Books by and about 2020 presidential candidates |
Crippled America, by Donald J. Trump (2015) |
United, by Cory Booker (2016) |
The Truths We Hold, by Kamala Harris (2019) |
Smart on Crime, by Kamala Harris (2010) |
Guide to Political Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2017) |
Where We Go From Here, by Bernie Sanders (2018) |
Promise Me, Dad , by Joe Biden (2017) |
Conscience of a Conservative, by Jeff Flake (2017) |
Two Paths, by Gov. John Kasich (2017) |
Every Other Monday, by Rep. John Kasich (2010) |
Courage is Contagious, by John Kasich (1998) |
Shortest Way Home, by Pete Buttigieg (2019) |
The Book of Joe , by Jeff Wilser (2019; biography of Joe Biden) |
Becoming, by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Our Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2016) |
This Fight Is Our Fight, by Elizabeth Warren (2017) |
Higher Loyalty, by James Comey (2018) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2017) |
Books by and about the 2016 presidential election |
What Happened , by Hillary Clinton (2017) |
Higher Loyalty , by James Comey (2018) |
Trump vs. Hillary On The Issues , by Jesse Gordon (2016) |
Hard Choices, by Hillary Clinton (2014) |
Becoming , by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Outsider in the White House, by Bernie Sanders (2015) |
Book Reviews |
(from Amazon.com) |
(click a book cover for a review or other books by or about the presidency from Amazon.com)
2011 gubernatorial press releases

OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
Rick Snyder: Signed partial-birth abortion ban into law.
Budget & Economy
John Hickenlooper: State budgeting process must reflect revenue availability.
Matt Mead: We need to live within our means.
Jack Markell: New infrastructure fund and jobs creation credit.
John Lynch: Proposes budget that cuts programs and doesn't raise taxes.
Susana Martinez: Cut spending to balance state budget.
Jerry Brown: Proposes balanced budget and $12.5 billion in cuts.
John Kitzhaber: Budget to focus on people's futures, not taxes or problems.
Christine Gregoire: Eliminate and reduce programs to solve shortfall.
Civil Rights
Peter Shumlin: Repeal DOMA; treat all of our citizens equally.
Andrew Cuomo: Supports same-sex marriage and same rights of marriage.
Jack Markell: Signs civil union rights into law.
Jay Nixon: To make Missouri great, need to advance civil rights.
Bill Haslam: Encourage business with low taxes and austere government.
Brian Sandoval: Lending to small businesses will help create jobs in state.
Robert Bentley: We will do whatever we can to attract new businesses.
Terry Branstad: High commercial property taxes mean higher prices.
Jack Dalrymple: Positive business climate results in ND leading US in growth.
Rick Snyder: Improve legal representation for poor.
Rick Snyder: Collect prisoner DNA samples to help solve cold cases.
Rick Snyder: Parole decisions by Dept. of Corrections, not Governor.
Lincoln Chafee: Legalize medical marijuana to relieve pain.
Rick Snyder: Reduce supply, combating production of meth.
Earl Ray Tomblin: Support substance abuse care.
John Kitzhaber: Governor's Cool Schools project is funded by teachers union.
Peter Shumlin: Vermont could be Education State if we focus on science.
Brian Sandoval: Improve education performance measurements.
Jack Markell: State provided public schools deserve improvement.
Tom Corbett: Enable kids in bad schools to attend private schools.
Brian Sandoval: Enhance education data systems in Nevada.
Terry Branstad: One Unshakable Vision: World-Class Schools for Iowa.
John Kitzhaber: Welcomes waiver from No Child Left Behind standards.
Pat Quinn: Charter schools give parents more options to ensure success.
Dennis Daugaard: Spending does not guarantee student achievement.
Robert Bentley: Improving schools with a federal/state/private partnership.
Mike Beebe: Teach science and math using new, national methods.
Dave Heineman: Virtual school is good for Nebraska.
Brian Sandoval: Yes to charter schools statewide.
Jack Markell: Improve charter schools, teachers, and accountability.
John Hickenlooper: Federal funds will ensure excellence in Education in CO.
Susana Martinez: Keep great teachers by retention rewards.
Jack Dalrymple: K-12, equal and adequate funding for all districts.
Rick Snyder: Mandatory school choice for every school; remove boundaries.
Jack Dalrymple: Higher education is key to North Dakota's future.
Jay Nixon: We need federal dollars for our schools.
Susana Martinez: A-F school grading system will increase transparency.
Robert Bentley: Give more power to school boards to make decisions.
Dennis Daugaard: Schools should be run by local school boards.
Christine Gregoire: Unify Department of Education; prepare students to succeed.
Andrew Cuomo: Follows federal lead in education by emphasizing performance.
John Lynch: The state should provide kids with kindergarten.
Energy & Oil
Christine Gregoire: Clean energy: limit global warming; be energy independent.
Christine Gregoire: Reduce foreign oil dependence, utilize WA options.
Dave Heineman: Support pipeline but not at expense of environment.
John Hickenlooper: Develop markets for vehicles that run on natural gas.
Jack Markell: Supports renewable resources connecting to grid.
Sean Parnell: Oil and gas production will lead to a stronger nation.
Earl Ray Tomblin: I fight against the EPA to protect energy jobs.
Jay Nixon: Supports public/private partnerships to develop clean energy.
Jack Markell: Petroleum refinery reopening is a stride in jobs and economy.
Robert Bentley: Supports off-shore drilling and the oil and gas industries.
Sean Parnell: Open ANWR for development.
Brian Sandoval: Energy efficiency retrofits add value to buildings.
Bill Haslam: Supports alternative fuels to cut dependence on foreign oil.
Brian Sandoval: Renewables like solar & geothermal are big opportunity.
Jack Dalrymple: Decrease foreign oil reliance, expand ND energy development.
Peter Shumlin: Energy projects statewide: reduce consumption & create jobs.
Chris Christie: The future for New Jersey is in green energy.
Peter Shumlin: Supports carbon cap & green jobs.
Terry Branstad: Supports wind energy by signing HF 672.
Christine Gregoire: Transition Washington state off of coal power.
John Kitzhaber: Making renewable energy in state also keeps dollars in state.
Jack Dalrymple: Support for oil refineries expansion.
Jack Dalrymple: Advocate for renewable fuels, blender pumps.
John Hickenlooper: Supports Obama's "Great Outdoors" conservation ethic.
John Kitzhaber: Seeks to balance environmental and economic interests.
Steve Beshear: Secures Clean Water Act funding to clean up pollution.
Sean Parnell: Natural resources are to be used; not locked up by feds.
Sean Parnell: Support timber industry by increasing land for logging.
Sean Parnell: Explore & extract rare earth elements in Alaska.
Sean Parnell: Oil and gas production means jobs for Americans.
Sean Parnell: Don't leave Alaska's oil buried in the ground.
Tom Corbett: PA rivers are precious for generating many jobs.
Jack Dalrymple: Follow Clean Air Act at EPA, but leave air control to ND.
Jerry Brown: Banned shark fin harvesting to protect sharks and ocean.
Earl Ray Tomblin: Calls for balance on mineral resources.
Andrew Cuomo: Water policy to protect environment and business interests.
Chris Christie: Jersey shore for tourism instead of offshore drilling.
Chris Christie: $157 million for Green Acres open-space acquisition.
Paul LePage: Preserve shoreline, wetlands, & working forest.
Peter Shumlin: Advance the redevelopment of brownfields.
Jack Dalrymple: Water should be available for no cost; drop storage fee plan.
Dave Heineman: Vetoes 25% State Park Fee Increase.
Robert Bentley: Primary value of forests is economic and job related.
Sean Parnell: Continued desire to harvest timber.
Gary Herbert: Balance land use between recreation and development.
Mike Beebe: Important to preserve forests to protect jobs.
Rick Snyder: Voluntary pollution prevention program for farmers.
John Lynch: National forest is important for recreation and economy.
Susana Martinez: Oversee natural resources to balance economy & environment.
Rick Snyder: Protect natural resources; user fees contribute $3B/year.
Foreign Policy
Bev Perdue: International dialogue will lead to a more peaceful world.
Sean Parnell: Preserve freedom; serve a cause larger than self.
Terry Branstad: Partnership with Kosovo will benefit National Guard.
Free Trade
Christine Gregoire: One in three Washington jobs are tied to trade.
Susana Martinez: Trade relationship with Mexico creates jobs & trade corridor.
Sean Parnell: Strengthen business ties, promote international trade.
Jay Nixon: Trade and direct investment between China & Missouri.
Rick Snyder: Open new doors to global markets.
Robert Bentley: $241K to promote AL exports and international trade.
John Kitzhaber: Encouraging more trade agreements with China.
Jack Markell: Make Port of Wilmington the gateway to American market.
Dave Heineman: Expand trade with Taiwan & Hong Kong.
Terry Branstad: Letter to Obama: Pass trade agreements.
John Lynch: Enforce anti-dumping laws against unfair trade practices.
Government Reform
Jack Markell: Supports government transparency and accountability.
Dennis Daugaard: Federal regulatory regime has run amok.
Jay Nixon: Will balance Missouri budget & keep AAA bond rating.
Scott Walker: Cutting the cost of government enables us to save jobs.
Terry Branstad: Sunset of rules and regulations every four years.
Andrew Cuomo: Supports campaign finance reform as fair to all candidates.
Brian Sandoval: Freezing archaic regulations is my number one priority.
Health Care
Sean Parnell: Federal healthcare overreaches into Americans' private lives.
Sean Parnell: Alaska does not want government mandates in health care.
Jerry Brown: Insurance companies must cover maternity leave & services.
Jack Markell: Government funding will lower health care costs.
John Kitzhaber: Healthcare reform needed at both state and federal levels.
Peter Shumlin: We need a single payer system for all.
Brian Sandoval: $874 decrease in public employees benefit plan.
Mike Beebe: Provide better care without federal Affordable Care Act.
Terry Branstad: Lifestyle changes make people healthier & save state money.
Chris Christie: $159M for community health centers for the most vulnerable.
Bill Haslam: Expand Medicaid to include smoking cessation assistance.
John Hickenlooper: Not acceptable for 2,500 kids to lose CHP health coverage.
Dennis Daugaard: Working to keep federal government out of SD's health care.
Terry Branstad: Mental Health Care Reform: secure vulnerable Iowans.
Earl Ray Tomblin: All should have access at an affordable price.
Sean Parnell: One size fits all health care too restricting.
Homeland Security
Dennis Daugaard: Support our troops because they protect our freedoms.
Earl Ray Tomblin: Our troops safeguard us from terrorism and protect freedom.
Terry Branstad: Exempt active-duty military from paying state income tax.
Peter Shumlin: Bias-free policing: no stops for improper documentation.
Jerry Brown: Supports state aid to illegals' children and DREAM Act.
Dave Freudenthal: We need more boots on the border.
Christine Gregoire: Comprehensive immigration laws and border protection.
Pat Quinn: Embrace immigrants and their contributions to America.
Jack Dalrymple: New Amazon facility example of pro-business climate in ND.
Chris Christie: Supports Urban Hub program and Economic Redevelopment Grants.
Jack Dalrymple: $42M for workforce development.
Rick Snyder: Extend unemployment benefits; plan for future.
Local Issues
Brian Sandoval: Gaming Policy Committee: modernize with Internet poker.
Brian Sandoval: Online poker companies still viable, must keep close watch.
Terry Branstad: Saving costs is a priority: rescind RICE rule.
Principles & Values
John Hickenlooper: Coloradoans' resilience due to shared values, community.
Social Security
Rick Snyder: Maintain generous pension benefits for existing retirees.
Tax Reform
Peter Shumlin: Eliminate loopholes, pass progressive taxes.
Dennis Daugaard: Create jobs & expand tax base rather than raise taxes.
Sean Parnell: Support the Cut, Cap, Balance Pledge.
Jack Markell: Responsible tax cuts allow for economic growth.
Terry Branstad: Reduce commercial & residential property tax.
Rick Snyder: Simplify the tax code; end job-killing Business Tax.
Dave Heineman: To build economy: no new taxes.
Jack Dalrymple: Incentives promote job creation in new enterprises.
Brian Sandoval: Don't raise taxes by $1B; that would halt job growth.
Jack Dalrymple: Tax relief to share economic gains with people of ND.
Earl Ray Tomblin: One-cent reduction on the food tax: it's regressive.
Jack Markell: Emphasized the importance of protecting infrastructure.
Jerry Brown: Supports high speed rail in CA to create jobs, ease traffic.
Jack Markell: Take advantage of natural resources through bike trails.
Rick Snyder: Take leadership role in cyber defense and development.
Bev Perdue: Building infrastructure is a top priority to create jobs.
Terry Branstad: Partnership between state and Google is good for jobs.
Dennis Daugaard: Highways are lifeline in SD, so supports federal funding.
Jay Nixon: Rail projects improve quality of life and create jobs.
Chris Christie: Put more Motor Vehicle Commission functions online.
Rick Snyder: Census figures reinforce need for aggressive administration.
War & Peace
Steve Beshear: Gratitude for troops who fight terror & keep America free.
Paul LePage: Celebrate bin Laden's demise, though war on terror goes on.
Terry Branstad: Remain vigilant in support of 3,000 National Guard overseas.
Welfare & Poverty
Rick Snyder: No welfare benefits for people with felony warrants.
Chris Christie: $100 supplement for seniors' home cooling assistance.
Peter Shumlin: End childhood hunger, establish local control.
The above quotations are from 2011 gubernatorial press releases.
Autobiographies and Biographies of Governors:
- American Crisis, by Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D,NY)
- What A Party!, by gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe (D, VA)
- The Last Line of Defense, by gubernatorial candidate Ken Cuccinelli (R, VA)
- Chris Christie: The Inside Story of His Rise to Power, by Bob Ingle and Michael Symons
- Can`t is Not an Option, by Gov. Nikki Haley, April 2012
- Governor`s Travels, by Gov. Angus King, Oct. 2010
- The Governator, by Ian Halperin (about Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, R-CA), Aug. 2011
- A Governor`s Story, by Jennifer Granholm (D-MI), Oct, 2005
- The Agenda for America, by Gov. Haley Barbour (R, MS), April 1996
- Blue Man in a Red State, by Greg Lemon, (about Gov. Brian Schweitzer, D, MT), June 2008
- Scorpions for Breakfast, by Gov. Jan Brewer (R, AZ), Nov. 2011
- Crossroads: The Future of American Politics, by Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D, NY), Oct. 2003
- A Reason to Believe, by Gov. Deval Patrick (D, MA), April 2011
- Against the Tide, by Gov. Lincoln Chafee (I, RI), April 2008
- Teachers Under Attack, by Mike Spina, about Gov. Chris Christie (R, NJ), Feb. 2011
Press Releases etc. from Governors, Mayors, and Justices:
- Gubernatorial Press Releases, 2019-2021
- Gubernatorial Press Releases, 2016-2019
- Gubernatorial State of the State speeches, 2019
- Gubernatorial State of the State speeches, 2018
- Gubernatorial State of the State speeches, 2017
- Gubernatorial State of the State speeches, 2016
- Gubernatorial State of the State speeches, 2011
- Gubernatorial State of the State speeches, 2010
- Mayorial State of the City speeches, 2007-2011
- Gubernatorial Press Releases, 2020
- Gubernatorial Press Releases, 2016-2019
- Gubernatorial Press Releases, 2011-2015
- Gubernatorial Press Releases, 2010
- Gubernatorial Press Releases, 2001-2009
- Gubernatorial Ad-Watch, 2018-2020
- Gubernatorial Ad-Watch, 2014-2017
- Mayoral Press Releases, 2011
- Senatorial Press Releases, 2020
- Senatorial Press Releases, 2020
- Senatorial Press Releases, 2010's
- Mayoral Campaign websites, 2011-2019
- Gubernatorial Campaign websites, 2010-2019
- Gubernatorial Campaign websites, 2010
- Gubernatorial Campaign websites, 2001-2009
- My Grandfather's Son, by Justice Clarence Thomas, Oct. 2008
Page last edited: Feb 13, 2019