OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
Richard Randall: Supports embryonic stem-cell research in private sector.
Richard Randall: Opposes federal funding for all research including stem-cell.
Budget & Economy
Raul Acosta: Budget deficit funds military industrial complex.
Allen Buckley: Issue T-bills to pay off long-term US debt.
Allen Buckley: Balanced budget except in emergencies (not War on Terror).
Civil Rights
Richard Randall: No affirmative action but no legalized discrimination either.
Richard Randall: Require equal treatment for minorities in government hiring.
Raul Acosta: Require percentage of minority workers no gov�t contracts.
Allen Buckley: Let companies hire whomever they desire.
Allen Buckley: Strengthen IRS� tax shelter rules.
Allen Buckley: Make it tougher to file bankruptcy.
Richard Randall: Opposes death penalty because guilt is never unequivocal.
Richard Randall: Mandatory minimums violate sentencing proportional to crime.
Raul Acosta: Against the death penalty.
Raul Acosta: Life isn�t baseball-no Three Strikes laws.
Allen Buckley: Death penalty acceptable in appropriate circumstances.
Allen Buckley: Supports �Three Strikes� sentencing laws.
Richard Randall: Three strikes law is worst in drug cases.
Raul Acosta: Drug use is a cultural problem.
Raul Acosta: Jails filled with victims of drug use.
Allen Buckley: Decriminalize marijuana for adults, like alcohol.
Raul Acosta: School prayer is free speech.
Raul Acosta: Supports vouchers and charter schools.
Allen Buckley: Against vouchers but for local control.
Allen Buckley: Allow moment of silence in public schools.
Allen Buckley: Test scores have not improved despite federal intervention.
Energy & Oil
Richard Randall: No tax incentives for alternative energy (or anything else).
Richard Randall: Don�t drill ANWR-privatize it instead.
Raul Acosta: Don�t sign Kyoto Protocol, but don�t drill ANWR.
Allen Buckley: Convert from gasoline vehicles to hydrogen or other fuel.
Allen Buckley: Favors a strong federal EPA.
Families & Children
Raul Acosta: Families are the building block of the nation.
Foreign Policy
Richard Randall: Let people decide if human rights matter on China trade.
Raul Acosta: Pressure China on human rights.
Raul Acosta: Continue foreign aid to Russia & Israel.
Raul Acosta: We are part of the global community.
Allen Buckley: Stay neutral on Israel-Palestine absent invasion of Israel.
Free Trade
Richard Randall: NAFTA and GATT are not free trade.
Raul Acosta: Unsure on NAFTA.
Allen Buckley: Against linking trade to human rights.
Allen Buckley: Tariff on Chinese imports until they detach yuan from dollar.
Allen Buckley: Generally for free trade.
Government Reform
Allen Buckley: Downsize government; cut salaries by 10% for bonus pool.
Allen Buckley: Run each agency like a business.
Gun Control
Raul Acosta: Supports 2nd Amendment rights.
Allen Buckley: Supports the Second Amendment.
Health Care
Allen Buckley: National referendum on tax increase vs. Medicare cuts.
Allen Buckley: No federally-run health care.
Allen Buckley: Above-the-line tax deductions for health costs.
Homeland Security
Raul Acosta: Increase military pay to keep army voluntary.
Raul Acosta: Keep missile defense development for now.
Raul Acosta: Decrease military spending & refocus on new tech.
Allen Buckley: Spend as much as is necessary to get military job done.
Allen Buckley: Strive for best military in world.
Allen Buckley: Spend no more and no less than necessary on military.
Allen Buckley: Fight terrorism primarily through espionage.
Allen Buckley: Implement a reasonable policy and enforce it.
Allen Buckley: Deductions for foreign labor only to balance foreign sales.
Allen Buckley: Allow lower minimum wage for manufacturer profit-sharing.
Allen Buckley: Reduce manufacturing minimum wage & use it to increase EITC.
Principles & Values
Allen Buckley: Government out of religion, and religion out of government.
Social Security
Raul Acosta: Supports privatization as self-directed investing.
Allen Buckley: Matching accounts for people born after 1985.
Allen Buckley: Privatization of Social Security is impractical.
Allen Buckley: Invest annual surpluses via professional asset managers.
Tax Reform
Allen Buckley: Simplify the system for individuals.
Allen Buckley: 10/x/39 system balances the budget.
Raul Acosta: Establish KIDNET: a safe place for kids on Internet.
Allen Buckley: Supports a solid infrastructure.
War & Peace
Raul Acosta: Iraq war was wrong; pull out ASAP.
Raul Acosta: Iraqi oil to US to pay for war costs, with Iraqi approval.
Allen Buckley: Stay the course in Iraq now that we�re there.
Welfare & Poverty
Raul Acosta: Church-based welfare ok with government oversight.
Allen Buckley: No church-state connection, including welfare.
Allen Buckley: Remove all poor people from income taxation.