Marijuana is a very complex chemical substance, unlike beer
"I don't support legalized marijuana for a whole host of reasons, including the fact that this is a very complex chemical substance, and when we tell young people it is just like drinking a beer, we are not telling them the truth. But I think
Colorado voters made a choice. I don't support their choice, but I do support their right to make that choice." The Hill, June 9, 2015
"I remember when I had cancer and my doctor said, 'Do you have any interest in medicinal marijuana?' I did not.
And they said, good, because marijuana today is such a complex compound, we don't really know what's in it, we don't really know how it interacts with other substances or other medicines." Slate, February 2015
"I'm opposed to Prop 19 and
the legalization of marijuana. Sending billions of dollars in new tax revenues to Sacramento is exactly the problem, because Sacramento has a spending problem and will continue to spend the money we send them." 10 Questions, October 2010
Boulder Colorado may be hosting the third 2016 GOP presidential debate, but not all candidates on stage are publicly sold on one major issue in Colorado: legalized pot.
Sen. Rand Paul has long been a vocal supporter of the issue being left to the
states, as opposed to strictly enforcing federal law, and he's spoken favorably of cases involving medical marijuana.
While other candidates might voice tempered acknowledgement of recreational pot, they also point out other issues where
a hard line against drugs should be held. "The marijuana that kids are smoking today is not the same as the marijuana that Jeb Bush smoked 40 years ago," businesswoman Carly Fiorina said during the last debate. Fiorina also said marijuana should be left
to the states but, like Bush, has emphasized the need to tackle the drug issue of heroin overdoses while on the campaign trail in areas like New Hampshire.
I don't support legal pot, but I support states' pot choice
Fiorina has come out against marijuana legalization under all circumstances, but she also supports states' rights. "I don't support legalized marijuana for a whole host of reasons, including the fact that this is a very complex chemical substance,
and when we tell young people it is just like drinking a beer, we are not telling them the truth," she told the Hill in June. "But I think Colorado voters made a choice, I don't support their choice, but I do support their right to make that choice."
Source: Mother Jones 2015 coverage of 2016 presidential hopefuls
, Oct 28, 2015
Drug addiction is an epidemic that takes our young people
I very much hope I am the only person on this stage who can say this, but I know there are millions of Americans out there who will say the same thing. My husband Frank and I buried a child to drug addiction. So, we must invest more in the treatment of
I agree with Senator Paul [that drug laws favor the rich over the poor]; I agree with states' rights [allowing marijuana legalization]. But we are misleading young people when we tell them that marijuana is just like having a beer. It's not.
And the marijuana that kids are smoking today is not the same as the marijuana that Jeb Bush smoked 40 years ago.
We do need criminal justice reform. We have the highest incarceration rates in the world. 2/3 of the people in our prisons are there
for non-violent offenses, mostly drug related. It's clearly not working. But we need to tell young people the truth. Drug addiction is an epidemic, and it is taking too many of our young people. I know this sadly from personal experience.
Stepdaughter died of addiction; invest in treatment of drugs
There's a very real reason Carly Fiorina is against legalizing marijuana: She watched her stepdaughter, Lori Ann Fiorina, battle drug addiction and die an early death, at just 35 years old. At the CNN debate, Fiorina turned to her personal history: "My
husband and I buried a child to drug addiction. We must invest in the treatment of drugs."
Fiorina first shared details about the 2009 loss of Lori in her book, "Rising to the Challenge: My Leadership Journey", which she published earlier this
year. "The two police officers stood awkwardly in our living room," she writes of her and her husband's experience at the start of the book. "The police officers said our daughter was dead, 3,000 miles away. Lori couldn't--or wouldn't--take that first
step of admitting she was powerless over her addiction. And ultimately her body just gave out," she writes further into the work.
Fiorina came into the lives of her two stepdaughters, Lori Ann and Tracy, when she married her husband, Frank, in 1985.
Q: The fight against drugs in Mexico became increasingly bloody and could spill across the border into California, which you have mentioned. Do you think the United States should consider providing military assistance to the government of Mexico in its
war against the drug cartels?
Fiorina: Well first, I think that we must do as the government of Mexico asks us to do in terms of supporting them, and in some cases, we have not provided to them all of the support that they have asked for.
But just to put this in context, I think what we're looking at here is the potential that Mexico is approaching a failed state. A "failed state" is when a government cannot control the security situation within its borders.
Q: So, what can we do about
Fiorina: I think we must provide to the government of Mexico all the support that they are asking for, and frankly, we have not yet done that. We haven't provided all the support.