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Vote number 2007-379 barring HHS grants to organizations that perform abortions
on Oct 18, 2007
regarding bill S.Amdt. 3330 to H.R. 3043 Vitter Amendment to HHS/Education/Labor Appropriations
Results: Rejected 41-52
Vote on an amendment, S.AMDT.3330, to H.R.3043 (HHS Appropriations Bill): To prohibit the provision of funds to grantees who perform abortions, with exceptions for maternal health.Proponents support voting YES because: Sen. VITTER: Whatever side of the abortion debate you are on, we can all agree on one thing: Abortion is a very divisive topic. In that context, I think it is the right policy to say we are not going to send taxpayer dollars to support groups that perform abortions. Now, the other side will say: Well, we have current Federal law that says we are not going to use taxpayer dollars to fund abortions. But, quite frankly, that is not good enough. Because now, we send Federal dollars to abortion providers and money is fungible--it is a big shell game and it supports their organizations and, in many cases, that funding is a huge percentage of their overall revenue. Letter of Support from Family Research Council: Recent reports indicate that Planned Parenthood generated over $900 million in income in 2006, of which over $300 million came from government. We should not be sending taxpayer money to an organization such as Planned Parenthood that performs abortions. Your support for the Vitter amendment will uphold the principle that the US taxpayer should not have to subsidize the abortion industry. Opponents recommend voting NO because: Sen. BOXER: The Vitter amendment is "Big Brother" at its very worst. It tells non-governmental entities how they should spend their own private funds. This amendment punishes the very organizations that work hard every day using their own funds to provide family planning services and reproductive health care, including legal abortion services. If Sen. Vitter wants to deny these funds, he should work to outlaw all abortion. That is an honest way. But to punish a private organization that works to give women a full array of reproductive health care is really, I think, a very sorry idea.
Categorized under Abortion
Voting NO counts for 1 points on VoteMatch question 1: Abortion is a woman's right;
Voting YES counts for -1 points on VoteMatch question 1.
voting on 2007-379 |
Mel Martinez |
YES | FL Former GOP Senator (resigned 2009); previously HUD Secy. |
Bernie Sanders |
NO | VT Independent Jr Senator, previously Representative |