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Michele Bachmann on Principles & Values

Republican Representative (MN-6)

Economic AND social AND foreign policy conservative

What is my campaign plan? How do I plan to win the Republican nomination? And then the White House?

My campaign plan is simple: I am going to say true things. Here's what I think, in four parts:

  1. I am a national-security conservative. I believe in peace through strength.
  2. I am an economic conservative. I believe in defending freedom and free enterprise from all opponents, foreign and domestic. If only one word could describe my political goals, it would be "liberty."
  3. I am a social conservative--and I mean it. I haven't just talked the talk--I have walked the walk.
That's the "3-legged stool" that Republicans often talk about--the peace-through-strength conservatives, the economic conservatives and libertarians, & the social "values voters" conservatives. A candidate who can coalesce these 3 groups can win a national election. But in addition, there's a new source of political energy in America today: the Tea Party, sometimes called constitutional conservatives.
Source: Core of Conviction, by Michele Bachmann, p.197-202 , Nov 21, 2011

Switched party in 1970s; Democratic Party left us

In 1980, I became a Republican and never looked back. [After voting for Jimmy Carter in 1976], I realized I wasn't in line with the new anti-family, anti-strong defense, anti-fiscal sanity Democratic Party. I was now a Republican.

As Ronald Reagan always liked to say, he didn't leave the Democratic Party--the Democratic Party left him. Now I too knew the feeling.

Indeed, during the late seventies, Marcus and I grew increasingly attracted to Reagan and his conservative philosophy. We loved it when he said that Americans wanted a conservatism of bright colors, not pale pastels--we sure did. That is, we wanted someone who would unabashedly take the fight directly to the economic declinists, the foreign policy defeatists, and the anti-family relativists who seemed at the time to dominate both parties. Republicans of the "me-too" persuasion held no appeal to us. We wanted a GOP that would fight to make real change. So we liked Reagan.

Source: Core of Conviction, by Michele Bachmann, p. 73 , Nov 21, 2011

Accidental politician: ran for State Senate at Convention

In 2000, dissatisfied with the incumbent, the consensus among my friends was clear: The person to take on the senator was Michele. In Christianity, it's called servant leadership. This was my moment to serve. "So what do I do?" I asked. The answer came back: "Write your name on a sheet of paper, and go up and tell them that you want to run for the endorsement--easy!" That's how naive I was about what I was getting into.

I received over 60% of the vote! So I had just become the officially endorsed Republican candidate; the longtime incumbent had lost the mandate of Republicans in his district. The senator, a sheaf of papers in his hand, then tried to disqualify the balloting. This was grassroots politics at its rootsiest--the people had spoken. Decisively.

In that auditorium, I had become an accidental politician. I hadn't planned on going to the convention, hadn't planned on running for anything, hadn't planned on speaking--and certainly hadn't planned on winning. And yet there I was.

Source: Core of Conviction, by Michele Bachmann, p. 5-9 , Nov 21, 2011

1970: Parents divorced & family stability was gone

In sixth grade, in 1970, everything in our happy little home changed. Our parents made a decision to end their marriage of 19 years. We knew no one in our family who had divorced. Security was gone. Stability was gone. And our dad was gone. I will always honor both my father and my mother, but our family was irretrievably broken. Dad moved out, and we didn't see him again for six years.

The economic impact on the rest of us was immediate. Overnight, we literally fell below the poverty level. Mom had been a full-time homemaker; now, all of a sudden, she had to go out and find a job. Sadly, she had few marketable skills.

But she was willing to work, and work hard. We qualified for welfare, but Mom wouldn't think of it. She did not consider herself a political conservative; she just didn't see us as poor enough to take government help. She knew she could get a job. And so even if we were barely getting by, she was sure she wasn't going to rely on the government to provide for us.

Source: Core of Conviction, by Michele Bachmann, p. 34-35 , Nov 21, 2011

As teen, volunteered on Israeli kibbutz

In 1973, Israel had been sneak attacked by Arab armies. [In 1974], we Christian lovers of Israel were going to work at a Kibbutz in the Negev desert. Our youth housing was really just a barracks. It was dubbed "the ghetto." Bugs and lizards crawled and slithered everywhere.

Our hosts would wake us up at 4 AM, put us on a flatbed truck pulled by an old tractor, then, drive us out to the cotton fields. Armed soldiers provided an escort; before we began working, they scouted the fields for land mines. For us Americans, this was an eye-opening adventure.

Our work involved mostly pulling weeds from the fields. We would work until noon, then ride back to the communal kitchen; then we'd go to sleep. In the afternoons and evenings, we'd study the Bible, maybe learn a few words of Hebrew.

It was hard work--sunburn, blisters, sore joints--but it was a wonderful experience. After that, we traveled to Jerusalem. I felt closer not only to Jesus but also to all the great figures of the Gospel.

Source: Core of Conviction, by Michele Bachmann, p. 50 , Nov 21, 2011

1976: Met husband at mutual job at Elementary School

I got a job as a playground supervisor at a nearby Elementary School. On my first day on the job, in late March 1976, I saw a tall, handsome man at the same school. He was a fellow Winona student and we shared the same job assignment. That was it. That's when I and how I first met my husband, Marcus Bachman.

As we walked back to campus that day--the day we had first met--the kids in the playground started humming a familiar tune: "dum-dum-de-dum"; the tune that everybody plays at weddings as the bride comes down the aisle. Marcus and I knew the kids were just teasing, yet we were both embarrassed, which, of course, is what the kids intended! But later we were reminded that sometimes, out of the mouths of babes comes great wisdom. Those kids knew that something magical was happening long before Marcus or I. Yet one thing we both knew immediately was that we could be friends. We could chat easily, we had similar interests--notably, children and how to raise them--and we both shared a living faith.

Source: Core of Conviction, by Michele Bachmann, p. 53-54 , Nov 21, 2011

Rejects dismissiveness of American institutions & history

American's legendary Founding Fathers, according to Gore Vidal, were all seriously flawed. George Washington was a hopeless bumbler, and Thomas Jefferson was nothing but a hypocrite. In fact, none of the founders were much good. So I could only conclude that the author of "Burr" was, well, snotty. The book horrified me.

These immortals had no idea that there would ever be a state called Minnesota, or that people with names such as Amble and Bachmann would be coming to the United States to find a better life. Nevertheless, the founders had been willing to put everything--their lives, liberty, and sacred honor--on the line for us, for all of us. Indeed, the nation had prospered, just as they had envisioned. And this was the thanks they got?

Indeed, I realized, a snide dismissiveness toward American history and American institutions had become the essence and thinking of the chattering-class gatekeepers of the culture.

Source: Core of Conviction, by Michele Bachmann, p. 72 , Nov 21, 2011

Migraines as campaign issue is foes playing gender card

During my early thirties, I found that I was developing severe headaches.

I later learned that some thirty million Americans suffer from migraines, about three-fourths of them women--and that migraine incidence in women spikes after the change of life. At the time, I thought to myself, "Welcome to the club, Michele." And while I am reluctant to cite sexism as a political issue, sexism certainly can exist. Many years later, when migraines briefly became a campaign issue for me, it appeared that political foes were maybe playing the gender card. After all, at one time or another, all of us, both men and women, suffer pain and get sick.

Source: Core of Conviction, by Michele Bachmann, p.100 , Nov 21, 2011

Members of Congress swear to uphold Founding principles

On July 15, 2010, I filed the paperwork to establish the Tea Party Caucus as a formal component of Congress. As I said at the time:

"The American people are speaking out loud and clear. They have had enough of the spending, the bureaucracy, and the government knows best mentality running rampant today throughout the halls of Congress. This caucus will espouse the timeless principles of our founding, principles that all Members of Congress have sworn to uphold. The American people are doing their part and making their voices heard and this caucus will prove that there are some here in Washington willing to listen.

He Democrats and their media allies mocked Republicans and Tea Partiers. They painted us as toothless hillbillies coming down from the hills, wearing red-white-and-blue bib overalls. But I could see that despite these attacks--and maybe, in fact, because of these attacks--we were winning.

Source: Core of Conviction, by Michele Bachmann, p.186 , Nov 21, 2011

Obama has ushered in socialism

Q: [to Romney]: Rep. Bachmann has said that President Obama has "ushered in socialism" during his first term. Gov. Perry says that this administration is "hell bent" toward taking America toward a socialist country" When Speaker Gingrich was asked if he believes Pres. Obama is a socialist, he responded, quote, "Sure, of course he is."

ROMNEY: Pres. Obama takes his political inspiration from the socialist democrats in Europe. Guess what? Europe isn't working in Europe. It's not going to work here.

Source: 2011 GOP Google debate in Orlando FL , Sep 22, 2011

Separation of church and state is a myth

Q: In 2006, you said that public schools are "teaching children that there is separation of church and state," and added "I am here to tell you that's a myth." Should there be limits on government's ability to inject religion into the public square?

BACHMANN: Thomas Jefferson stated it best: the US government should not be a state church. That's really the fundamental separation of church and state. When Jefferson was asked whether the US would have a national church, he said no, because we believe in freedom of conscience, we believe in freedom of religious liberty, and expression, and speech. That's a foundational principle. But that doesn't mean that we aren't people of faith, and that people of faith shouldn't be allowed to exercise religious liberty in the public square. Of course we should be able to [publicly] exercise our faith. Whether that expression occurs in a public school or occurs in a public building, we should be able to have freedom for all people to express our belief in God.

Source: 2011 GOP Google debate in Orlando FL , Sep 22, 2011

Make Obama a one-term president

Q: You say you can turn the economy around within one quarter by cutting taxes, reducing spending, and repealing ObamaCare. In fact, this week you said, "It isn't that difficult," and, "Solutions aren't that tough to figure out." Isn't that unrealistic, in just three months?

A: We can start to see recovery within three months, not the whole recovery, but we can begin to see it, if we put into place what we know to be true. We should not have increased the debt ceiling. I was leading on the issue of no increasing the debt ceiling. That turned out to be the right answer. And this is part of the movement that we're seeing all across the country. I've been leading that movement. I've been giving it voice. And it's not just Republicans. It's disaffected Democrats. It's independents. It's libertarians all coming together, apolitical people, because [in the Iowa Straw Poll], we get to send a message to Barack Obama. And the message is this: You are finished in 2012, and you will be a one-term president.

Source: Iowa Straw Poll 2011 GOP debate in Ames Iowa , Aug 11, 2011

Bring the voice of the people back to Washington

I'm running for President of the United States to bring the voice of the people back to Washington. That voice requires fundamental changes. Fundamental change in how we spend taxpayer dollars; and a return to constitutional principles of limited government and personal responsibility. Pres. Obama has failed. With your help we can return the people's voice to the White House, restore fiscal sanity, and make Obama a one-term president.
Source: 2011 Republican primary debate on , Jul 21, 2011

Tea Party has held congress to account

Q: What role do you think the Tea Party will play in the 2012 elections?

A: As chair of the House Tea Party Caucus, I know how positive an influence the Tea Party has been. They've held congress to account. Despite media misrepresentations the Tea Party represents all Americans; disaffected Democrats, independents, libertarians, and the GOP. The Tea Party will lead the fight to restore limited government, repeal Obamacare, lower spending & cut taxes.

Source: 2011 Republican primary debate on , Jul 21, 2011

I will represent you with a titanium spine

I ask for your vote as I try to return your voice to DC. If elected FOR PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, I will represent you with a titanium spine no matter the cost. I'm humbled by the support of many fellow citizens and encouraged that America's best days are ahead. In spite of the enormous challenges we face, I have faith that with real leadership we will secure the promise for our future.
Source: 2011 Republican primary debate on , Jul 21, 2011

Chairs the House Tea Party Caucus

Q: [to Santorum]: I'm not a libertarian Republican, I'm not a Tea Party Republican. I'm just a mainstream Republican. Are you concerned at all about the influence of the Tea Party?

SANTORUM: Not at all. I think the Tea Party is a great backstop for America. It is absolutely essential that we have that backbone to the Republican Party going into this election.

Q: [to Bachmann]: Does the influence of the Tea Party push out mainstream Republicans?

BACHMANN: I'm the chairman of the Tea Party Caucus in the House of Representatives. And what I've seen is unlike how the media has tried to wrongly and grossly portray the Tea Party, the Tea Party is really made up of disaffected Democrats, independents, people who've never been political a day in their life. People who are libertarians, or Republicans. It's a wide swath of America coming together. I think that's why the left fears it so much. Because they're people who simply want to take the country back. They want the country to work again.

Source: 2011 GOP primary debate in Manchester NH , Jun 13, 2011

Birthplace in Waterloo Iowa: "favorite daughter" in caucus

Michele Bachmann will have a strong organization on the ground to win caucus states, especially the important Iowa caucus. This organization will be strengthened in Iowa by a coalition of evangelicals, Tea Partiers, women, and populist voters. The other advantages for Bachmann include her birthplace of Waterloo, Iowa. This will give her a native daughter advantage. She will also have some geographical advantage of being Congresswoman from Minnesota, which borders Iowa to the north.
Source: Why She Will Win, by Ron Paul Jones, p. 9 , Jun 8, 2011

Would be first House member elected to Presidency since 1880

The narrative of "Will Michele Bachmann be the first woman President?" will guarantee that Bachmann will capture and keep the nation's attention, like for Hilary Clinton and Sarah Palin. In the end, Bachmann will be able to thank both Palin and Clinton for helping pave the road to the White House for her.

Bachmann's "dark horse" candidacy will make it even more intriguing. She would be the first sitting House member to win the Presidency in over 100 years, the first since James Garfield.

Source: Why She Will Win, by Ron Paul Jones, p. 20-21 , Jun 8, 2011

OpEd: Tea Party support driven by charismatic enthusiasm

Charisma leads to enthusiasm. Much of the Tea Party victories in the 2010 midterm elections were driven by enthusiasm. Enthusiasm helps turn out the votes.

There is a huge enthusiasm gap between Michele Bachmann and the rest of the candidates. People might like Romney, Pawlenty, Gingrich, or others, but will the voters feel like they must vote for them? Sarah Palin could match Bachmann in the enthusiasm area, but she will not be in the race.

Bachmann's only real competitor in enthusiasm will be from Ron Paul, but his supporters are somewhat segregated from the rest of the GOP. Bachmann has the charisma to attract the enthusiastic crowd, and the turnout from that crowd will help her win in the primaries.

Source: Why She Will Win, by Ron Paul Jones, p. 2 , Jun 8, 2011

OpEd: Talks the evangelical talk, but also walks the walk

Huckabee will not be running for President in 2012, so the evangelical vote will be up for grabs. Michele Bachmann will not have to worry about Huckabee splitting the evangelical vote. Bachmann will be the candidate with the most evangelical credibility.

Bachmann's evangelical credibility comes from her early years as a pro-life activist and position against gay marriage. Also, in addition to raising a family, Bachmann and her family have taken care of many foster children.

So Bachmann has not just talked the evangelical talk, she has walked the evangelical walk. Without any other top-tier candidate with evangelical credibility, Bachmann will capture the biggest slice of the evangelical votes.

Source: Why She Will Win, by Ron Paul Jones, p. 5 , Jun 8, 2011

I want my constituents armed and dangerous

When the Tea Party members gathered for tax-day protests across the country, we were treated to a fresh wave of debate about whether these groups are fueled by anger, fear, racism, or class divisions. There was also talk about how much responsibility media outlets and certain political figures bear for inciting Tea Party crowds with violent rhetoric. (Sarah Palin urged her supporters to "reload," and U.S. representative Michele Bachmann said she wants her constituents "armed and dangerous.")
Source: Third World America, by Arianna Huffington, p. 83 , Sep 2, 2010

Recognize Christianity's importance to western civilization.

Bachmann co-sponsored recognizing Christianity's importance to western civilization

Source: Resolution on Importance of Christmas (H.Res.847) 07-HRes847 on Dec 6, 2007

Member of the Tea Party movement.

Bachmann is a member the Tea Party movement

The Tea Party movement is a populist conservative social movement in the United States that emerged in 2009 through a series of locally and nationally coordinated protests. The protests were partially in response to several Federal laws: the stimulus package; te healthcare bill; and the TARP bailouts. The name "Tea Party" refers to the Boston Tea Party of 1773, the source of the phrase, "No Taxation Without Representation."

Source: Tea Party movement 10-Tea on Aug 11, 2010

Other candidates on Principles & Values: Michele Bachmann on other issues:
Pres.Barack Obama
V.P.Joe Biden
GOP Candidates:
Rep.Michele Bachmann(MN)
Herman Cain(GA)
Rep.Newt Gingrich(GA)
Gov.Jon Huntsman(UT)
Gov.Gary Johnson(NM)
Rep.Thaddeus McCotter(MI)
Rep.Ron Paul(TX)
Gov.Rick Perry(TX)
Gov.Buddy Roemer(LA)
Gov.Mitt Romney(MA)
Sen.Rick Santorum(PA)
GOP Withdrawals:
Gov.Haley Barbour(MS)
Gov.Chris Cristie(NJ)
Mayor Rudy Giuliani(NYC)
Gov.Mike Huckabee(AR)
Gov.Bobby Jindal(LA)
Gov.Sarah Palin(AK)
Gov.Tim Pawlenty(MN)
Donald Trump(NY)
Civil Rights
Foreign Policy
Free Trade
Govt. Reform
Gun Control
Health Care
Homeland Security
Social Security
Tax Reform

Page last updated: Feb 23, 2012
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