one issue
- 2019 House incumbents: continuing coverage of the 116th Congress
Conclusion: the "Blue Wave" means Democrats took over Congress but the rest is media hype.
OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
Chip Roy: Will always oppose abortion in any form.
Lance Gooden: As adoptee he understands more than most sanctity of life.
Ron Wright: Says women should be punished; later says only providers.
Chip Roy: Life begins at conception; don't fund Planned Parenthood.
Ron Wright: Life begins at conception; never allow abortion.
Sylvia Garcia: Women capable of making own decision with doctor's advice.
Sylvia Garcia: Against abortion, but respects a woman's right to one.
Budget & Economy
Chip Roy: Refuse to increase debt ceiling without spending reductions.
Michael Cloud: Add cost of servicing debt to any legislation.
Ron Wright: Pass a balanced budget then get out of the way.
Civil Rights
Dan Crenshaw: Social media shuts down conservative opinions.
Will Hurd: Allow transgender people in the military.
Ron Wright: Supports the death penalty.
Chip Roy: Label Mexican drug cartels as terrorist organizations.
Lance Gooden: Allow states to legalize medical cannabis, but no other uses.
Ron Wright: Local control, parental choice; expand vouchers.
Dan Crenshaw: Vocational/technical education options instead of college.
Lance Gooden: Feds should stop using one-size-fits-all policies.
Ron Wright: Expand education aid for prisoners & those in trade schools.
Van Taylor: Protecting public schools is critical for future success.
Chip Roy: Bureaucrats should not override political officials.
Ron Wright: No tuition-free public college.
Sylvia Garcia: Texas school choice bill grabs funding from public schools.
Van Taylor: Vouchers decrease growth and help public schools in long run.
Energy & Oil
Dan Crenshaw: Green New Deal has limited focus, need exportable solutions.
Lizzie Pannill Fletcher: Can support both fossil fuels, protecting environment.
Ron Wright: Regulating climate change is not a government responsibility.
Van Taylor: Allow energy producers easier oilfield access.
Van Taylor: Bureaucratic hold up diminishes access to water resources.
Families & Children
Ron Wright: Marriages are one-man-one-woman; so are bathrooms.
Foreign Policy
Chip Roy: Peace through strength; stand up to enemies; support allies.
Ron Wright: Protect our sovereignty from the United Nations.
Free Trade
Michael Cloud: Move away from?China?as global manufacturing base.
Colin Allred: Trade with Mexico and Canada is critical to business.
Government Reform
Chip Roy: Judges & bureaucrats have too much power.
Chip Roy: Congress must go further in reining in regulations.
Ron Wright: Reduce red tape; eliminate unnecessary regulations.
Van Taylor: Voter registration database would ensure citizenship status.
Gun Control
Ron Wright: Fight liberal efforts to infringe right to bear arms.
Dan Crenshaw: Adamant about protecting right to bear arms.
Lance Gooden: Unwavering supporter of the 2nd Amendment.
Dan Crenshaw: AR-15 good weapon to defend yourself in your home.
Ron Wright: More restrictive gun control doesn't protect public safety.
Van Taylor: Proposed bill to allow gun license as form of ID.
Health Care
Chip Roy: Healthcare freedom without Washington interference.
Dan Crenshaw: A single-payer system is not the answer.
Lance Gooden: ObamaCare has been a miserable failure.
Van Taylor: Market-based solutions drive down costs; increases access.
Lizzie Pannill Fletcher: Supports public option, not Medicare for All.
Colin Allred: Supports offering Medicare to all Americans.
Ron Wright: Health insurance across state lines, not from Washington.
Sylvia Garcia: Texas refusal to expand Medicaid was economically unwise.
Homeland Security
Chip Roy: Strengthen military with tools & rules of engagement.
Ron Wright: Will fight for expanded military spending.
Ron Wright: Proposes grant program for retired military & police dogs.
Dan Crenshaw: What veterans need is a clear mission & resources to do it.
Ron Wright: Peace maintained via a strong military.
Chip Roy: Design immigration system based on American values.
Ron Wright: Secure our border from criminals and terrorists.
Dan Crenshaw: Protect our sovereignty; oppose open borders.
Lance Gooden: Borders greatest national security risk today.
Lance Gooden: Pay for border wall any way we can.
Chip Roy: Blocked disaster relief for not addressing crisis at border.
Veronica Escobar: Border fencing needs to be better thought out.
Michael Cloud: Compensate property owners for land seized for border wall.
Van Taylor: America is nation of immigrants, but our system is broken.
Will Hurd: Border wall is 3rd-century solution to 21st-century problem.
Lance Gooden: Supports Trump's declaration of border emergency.
Van Taylor: Break immigration issue into little pieces to find solutions.
Sylvia Garcia: The DREAM Act cannot be combined with building border wall.
Dan Crenshaw: Build a wall on some parts, but other security along river.
Ron Wright: Build the border wall, not sanctuary cities.
Sylvia Garcia: Immigrants who meet requirements deserve path to citizenship.
Lizzie Pannill Fletcher: Attack by AFL-CIO in union case reflects misunderstanding.
Ron Wright: Livable income is not a government responsibility.
Ron Wright: Removing regulations (like livable income) creates jobs.
Principles & Values
Chip Roy: Limited government, unlimited freedom, and opportunity.
Ron Wright: Put "In God We Trust" on all official correspondence.
Veronica Escobar: Support women & Latinas to run for office across the ballot.
Ron Wright: Our limited government established by Judeo-Christian values.
Social Security
Dan Crenshaw: Must reform Medicare & Social Security to save them.
Ron Wright: Raise retirement age; reduce benefit structure.
Sylvia Garcia: Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security must be preserved.
Tax Reform
Chip Roy: Reduce burden of federal tax code.
Ron Wright: Cut taxes for middle class; simplify tax code.
Lance Gooden: Simplify tax code; free small business from interference.
Van Taylor: Taxation cripples businesses, families and economic growth.
Colin Allred: Trump tax cuts helped rich far more than middle class.
Ron Wright: Simplify taxes, with lower rates, or FairTax.
Lizzie Pannill Fletcher: More infrastructure and transportation funding for Houston.
War & Peace
Michael McCaul: Abrupt US withdrawal from Syria benefits our adversaries.
Dan Crenshaw: We fight there so they don't bring it to us.
Ron Wright: Help defend Israel & allies from terrorism & radical Islam.
The above quotations are from News coverage of `Blue Wave` 2018 House races in Texas.