Climate Change Should climate change be a top priority?
Angus King (I): Yes. "We are fiddling while the planet burns."
Supports "clean energy," "decarbonizing," investing in "new energy solutions" and "electric vehicles." Voted to limit methane emissions from the oil and gas sector.
Demi Kouzounas (R): No. Opposes wind energy: "Each ... wind turbine in the ocean leaks about 80 gallons of oil a year and their tops spin ... at
200 miles an hour," harming birds, ocean life, fishermen, lobstermen. In 2019 opposed an executive order on carbon reduction.
Windpower: everyone's for progress; no one's for change
San Francisco isn't that far from Yosemite and on the way, we saw an amazing sight--electricity producing windmills on all sides of the pass. We couldn't count them all, but there seemed like at least a thousand, all silently turning against the blue
of the sky. They looked cool.
I thought the windmills were so cool, in fact, that after returning t Maine, I got into the windpower business, but it's tough; everybody's for progress, nobody's for change.
Source: Governor`s Travels, by Gov. Angus King, p.118
, Aug 16, 2011
Oil & trees aren't ours to use up in our generation
We saw the giant redwoods of the northern California coast. Somehow the idea of cutting down something that took 500 years to grow (there are some more than 2,000 years old) just doesn't seem right. It's like we're taking something away in our one measly
generation that doesn't really belong to us. By the way, we're doing the same thing with oil. It took millions of years to make and we're going to use it up in about 150 years. Reminds me of the old saying--pigs get fat, but hogs get slaughtered.
Source: Governor`s Travels, by Gov. Angus King, p.121
, Aug 16, 2011
King adopted the National Governors Association policy:
Considering the evidence and the risks of both overreaction and underreaction, the Governors recommend that the federal government continue its climate research, including regional climate research, to improve scientific understanding of global climate change. The Governors also recommend taking steps that are cost-effective and offer other social and economic benefits beyond reducing greenhouse gas emissions. In particular, the Governors support voluntary partnerships to reduce greenhouse gas emissions while achieving other economic and environmental goals.
The Governors are committed to working in partnership with the federal government, businesses, environmental groups, and others to develop and implement voluntary programs that reduce greenhouse gas emissions in conjunction with conserving energy, protecting the environment, and strengthening the economy.
The Governors urge that those
who have successfully achieved reductions of greenhouse emissions receive appropriate credit for their early actions. The Governors strongly encourage these kinds of voluntary efforts.
The Governors believe that federally required implementation of any treaty provisions, including those that mandate limits or reductions of greenhouse gas emissions, must not occur before the U.S. Senate ratifies an international agreement and Congress passes enabling legislation.
The Governors support continued federal funding for research and development technology in this area. They also believe it is essential to engage the private sector by fostering technology partnerships between industry and government. Public-private partnerships serve to achieve desired environmental goals, speed the introduction of new technologies to the marketplace, and meet consumer needs and product affordability goals, while avoiding market distortions and job losses.
Source: NGA policy NR-11, Global Climate Change Domestic Policy 00-NGA3 on Aug 15, 2000
Kyoto Treaty must include reductions by all countries.
King adopted the National Governors Association policy:
The Governors recommend that the federal government continue to seek the advice of state and local officials and nongovernmental organizations with expertise in economic, trade, jobs, public health, and environmental issues and assess the potential economic and environmental consequences of proposed policies and measures, including a thorough and broadly accepted analysis of costs and benefits. The Governors recommend that the US:
not sign or ratify any agreement that mandates new commitments to limit or reduce greenhouse gas emissions for the US, unless such an agreement mandates new specific scheduled commitments to limit or reduce greenhouse gas emissions for developing countries within the same compliance period;
aggressively undertake strategies for including emissions-reduction commitments from developing countries;
not sign or ratify any agreement that would result in serious harm to the US economy;
support flexible policies and measures in
continuing negotiations that provide an opportunity for the US to meet global environmental goals without jeopardizing US jobs, trade, or economic competitiveness;
insist on flexible implementation timetables in continuing negotiations that permit affected parties adequate time to plan strategies for meeting commitments; and
ensure that no single sector, state, or nation is disproportionately disadvantaged by the implementation of international policies.
If appropriate international commitments are established and are ratified by the US, the Governors believe implementation should be allowed to be achieved through cost-effective market-based activities, which account for scientifically verifiable and accountable reductions in greenhouse gas levels regardless of where the reductions are achieved. Any multinational emissions trading program must provide a flexible and workable framework that takes full advantage of market forces and maximizes international participation.
Source: NGA policy NR-11, Climate Change International Policy 00-NGA4 on Aug 15, 2000
Create Regional Emissions Registry for GHG trading.
King signed the New England Governors' Conference resolution:
WHEREAS, the Conference of New England Governors and Eastern Canadian Premiers (NEG/ECP) have developed a Climate Change Action Plan to address actions to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases in the Region and adapt our economies and social infrastructure to the negative impacts likely to result from climate change; and
WHEREAS, within the region, greenhouse gas emissions within one jurisdiction associated with cleaner energy production, can be offset by greenhouse gas emission reductions within another jurisdiction, resulting from the replacement of higher carbon intensity fuels with imported cleaner energy; and
WHEREAS, the Conference recognizes that substantial opportunities to improve conservation and efficiency in energy use and transportation are embodied in the Climate Change Action Plan [with the following summary of Action Items]:
The Establishment of a Regional Standardized GHG Emissions Inventory
The Establishment of a Plan
for Reducing GHG Emissions and Conserving Energy
The Promotion of Public Awareness
State and Provincial Governments to Lead by Example
The Reduction of Greenhouse Gases from the Electricity Sector
The Reduction of the Total Energy Demand Through Conservation
The Reduction and/or Adaptation of Negative Social, Economic and Environmental Impacts of Climate Change
A Decrease in the Transportation Sector�s Growth in GHG Emissions
The Creation of a Regional Emissions Registry and the Exploration of a Trading Mechanism
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that NEG/ECP accepts the Climate Change Action Plan and [commits to its] implementation; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that [NEG/ECP commits to] work together to address regional energy and environmental issues such as integrated approaches to energy reliability, fuel diversity, regional emission credit trading, energy conservation, and improved energy facility and transmission siting.
Source: NEG/ECP Resolution 26-4: Energy & Environment 01-NEGC4 on Aug 28, 2001
50% clean and carbon free electricity by 2030.
King co-sponsored H.Res.637/S.Res.386
Expressing the sense of Congress that the United States should establish a national goal of more than 50 percent clean and carbon free electricity by 2030 for the purposes of avoiding the worst impacts of climate change, growing our economy, increasing our shared prosperity, improving public health, and preserving our national security.
Whereas failing to act on climate change will have a devastating impact on our Nation`s economy, costing us billions of dollars in lost GDP;
Whereas extreme weather, intensified by climate change, has already cost taxpayers billions of dollars each year in recovery efforts, and this will only continue if climate change is left unaddressed;
Whereas climate change will have devastating public health implications, including increased asthma attacks and exacerbation of other respiratory diseases, especially in vulnerable populations;
Whereas inaction on climate change will disproportionately impact communities of color and exacerbate existing economic inequalities;
Whereas the transition to a clean energy economy is feasible with existing technology;
Whereas the transition to clean energy will create millions of jobs and will increase our country`s GDP and increase disposable household income;
Resolved, That it is the sense of the House of Representatives that the United States should--
Establish a national goal of more than 50 percent clean and carbon free electricity by 2030; and
Enact legislation to accelerate the transition to clean energy to meet this goal.
Source: Resolution for 50% Carbon-Free Electricity by 2030 16-SRes386 on Mar 3, 2016
Sponsored bill to assist rural electric renewable energy.
King co-sponsored Clean Economy Jobs and Innovation Act
Congressional Summary:This bill requires the Department of Energy to award grants to assist rural electric cooperatives with identifying, evaluating, and designing energy storage and microgrid projects that rely on renewable energy. (A microgrid is a group of interconnected energy resources that acts as a single controllable entity and that can disconnect from the grid to operate in island mode.)
SciPol statement in support: HR4447 would establish a microgrid grant and technical assistance program for rural electric cooperatives. Rural electric cooperatives are non-profit consumer-owned electric cooperatives that came into being in the 1930s to serve the needs of rural areas otherwise ignored by investor-owned (for-profit) utilities. Most rural electric power is still provided by rural electric co-ops.
Trump`s Statement of Administration Policy (against): HR 4447 would implement a top-down approach that undermines the
Administration`s deregulatory agenda. HR 4447 would lead to higher energy costs and discourage innovation. It would create a `green bank` that would subsidize projects similar to wellknown failures like Solyndra. Finally, HR 4447 would interfere with our own energy destiny free from the reins of the Paris Climate Accord and international organizations that ignore the clear lessons that have led to American energy independence.
Common Dreams (against): Over 100 groups--including major environmental, climate and progressive organizations--oppose HR 4447. The heaviest burdens of the climate crisis fall on low-income communities and communities of color. `We applaud the environmental justice measures in this bill, but cannot support legislation that extends our country`s reliance upon fossil fuels,` said the Executive Director of the Progressive Democrats of America.
Legislative outcome: Passed House 220-185-24, Roll #206 on Sep. 24, 2020.