Books by and about 2020 presidential candidates |
Crippled America, by Donald J. Trump (2015) |
United, by Cory Booker (2016) |
The Truths We Hold, by Kamala Harris (2019) |
Smart on Crime, by Kamala Harris (2010) |
Guide to Political Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2017) |
Where We Go From Here, by Bernie Sanders (2018) |
Promise Me, Dad , by Joe Biden (2017) |
Conscience of a Conservative, by Jeff Flake (2017) |
Two Paths, by Gov. John Kasich (2017) |
Every Other Monday, by Rep. John Kasich (2010) |
Courage is Contagious, by John Kasich (1998) |
Shortest Way Home, by Pete Buttigieg (2019) |
The Book of Joe , by Jeff Wilser (2019; biography of Joe Biden) |
Becoming, by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Our Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2016) |
This Fight Is Our Fight, by Elizabeth Warren (2017) |
Higher Loyalty, by James Comey (2018) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2017) |
Books by and about the 2016 presidential election |
What Happened , by Hillary Clinton (2017) |
Higher Loyalty , by James Comey (2018) |
Trump vs. Hillary On The Issues , by Jesse Gordon (2016) |
Hard Choices, by Hillary Clinton (2014) |
Becoming , by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Outsider in the White House, by Bernie Sanders (2015) |
Book Reviews |
(from Amazon.com) |
(click a book cover for a review or other books by or about the presidency from Amazon.com)
OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
Vance McAllister: Stand strong for the unborn.
Marty Walsh: More to be done for access to reproductive choices.
Bill de Blasio: Protect the right to choose.
Katherine Clark: Defend women's access to family planning and birth control.
Liz Cheney: I am strongly pro-life.
Nancy Mace: Defend life and liberty from conception to natural death.
Jason Smith: Don't abandon traditional Judeo-Christian values.
Gabriel Gomez: I am pro-life, but Roe v. Wade is settled law.
Ken Cuccinelli: Protect life and families.
Terry McAuliffe: Don't interfere with decisions better made by women.
Robin Kelly: Work to preserve abortion rights.
Mead Treadwell: I am pro-life; I am pro-family.
Mead Treadwell: Support parental notification for minors getting abortions.
Karen Handel: Prioritize on the sanctity of human life.
Karen Handel: Adult stem cells but no embryonic stem cells.
Budget & Economy
Vance McAllister: More spending means more debt for our children.
Bradley Byrne: Lead the charge to balance budget & hold line on spending.
Jay Stamper: Open discussion of tax and entitlement reform.
Jay Stamper: Raise the debt ceiling; then consider new revenue.
Jay Stamper: No to mindless across-the-board sequester cuts.
Nancy Mace: Day of reckoning is coming if politicians continue to spend.
Jason Smith: Support Balanced Budget Amendment, like 49 states out of 50.
Brian Schatz: Established the Hawaii Fair Share Initiative.
Elizabeth Colbert-Busch: Drop the foolish idea of across-the-board cuts.
Elizabeth Colbert-Busch: Supports raising the debt ceiling.
Steve Lynch: 2011: Supported sequestration and SuperCommittee.
Steve Lynch: Sequestration: Across-the-board cuts are a bad idea.
Gabriel Gomez: Enact meaningful, fair, bipartisan spending reductions.
Robin Kelly: Fight the Republican assault on the middle class.
Dan Wolf: Make home insurance more competitive & more transparent.
Steve Lonegan: End out-of-control spending; freeze spending and debt.
Civil Rights
Marty Walsh: Care for our LGBTQ elders and support our LGBTQ youth.
Marty Walsh: Gender wage gap is still $10B per year in Boston.
Corey Stewart: Marriage is between one man and one woman.
Bill de Blasio: Co-sponsored the Gender Based Discrimination Protection law.
Bill de Blasio: Increase NYC usage of minority businesses from 3% to 10%.
Katherine Clark: Equal pay for equal work by women.
Katherine Clark: Let out-of-state gay couples marry in Massachusetts.
Nancy Mace: First woman to graduate from The Citadel.
Elizabeth Colbert-Busch: Our diversity is one of our great strengths.
Gabriel Gomez: Same sex couples should be free to marry.
Heritage Foundation: Redefining marriage sabotages child-rearing.
Karen Handel: Enforce marriage as one man and one woman.
Bill de Blasio: Preserve physical integrity of Industrial Business Zones.
Robert Sarvis: End ALL government subsidies of specific industries.
Jay Stamper: Wasteful tax loopholes only benefit profitable corporations.
Robin Kelly: Small businesses are the engines of our recovery.
Dan Wolf: Founded Cape Air; chairs Cape Cod Business Roundtable.
Dan Wolf: Ensure that our future, not corporate profit, comes first.
Alison Grimes: Make the Secretary of State's office more business friendly.
Karen Handel: High taxes inhibit job creation & stifle entrepreneurialism.
Steve Lonegan: NJ has worst business tax and highest state tax.
Marty Walsh: More community policing & diversions for non-violent crimes.
Bill de Blasio: Stop-and-frisk disproportionately targets people of color.
Bill de Blasio: Invest in Shot Spotter technology: audio & video on streets.
Robert Sarvis: Reverse the militarization of law-enforcement tactics.
Elizabeth Colbert-Busch: Focus on fraudulent telemarketers who target elderly.
Ken Cuccinelli: 1991: established Sexual Assault Fact & Education (SAFE).
Ken Cuccinelli: Fought the war against human trafficking since 2006.
Ken Cuccinelli: Free wrongly convicted, when technology proves innocence.
Marty Walsh: Create an Office of Addiction Recovery Services.
Bill de Blasio: 50,000 arrests for marijuana possession unjust and wrong.
Robert Sarvis: Legalize marijuana & decriminalize harder drugs.
Marty Walsh: Further raise public confidence in Boston Public Schools.
Bill de Blasio: Stop closures & develop a minimum of 100 community schools.
Bill de Blasio: Create an early warning system before school failures.
Katherine Clark: Support early intervention and early childhood education.
Robert Sarvis: Bad schools persist because politicians are in charge.
Robert Sarvis: Supports vouchers, tax credit, charters, & parental triggers.
Elizabeth Colbert-Busch: Portfolio of public options: magnet, charter, Montessori.
Elizabeth Colbert-Busch: Quality public education is the key to our future.
ACLU: Oppose CO voucher system because it funds religious schools.
Heritage Foundation: Support Colorado voucher system: 75% funding to any school.
Ken Cuccinelli: No child should be forced to remain in a failing school.
Terry McAuliffe: We're not doing enough to support our schools.
Dan Wolf: Serving on board of Sturgis Charter.
Karen Handel: Make approving Charter Schools easier and less cumbersome.
Energy & Oil
Marty Walsh: Reduce Boston's carbon emissions & mitigate climate change.
Bill de Blasio: No to fracking; yes to wind, solar, & geothermal.
Katherine Clark: Carbon tax: it's time to get America running on clean energy.
Jay Stamper: Invest in a clean-energy economy.
Brian Schatz: Focus on clean energy and fighting climate change.
Elizabeth Colbert-Busch: Clemson's Restoration Institute: 1000s of wind-turbine jobs.
Gabriel Gomez: Climate change is real, but don't disadvantage America.
Gabriel Gomez: Wrong to stop the Keystone pipeline.
Heritage Foundation: Environmental fracking via local decision on Marcellus Shale.
Ken Cuccinelli: We need oil, natural gas, and coal, plus new sources.
Terry McAuliffe: Capture wind offshore: for jobs & green energy.
Heritage Foundation: Carbon tax would hurt economy but not reduce global warming.
Heritage Foundation: CO2 restrictions threaten property rights & economic freedom.
Dan Wolf: Make the Cape and Islands energy neutral by 2030.
Dan Wolf: Green Initiatives like solar panels have economic payback.
Steve Lonegan: Stop gasoline tax hikes.
Marty Walsh: More programs in parks and green spaces.
Corey Stewart: Ensure EPA ceases threatening our economy.
Bill de Blasio: Increase bicycling to 6% of all NYC trips by 2020.
Bill de Blasio: SPARE pledge: Stop Polystyrene & Revitalize the Environment.
Ken Cuccinelli: Reform eminent domain laws; only for true public uses.
Heritage Foundation: Theory that "humans are a plague on earth" is wrong.
Dan Wolf: Concentrate new building while preserving open space.
Dan Wolf: Keep wastewater from drinking water and shorelines.
Steve Lonegan: Restrict Eminent Domain; repeal regulations for high-density.
Families & Children
Corey Stewart: Always advocate for family values in our public policy.
Katherine Clark: Champion of victims' rights in domestic violence.
Dan Wolf: Real estate tax abatements for elderly on fixed income.
Steve Lonegan: Stand up to elite who look down on your values.
Foreign Policy
Gabriel Gomez: I support a two-state solution for Israel.
Government Reform
Bill de Blasio: Battle corrupting influence of corporate money in politics.
Bill de Blasio: Citizens United is a body blow to our democracy.
Nancy Mace: I don't trust this government; it overreached its boundaries.
Elizabeth Colbert-Busch: If Congress were a business, our leaders would be fired.
Ken Cuccinelli: Eliminate waste, fraud, and abuse: I've actually done it.
Alison Grimes: Kentuckians need greater access to polls.
Karen Handel: No "secret orders"; no nepotism; no revolving door.
Gun Control
Vance McAllister: Stand strong for the 2nd Amendment.
Bradley Byrne: Gun restrictions don't address true reason for mass tragedy.
Bill de Blasio: Wall Street for Change: campaign to support gun divestment.
Katherine Clark: Ban assault weapons; implement universal background checks.
Robert Sarvis: Gun-control measures fail to reduce violent crime.
Nancy Mace: Debate over gun rights ended with the Second Amendment.
Eric Garcetti: Track record of leadership against gunviolence.
Jason Smith: Right to bear arms is fundamental.
Gabriel Gomez: I am a strong Second Amendment supporter.
Karen Handel: Opposes assault weapons ban; supports concealed carry.
Health Care
Vance McAllister: Repeal ObamaCare, red tape and bureaucracy.
Bill de Blasio: Recruit & train nurses without need to go overseas.
Bill de Blasio: Enroll 600,000 more New Yorkers in ObamaCare by 2018.
Bill de Blasio: Train New Yorkers to fill 16,000 nursing positions.
Robert Sarvis: Focus on catastrophic insurance & cash subsidies.
Peter King: Increase funding for mammographies & breast cancer research.
Jay Stamper: No privatizing Medicare; and no voucher system.
Jay Stamper: Implement what works in ObamaCare and fix what doesn't.
Jason Smith: Defund ObamaCare; no government-run programs.
Elizabeth Colbert-Busch: Implement what works in ObamaCare, and fix what doesn't.
Gabriel Gomez: Let states design their own systems instead of ObamaCare.
Heritage Foundation: Providing basics ok; telling people what to buy is not ok.
Heritage Foundation: Replace mandates; let consumers decide on coverage.
Ken Cuccinelli: Government out of healthcare decisions: focus on competition.
Terry McAuliffe: Expand Medicaid with $21B in federal funds.
Karen Handel: Supports free-market system; opposes single payer system.
Homeland Security
Bradley Byrne: Do more--much more--to ensure our national defense.
Marty Walsh: Values the sacrifice of veterans & provide benefits.
Mike Rounds: Saved Ellsworth Air Force Base from closure in 2005.
Peter King: Wiretapping ok to defend against Islamic terrorism.
Jay Stamper: Increase funding for veterans' benefits; we need to do more.
Jay Stamper: SC's military bases contribute $16B and 11,000 jobs.
Nancy Mace: Provide resources for military's no-fail mission.
Elizabeth Colbert-Busch: Dedicate a staff person to work on behalf of veterans.
Gabriel Gomez: Essential for freedom that America maintain strong defense.
Bradley Byrne: Secure our borders and stop illegal immigration.
Marty Walsh: More services via New Bostonians Office.
Bill de Blasio: Greater outreach and assistance to immigrant entrepreneurs.
Bill de Blasio: Created privately-funded the DREAM fellowship.
Bill de Blasio: Universal City ID for services for undocumented immigrants.
Katherine Clark: Path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants.
Peter King: We must secure our borders; 700 mile fence on Mexican border.
Nancy Mace: Citizenship should be earned.
Elizabeth Colbert-Busch: Since 1800s, America is a land of promise and freedom.
Elizabeth Colbert-Busch: Comprehensive immigration reform with path to citizenship.
Gabriel Gomez: Bring undocumented workers out of the shadows.
Gabriel Gomez: Legal immigration is a great benefit to this country.
Karen Handel: SAVE: Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlement Program.
Bill de Blasio: Peg living wage to increases in the cost of living.
Katherine Clark: Raise the minimum wage; it has fallen since the 1980s.
Nancy Mace: In order to have jobs, you must have employers.
Eric Garcetti: Create one online portal for job seekers.
Jason Smith: Government can't create jobs; small business does.
Tim Scott: 2010: Fought the National Labor Relations Board, and won.
Ken Cuccinelli: Government does not create jobs; people do.
Dan Wolf: Government part of sustaining a strong fishing community.
Principles & Values
Bradley Byrne: Focus on traditional Alabama values for a better America.
Social Security
Bradley Byrne: Protect our seniors' investments; keep government promises.
Katherine Clark: Keep our promises to seniors: keep retirement age & no cuts.
Peter King: Strong supporter of preserving Social Security.
Jay Stamper: I do not support privatizing Social Security.
Elizabeth Colbert-Busch: No privatization; no vouchers; no cuts.
Elizabeth Colbert-Busch: Keep the promises made to and paid for by our seniors.
Gabriel Gomez: Commit to reforming without scare tactics.
Robin Kelly: Oppose raising the eligibility age for receiving benefits.
Dan Wolf: Stronger social support for older residents benefits us all.
Tax Reform
Vance McAllister: Government is too big, taxes are too high.
Bradley Byrne: Fight for a simpler and fairer tax code.
Robert Sarvis: Eliminate or dramatically reduce the income tax.
Jay Stamper: Drop the foolish idea of across-the-board cuts.
Nancy Mace: Every government dollar would be better spent by taxpayers.
Jason Smith: Simplify tax code & cut red tape.
Elizabeth Colbert-Busch: Be fair to middle-class families and small businesses.
Ken Cuccinelli: Reform tax system to encourage entrepreneurs.
Heritage Foundation: True tax reform is revenue-neutral by lowering rates.
Karen Handel: Support FairTax; eliminate personal income tax.
Steve Lonegan: Taxpayers First: mandate public vote for increasing debt.
Bradley Byrne: Build new I-10 bridge & deepen Mobile harbor.
Marty Walsh: Modern transportation system means less traffic congestion.
Bill de Blasio: Keep MTA fares affordable via payroll tax.
Bill de Blasio: Create public Wi-Fi hot zones & citywide broadband.
Robert Sarvis: 21st-century transportation policy based on user-pays.
Jay Stamper: Rebuild our antiquated system of roads, bridges and ports.
Eric Garcetti: Supports investment in public transportation.
Elizabeth Colbert-Busch: Millions of jobs rebuilding our antiquated roads.
Ken Cuccinelli: Focus on traffic congestion and capacity problems.
Terry McAuliffe: Our infrastructure system feels outdated and inefficient.
Robin Kelly: Support South Suburban Airport and the Red Line Expansion.
Dan Wolf: Multi-modal transit is the way to go.
War & Peace
Nancy Mace: Only Congress has the ability to declare war.
Welfare & Poverty
Bill de Blasio: Recognize & legalize basement apartments & granny flats.
Mike Rounds: Launched several initiatives to develop economy.
Tim Scott: Conservative values based on "think your way out of poverty".