Gary Johnson on Technology
Libertarian presidential nominee; former Republican NM Governor
Oversaw construction of 500 miles of new highway
During my 2-term tenure as governor, NM experienced the longest period without a tax increase in the state's entire history. Some of my other accomplishments included:- reducing taxes $123 million annually;
- cutting the historic rate of state
government growth in half;
- leaving the state with a budget surplus and 1,000 fewer employees (without firing anyone);
- privatizing half of the state's prisons;
- shifting state Medicaid to managed care,
cutting the historic growth rate in half and creating a better health care network in the state;
- defeating campaign finance legislation;
- increasing the percentage of the state's budget devoted to improving
the state's education system 8 straight years;
- overseeing the construction of 500 miles of new highway.
Source: Seven Principles, by Gary Johnson, p. 26
, Aug 1, 2012
Highway 44: Private alternatives to infrastructure spending
Gov. Johnson looked for private alternatives to the infrastructure spending that too often busts state budgets.
For example, Highway 44 between Albuquerque and Farmington was "designed, financed, built, and guaranteed by a private company."
Source: Club for Growth 2012 Presidential White Paper #9: Johnson
, Jul 21, 2011
Opposes Net Neutrality; no government regulation of Internet
Governor Johnson also opposes so-called "Net
Neutrality" regulations that would lead to a larger government role in the use of Internet bandwidth.
Source: Club for Growth 2012 Presidential White Paper #9: Johnson
, Jul 21, 2011
NM building twice as many 4-lane highways with no tax raise
I've moved the needle on every single issue that exists in this state. I'm talking about economic development, lower taxes--there hasn't been a single tax raise in five years, which has never happened before. There are 1200 fewer state employees
today than when I took office, which means we're running a more efficient state government. We're building twice as many four-lane highways in the state and didn't raise taxes to do it. We're building a telecommunications infrastructure and prisons.
Source: Interview with David Sheff in Playboy Magazine
, Jan 1, 2001
Level playing field for Main Street vs. Internet sales tax.
Johnson adopted a letter to Congress from 44 Governors:
The nations governors have a strong and unified message to Congress: deal fairly with Main Street retailers, consumers, and local governments. In a letter sent to all members of Congress late Friday, 44 governors said:
If you care about a level playing field for Main Street retail businesses and local control of states, local governments, and schools, extend the moratorium on taxing Internet access ONLY with authorization for the states to streamline and simplify the existing sales tax system. To do otherwise perpetuates a fundamental inequity and ignores a growing problem.
The current moratorium on Internet access taxes, like those consumers pay to Internet service providers, and multiple and discriminatory taxes is scheduled to expire in October. The moratorium does not apply to sales taxes. Currently, sales and use taxes are owed on all online transactions, but states are prohibited from requiring remote sellers to collect and remit those levies.
A 1992 US Supreme Court decision said states can only require sellers that have a physical presence in the same state as the consumer to collect so-called use taxes. In instances when a seller does not have a physical presence, consumers are required to calculate and remit the taxes owed to their home states at the end of the year. The problem is most people are unaware that theyre supposed to pay, and states lack an effective enforcement mechanism. Online and catalog sellers, thereby, have a significant price advantage over Main Street businesses that must collect a sales tax on all transactions.
The loophole creates serious budget problems for schools, states, and local governments. A study estimated that states could lose as much as $14 billion by 2004 if they are unable to collect existing taxes on Web-based sales. Nearly half of state revenues come from sales taxes.
Source: NGA Press Release, "Level Playing Field" 01-NGA18 on Aug 20, 2001
Page last updated: Oct 17, 2012