Quiz Responses
(Click here for AmericansElect quiz) |
AmericansElect Question & Answer (Summary answer based on details in right-hand column) |
Based on these stances: (Click on answers for full excerpt & citation) |
Question 1 answer C on
When you think about the US budget deficit, which of the following solutions is closest to your opinion?
- A: Cutting existing programs
- B: More spending cuts than tax increases (mix of both solutions)
- C: More tax increases than spending cuts (mix of both solutions)
- D: Raising Taxes
- E: Unsure
| Summary answer 'C' from 3 out of 6 statements:
Tax reductions & regulatory reforms to help job creators: A on question 1 $25M more for road improvements: C on question 1 Middle-out economics instead of trickle-down economics: A on question 1 Extend unemployment benefits for the long-term jobless: C on question 1 Anti-poverty programs grow our middle class: C on question 1 Limit budget growth to below inflation: B on question 1
This question weighted at 50% importance. (Relative importance: 6 out of 12 statements.) |
Question 2 answer C on
When you think about Americas energy needs, which of the following solutions comes closest to your opinion?
- A: Strong investment in renewable energy like wind and solar
- B: More drilling than investment in renewables (mix of both solutions)
- C: More investment in renewable than drilling (mix of both solutions)
- D: Strong focus on offshore drilling and allowing drilling in federal lands including wildlife reserves
- E: Unsure
| Summary answer 'C' from 1 out of 3 statements:
End the automatic gas tax increase: C on question 2 Adopt the Clean Cars Act to fight global warming: A on question 2 Maryland needs a long-term vision to make energy affordable: B on question 2
This question weighted at 25% importance. (Relative importance: 3 out of 12 statements.) |
Question 3 answer A on
When you think about healthcare reform in the United States, which of the following solutions is closest to your opinion?
- A: The Government should be the sole provider of healthcare insurance
- B: The Government should have a major role in providing healthcare insurance
- C: The Government should have a limited role in providing healthcare insurance
- D: Only private companies should provide healthcare insurance
- E: Unsure
| Summary answer 'A' from 4 out of 7 statements:
All-payer system: pay hospitals based on patient wellness: B on question 3 All-payer system: state caps medical cost & hospital fees: A on question 3 ObamaCare website has problems, but we're enrolling citizens: A on question 3 Pass the Maryland healthcare act to expand health coverage: B on question 3 Health care should be a right--not a privilege: A on question 3 Supports government-run healthcare: B on question 3 Adopt national health reform legislation before the end of the year: A on question 3
This question weighted at 58% importance. (Relative importance: 7 out of 12 statements.) |
Question 4 answer A on
When you think about illegal immigration, which of the following solutions come closest to your opinion?
- A: All illegal immigrants should be able to stay in the US legally
- B: Most illegal immigrants should be able to stay in the US, with some exceptions
- C: Most illegal immigrants should be deported, with some exceptions
- D: All illegal immigrants should be deported
- E: Unsure
| Summary answer 'A' from 4 out of 5 statements:
Accept 65,000 Syrians now, and more later if needed: A on question 4 Our symbol is the Statue of Liberty, not a barbed wire fence: A on question 4 Democrats don't denigrate women or immigrants or Muslims: B on question 4 Help people immigrate to our nation of immigrants: A on question 4 First state to pass the DREAM Act: A on question 4
This question weighted at 42% importance. (Relative importance: 5 out of 12 statements.) |
Question 5 answer C on
Foreign Policy:
When you think about the US pursuing its interests abroad, which of the following is closest to your opinion?
- A: The US should always act in its own interest regardless of what other countries think
- B: The US should rarely listen to other countries
- C: The US should listen to other countries more often than not
- D: The US should always listen to other countries before pursuing its own interests
- E: Unsure
| Summary answer 'C' from 1 out of 2 statements:
Constitution doesn't let us say when dictators must go: C on question 5 Build a rule-based global trading system: A on question 5
This question weighted at 17% importance. (Relative importance: 2 out of 12 statements.) |
Question 6 answer B on
When you think about education in the US, which of the following is closest to your opinion?
- A: School curriculums should be set entirely at a local school board level
- B: School curriculums should be set more by local school boards than at a national level
- C: School curriculums should be set more by national standards than at a local level
- D: School curriculums should be set entirely at a national standardized level
- E: Unsure
| Summary answer 'B' from 1 out of 4 statements:
Encourage more public charter schools: B on question 6 Tax credits for contributions to private & parochial schools: A on question 6 Give students, teachers & parents resources they need: C on question 6 Opposes education vouchers for public or private school: D on question 6
This question weighted at 33% importance. (Relative importance: 4 out of 12 statements.) |
Question 7 answer C on
Social Issues:
When you think about the rights of same-sex couples, which of the following is closest to your personal opinion?
- A: Same-sex couples should not be allowed to marry or form any kind of civil union
- B: Same-sex couples should be allowed to form civil unions, but not to marry in the traditional sense
- C: Same-sex couples should be allowed to marry legally, with all the same rights as traditional marriages
- D: Unsure
| Summary answer 'C' from 3 out of 4 statements:
All are created equal, including gay, lesbian & transgender: C on question 7 Respect dignity of individuals & support same-sex marriage: C on question 7 Civil marriage rights for all Marylanders: B on question 7 Opposes Amendment to prevent same sex marriage: C on question 7
This question weighted at 33% importance. (Relative importance: 4 out of 12 statements.) |
Question 8 answer D on
Which of the following statements comes closest to your personal view?
- A: Natural resources exist for the benefit of humanity
- B: Natural resources exist for the benefit of humanity, but should be somewhat protected
- C: Natural resources should be mostly protected, but also exist for the benefit of humanity
- D: Natural resources exist on their own and should be completely protected
- E: Unsure
| Summary answer 'D' from 3 out of 4 statements:
Green revolution: 100% clean electric grid by 2050: D on question 8 Support sustainable green building, architecture and design: D on question 8 Passed milestone of preserving 1 million acres of open space: D on question 8 Raise gas tax by 2% per year, to rebuild infrastructure: C on question 8
This question weighted at 33% importance. (Relative importance: 4 out of 12 statements.) |
Question 9 answer C on
Which of the following comes closest to your personal opinion?
- A: To make this country great, we should return to the examples and values of our forefathers
- B: This country is already great, we shouldn't change a thing
- C: To make this country great, we should keep building and adapting for the future
| Summary answer 'C' from 1 out of 1 statements:
Progressive Internationalism: globalize with US pre-eminence: C on question 9
This question weighted at 8% importance. (Relative importance: 1 out of 12 statements.) |