Books by and about 2020 presidential candidates |
Crippled America, by Donald J. Trump (2015) |
United, by Cory Booker (2016) |
The Truths We Hold, by Kamala Harris (2019) |
Smart on Crime, by Kamala Harris (2010) |
Guide to Political Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2017) |
Where We Go From Here, by Bernie Sanders (2018) |
Promise Me, Dad , by Joe Biden (2017) |
Conscience of a Conservative, by Jeff Flake (2017) |
Two Paths, by Gov. John Kasich (2017) |
Every Other Monday, by Rep. John Kasich (2010) |
Courage is Contagious, by John Kasich (1998) |
Shortest Way Home, by Pete Buttigieg (2019) |
The Book of Joe , by Jeff Wilser (2019; biography of Joe Biden) |
Becoming, by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Our Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2016) |
This Fight Is Our Fight, by Elizabeth Warren (2017) |
Higher Loyalty, by James Comey (2018) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2017) |
Books by and about the 2016 presidential election |
What Happened , by Hillary Clinton (2017) |
Higher Loyalty , by James Comey (2018) |
Trump vs. Hillary On The Issues , by Jesse Gordon (2016) |
Hard Choices, by Hillary Clinton (2014) |
Becoming , by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Outsider in the White House, by Bernie Sanders (2015) |
Book Reviews |
(from Amazon.com) |
(click a book cover for a review or other books by or about the presidency from Amazon.com)
2013 Governor's State of the State speeches

OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
Robert Bentley: Right to Life applies to most vulnerable & most helpless.
Peter Shumlin: Assist companies doing stem cell research in Vermont.
Andrew Cuomo: Let women make decision: pregnancy, adoption, or abortion.
Budget & Economy
Maggie Hassan: Balanced budget with no income tax nor sales tax.
Earl Ray Tomblin: Deficit borrowing just kicks the can down the road.
Mark Dayton: Lift us out of miserable deficit-to-deficit cycle.
Paul LePage: Make the tough decisions to let American Dream survive.
Steve Bullock: Be responsible, because our children are watching.
Bill Haslam: Balance budget without education cuts & tax decrease.
Brian Sandoval: We passed a balanced budget post-Great Recession.
Jay Inslee: New world economy is emerging from Great Recession.
John Hickenlooper: Rebuild reserve fund after Great Recession.
Matt Mead: Reduce the budget & build up the rainy-day account.
Dennis Daugaard: Good stewardship achieves a structurally balanced budget.
Butch Otter: State government should never grow as fast as our economy.
Butch Otter: Great Recession shows need for building Rainy Day accounts.
Civil Rights
Rick Scott: $36 million for community-based disabled help.
Pat Quinn: Marriage equality is coming to Illinois.
Pat Quinn: Make IL the leading employer of people with disabilities.
Robert Bentley: Ever mindful of our turbulent past 50 years ago.
Brian Sandoval: Nevada gave women the right to vote in 1914, ahead of USA.
Jay Inslee: Marriage equality represents best of who we are as a state.
John Hickenlooper: Let's pass civil unions!
Andrew Cuomo: Women's Equality Act: Shatter the glass ceiling.
Bobby Jindal: Eliminated burdensome business taxes.
Bobby Jindal: We paid companies, via loopholes, to not pay corporate tax.
Rick Scott: Eliminate thousands of regulations on job creators.
Rick Scott: Remove the sales tax on manufacturing equipment.
Maggie Hassan: Business One Stop online; plus just one licensing system.
Earl Ray Tomblin: Relax rules on paying terminated employees within 3 days.
Mark Dayton: Lowest business tax states accompanied by lowest incomes.
Pat Quinn: Advantage Illinois: microloans to MWOB minority firms.
Paul LePage: Capital investment goes where it is welcomed.
Steve Bullock: State colleges will offer certificates for needed job skills.
Phil Bryant: Tax relief from delayed-accelerated tax payment.
Jack Markell: Start It Up Delaware: nurture employers.
Deval Patrick: Opportunity requires growth, and growth requires investment.
Rick Snyder: Pure Michigan Business Connect: match-making for purchasing.
Scott Walker: 300 rule changes from Small Business Regulatory Review.
Susana Martinez: $4.75M investment in Job Training Incentive Program.
Jan Brewer: Lower barriers to business growth: keep regulations lean.
John Kitzhaber: Oregon Business Plan: create jobs & income; reduce poverty.
Andrew Cuomo: Innovation Hot Spots: tax-free incubator zones.
Dan Malloy: First Five program: leverage public to private funding.
Chris Christie: Continue small business tax relief: no return to tax-&-spend.
Butch Otter: Idaho Global Entrepreneurial Mission: state plus business.
Maggie Hassan: 15 more state troopers on state roads.
Maggie Hassan: Provide capital funds to build a new women's prison.
Earl Ray Tomblin: Texting while driving now illegal; add phoning & drugs.
Paul LePage: Victim's Compensation Fund to address domestic violence.
Tom Corbett: Justice Reinvestment: eligible offenders out of system.
Tom Corbett: 290 new state troopers plus 90 new civilian dispatchers.
Jerry Brown: Curb prison spending through an historic realignment.
Nathan Deal: Accountability courts to avoid 5,000 prison beds.
Jan Brewer: Reduce crime by punishing criminals.
John Kitzhaber: Spend $600M on education now instead of on prisons later.
Andrew Cuomo: End "stop and frisk"; it stigmatizes young black males.
Andrew Cuomo: Videotape all interrogations for serious crimes.
Bob McDonnell: Tough punishment and no parole works.
Dennis Daugaard: Achieved Level 4 certification for Juvenile Corrections.
Dennis Daugaard: Justice reinvestment: focuses resources on proven tools.
Jack Dalrymple: More state troopers, more parole and probation programs.
Butch Otter: $70M for secure mental health facility at state prison.
Pat McCrory: Coordinated effort against cartel drug rings.
Maggie Hassan: $500,000 for drug task force teams, but drop 1 team out of 4.
Earl Ray Tomblin: If you get high, you won't get hired--Drugs aren't working.
Earl Ray Tomblin: Substance abuse re-offenders cause prison overcrowding.
Steve Beshear: KASPER: KY All Schedule Prescription Electronic Reporting.
Steve Beshear: Reduce historic addiction to tobacco with smoke-free law.
Mary Fallin: Prevent prescription drug abuse from occurring.
Jack Markell: Six new state troopers to focus on gangs & drug-trafficking.
Nathan Deal: BUI: Boating Under the Influence: if blood alcohol over .10%.
John Hickenlooper: Now it's legal, but keep marijuana out of the reach of kids.
Andrew Cuomo: Criminalize synthetic marijuana and designer drugs.
Dennis Daugaard: More funding for drug courts; a bargain compared to prison.
Dennis Daugaard: Swift and certain sanctions for drug addicts.
Rick Scott: Eliminated tenure; with performance pay, give $2,500 raise.
Maggie Hassan: $4 million more for scholarships; $35M for state colleges.
Maggie Hassan: Open new charter schools, & add to existing charter schools.
Earl Ray Tomblin: All children should read by the end of the 3rd grade.
Mark Dayton: Education begins early in life, & continues throughout life.
Mark Dayton: Restore $240M for higher ed, but still lowest since 1981.
Steve Beshear: We made cuts to survive; now let's assess damage.
Steve Beshear: Reinvest in SEEK: Support Education Excellence in Kentucky.
Tom Corbett: We have moved beyond the age of the blackboard.
Tom Corbett: $6.4 million dollars for Pre-K Counts and the Head Start.
Gary Herbert: Increase funding for applied technology colleges.
Gary Herbert: Fervently committed $40M to STEM education.
Steve Bullock: Invest in higher ed for 21st Century workforce, like Diesel.
Steve Bullock: Increase from 40% to 60% those with some college.
Steve Bullock: MT is dead last in investment in early childhood education.
Bill Haslam: Drive to 55: Increase college graduation to 55% by 2025.
Jay Nixon: Increase education funding by $150 million.
Jay Nixon: A+ scholarships: community college for every high schooler.
Jerry Brown: Consider subsidiarity: central authority only if local fails.
Phil Bryant: Privately funded Opportunity Scholarship for failing schools.
Phil Bryant: $15M for literacy; and merit pay for teachers.
Jack Markell: Common Core Standards including world language immersion.
Brian Sandoval: Business tax credit for opportunity scholarship contribution.
Brian Sandoval: $20M so every Nevada child can read by Grade Three.
Brian Sandoval: Proposes JAG specialists: Jobs for America's Graduates.
Deval Patrick: Invest in education, innovation, infrastructure.
Dave Heineman: Increasing state aid to education from $852M to $939M.
Dave Heineman: Two-year tuition freeze for State colleges via more funding.
Scott Walker: UW FlexOption: family-friendly flexible degree program.
Susana Martinez: The Bridge: joint high school diploma and associate's degree.
Susana Martinez: $13.5M for New Mexico Reads to Lead.
Jan Brewer: Performance-based funding plan, instead of attendance-based.
Peter Shumlin: Dual enrollment for high school students to state college.
Andrew Cuomo: Tie 4% funding increase to teacher evaluation system.
Bob McDonnell: Top Jobs for the 21st Century: STEM-H degrees.
Bob McDonnell: Zero tolerance policy for failing schools.
Chris Christie: Combine $8.9B in more funding with needed reform.
Butch Otter: No major school improvement measures, just progress.
Energy & Oil
Tom Corbett: Help three refineries survive by owners & unions cooperating.
Mary Fallin: 20% reduction in energy use among state agencies by 2020.
Jerry Brown: CO2 emissions could warm planet by 7 degrees.
Phil Bryant: Support energy development and investment.
Jack Markell: Reliability and cost of energy is key.
Jay Inslee: I cannot consciously accept the dangers of climate change.
Nikki Haley: Not now, not ever, support raising the gas tax.
Sean Parnell: Reform tax proposals to foster new oil production.
John Hickenlooper: Colorado Energy Office: efficiency and renewables.
John Hickenlooper: Innovative drilling technology for abundant natural gas.
Andrew Cuomo: New York Greenbank: $1 billion to spur the clean economy.
Andrew Cuomo: Lower carbon emissions via market-based cap-and-trade system.
Bob McDonnell: Replace gas tax with sales and use tax.
Dan Malloy: Leverage private capital to deliver renewable energy.
Dennis Daugaard: Explore our potential for oil development.
Jack Dalrymple: Focus on pipeline and rail capacity for oil & gas.
Butch Otter: Get all nuclear waste out of Idaho by 2035.
Pat McCrory: Remove regulations on Environmental and Natural Resources.
Maggie Hassan: Restore $1M to Land & Community Heritage Investment Program.
Earl Ray Tomblin: Identify and remediate land available for development.
Mark Dayton: Protect clean air to breathe & clean water to drink.
Tom Corbett: End the inheritance tax on family farm land.
Jerry Brown: $14B to build tunnels and restore San Joaquin Delta habitat.
Jack Markell: Delaware has moved to the top ten of bike friendly states.
Scott Walker: Streamline process for safe and environmentally sound mining.
Jan Brewer: Natural Resources Review Council: AZ knows BEST, not Feds.
Chris Christie: New Jersey is being short-changed on Hurricane Sandy relief.
Dennis Daugaard: Invest $8 million to fight the mountain pine beetle.
Butch Otter: Endangered Species Act creates federal-state conflict.
Families & Children
Rick Scott: $1.5 million for safe houses against human trafficking.
Maggie Hassan: Restore funding for the Children in Need of Services program.
Jack Markell: Youth suicide: the most tragic child mental health problem.
Rick Snyder: Healthy Kids Dental: coverage for 440,000 kids in need.
Susana Martinez: Amber Alert whenever a New Mexico child is abducted.
Jan Brewer: Arizona's abused and neglected children need help.
Andrew Cuomo: Prohibit Internet access to child pornography.
Dennis Daugaard: Infant Mortality Task Force: distribute safe sleep kits.
Jack Dalrymple: Great need for more and better child care services.
Foreign Policy
Jack Markell: World now is more global; more productive; more competitive.
Brian Sandoval: $10M Knowledge Fund, and expand Nevada's global footprint.
Nikki Haley: $5 billion in foreign investment: the "It" state worldwide.
Free Trade
Steve Beshear: Record exports to Asia & Europe means we're importing jobs.
Jerry Brown: Open CA trade and investment office in Shanghai.
Rick Snyder: Took 24 attempts to get New International Trade Crossing.
Dave Heineman: Trade mission: Nebraska exports to China grow rapidly.
Government Reform
Maggie Hassan: Create commission on Government Innovation & Accountability.
Mark Dayton: Make even-years "The Unsession", to eliminate laws & rules.
Pat Quinn: Online voter registration and no party in primary voting.
Pat Quinn: Enact power of petition to recall a corrupt governor.
Steve Beshear: Smart Government: sell surplus land, buildings and vehicles.
Tom Corbett: No bumper sticker reads: "Vote to keep Harrisburg the same".
Tom Corbett: Phase the commonwealth out of the liquor business.
Steve Bullock: Dark money makes our elections into auctions.
Bill Haslam: We reduced wait times for licenses from 38 minutes to 18.
Jay Nixon: Re-institute strict campaign contribution limits.
Nathan Deal: Fulfill true purposes of government then get out of the way.
Brian Sandoval: Restore merit pay for state employees.
Jay Inslee: Lean management: bring disruptive change to Olympia.
Andrew Cuomo: Adopt NYC's public campaign finance system statewide.
Andrew Cuomo: Create early voting system for one week, including weekend.
Matt Mead: 6% reduction for most agencies; 10% for Governor's Office.
Dennis Daugaard: Better Government Red Tape Review: eliminate 26,000 words.
Gun Control
Pat Quinn: Comprehensive plan for gun safety & violence prevention.
Robert Bentley: Respond to active shooters but guarantee Second Amendment.
Deval Patrick: More gun safety measures to help stop tragedies.
John Hickenlooper: Keep guns out of the hands of mentally ill.
Andrew Cuomo: 7-point agenda to stop the madness of gun violence.
Andrew Cuomo: Guns impose huge economic costs, as well as lives.
Andrew Cuomo: Ban assault weapons and large capacity magazines.
Dan Malloy: More guns are not the answer to gun violence.
Health Care
Maggie Hassan: Repair our mental health system; take pressure off ERs.
Steve Bullock: Access Health Montana: increase coverage and access.
Jay Nixon: $10M for more services in community mental health centers.
Jerry Brown: Get started on ObamaCare, then expand Medi-Cal.
Phil Bryant: ObamaCare adds 300,000 entitlements; get people off Medicaid.
Phil Bryant: Expand MS School of Medicine; 1,000 new doctors by 2025.
Rick Snyder: Get communities more involved in mental health courts;.
Matt Mead: ObamaCare is law of the land; let's decide on an Exchange.
Matt Mead: ObamaCare is not good policy; but we must act on it.
Jack Dalrymple: Cutting benefits to those in need is not an option.
Butch Otter: State-based health exchange, not federal one-size-fits-all.
Homeland Security
Pat McCrory: For our heroes, retain troop bases & defense manufacturing.
Pat Quinn: Let military medics to obtain LPN licenses.
Paul LePage: Wreaths Across America: thank our men and women in uniform.
Steve Bullock: Wrap-around services to reintegrate heroes to civilian life.
Bill Haslam: ObamaCare costs TN $350M; cut but preserve rural hospitals.
Jack Markell: Supports Delaware National Guard "Youth ChalleNGe".
Brian Sandoval: Fund additional veterans service officers.
Rick Snyder: There is a cost to sending our military into harm's way.
John Hickenlooper: Make hiring veterans a priority.
Dennis Daugaard: Transfer professional license from other states for military.
Susana Martinez: Stop the magnet for human trafficking, fraud and crime.
Andrew Cuomo: Created a state Office for New Americans.
Bobby Jindal: Not done as long as there are folks who can't find work.
Pat McCrory: Recruit and retain N.C. jobs, in RTP and in small towns.
Pat Quinn: Reformed burdensome worker compensation system.
Steve Beshear: Jobless rate is falling; Kentucky now 2nd in job growth.
Paul LePage: Reduce red tape for permitting for principled job creators.
Robert Bentley: Take pride in products stamped "Made In Alabama".
Tom Corbett: Keystone Works: on-the-job training for displaced workers.
Mary Fallin: 62,400 new jobs in our state; unemployment at 5.1%.
Mary Fallin: Excessive worker's compensation is a barrier to growth.
Gary Herbert: Remove oppressive nonsensical regulation & spur job creation.
Steve Bullock: J.O.B.S. Bill: Jobs and Opportunity by Building Schools.
Steve Bullock: Enforce that construction projects hire Montana residents.
Bill Haslam: Created 80,000 jobs by making TN a good place for capital.
Jerry Brown: Recover from Great Recession: GoBiz and Jobs Hiring Credit.
Phil Bryant: My first job: every Mississippian who wants a job has one.
Nathan Deal: Employment is primary goal of education: more HOPE Grants.
Jay Inslee: Focus on job growth in high tech and military.
Nikki Haley: Fought unionization; new jobs in 45 of 46 counties.
Susana Martinez: Protect government jobs at our labs and military bases.
John Kitzhaber: Focus budget on investing in jobs and innovation.
Peter Shumlin: Create Innovation Zones targeted to regional job needs.
Andrew Cuomo: Reduce the crushing burden of unemployment & workers comp.
Andrew Cuomo: Current minimum wage is unlivable.
Andrew Cuomo: Phase One casino gambling plan: three Upstate casinos.
Chris Christie: 75,000 new private sector jobs since taking office in 2010.
Dennis Daugaard: Help find jobs for those unemployed over 12 weeks.
Dennis Daugaard: Dakota Roots: invite former South Dakotans back home to work.
Jack Dalrymple: Job growth from low taxes & regulations, not just oil.
Butch Otter: Hire One Act: income tax credit for creating new jobs.
Local Issues
Pat McCrory: Use lottery money for education, not lottery advertising.
Maggie Hassan: $80 million revenue from one high-end regulated casino.
Earl Ray Tomblin: Update pipeline safety statutes with $200,000 per violation.
Mark Dayton: Make capital investments in the downtowns of major cities.
Mary Fallin: $10M for renovation of the State Capitol.
Steve Bullock: Full funding for Indian Country Economic Development.
Rick Perry: Texas is nation's top moving destination for last 8 years.
Rick Perry: Can-do culture: Texas is not merely strong, but exceptional.
Nathan Deal: $50 million bond package for the Port of Savannah.
Rick Snyder: Reform no-fault auto insurance: We have largest claims in US.
Scott Walker: Reopen Travel Wisconsin welcome centers.
Susana Martinez: Invest in the Paseo del Norte expansion.
Principles & Values
Pat McCrory: When you try to appease everyone, you satisfy no one.
Jay Inslee: Met wife Trudi in high school; 3 kids & 2 grandkids.
Sean Parnell: Americans are moving North to the Future.
Jan Brewer: Add "competition" to copper; cattle; cotton; citrus; climate.
Social Security
Pat Quinn: Balance budget by reforming our public pension systems.
Tom Corbett: Resolve our pension crisis for state employees, without cuts.
Dan Malloy: Restructure pension benefits to address chronic underfunding.
Chris Christie: Pension reform: raise retirement age, suspend COLAs.
Tax Reform
Bobby Jindal: Overhaul our tax code and eliminate income taxes.
Mary Fallin: Oklahoma Way: best place for tax dollars is family's pockets.
Steve Bullock: $400 personal rebate instead of $100M property tax cut.
Bill Haslam: TN thinks differently: don't spend money; give back taxes.
Deval Patrick: Reduce sales tax; and raise income tax.
Nikki Haley: Reduce tax burden every single year: eliminate 6% bracket.
Sean Parnell: Eliminate progressivity & create a simpler 25% tax.
Dave Heineman: Eliminated sales tax exemptions, to eliminate income tax.
Jan Brewer: Proposition 100: sales tax expires; now economy is growing.
John Kitzhaber: Opportunity for revenue: capping total deductions & credits.
Maggie Hassan: Double funding for Research & Development tax credit.
Maggie Hassan: Address "red list" of bridges in critical need of repair.
Earl Ray Tomblin: Foster public private partnerships to develop our roads.
Pat Quinn: Create next-generation jobs with "1871" digital hub.
Paul LePage: New website to see how Maine tax dollars are spent.
Robert Bentley: $614M for ATRIP: Transportation Rehabilitation & Improvement.
Robert Bentley: Paperless agencies: online license & tag verification system.
Mary Fallin: Focus on aerospace, energy, agriculture, biosciences, & STEM.
Gary Herbert: Invest in I-15 CORE & Ogden to Provo commuter rail.
Gary Herbert: Since 2007, "e-government" has saved Utahns about $46M.
Steve Bullock: Put state government spending online, in searchable database.
Jerry Brown: I signed high speed rail in 1982; finally done in 2013.
Brian Sandoval: Project Neon: major new highway project.
Deval Patrick: Imagine a 21st Century transportation network.
Deval Patrick: Our citizens do not want less transportation; they want more.
Jay Inslee: Tradable R&D tax credit.
Jay Inslee: Transportation package: creativity as important as concrete.
Nikki Haley: Address our crumbling infrastructure.
Nikki Haley: More cybersecurity against international criminal hacking.
Susana Martinez: Protect Spaceport New Mexico from lawsuit abuse.
John Hickenlooper: Bring antiquated budget & personnel systems to 21st century.
Andrew Cuomo: Push tech-transfer from academia to commercialization.
Andrew Cuomo: Crack down on texting while driving.
Bob McDonnell: $14B on 900 transportation projects, including more Amtrak.
Dan Malloy: Innovation Ecosystem: connect investors for high-skill jobs.
Dennis Daugaard: E-Government: government online, not standing in line.
Jack Dalrymple: Invest reserve fund in one-time highway infrastructure.
Welfare & Poverty
Pat Quinn: Hardest Hit program: Keep 6,550 families in their homes.
Steve Beshear: We face a heavy sword: public pension unfunded liability.
John Kitzhaber: Beware uneven, unequal "recovery" without rural & minorities.
John Hickenlooper: One Congregation-One Family: churches mentor homeless.
Andrew Cuomo: CORe initiative: support community-based services.
Jack Dalrymple: $15 million in our Housing Incentive Fund and FlexPace.
The above quotations are from 2013 Governor's State of the State speeches.
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- 2004 State of the Union speech, plus responses by Sen Tom Daschle (D, SD) & Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D, CA)
- 2004 Governors' State of the State speeches
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- Other early 2000s Governors' State of the State speeches
- Other late 1990s Governors' State of the State speeches
- Historical State of the Union addresses:
- Bush
- Reagan
- Carter
- Ford
- Eisenhower
- Truman