OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
Sierra Club: State role to fund Planned Parenthood after Title X cuts.
ACLU: Funding abortion avoids discrimination against poor women.
Heritage Foundation: No federal funding of abortion via ObamaCare health plans.
Cato Institute: Ban abortion after 20 weeks, except for maternal life.
Cato Institute: No taxpayer funding of abortions via ObamaCare.
Budget & Economy
Sierra Club: NEA and NEH are vital for education.
Heritage Foundation: Freedom Caucus fights establishment irresponsible spending.
Heritage Foundation: NEA is welfare for artists and the cultured upper-class.
Civil Rights
Heritage Foundation: Don't elevate gender identity as a protected class.
ACLU: Religious objections to GLBT services same as 1960s racism.
ACLU: First Amendment doesn't include right to turn away LGBT.
Cato Institute: Balance freedom of association against discrimination.
Heritage Foundation: Arbitration limits trial lawyers and helps consumers.
Sierra Club: Black Lives Matter: equal protection under the law.
ACLU: Black Lives Matter and police don't need special protection.
Cato Institute: Trusting police requires access to police disciplinary files.
ACLU: Drug prohibition means corruption, not an end to drug use.
ACLU: A "drug free America" is not realistic; repeal prohibition.
Cato Institute: Evidence that opioids are not that dangerous, despite hype.
Cato Institute: Legalize marijuana banking until we legalize marijuana.
ACLU: Drug testing for welfare is ineffective and unconstitutional.
Heritage Foundation: Online & Voc-Ed programs, instead of free community college.
Cato Institute: Vouchers break link of low-income and low-quality schools.
Heritage Foundation: Voucher schools are more successful than public schools.
Heritage Foundation: A-PLUS lets states escape No Child Left Behind.
Cato Institute: Only 19% finish community college & new jobs don't need it.
ACLU: Oppose private and religious school voucher programs.
Energy & Oil
Heritage Foundation: Drill for oil & gas in offshore OCS & Eastern Gulf of Mexico.
Heritage Foundation: Eliminate $100M for Diesel Emission Reduction program.
Cato Institute: Opportunity cost and risk cost of nuclear overwhelm savings.
Cato Institute: Internalizing greenhouse gas cost means $2/ton carbon tax.
Sierra Club: Nuclear power is last in being clean, quick, safe, and cheap.
Cato Institute: Oil and gas production isn't damaging, even OCS and ANWR.
Sierra Club: Not sound science to ban predators on wildlife refuges.
Cato Institute: Minimal GMO labeling advances science & consumers.
Heritage Foundation: No federal labeling requirement for GMO products.
Sierra Club: Publicize grant opportunities for diesel emission reduction.
Sierra Club: Mandatory labeling for GMO products, then long-term testing.
Cato Institute: End federal grants to reduce diesel emissions.
Sierra Club: Strict regulation & restrictions for offshore oil drilling.
Families & Children
Heritage Foundation: Eliminate VAWA grants to save $428 million.
Foreign Policy
Heritage Foundation: Focus on humanitarian assistance in South Sudan.
Free Trade
Heritage Foundation: Ex-Im Bank is a slush fund for corporate welfare.
Sierra Club: Reauthorize Ex-im bank and keep ban on coal financing.
Cato Institute: Ex-im bank replaces market risk with bureaucrats' decisions.
Sierra Club: Let India export solar panels to the U.S.
Cato Institute: Countervailing duties mean higher prices on solar panels.
Government Reform
Cato Institute: Term limits of 6 years in House and 12 years in Senate.
Heritage Foundation: Only incumbents and special interests oppose term limits.
Cato Institute: Congress can decide which "emoluments" are acceptable.
ACLU: Congressional term limits are unconstitutional.
Sierra Club: Expand term limit for Assembly from 6 years to 12.
Cato Institute: Term limits oppose professionalization of legislators.
Health Care
Cato Institute: Offer credible market-based alternatives to ObamaCare.
Heritage Foundation: Fully repealing ObamaCare is important, but not sufficient.
Robert Reich: GOP can't beat ObamaCare, so they pretend it's a "disaster".
Robert Reich: ObamaCare fixed three big problems of private insurance.
Homeland Security
Heritage Foundation: Trump's hiring freeze just shifts resources to DVA and DoD.
Cato Institute: Bar the government from indiscriminate bulk surveillance.
ACLU: USA Freedom Act should be first small step of more reforms.
Cato Institute: Give LEGAL child immigrants DACA benefits too.
Cato Institute: Congress decides immigration policy, not President Trump.
Heritage Foundation: Ban DREAMer immigrants from military service.
Paul Gosar: Don't let illegals launder amnesty via military service.
ACLU: No-Fly list against Muslims is unconstitutional.
ACLU: Let DREAMers join military, whether legal or not.
Principles & Values
ACLU: FOIA request for Trump's Emoluments conflicts of interest.
Tax Reform
Heritage Foundation: Lower taxes on businesses unleashes higher wages.
Sierra Club: Lower taxes on businesses is deeply regressive.
Robert Reich: Raise tax on inherited wealth for the very rich.
Robert Reich: Raising estate tax to 1990s level means $448B in new revenue.
Heritage Foundation: Death Tax is a pernicious double tax.
Cato Institute: Estate tax won't hit billionaires--only regular millionaires.
ACLU: Access to broadband services for lower income families.
Heritage Foundation: Cut Lifeline low-income broadband subsidies.
War & Peace
ACLU: Unconstitutional for Trump to bomb Syria.
Heritage Foundation: Hold Assad accountable for his war crimes.
Cato Institute: Alternative to Iran nuke deal is ever-heightening tensions.
Heritage Foundation: Obama deal will marginally slow, but not halt, Iranian nukes.