Sarah Palin on Homeland SecurityRepublican Governor (AK); ; nominee for Vice President |
PALIN: Our nuclear weaponry here in the US is used as a deterrent. And thats a safe, stable way to use nuclear weaponry. For North Korea under Kim Jong Il, we have got to make sure that were putting economic sanctions on these countries and that we have allies supporting us in this, to make sure that leaders like Kim Jong Il & Ahmadinejad are not allowed to acquire, to proliferate, or to use those nuclear weapons. It is that important.
PALIN: Both are extremely dangerous. And as for who coined that central war on terror being in Iraq, it was the Gen. Petraeus and al Qaeda, and its probably the only thing that theyre ever going to agree on. An armed, nuclear Iran is so extremely dangerous. Israel is in jeopardy when were dealing with Iran. Others who are dangerous dictators are ones that Barack Obama has said he would be willing to meet with without preconditions. And that goes beyond naivete and poor judgment.
BIDEN: Pakistan already has nuclear weapons. Iran getting a nuclear weapon would be destabilizing, but they are not close to getting a nuclear weapon thats able to be deployed. John continues to tell us that the central war on terror is in Iraq. I promise you, if an attack comes in the homeland, its going to come from al Qaeda in the hills of Pakistan. We need to support that democracy by helping them with their economic well-being
A: I dont believe that new President Zardari has that mission at all. But no, the Pakistani people also, they want freedom. They want democratic values to be allowed in their country, also. They understand the dangers of terrorists having a stronghold in regions of their country, also. And I believe that they, too, want to rid not only their country, but the world, of violent Islamic terrorists.
A: Specifically, we will make every effort possible to help spread democracy for those who desire freedom, independence, tolerance, respect for equality. That is the whole goal here in fighting terrorism also. Its not just to keep the people safe, but to be able to usher in democratic values and ideals around this, around the world.
A: Any country that is going to house violent Islamic terrorists. We have to keep our eye, of course, on Iran. Weve got to keep our eye on some of the ongoing activities in Russia, also. North Korea under the leadership of Kim Jong Il--certainly there is a lot of concern there.
A: Let me speak specifically about a credential that I do bring to this table, and thats with the energy independence that Ive been working on for these years as the governor of this state that produces nearly 20% of the US domestic supply of energy, that I worked on as chairman of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, overseeing the oil and gas development in our state to produce more for the United States.
Q: I know. Im just saying that national security is a whole lot more than energy.
A: It is, but I want you to not lose sight of the fact that energy is a foundation of national security. Its that important. Its that significant.
A: You know, there is a very small percentage of Islamic believers who are extreme and they are violent and they do not believe in American ideals, and they attacked us and now we are at a point here seven years later, on the anniversary, in this post-9/11 world, where were able to commit to never again. They see that the only option for them is to become a suicide bomber, to get caught up in this evil, in this terror. They need to be provided the hope that all Americans have instilled in us, because were a democratic, we are a free, and we are a free-thinking society.
A: In what respect?
Q: Well, what do you interpret it to be?
A: His world view.
Q: No, the Bush doctrine, enunciated Sept. 2002, before the Iraq war.
A: I believe that what Pres. Bush has attempted to do is rid this world of Islamic extremism, terrorists who are hell-bent on destroying our nation. There have been blunders along the way, though. There have been mistakes made. And with new leadership comes opportunity to do things better.
Q: The Bush doctrine, as I understand it, is that we have the right of anticipatory self-defense, that we have the right to a preemptive strike against any other country that we think is going to attack us. Do you agree with that?
A: If there is legitimate and enough intelligence that tells us that a strike is imminent against American people, we have every right to defend our country. In fact, the president has the obligation, the duty to defend.
Victory in Iraq is finally in sight ... he wants to forfeit.
Terrorist states are seeking nuclear weapons without delay ... he wants to meet them without preconditions.
Al-Qaida terrorists still plot to inflict catastrophic harm on America ... hes worried that someone wont read them their rights?
Government is too big ... he wants to grow it.
Congress spends too much ... he promises more.
Taxes are too high ... he wants to raise them. His tax increases are the fine print in his economic plan, and let me be specific.
A: I would push for a strong military and a sound energy policy. I believe that Alaska can help set an example on energy policy.
A: I think candidates are going to be asked, are you doing--and are your intentions to do--all that you can to help secure these United States? And I think every elected official needs to ask themselves that. And I say that, even personally. My one and only son, my 18-year- old, he just signed up for the United States Army. He is at boot camp right now and Im thinking, you know, this kid is doing all that he can within his power to help secure and defend the United States. Every elected official had better be asking themselves, are you doing as much also? Are you doing all that you can?
I heard from many Alaskans serving overseas during my trip to Kuwait in July, said Governor Palin. One of the most frequent questions was about the status of hunting seasons upon their return. While I cant grant our troops the chance to hunt in closed areas or in places with species restrictions, I do want to recognize them and help them hunt this late fall or winter when they get home.
The Alaska Department of Fish and Game will re-issue permits for service members who were successful in obtaining lottery permit hunts but were unable to use them. Service members are encouraged to contact their local ADF&G office to learn more about the hunting opportunities that may be available to them.
While many will criticize the merits of war, we must all understand our obligation to support our fellow citizens who are putting their lives on the line to guarantee our freedoms for future generations.
Americans realize they can never fully repay our troops for the sacrifices they have made. These heroes face long deployments that separate them from their family and friends.
On July 7th in every state of our nation, Americans will gather together to express their deep appreciation for our troops. We owe it to the men and women of our Armed Forces. They deserve to know that they are supported by their fellow Americans.
All Americans can be confident in the future of our Nation as these values are passed on to each new generation. Our children need to know that our Nation is a force for good in the world and must understand our past as they prepare to lead in the future.
Each of us should celebrate the gift of freedom that has been earned for us by loyal Americans and join their efforts to ensure our Nation is kept strong so we can continue to live as free people.
NOW, , THEREFORE, I, Gov. S.Palin, do hereby proclaim May 1, 2007 as: Loyalty Day in Alaska, and call upon Alaskans to join in and support this national observance, display the flag of the United States, and reaffirm our allegiance to our Nation.