Donald Trump on Abortion
2000 Reform Primary Challenger for President
I am pro-life; fight ObamaCare abortion funding
Donald Trump shocked attendees at the conservative CPAC conference in February when he declared himself pro-life after years of supporting the pro-abortion position. Several months ago, when questioned about his position,
Trump responded by saying the public "would be surprised" by his stance and, in an interview with Laura Ingraham from Fox News leading up to the conference,
Trump characterized himself as "pro-life" and he repeated that apparent reversal when he told the audience at CPAC, "I am pro-life" and pledged to fight for the reversal of ObamaCare, which contains abortion funding loopholes.As the
2012 race intensifies, pro-life advocates must call upon Donald Trump to further explain his stand on important pro-life issues like Supreme Court nominations and repeal of the pro-abortion Obama healthcare law.
Source: Steven Ertelt in LifeNews.com
, Apr 8, 2011
I changed my views to pro-life based on personal stories
Q: Evangelicals want to feel secure that they're going to have a nominee that's solid on those social issues.A: One thing about me, I'm a very honorable guy. I'm pro-life, but I changed my view a number of years ago. One of the primary reasons
I changed [was] a friend of mine's wife was pregnant, and he didn't really want the baby. He was crying as he was telling me the story.
He ends up having the baby and the baby is the apple of his eye. It's the greatest thing that's ever happened to him. And you know here's a baby that wasn't going to be let into life. And I heard this, and some other stories, and I am pro-life.
Q: So those stories did change you, they came around and changed you?
A: They changed me. Yeah, they changed my view as to that, absolutely.
Source: David Brody interview on CBN.com
, Apr 8, 2011
I am pro-life; I will fight to end Obamacare
Billionaire Donald Trump told the Conservative Political Action Conference that he's thinking about running for president. His remarks drew lots of applause and cheers from the crowd, who will play a key role in grass-roots organizing for the eventual
2012 GOP presidential nominee. "I'm well acquainted with winning," Trump said. "That's what this country needs now."In his CPAC speech, Trump sounded many themes popular with
Republican conservatives. "I am pro-life," he said. "I am against gun control."
And in one of his biggest applause lines, Trump vowed to end the nation's health care law: "I will fight to end Obamacare and replace it with something that makes sense for
Source: USA Today report on 2011 Conservative Political Action Conf.
, Feb 10, 2011
Pro-choice, but ban partial birth abortion
I support a womans right to choose, but I am uncomfortable with the procedures. When Tim Russert asked me on Meet the Press if I would ban partial-birth abortion, my pro-choice instincts led me to say no.
After the show, I consulted two doctors I respect and, upon learning more about this procedure, I have concluded that I would support a ban.
Source: The America We Deserve, by Donald Trump, p. 31-32
, Jul 2, 2000
Favors abortion rights but respects opposition
Trump clarified his views on abortion, saying he favors abortion rights, but respects those who oppose his position. I believe it is a personal decision that should be left to the women and their doctors, he said.
Source: Pat Eaton-Robb, Associated Press
, Dec 2, 1999
Page last updated: May 31, 2012