Books by and about 2024 presidential candidates |
Hillbilly Elegy, by JD Vance (2017) |
Crippled America, by Donald J. Trump (2015) |
Fire and Fury, by Michael Wolff (2018) |
Trump Revealed, by Michael Kranish and Marc Fisher (2016) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2016) |
Promise Me, Dad , by Joe Biden (2017) |
The Book of Joe , by Jeff Wilser (2019; biography of Joe Biden) |
The Truths We Hold, by Kamala Harris (2019) |
Smart on Crime, by Kamala Harris (2010) |
Becoming, by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Higher Loyalty, by James Comey (2018) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2017) |
Book Reviews |
(from Amazon.com) |
(click a book cover for a review or other books by or about the presidency from Amazon.com)
Articles from the Manchester Union-Leader:
- 2024_NH_Gov: "Ayotte says Craig 'failed,' vows to help turn around Manchester's economy," by Kevin Landrigan, Sep 18, 2024, (Link)
- 2024_NH_Gov: "Craig, Ayotte both oppose raising recreation fees," by Kevin Landrigan, Sep 16, 2024, (Link)
- 2024_NH_Gov: Manchester Union Leader, "A fight for family, fairness and opportunity," by Joyce Craig, Jul 23, 2023, (Link)
- Union Leader, "Hassan pushes Biden administration to broaden application law against surprise medical bills," by Josie Albertson-Grove, Jul 22, 2022
- (On Chris Sununu): Manchester Union Leader on 2016 New Hampshire governor race, 3/9/2016
- (On Chris Sununu): Manchester Union Leader on 2016 New Hampshire governor race, 11/17/2015
- (On Jim Rubens): Manchester Union Leader on 2014 New Hampshire Senate race, 2/17/2014
- (On Kelly Ayotte): Dan Tuohy in Manchester Union-Leader, 8/17/2010
- (On Maggie Hassan): Hassan OpEd in Manchester Union Leader on Syrian Refugees, 11/17/2015
OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
Bill O`Brien: Led override of veto of partial-birth abortion ban.
Bill O`Brien: Would ban abortion in all cases, including rape and incest.
Chris Sununu: Voted to restrict funding to local Planned Parenthood.
Gloria Bromell Tinubu: Against funding Planned Parenthood.
Pat Buchanan: Abortion is greatest evil since slavery.
Joyce Craig: We need to protect access to abortion.
Civil Rights
Dan Quayle: Religion is indispensable; against all state, no church..
Judd Gregg: Risk-takers like Wal-Mart create jobs.
Chris Sununu: Supports capital punishment, to support crime victims.
Kelly Ayotte: Supports capital punishment for police killers.
Chris Sununu: Given NH's opioid epidemic, a drug czar is a necessity.
Chris Sununu: More funding for charter schools; less power to bureaucrats.
Dan Feltes: Support existing charter schools, not fund new ones.
Doris Haddock: More federal money is needed for public schools.
Judd Gregg: No Child Left Behind requires states to set standards.
Kelly Ayotte: Support school choice, charter schools, and home schooling.
Families & Children
Al Gore: Expand family leave bill for better parenting.
Gun Control
Al Gore: Enforce background checks for all gun purchases.
Health Care
Colin Van Ostern: Worked to expand Medicaid.
Maggie Hassan: Broaden enforcement of law against surprise medical bills.
Homeland Security
Jim Rubens: The surveillance state is not OK: limit the NSA.
Maggie Hassan: Terrorist attacks strengthen our resolve to defeat ISIS.
Chris Sununu: The US should halt admitting Syrian refugees.
Maggie Hassan: Temporarily halt acceptance of refugees from Syria.
Maggie Hassan: Close borders for now; but welcome ISIS refugees later.
Principles & Values
Bill O`Brien: Impeachment: There has to be a quid pro quo; none there.
Howard Dean: New social contract: Fairer government,not bigger government.
Tax Reform
Chris Sununu: Pledge to veto state sales tax and income tax.
Doris Haddock: Tax cuts for the wealthiest American cannot be justified.
Howard Dean: "Bush tax": income tax cuts cause tax rises elsewhere.
Judd Gregg: Made the right decision to cut taxes for the wealthy.
Chris Sununu: Opposed commuter rail from Boston to central New Hampshire.
Mark Connolly: Invest in passenger rail between Boston and central NH.
Joyce Craig: Support commuter rail, and buses to Manchester airport.
War & Peace
Doris Haddock: Oppose the Iraq war but support the $87 billion supplemental.
Judd Gregg: No timetable for the troops to come home.
Maggie Hassan: We are at war on ISIS; intensify our efforts to destroy them.
Welfare & Poverty
Joyce Craig: Worked with developers to incentivize affordable housing.
Kelly Ayotte: More affordable housing and job opportunities in Manchester.