First governor to send National Guard to southern border
The second most dangerous thing that's happening is down at our southern border. A nation without borders is a nation without laws and is not a nation at all. I was the very first governor that when Texas and Arizona asked for help, that sent my
National Guard troops down there to help. National Guard are the best and our country deserves the best. They do missions like this all the time. They are ready, and they know how to complete that mission and then come home doing an excellent job.
Porous borders and unchecked illegal immigration are threats
Except for Native Americans, we're all descendants of immigrants. I am proud of my German and Norwegian forbearers. Our nation welcomes law abiding, hard working people to share in our freedom and opportunity.
But porous borders and unchecked illegal immigration are threats to citizens and legal immigrants alike.
Source: 2010 House campaign website,, "Issues"
, Nov 2, 2010
Requires a quarterly report to Congress regarding each country that has refused or unreasonably delayed repatriation of an alien who is a citizen, subject, national, or resident of such country.
Prohibits the Secretary of State, upon the passage of specified periods of time, from issuing certain nonimmigrant (including certain diplomatic) visas and immigrant visas to a citizen, subject, national, or resident of a listed country.
Notifies the chief law enforcement officer of the state and of the local jurisdiction in which an alien who has been detained is released.
Opponent`s Comments (American Immigration Lawyers Association letter, Nov. 17. 2011):
AILA urges withdrawal of this unnecessary and deeply harmful bill from consideration. If enacted, H.R. 3256 would do serious damage to the U.S. visa processing system, jeopardize U.S. businesses and communities that depend on foreign national students, workers, and their families, and threaten America`s economy and security. At a time when America`s doors must be open for business, we cannot risk sending the message to the world that we have shut our doors.
The proposed bill`s mandatory visa-denial scheme would place at risk America`s relations with many of its most important trade, business and diplomatic partners. H.R. 3256 would mandate the denial of visas to any country that denies or unreasonably delays the repatriation of its nationals. If implemented today, scores of countries would risk having their visas cut-off because they failed to repatriate nationals within a 180-day period. Among those countries are some of our closest allies and key economic partners.
Voted YES to ban DREAMer immigrants from military service.
Noem voted YEA Gosar Anti-DACA Amendment to H.R. 5293
Congressional Summary: The House voted on an amendment by Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) to H.R. 5293, the Department of Defense Appropriations Act of 2017. The amendment would prohibit funds from being used to extend the expiration of, or reissue a new expiration date to, the Military Accessions Vital to National Interest (MAVNI) program.
Recommendation by Heritage Foundation to vote YES:(6/16/2016): The MAVNI program is a pilot program authorizing `military services to recruit certain legal immigrants whose skills are considered to be vital to the national interest.` However, a DoD memo has made it clear that DACA/DAPA recipients are eligible under this program, essentially opening up a pathway to amnesty for illegal aliens who enlist. By ensuring that this guidance ends, DOD will no longer be able to enlist illegal immigrants through MAVNI.
Recommendation by the ACLU to vote NO: (6/28/2011):
The DREAM Act promotes fundamental fairness for young people by allowing access to affordable post-secondary education and military service opportunities, regardless of immigration status, and would provide a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants who came to the U.S. as children, have lived here for at least five years and have graduated from high school. The DREAM Act could result in billions of dollars in additional tax revenue from tapping the potential of DREAM-eligible students and future service personnel. Since September 11, 2001, more than 69,000 immigrants have earned citizenship while serving, and more than 125 who entered military service after that date have made the ultimate sacrifice in war by giving their lives for this nation.
Legislative outcome: Failed House 210 to 211 (no Senate vote)
Source: Congressional vote 16-H5293 on Jun 16, 2016