George Pataki on Homeland Security
Republican NY Governor
Women in any military role as long as they can do the job
Sen. SANTORUM [to Pataki]: [In allowing women in combat, Obama] pushed a political agenda above the safety, security, and effectiveness of our fighting units. I would change the policy.PATAKI: I completely disagree with Rick. This is America. And
we've made enormous progress. And I don't care if you're a man or a woman. I care if you're good and capable of doing the job. If you can do the job--don't lower standards, don't lower the criteria--but if a woman is capable of doing these jobs, there is
no reason why we should deny a patriot who wants to serve and help defend our country that right.
SANTORUM: That's exactly what I said.
PATAKI: You said you would reverse the policy.
SANTORUM: If they can do the job, I will allow them to do so.
But if they cannot, I would reverse the policy.
PATAKI: In Iraq, the Peshmerga, the Kurds-many of their top fighters are women. This is the 21st century. We want to give women the opportunity to do whatever they are capable of achieving in this country
Source: 2015 CNN/Salem Republican second-tier debate
, Dec 15, 2015
We must unite to keep America safe from radical Islam
Radical Islam poses a threat to our safety not just overseas, but in every community in America. Our party needs to nominate a strong leader who will unite us as
Republicans, but more importantly, unite us as Americans, committed to destroying and defeating radical Islam, restoring our confidence in our safety here, and our belief in freedom, and that the best of America is ahead of us.
Source: 2015 CNN/Salem Republican second-tier debate
, Dec 15, 2015
Inciting terrorism is not constitutional free speech
I think it's important that we do everything in our power to prevent radicalization of Americans here. I'm a great believer in the First Amendment, of Freedom of Speech. I wish we had more of it on campuses,
but you can't shout fire in a crowded theater. Calling on Americans to engage in violence against their fellow Americans in the name of jihad is crying fire in a crowded theater. It is not constitutionally protected speech.
Source: 2015 CNN/Salem Republican second-tier debate
, Dec 15, 2015
We entered Iraq as liberators & became occupiers by staying
I don't want to see us occupy a country. I've been to Iraq and Afghanistan. The first time, I had an uneasy feeling that when we went there we were liberators. But as we stayed, we became occupiers. I saw American troops move into some of Saddam's
old palaces. I thought that was exactly the wrong message. We do not have to occupy. We do not have to nation build and try to create a democracy where one hasn't existed. We have to destroy ISIS, protect our safety and our freedom here, and get out.
Source: 2015 CNN/Salem Republican second-tier debate
, Dec 15, 2015
Far more to help our military & help our veterans
Q [to GRAHAM]: Gov. Jindal calls the 2015 budget deal a "phony deal, it doesn't do anything."GRAHAM: This budget, if it is paid for, will put $40 billion dollars back in the defense department at a time we need it. The problems with the V.A. are real.
PATAKI: I think it was a bad deal, but I would have voted for it for a very simple reason. Barack Obama is the first president in American history to hold our military hostage. He knew that we needed funding for overseas contingency operations,
$40 billion dollars that would go to support our troops. And, he was prepared, and had vetoed it, unless this deal went through. I have two sons, they both served overseas. One in Iraq, and one in Afghanistan, and
I understand that we have got to do far more to help our military, help our veterans, and help protect our security. This is a bad deal, but to protect our military, I would have signed it.
Source: GOP `Your Money/Your Vote` 2015 CNBC 2nd-tier debate
, Oct 28, 2015
Preaching jihad is not protected speech, even in mosques
Q: How far are you willing to go to root out ISIS-inspired terrorists here at home? Would you put mosques, for example, under surveillance? Or is that against religious liberty?PATAKI: Religious liberty doesn't include encouraging a fellow American to
engage in violent jihad and kill an American here. That is not protected free speech. That is not protected religious belief. That is like shouting "fire" in a crowded theater, and that is illegal, and I would do everything in our power not just to go
after those who are here who we know who are here, before they can radicalize other Americans to carry out attacks, and it's not just the ones they've arrested. We have to shut down their internet capability. We have to shut down, whether or not they're
in prisons preaching or in mosques preaching. No radical Islam that is allowed to engage in encouraging violence against Americans, that is not protected speech. We have got to destroy their training camps and recruiting centers.
Source: Fox News/Facebook Second Tier debate transcript
, Aug 6, 2015
Freeze government hiring except military & defense
Q: What would be your first executive order?PATAKI: I defeated Mario Cuomo. In the first day in office, my first executive order, I revoked every one of the executive orders that he had enacted over the prior 12 years. I would do that to Barack
Obama's executive orders. But I'd sign a second one, as I did in New York, as well, having a hard hiring freeze on adding new employees except for the military or defense-related positions. I'd sign that executive order. I will do that in Washington.
Source: Fox News/Facebook Second Tier debate transcript
, Aug 6, 2015
A strong America is a safe America: strengthen our military
I will not forget the lesson of Sept. 11th. I fear too many in Washington already have.In the face of an increasingly dangerous world this is not the time to weaken America's military, it's time to strengthen our military.
Not so that we can use it, but so that we don't HAVE to use it. A strong America is a safe America.
Ronald Reagan proved that peace through strength is more than a slogan. Peace through strength is a policy that works. Weakness, equivocation and false promises lead only to chaos, brutality and war. The world is a better place when America is strong, an
Source: 2016 presidential campaign website: Announcement speech
, May 28, 2015
Reauthorize the Patriot Act, including collecting phone data
Pataki, who was governor of New York during the 9/11 terrorist attacks, says the National Security Agency should be allowed to continue to collect phone data of Americans to help combat terrorism. On May 20, Pataki tweeted to Rand Paul, "Let's not
forget lessons of 9/11, with ISIS openly recruiting online, letting the #PatriotAct go dark will make us less safe." Pataki has long supported the PATRIOT Act, including the bulk collection of phone metadata by the NSA.
Source: PBS News Hour "2016 Candidate Stands" series
, May 28, 2015
We must win the War on Terror to keep America safe
Governor Pataki has also been one of the nations most outspoken advocates in support of the War on Terror to keep America safe. New York State has passed the toughest anti-terror laws in the nation.
Governor Pataki believes strongly that America must win the War on Terror, and that we must take the fight to the terrorists before they have the chance again to take the fight to us.
Source: PAC website, www.FreedomPac.com
, Dec 1, 2006
Deal with terrorism as a joint federal-state responsibility.
Pataki adopted the National Governors Association policy:
- Handling Information Needs.
Many of the operational, programmatic, and funding activities associated with terrorism consequence management preparedness are classified because of national security. Thus, the sharing of critical information is hampered. State governments must be viewed as strong partners in the US national security efforts, particularly as related to terrorism. - Managing Consequences.
Managing the short- and long-term consequences of terrorism is among the responsibilities of state and local government supplemented by the resources of the federal government, coordinated by FEMA. - Supporting Public-Private Cooperation.
Terrorism preparedness efforts should be inclusive of key private sector entities such as defining the appropriate roles and responsibilities for public and private health and medical communities. - Clarifying the Role of the National Guard.
The role of the National Guard in terrorism
response activities is to support federal, state, and local response agencies with equipment, facilities, and personnel. Any assignment of responsibility should enhance the nations terrorism consequence management capability and provide for the contingency of the National Guard being called to assist active and reserve components in dealing with a major military conflict. - Federal Responsibility
Governors recognize the need to coordinate programs among federal agencies to address domestic terrorism and appreciate the efforts of the National Domestic Preparedness Office. However, they encourage greater clarification of the currently fragmented structure of federal responsibilities and support increased cooperation among federal agencies to better enable states to plan for domestic terrorism responses. Governors urge appropriate funding, maximum coordination of program components, and coordinated service delivery within states and localities.
Source: NGA policy HR-10: Domestic Terrorism 01-NGA5 on Feb 15, 2001
Include states in anti-terrorism planning.
Pataki adopted the National Governors Association position paper:
The Issue
The issue of terrorism will be of major focus for the 107th Congress. Governors have a critical interest in controlling domestic terrorism because they are responsible for ensuring that state and local authorities have the ability to deal with natural disasters and other types of major emergencies, including terrorist incidents. NGAs Position
NGA believes that any national strategy for dealing with terrorist incidents should include planning and training by state and local forces. The unique nature of terrorism coupled with national security implications requires the support and expertise of the federal government in working with state and local government in developing capabilities. A clear national strategy developed through a partnership among federal agencies and key state, local, and private sector stakeholders is essential to drive operational and programmatic planning, training, and service delivery in combating terrorism.
Source: National Governors Association "Issues / Positions" 01-NGA7 on Sep 14, 2001
Page last updated: Mar 12, 2016