Books by and about 2020 presidential candidates |
Crippled America, by Donald J. Trump (2015) |
Fire and Fury, by Michael Wolff (2018) |
Trump Revealed, by Michael Kranish and Marc Fisher (2016) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2016) |
Promise Me, Dad , by Joe Biden (2017) |
The Book of Joe , by Jeff Wilser (2019; biography of Joe Biden) |
The Truths We Hold, by Kamala Harris (2019) |
Smart on Crime, by Kamala Harris (2010) |
Guide to Political Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2017) |
Where We Go From Here, by Bernie Sanders (2018) |
Our Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2016) |
This Fight Is Our Fight, by Elizabeth Warren (2017) |
United, by Cory Booker (2016) |
Conscience of a Conservative, by Jeff Flake (2017) |
Two Paths, by Gov. John Kasich (2017) |
Every Other Monday, by Rep. John Kasich (2010) |
Courage is Contagious, by John Kasich (1998) |
Shortest Way Home, by Pete Buttigieg (2019) |
Becoming, by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Higher Loyalty, by James Comey (2018) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2017) |
Trump vs. Hillary On The Issues , by Jesse Gordon (2016) |
Outsider in the White House, by Bernie Sanders (2015) |
Book Reviews |
(from Amazon.com) |
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2018 Tennessee Senate race: debates and news coverage

Click on a participant to pop-up their full list of quotations from 2018 TN Senate race (number of quotes indicated):
- Bob Corker (4) Republican Jr Senator Tennessee
- James Mackler (8) Democratic candidate for Tennessee Senator Tennessee
- Larry Crim (12) Republican candidate for Tennessee U.S. Senator Tennessee
- Marsha Blackburn (19) Republican Challenger for TN Senator Tennessee
- Phil Bredesen (18) Tennessee Former Democrat Governor (2002-2010)
OR click on an issue category below for a subset. |
Tennessee 2018 Senatorial debates and race coverage:
- Austin Chronicle, "Politics, fear, and the power of Willie Nelson to bring us back together," by Ethan Hawke, Aug. 17, 2018
- Wikipedia.org, "Marsha Blackburn: Political Positions", July 2, 2018
- Chattanooga Times Free Press, "Bredesen goes all out in Senate race with Blackburn", by Andy Sher, Jun 20, 2018
- OutAndAboutNashville.com, "Better Religion & Politics in Tennessee," by Joseph Brant, June 7, 2018
- Ballotpedia.org, "Marsha Blackburn: Key Votes, 115th Congress, 2017-2018", May 24, 2018
- Politico.com, The Global Politico podcast, "Sen. Bob Corker," by Susan B. Glasser, February 13, 2017
OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
Marsha Blackburn: Ban abortion; ban public funds for Planned Parenthood.
Phil Bredesen: Keep abortion legal, but not high priority.
Budget & Economy
Marsha Blackburn: Across-the-board federal spending cuts.
Bob Corker: Adding $2T to deficit was fiscally irresponsible.
James Mackler: Investment in infrastructure means jobs.
Civil Rights
Marsha Blackburn: Let people of faith withhold services to gay couples.
Phil Bredesen: Disallow withholding services to same-sex couples.
James Mackler: Fight for LGBT rights.
Phil Bredesen: Pay for corporate tax cuts by closing loopholes.
Phil Bredesen: As mayor, enticed the NFL's Oilers to relocate to Nashville.
Marsha Blackburn: Stiffer penalties for deceptively trafficking in fentanyl.
Marsha Blackburn: Don't loosen federal regulations marijuana.
Phil Bredesen: Let states decide on marijuana legalization.
Phil Bredesen: Get tough on opioid prescriptions from pain clinics.
Marsha Blackburn: Supports vouchers for private schools.
Marsha Blackburn: Don't lower student loan interest.
Phil Bredesen: Supports charter schools but "not wild about vouchers.
Phil Bredesen: Free community college tuition; lower student loan interest.
Larry Crim: Children should have quality education minus crushing debt.
Larry Crim: Children should have quality education minus crushing debt.
James Mackler: Against vouchers, for accountability.
Energy & Oil
Marsha Blackburn: Climate change isn't settled; withdraw from Paris Accord.
Phil Bredesen: Green energy will be of vast importance and growth.
Marsha Blackburn: Cut budget of Environmental Protection Administration.
Phil Bredesen: Supports environmental regulation by government.
Foreign Policy
Bob Corker: Russia a bad actor, not moral equivalent to US.
Free Trade
Marsha Blackburn: Trump's tariifs are a bad deal for Tennesseans.
Phil Bredesen: Trump's tariifs are same as a new tax on Tennesseans.
James Mackler: Renegotiate NAFTA; it hurts American workers.
Bob Corker: Supports free trade, but anomalies need to be addressed.
Government Reform
Marsha Blackburn: Require presidential candidates to show birth certificates.
Gun Control
Marsha Blackburn: Get background checks working, but no other gun regulations.
Phil Bredesen: Close gun show loophole & ban bump stocks.
Health Care
Marsha Blackburn: Health savings accounts instead of ObamaCare.
Phil Bredesen: Support ObamaCare, with fixes, and some Medicare-for-All.
Larry Crim: Constituents should have a seat at the table on health care.
Larry Crim: Constituents should have a seat at the table on health care.
James Mackler: Healthcare is a right.
Homeland Security
Marsha Blackburn: Supported military spending bills in Congress.
Larry Crim: We honor our veterans by keeping their care a priority.
Larry Crim: We honor our veterans by keeping their care a priority.
James Mackler: Against privatization of VA.
Larry Crim: Provides spiritual counseling to help America's Veterans.
Marsha Blackburn: No amnesty for DREAMers; it makes illegal immigration surge.
Phil Bredesen: Deporting DREAMers would be un-American.
James Mackler: Don't separate kids from parents crossing border illegally.
Marsha Blackburn: Minimum wage is a federal mandate; let competition decide.
Phil Bredesen: Minimum wage should keep pace with inflation.
Principles & Values
James Mackler: Wife is a rabbi at Congregation Ohabai Sholom.
Phil Bredesen: 1960s scholarship to Harvard; millionaire businessman at 43.
Social Security
Larry Crim: Don't touch Social Security funds.
Tax Reform
Marsha Blackburn: Support President Trump's tax cuts.
Larry Crim: Lower tax rates; close loopholes.
Marsha Blackburn: Opposes Net Neutrality; it's government-controlled internet.
Phil Bredesen: Empower TVA to bring rural broadband internet access.
Phil Bredesen: Supports Net Neutrality: equal access for everyone.
Larry Crim: Our interstates and highways need our tax dollars now.
Larry Crim: Our interstates and highways need our tax dollars now.
War & Peace
Marsha Blackburn: Iran nuke deal puts future security in jeopardy.
Larry Crim: Oppose President Obama's disastrous Iran Deal.
Bob Corker: Countries must pony up for NATO; alliance is important.
Click for quotations from other sources by:
- Bob Corker Republican Jr Senator Tennessee
- James Mackler Democratic candidate for Tennessee Senator Tennessee
- Larry Crim Republican candidate for Tennessee U.S. Senator Tennessee
- Marsha Blackburn Republican Challenger for TN Senator Tennessee
- Phil Bredesen Tennessee Former Democrat Governor (2002-2010)
The above quotations are from 2018 Tennessee Senate race: debates and news coverage.