Newt Gingrich on Crime
Former Republican Representative (GA-6) and Speaker of the House
Supports Prison Fellowship InnerChange Freedom Initiative
The Prison Fellowship program creates a faith-based center of commitment and activity aimed at changing the prisoner's outlook on life. Its results have been impressive. The graduates of Prison Fellowship's InnerChange Freedom Initiative (IFI) in
Texas found that they were two times less likely to be rearrested.You don't have to believe in the power of faith to appreciate the benefits
IFI provides to the community: fewer victims, safer neighborhoods, reduced court cases, and fewer prisoners.
Many government officials find a faith-based solution unacceptable. They would rather have people commit more crimes and do more prison time than risk changing their lives with a faith-based approach.
Source: Real Change, by Newt Gingrich, p.214-216
, Dec 18, 2007
3-strike laws are constitutional; enforce courts compliance
Anyone who thinks the various decisions of the Supreme Court are not adequately worrisome need only look at the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals to see how far the Left-liberals will go and how domination by secular Left-liberal judges will change America.
For example, consider the following Ninth Court decisions: - Andrade v. Attorney General of California, (2001): The Ninth Circuit said the California three-strikes law was unconstitutional; the Supreme Court reversed it.
- Summerlin v.
Stewart, (2003): The Ninth Circuit ruled that death sentences must be enacted by a jury, and not a judge, and that the ruling applied retroactively, voiding the death sentences of over 100 inmates. The Supreme Court reversed the retroactive ruling.
When a court is reversed this often, it clearly fails to meet the good behavior test of the Constitution. The good behavior test should be enforced. It would certainly focus the Ninth Circuits attention on survival rather than radicalism.
Source: Winning the Future, by Newt Gingrich, p. 58-60
, Oct 1, 2005
Convert decommissioned military bases into prisons
Gingrich favors tenant ownership of public housing. But he goes further. He would end public housing. He would create enterprise zones with tax breaks for those who create jobs. He would crack down on deadbeat dads.
He would make it tough on criminals by raising the odds that will get caught committing a crime. As for prisons, any decommissioned military base would be sufficient to pick up the slack.
Source: Newt!, by Dick Williams, p. 56
, Jun 1, 1995
Voted NO on replacing death penalty with life imprisonment.
Amendment to replace death penalty crimes in the 1994 Omnibus Crime Bill with life imprisonment.
Bill HR 4092
; vote number 1994-107
on Apr 14, 1994
More prisons, more enforcement, effective death penalty.
Gingrich wrote the Contract with America:
[As part of the Contract with America, within 100 days we pledge to bring to the House Floor the following bill]:
The Taking Back Our Streets Act:
An anti-crime package including stronger truth in sentencing, good faith exclusionary rule exemptions, effective death penalty provisions, and cuts in social spending from this summers crime bill to fund prison construction and additional law enforcement to keep people secure in their neighborhoods and kids safe in their schools.
Source: Contract with America 93-CWA4 on Sep 27, 1994
Page last updated: May 31, 2012