Create jobs by taking advantage of our natural resources
Q: You have said that Gov. Romney was an abject failure at creating jobs when he was governor of Massachusetts.
PERRY: We need to get focused on that 9% unemployment in this country. And that's where we've got to get focused in America, is how to
create an environment where the men and women get back to work. It's the reason I laid out a plan this last week to get this energy that's under our feet. We've got 300 years of resources right under our feet in this country. Yet we've got an
administration that is blockading our ability to bring that to the surface, whether it's our petroleum, our natural gas, or our coal. And 1.2 million jobs could be put to work. We don't have to wait on OPEC anymore. We don't have to let them hold us
hostage. America's got the energy. Let's have American energy independence.
ROMNEY: He's absolutely right about getting energy independence & taking advantage of our natural resources here. But there are also a lot of good jobs we need in manufacturing
We reduced NO2 and ozone in TX without scientists dictating
Q: Are there specific scientists that you've found especially compelling on climate change?
PERRY: Let me tell you what I find compelling, is what we've done in Texas, using our ability to regulate our clean air. We cleaned up our air in the state of
Texas, more than any other state in the nation during the decade. Nitrous oxide levels, down by 57%. Ozone levels down by 27%. That's the way you need to do it, not by some scientist somewhere saying, "Here is what we think is happening out there."
Source: 2011 GOP debate in Simi Valley CA at the Reagan Library
, Sep 7, 2011
Flexible permitting to reduce ozone & NOx levels
We've created a predictable regulatory environment, so that employers know what to expect from one quarter to the next. I'm talking about programs like our flexible permitting program that has contributed to cleaner air and economic development in
Between 2000 and 2009, this program helped Texas achieve a 27% reduction of statewide ozone levels, more than any other state. NOx has fallen by 53% and almost every metropolitan area is meeting the current air standard.
For those of you keeping track, Dallas is within just one part per billion of meeting the standard as well. In true Texas style, we made those air quality improvements, while
Texas employers were creating more private sector jobs, than any other big state in the nation.
Flexible permitting: cap emissions for entire facility
Obama's EPA doesn't care much for Texas's innovative flexible-permitting system, which establishes pollution caps for entire facilities rather than for each source (like a smokestack) within the facility. This flexible approach requires refineries and
other businesses to contain their overall emissions, therefore satisfying the federal standards, but allows them the leeway to determine how best and most efficiently to do so. It was put to place under Democratic governor Ann Richards while Bill
Clinton was president, and was never disapproved by the federal bureaucrats. In June 2010, the EPA broadened its takeover, invalidating all 122 flexible permits.
The EPA must have stepped in to stop a major pollution problem, right? Actually, Texas's
commonsense system has been hugely successful in tackling air pollution. Over the past decade, Texas has achieved a 22% reduction in ozone and a 46% reduction in NOx emissions, outpacing the rest of the country, which achieved only a 27% reduction in NOx.
Katrina: feds impede crucial work; get out of the way
In the aftermath of Katrina, it goes without saying that the federal government had numerous roles. From organizing transportation to having set up the Citizens Corps network that helped us organize from the ground up in the first place.
Some of it worked, some of it didn't. Of course, the federal government should have a role in dealing with a massive disaster that affected such a large part of the nation. My frustration mounts in particular, however, when the federal government impedes
crucial work. We can fight about money tomorrow. But today, when we need action, get out of the way.
After Katrina, we faced numerous challenges as the federal government bureaucracy dragged its feet. As thousands of people poured into our state,
FEMA was not helping us find housing. Worse, though. They were prohibiting us from working with other states to spread folks out, which would have been better for everyone involved.
Stop declaring wildlife sanctuaries on water reservoirs
We are tired of environmental extremists entrenched in the federal bureaucracy undermining our regional water planning process. We support wildlife sanctuaries, but please stop declaring them on land local officials have identified as viable for water
In short our message to Washington is this: let Texans run Texas. I support legislation that establishes more than 20 reservoir sites in statute because securing viable water supplies is vital to the future of this state.
Source: Texas 2007 State of the State address
, Feb 6, 2007
More state autonomy on brownfields & Superfund cleanups.
Perry adopted the National Governors Association position paper:
The Issue
The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA), otherwise known as Superfund, was created to clean up the worst hazardous waste sites across the country and to recoup expenses from responsible parties. Since the law was enacted in 1980, the Superfund program has caused significant amounts of litigation, while cleanup of hazardous waste sites has not been as fast or effective as the statute envisioned. In addition, states have not had the necessary tools or funding from the federal government to adequately clean up state sites. �Brownfields� sites�abandoned or undeveloped non-Superfund industrial or commercial sites under state jurisdiction�have gained increasing attention from Congress in recent years as passage of a comprehensive Superfund package has become increasingly unlikely.
NGA�s Position
NGA supports the reauthorization of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980. NGA policy calls for more opportunities for states to take authority for cleanup of National Priorities List (NPL) sites, increased autonomy and funding over brownfield sites, and the concurrence of a Governor before a site can be listed on the NPL.
Source: National Governors Association "Issues / Positions" 01-NGA15 on Aug 1, 2001
Support State Revolving Loan Fund for flexible Clean Water.
Perry adopted the National Governors Association position paper:
The Issue
The Clean Water Act (CWA) has not been reauthorized since 1987. At that time, provisions were added to address nonpoint source pollution, pollution from diffuse sources such as runoff of fertilizers and pesticides, stormwater runoff, and sediment. Governors and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) disagree on the best approach to addressing the problem of nonpoint source pollution.
NGA�s Position
NGA supports the reauthorization of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act of 1972 (the Clean Water Act). The Governors support an increased focus on watershed management planning, including funding for the State Revolving Loan Fund (SRF) and nonpoint source pollution programs. States should have the flexibility to develop plans for attaining federally approved water quality standards in impaired waters - in consultation with local government officials and stakeholders - and to allocate responsibility for cleanup among contributors. The TMDL regulations should be revised, by legislation if necessary, to give states adequate flexibility, funding, and time to address impaired waters.
Source: National Governors Association "Issues / Positions" 01-NGA9 on Aug 1, 2001
Supports national drought policy, focusing on readiness.
Perry signed the Southern Governors' Association resolution:
Whereas, the recent severe drought conditions throughout the South have created life-threatening situations as well as financial burdens for both government and individuals, and drought conditions are expected to persist in several states in the South;
Whereas, the effects of drought build up and last for several years and, therefore, government programs to address other natural disasters are not well suited to prepare for or respond to droughts;
Whereas, extremely dry conditions have led to numerous forest and rangeland fires, burning tens of thousands of acres of land, destroying homes and communities and eliminating critical habitats for wildlife;
Whereas, the impacts of drought follow no political boundary and drought assistance programs occur at both state and federal levels of government, making it essential to cooperatively plan for and implement measures that will provide relief from current drought situations and
prepare for future drought emergencies;
Whereas, a national drought policy is needed, and the National Drought Policy Commission (NDPC) has issued a report emphasizing moving from relief to readiness; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, the southern governors call upon the Congress to adopt a coordinated, integrated national drought program that
emphasizes preparedness over insurance, insurance over relief, and incentives over regulation;
coordinates drought programs and response between federal and nonfederal entities by creating a coordinating council with meaningful participation by regionally-balanced nonfederal representation, and that this council continue to identify and close gaps in the availability of federal programs in different regions; and
includes a crop insurance program that would make it practicable and prudent for all types of farmers in all areas of the country to obtain coverage.
Source: Resolution of Southern Governor's Assn. on NDPC 01-SGA10 on Sep 9, 2001
Maintain water flow in Mississippi & Missouri Rivers.
Perry signed the Southern Governors' Association resolution:
Whereas, the flow of commerce on the Mississippi River is essential to the economic welfare of the nation;
Whereas, the USDA reports that 70% of the nation�s total grain exports were handled through Mississippi River port elevators;
Whereas, free movement of water-borne commerce on the Inland Waterway System is critical to the delivery of goods to deep-water ports for international trade;
Whereas, the reliability of adequate flows for navigation is a key requirement for fulfillment of delivery contracts, employment in ports and terminals, and energy efficiency;
Whereas, delays and stoppages would threaten the successful implementation of international trade agreements under NAFTA and GATT;
Whereas, the Missouri River contributes up to 65% of the Mississippi River flow at St. Louis during low water conditions;
Whereas, reduction of Missouri River flows above St. Louis would result in more frequent
and more costly impediments to the flow of commerce on the Mississippi River;
Whereas, the reach of the Mississippi River between St. Louis and Cairo, Illinois is at highest risk for delays and stoppages of navigation because of low-water conditions; and
Whereas, the US Army Corps of Engineers is considering several proposed alterations to the current edition of the Master Water Control Manual for the Missouri River that would reduce support of water-borne commerce by restricting the flow of the river during the summer and fall, low-water period at St. Louis; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the Southern Governors� Association would strongly oppose any alterations that would have such an effect and would urge the Corps to consult with affected inland waterway states prior to endorsing any proposal that would alter the current edition of the manual.
Source: Resolution of Southern Governor's Assn. on Mississippi River 01-SGA14 on Feb 27, 2001
Focus on prevention and states for Endangered Species.
Perry signed the Western Governors' Association resolution:
Preventative conservation on both public and private lands is essential. Western states are actively developing conservation plans to restore declining species before they need the protections of the Endangered Species Act [ESA]. Most declining species can be restored to health only through a federal-state partnership that involves private landowners and interested parties.
The purposes of the ESA are undermined if the Act must be so narrowly interpreted that, in order to defend its application against legal challenge, the very species the Act was enacted to protect are disadvantaged. [For example], the decision in Oregon Natural Resources Council v. Daley, holds that the requirement under the ESA for federal agencies to consider state conservation plans means almost nothing. If decisions like the one in Oregon stands, the Western Governors believe there is a problem with the Act itself requiring amendment or regulatory clarification.
In addition, the Governors have long supported the reauthorization of the ESA based on three goals: to increase the role of states, to streamline the ESA, and to increase certainty and technical assistance for landowners and water users. And the governors call for the ESA to have the recovery of species as its central focus.
The Western Governors believe that the courts, and the Congress, when writing the reauthorization of the ESA, should reaffirm the Secretary�s ability to defer the listing of a species when the actions of a state conservation agreement eliminates the need to list a species. The courts and Congress should also clarify that voluntary actions that the Secretary finds will help restore a declining species and which have performance standards, implementation plans, and monitoring and reporting provisions, and are properly financed, are valid conservation tools.
Source: WGA Policy Resolution 01 - 11: Endangered Species Act 01-WGA11 on Aug 14, 2001
Perry signed the Western Governors' Association resolution:
Water quality restoration is essential for economic and environmental sustainability of forestry, agriculture, fisheries, manufacturing, recreation and public water supply.
The Western Governors favor collaborative, incentive driven, locally based solutions to environmental and natural resource problems such as water quality restoration.
The governors continue to endorse the Park City Paradigm to guide water management. Its guiding principles are:
Recognition of diverse interests in water resource values.
Problems should be approached in a holistic or systemic way that recognizes cross-cutting issues, cross-border impacts and concerns, and the multiple needs within the broader "problemshed" � the area that encompasses the problem and all the affected interests.
The policy framework should be responsive to economic, social and environmental considerations. Policies must be flexible and yet provide some level of predictability.
Authority and accountability should be decentralized within national policy parameters. This includes a general federal policy of recognizing and supporting the key role of states in water management.
Negotiation and market-like approaches as well as performance standards are preferred over command-and-control patterns.
Implementing these water management principles can be expensive and beyond the ability of some states to fund. However, the benefits of managing the resource in this manner are significant. Therefore, the Western Governors encourage federal agencies to look for opportunities to use existing authority to provide funding, flexibility in funding, and/or shared or loaned personnel to states to help them address specific watershed problems.
Source: WGA Policy Resolution 01 - 12: Watershed Partnerships 01-WGA12 on Aug 14, 2001
Apply "Good Samaritan" rules to abandoned mine cleanup.
Perry signed the Western Governors' Association resolution:
Good Samaritan
The Western Governors believe that there is a need to eliminate disincentives, and establish incentives, to voluntary, cooperative efforts aimed at improving and protecting water quality impacted by abandoned or inactive mines.
The Western Governors believe the Clean Water Act should be amended to protect a remediating agency from becoming legally responsible for any continuing discharges from the abandoned mine site after completion of a cleanup project, provided that the remediating agency -- or "Good Samaritan"-- does not otherwise have liability for that abandoned or inactive mine site and attempts to improve the conditions at the site.
The Western Governors believe that Congress, as a priority, should amend the Clean Water Act in a manner that accomplishes the goals embodied in the WGA legislative package on Good Samaritan cleanups. S.1787 from the 106 th Congress is a good starting point for future congressional deliberations.
Cleanup and Funding
The Governors encourage federal land management agencies to coordinate their abandoned mine efforts with state efforts to avoid redundancy and unnecessary duplication.
Reliable sources of funds that do not divert from other important Clean Water programs should be identified and made available for the cleanup of hardrock abandoned mines in the West.
The Western Governors continue to urge the Administration and Congress to promptly distribute to states abandoned coal mine land funds in the Abandoned Mine Reclamation Trust Fund , including accumulated interest, collected under Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 (see WGA Policy Resolution 00-012).
Source: WGA Policy Resolution 01 - 15: Cleaning Up Abandoned Mines 01-WGA15 on Aug 14, 2001
State primacy over water quantity & quality issues.
Perry signed the Western Governors' Association resolution:
The states should retain primary jurisdiction over water quantity issues -- specifically water resource allocation and the determination of beneficial uses.
Control of pollutants from stormwater needs to be addressed with application of Best Management Practices. The Clean Water Act (CWA) should allow flexibility in both water quality criteria and beneficial use designations for receiving waters. Stormwater discharges to dry streams in arid regions pose substantially lower environmental risks than do the same discharges to perennial surface waters.
CWA reauthorization must take into account the environment in the arid West. Specifically, the CWA should recognize and Congress should provide adequate resources for the development of water quality criteria for non-perennial and effluent dependent streams.
The CWA reauthorization should include two new statements of purpose:
(A) To recognize the need to establish water quality criteria for the wide variety of ecosystems that exist in the U.S. (B) To allow states to encourage the reuse of treated wastewater, as a component of water quality control.
The CWA should allow states flexibility in the designation of beneficial uses and establishment of criteria for certain waters, such as non-perennial and effluent dependent streams and man made water transportation canals.
Non-point source funding should enable states to balance program elements and focus, as needed, on technology development and transfer, monitoring, assessment, etc. Federal agency activities should also be required to comply with state non-point source management plans.
The Governors endorse the authorization of a regional water quality research project to design and develop water quality standards appropriate to unique conditions in the western states.
Source: WGA Policy Resolution 01 - 16: Clean Water Act 01-WGA16 on Aug 14, 2001