A BILL to protect unborn children who are capable of experiencing pain by prohibiting abortion after twenty weeks post-fertilization except when the mother has a medical emergency.
Legislature finds that there is substantial medical evidence that a fetus is capable of experiencing pain by twenty weeks after fertilization.
Veto Message:
I have vetoed HB 4588 because this bill is unconstitutional.
The bill
also unduly restricts the physician-patient relationship.
All patients, particularly expectant mothers, require unfettered medical judgment and advice from their physicians regarding treatment options.
The criminal penalties this bill imposes will
impede that advice, and those options, to the detriment of the health and safety of expectant mothers.
Status:Bill passed Senate, 29-5-0; passed House 83-15-2; vetoed by Governor. (Michael Folk voted YEA).
Do you generally support pro-choice or pro-life legislation?
A: Pro-Life.
Q: Should abortions be illegal after the first trimester of pregnancy?
A: Yes.
Q: Do you support requiring parental notification before an abortion is performed
on a minor?
A: Yes, with exemptions to parental requirements only for incest by parent.
Q: Do you support requiring parental consent before an abortion is performed on a minor?
A: Yes, with exemptions to parental requirements only for incest by parent. .
Q: Do you support the prohibition of public funds for abortion procedures?
A: Yes.
Q: Do you support the prohibition of public funds for organizations that perform
A: Yes.
Folk adds, "All life is precious, the unanswered questions are clearly not simple questions to be answered by a yes or no answer. Taking a life, no matter how inconvenient the circumstances, is not a simple answer."