Books by and about 2020 presidential candidates |
Crippled America, by Donald J. Trump (2015) |
Fire and Fury, by Michael Wolff (2018) |
Trump Revealed, by Michael Kranish and Marc Fisher (2016) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2016) |
Promise Me, Dad , by Joe Biden (2017) |
The Book of Joe , by Jeff Wilser (2019; biography of Joe Biden) |
The Truths We Hold, by Kamala Harris (2019) |
Smart on Crime, by Kamala Harris (2010) |
Guide to Political Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2017) |
Where We Go From Here, by Bernie Sanders (2018) |
Our Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2016) |
This Fight Is Our Fight, by Elizabeth Warren (2017) |
United, by Cory Booker (2016) |
Conscience of a Conservative, by Jeff Flake (2017) |
Two Paths, by Gov. John Kasich (2017) |
Every Other Monday, by Rep. John Kasich (2010) |
Courage is Contagious, by John Kasich (1998) |
Shortest Way Home, by Pete Buttigieg (2019) |
Becoming, by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Higher Loyalty, by James Comey (2018) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2017) |
Trump vs. Hillary On The Issues , by Jesse Gordon (2016) |
Outsider in the White House, by Bernie Sanders (2015) |
Book Reviews |
(from Amazon.com) |
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2001 Governor's State of the State speeches

Click on a participant to pop-up their full list of quotations from 2001 Governor's State of the State speeches (number of quotes indicated):
- Angus King (7) Maine Former Independent Governor (1995-2002)
- Benjamin Cayetano (9)
- Bob Holden (10) Missouri Former Democratic Governor (2001-2004)
- Bob Taft (10) Ohio Former Republican Governor (1999-2006)
- Bob Wise (16) West Virginia Former Democratic Governor (2001-2004)
- Dirk Kempthorne (11) Idaho Former GOP Governor (1999-2006); and Cabinet Sec'y.
- Don Sundquist (6) Former Republican Governor (1995-2002)
- Frank Keating (13) Former Republican Governor (1995-2002)
- Frank O'Bannon (4) Indiana Former Democratic Governor (1997-2003)
- Gary Locke (3) Washington Former Democratic Governor (1997-2004); Cabinet (Commerce)
- Jane Dee Hull (9) Arizona Former Republican Governor (1997-2002)
- Jesse Ventura (6) Minnesota Former Minnesota Independent Governor
- Jim Geringer (10) Wyoming Former Republican Governor (1995-2002)
- Jim Gilmore (12) Republican presidential candidate
- John Engler (9) Michigan Former Republican Governor (1991-2002)
- Judy Martz (16) Montana Former Republican Governor (2001-2005)
- Kenny Guinn (10) Nevada Former Republican Governor (1999-2006)
- Lincoln Almond (5) Former Republican Governor (1995-2002)
- Mike Easley (6) North Carolina Democrat Governor (elected 2000; retired 2008)
- Mike Huckabee (9) Arkansas Republican Presidential candidate
- Mike Johanns (8) Nebraska Former Republican Governor (2005-2007); elected Senator 2008
- Mike Leavitt (10) Cabinet-2008
- Parris Glendening (7) Maryland Former Democratic Governor (1995-2002)
- Ronnie Musgrove (6) Mississippi Former Democratic Governor (2000-2003)
- Roy Barnes (2) Georgia Former Democratic Governor (1999-2002)
- Ruth Ann Minner (3) Delaware Former Democrat Governor (retired 2008)
- Tommy Thompson (9) Cabinet-2005
- William Owens (4) Colorado Former Republican Governor (1999-2006)
OR click on an issue category below for a subset. |
OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
Mike Johanns: Partial-birth abortion is a barbaric practice.
Jim Gilmore: Informed consent and 24-hour waiting period.
Mike Huckabee: Supports womans right-to-know legislation.
Mike Huckabee: Pro-life, but respects choice as mandated law.
Budget & Economy
Bob Wise: Limit capital assistance find to new businesses.
Bob Wise: The cupboard is bare, despite national economic growth.
Lincoln Almond: $325M tax cuts & business incentives to attract investment.
John Engler: Michigan lagged in 1990s; now restored & renewed.
Tommy Thompson: Build the roads and the jobs follow.
Bob Holden: Missouri is and should be fiscally conservative.
Judy Martz: Diversify the economy; expand job market.
Judy Martz: Teach businesses about venture capital, to create jobs.
Bob Taft: Keep budget balanced without new taxes; hold spending.
Benjamin Cayetano: More funding for tourism infrastructure.
Kenny Guinn: Change government to deal with explosive growth.
Frank O'Bannon: Focus during slowdown on education & vulnerability.
Mike Leavitt: Highest priority is economic transition.
Jim Geringer: Spend one-time revenue on one-time expenditures.
Jim Gilmore: Virginia is booming; unemployment at record lows.
Ronnie Musgrove: Attract new businesses; develop existing ones.
Civil Rights
Bob Wise: Restrict and regulate video gambling.
Judy Martz: Return human remains to Indian nations.
Benjamin Cayetano: Defend native Hawaiian Homelands project.
Parris Glendening: Racial Profiling is immoral and must stop.
Parris Glendening: Do more to foster and support small and minority business.
Parris Glendening: Combat discrimination based on sexual orientation.
Bob Wise: $1.5M to raise pay for police and prison guards.
Frank Keating: Target violent and career criminals.
Tommy Thompson: Building more prisons reduces the crime rate.
Tommy Thompson: Give prisoners a work ethic, and substance-abuse programs.
Bob Holden: Lower drunk driving limit to .08.
Judy Martz: After 100 years, we have enough prison cells, for now.
Mike Johanns: Juvenile justice package: more funding; more coordination.
William Owens: DNA tests for all felons; Two strikes for child molesters.
Dirk Kempthorne: No new prisons; warehousing people is not the solution.
Dirk Kempthorne: Drug treatment & education opportunities for inmates.
Jane Dee Hull: $1.1M to collect DNA samples from all prisoners.
Ronnie Musgrove: Teach prisoners skills by building senior housing.
Frank Keating: Supports community sentencing in drug courts.
Bob Taft: Enact more laws to fight methamphetamines.
Benjamin Cayetano: Philosophy shift to treatment instead of punishment.
Mike Leavitt: Drug Courts are working; expand them statewide.
Jim Geringer: Supports drug courts & breaking the drug cycle.
Jim Gilmore: Illegal drugs are not an acceptable part of our society.
Mike Huckabee: Treatment for drug use instead of incarceration.
Dirk Kempthorne: Target meth with more manpower.
Mike Easley: Get K-12 up to levels of rest of education system.
Mike Easley: More Pre-K; smaller classes; more teacher pay.
Mike Easley: Use a lottery to fund elementary schools.
Bob Wise: First priority: PROMISE College Scholarship Program.
Bob Wise: Raise teacher salaries by $1,000; plus $2,500 in incentives.
Lincoln Almond: Measure school performance and report to parents.
Lincoln Almond: We will not tolerate failing schools.
Frank Keating: More funding for schools and colleges.
Frank Keating: Supported largest teacher pay raise in state history.
Frank Keating: $80M in block grants to schools.
John Engler: Expand public school choice; lift cap on charters.
Tommy Thompson: Lets eradicate illiteracy in Wisconsin.
Tommy Thompson: Use Milwaukee charters & private choice as model for US.
Bob Holden: More resources for student and teachers.
Bob Holden: Cash incentive for National Board Certification for teachers.
Bob Holden: Provide parents with school accountability report cards.
Don Sundquist: Invest more in teachers and in early education.
Don Sundquist: We test students & rate schools; now invest in reading.
Don Sundquist: Invest in teachers: scholarships, mentors, merit pay.
Judy Martz: More spending; more accountability via testing.
Judy Martz: 3-Rs of education: recruit, retain, & reward teachers.
Ruth Ann Minner: Put reading specialists in every elementary school.
Bob Taft: Implement system of standards, assessments & accountability.
Bob Taft: Ohios success depends on keeping education as #1 priority.
Bob Taft: Called for 20,000 reading tutors; program is succeeding.
Benjamin Cayetano: $290M for school capital improvements.
Kenny Guinn: $23M for new teachers college at Henderson.
Kenny Guinn: $10M for reading teachers; all kids read by 3rd grade.
Frank O'Bannon: Standards worked for math & English; apply to other subjects.
Frank O'Bannon: $50 million for flexible school readiness program.
Mike Leavitt: Emphasize market relevance in state colleges.
Mike Leavitt: 14.8% increase in funding for public education.
Mike Leavitt: U-PASS: Accountability and skills testing in every grade.
Mike Johanns: $27M for state colleges recruitment & diversity.
Mike Johanns: More teacher bonuses and incentives, locally decided.
William Owens: Teacher merit pay; student standards; smaller class sizes.
Gary Locke: Reduced class size, despite legislative opposition.
Gary Locke: Teacher merit pay; less rules for certification.
Jim Geringer: $10M per year for college merit scholarships.
Jim Geringer: $26M for professional and vocational skills training.
Jim Geringer: Reform Charter School law to allow real parental choice.
Jim Gilmore: College scholarships for every qualified needy student.
Jim Gilmore: Expand Algebra Readiness Initiative; hire more teachers.
Jim Gilmore: Raise teacher pay with local funds.
Mike Huckabee: First priority: Raise teacher salaries.
Dirk Kempthorne: Reading Initiative: 90% of 3rd graders reading by 2004.
Dirk Kempthorne: Exit standards for high school via SAT-like exam.
Dirk Kempthorne: Supports charter schools and innovative classrooms.
Jane Dee Hull: Students FIRST: Build more schools; maintain existing ones.
Jane Dee Hull: Supports Prop. 301, raising taxes for use in schools.
Parris Glendening: Began the Golden Age of School Construction ($1.6B).
Parris Glendening: Make tuition an anachronism: free college for all.
Roy Barnes: End social promotion.
Jesse Ventura: Take over general education costs & eliminate local tax.
Jesse Ventura: Support school districts that think and act outside the box.
Ronnie Musgrove: Remove the 5% cap on teacher pay.
Ronnie Musgrove: Universities: settle the Ayers Case.
Energy & Oil
Bob Wise: Renew 5-cent gas tax to pay for road-building.
Tommy Thompson: More power plants and more transmission lines.
Judy Martz: Protected transition to competitive energy prices in 2002.
Judy Martz: More energy plants; diversify sources; include renewables.
Bob Taft: Project THAW: $250 for home heating oil costs.
Kenny Guinn: Delay power deregulation until protections are in place.
Kenny Guinn: $5M to fight becoming the nations nuclear waste dump.
Mike Leavitt: Ban nuclear waste & fuel rods from the state.
Gary Locke: Diversify to renewable energy; reduce consumption by 10%.
Jim Geringer: Expand energy infrastructure & exploration.
Jane Dee Hull: Supports cleaner burning fuels.
Bob Wise: Create cabinet Environment post; end tradeoff with economy.
Frank Keating: Regulate our precious environment because we love Oklahoma.
John Engler: More investment of Natural Resources Trust Fund.
Don Sundquist: Supports new State Forest and 23 new natural areas.
Judy Martz: Stewardship belongs with the states.
Judy Martz: Government duty to protect species & water.
Ruth Ann Minner: Livable Delaware: channel development against sprawl.
Angus King: Maine is clean & getting cleaner.
Angus King: Promote Smart Growth via tax breaks.
Benjamin Cayetano: Balance growth against environmental protection.
Benjamin Cayetano: $22M to improve state parks.
Mike Leavitt: Spruce up, clean up and keep up our state parks.
Mike Leavitt: Heritage Waters: 1% of all rivers for recreational fishing.
Jim Gilmore: Extend Virginia Naturally: empower people with knowledge.
Jim Gilmore: Extend "Virginia Naturally": empower people with knowledge.
Dirk Kempthorne: Supports salmon recovery without breaching Snake River dams.
Dirk Kempthorne: States rights: no grizzly bears; no roadless forests.
Parris Glendening: $955 million for public transit & Smart Growth initiatives.
Families & Children
Bob Holden: $3M for more local domestic violence shelters.
Angus King: Best state to raise children; model for Americas Promise.
Mike Huckabee: Supports covenant marriage.
Roy Barnes: More restrictions on teenage driving.
Free Trade
Bob Wise: Protect steel industry from illegal imports.
Bob Wise: Require use of US steel in state-funded projects.
Judy Martz: Trade as sister-states in Japan, China, & Taiwan.
Dirk Kempthorne: Double Idahos exports.
Jane Dee Hull: Proud of all-time record trade levels with Mexico.
Government Reform
Frank Keating: Attract people to Oklahoma to regain Congressional seat.
Tommy Thompson: More regional cooperation; more e-government.
Mike Leavitt: Count missionaries abroad in census; gain Congressional seat.
Mike Huckabee: Not more government, but more efficient government.
Jane Dee Hull: Pay state employees more, to ensure quality staff.
Jesse Ventura: Close soft money loophole, give candidates public money.
Gun Control
Angus King: No gun permits for men under restraining orders.
Jim Gilmore: More gun convictions means less violent crime.
Health Care
Mike Easley: Supports Patients Bill of Rights with right to sue.
Mike Easley: Prescription drug plan for seniors reduces net costs.
Bob Wise: $1.5M to provide healthcare access for every child.
Bob Wise: Improve patient rights by allowing to sue HMOs.
Bob Wise: More discounts for prescription drugs.
John Engler: No assisted suicide; but End of Life Care & more pain relief.
Bob Holden: Use tobacco settlement to pay for senior prescriptions.
Bob Holden: Healthy Families Initiative: health care access for all.
Don Sundquist: We must save TennCare, for children & the needy.
Judy Martz: Insured 10,000 kids under CHIPs; aim for 20,000.
Angus King: Fund prevention programs Campaign for a Healthy Maine.
Bob Taft: Golden Buckeye Card for senior Rx discounts.
Benjamin Cayetano: $141M for new medical school at University of Hawaii.
Kenny Guinn: Fund alternatives to long-term care for seniors.
Kenny Guinn: Double the funding for the disabled.
Kenny Guinn: Expand Senior Rx.
Mike Johanns: Use tobacco settlement for biomedical research.
Mike Johanns: $6M increase in funding for mental health.
Jim Geringer: More funding for prescription drugs & senior care.
Jim Gilmore: $25M more for medical care for most vulnerable citizens.
Mike Huckabee: ARKids First program: record decreases in uninsured.
Jane Dee Hull: Supports Kidscare; publicize it via schools.
Ronnie Musgrove: Medical Education Scholarships for rural doctors.
Ronnie Musgrove: Invest in state employees health plan, despite budget.
Frank Keating: Reform workers comp: administrative instead of court-based.
Bob Holden: Invest in life sciences to apply farm products.
Judy Martz: Invest in Agricultural Product Promotion.
Angus King: Worker training for transition from loom to mouse.
Benjamin Cayetano: Increase the minimum wage.
Kenny Guinn: Privatized state workers comp & insurance.
Dirk Kempthorne: Family Farm Security Task Force to improve ag conditions.
Principles & Values
Mike Easley: Fosters One North Carolina of equal opportunity.
Bob Wise: Treat citizens as customers of government, not as subjects.
John Engler: The Next Michigan: attitude for the future.
Mike Johanns: Priorities: tax relief, education, family.
Jim Geringer: Focus on building Wyomings capacity to grow.
Tax Reform
Bob Wise: Top-to-bottom review of business taxes & regulations.
Lincoln Almond: Eliminate the capital gains tax.
Frank Keating: Government spending is not the governments money.
Frank Keating: Lower state income tax rate from 6.75% to 3.75%.
Frank Keating: Reduce and ultimately abolish the estate tax.
John Engler: Exempt new high-tech sectors from state business tax.
John Engler: Has cut and will continue to cut personal & business tax.
John Engler: Strengthen Taxpayer Bill of Rights.
Tommy Thompson: Cut taxes 91 times in Wisconsin, totaling $16.7 billion.
Bob Holden: $2B in tax relief in last 6 years; now tighten our belts.
Judy Martz: No tax increase without voter referendum.
Bob Taft: 3-year tax holiday for high-tech start-ups.
Kenny Guinn: Nevada needs new revenue, but now is no time for new taxes.
Mike Johanns: $60M in property tax relief over next two years.
William Owens: Has cut income taxes, sales tax, & marriage penalty.
Jim Geringer: One-year 1/2% reduction in sales tax.
Jim Gilmore: End the Car Tax.
Mike Huckabee: Remove the poorest taxpayers from the tax rolls.
Dirk Kempthorne: Return $140M of surplus to taxpayers.
Jane Dee Hull: $80 million in tax cuts, to make it 10 years in a row.
Parris Glendening: Cut 28 taxes & returned $2.6B to taxpayers.
Jesse Ventura: Property tax needs to be smaller, simpler, fairer.
Jesse Ventura: Across the board reduction in state income tax rates.
Jesse Ventura: Find a way for state taxes to be collected on ecommerce.
Bob Wise: Make e-government service available 24/7.
Lincoln Almond: $8.4 million Rhode Island E-government Fund.
Frank Keating: Tax credits for stock options and R&D.
John Engler: Establish Cybercourt to resolve disputes on-line & quickly.
Tommy Thompson: Dont let one high tech company escape Wisconsin.
Don Sundquist: Wire government plus libraries and schools.
Judy Martz: Eliminate geography as a business issue, via E-Government.
Ruth Ann Minner: Implement e-government, starting with DMV.
Angus King: High-speed Internet connection for rural parts of Maine.
Bob Taft: New programs for high-tech skills training.
Bob Taft: $52M to support high-tech research.
Benjamin Cayetano: $21M for computers in public schools.
Frank O'Bannon: $50 million more for 21st Century Research Fund.
Mike Leavitt: Merit pay & scholarships for high-tech teachers.
William Owens: More restrictions on Internet crime & porn.
Jim Gilmore: We should think new, like Founding Fathers did.
Mike Huckabee: Arkansas becoming a leader in e-government.
Jane Dee Hull: Targeted tax cuts to attract high-tech companies.
Welfare & Poverty
Frank Keating: Able-bodied people must stand on their own two feet.
Judy Martz: Sell used state vehicles to welfare families.
Jim Geringer: Work First: move families to self-sufficiency.
The above quotations are from 2001 Governor's State of the State speeches.
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- 2004 Governors' State of the State speeches
- 2001 Governors' State of the State speeches
- Other early 2000s Governors' State of the State speeches
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- Historical State of the Union addresses:
- Bush
- Reagan
- Carter
- Ford
- Eisenhower
- Truman