I will proclaim that 2024 will be "Freedom for Life Year"
I will proclaim that 2024 will be "Freedom for Life Year" in South Dakota. The most important way that we will advance this is by taking care of both moms and their babies before birth AND after. Being pro-life means valuing the child's life before
their birth and throughout their life; it also means valuing and protecting that mother's life. The first 1,000 days of a child's life (from the moment they are conceived to their 2nd birthday) are the most significant days for their development.
Source: 2024 State of the State Address to South Dakota legislature
, Jan 9, 2024
South Dakotans overwhelmingly support right to choose
South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem indicated during her reelection campaign's lone debate with her Democratic challenger, state lawmaker Jamie Smith, that if reelected she will uphold the state's abortion ban that provides no exceptions for rape or incest.
The Republican governor explained her position simply as "pro-life," while pledging to push for expanded parental leave in the state and alleviate the toll of inflation on people's budgets.
Smith called Noem's stance extreme and said it was endangering women's lives and causing concern among physicians for its lack of clarity on when an abortion is allowed--only to save the life of a pregnant
woman. "It's clear to me that South Dakotans overwhelmingly support a woman's right to an abortion," Smith said. "We talk about freedom all the time, except the freedom to make this choice."
Focus on doctors breaking the law; ban telemedicine abortion
GOV. GRETCHEN WHITMER (D-MI): With the current legislature that I have, there is no common ground, which is the sad thing. They've already introduced legislation to criminalize and throw nurses and doctors in jail.
I think we'll continue to have those debates on how we can support these mothers and what it means to really make sure that we're not prosecuting mothers ever in a situation like this when it comes to abortion, that it will always be focused
towards those doctors who knowingly break the law to perform abortions in our state. I brought a bill that would ban telemedicine abortions, which means a doctor of the Internet or
over the phone could prescribe an abortion for an individual, because these are very dangerous medical procedures.
Supreme Court gave authority back to the states to decide
GOV. KRISTI NOEM (R-SD): I anticipate there will be more debate and discussion. What was interesting about the Supreme Court decision is that it gave the authority back to the states to make these decisions. So, now that this decision has been made, it
will be up to each of the states and the state legislatures and the people there to talk to their elected representatives about what their laws look like closer to home.
Look, what she's really saying is that when this decision is made, it should be made by the government. That the government should move in and the government should determine whether or not a pregnancy is forced to continue or whether or not a
pregnancy can be terminated. We have never left individual rights to the states. The whole idea is that women are not second-class citizens. And the government is not the one that will decide about the continuation of a pregnancy.
As soon as Roe is overturned, ready to protect every unborn
Government's most fundamental role is to defend the lives and safety of the people. That includes the rights and the lives of unborn children. I look forward to the day when all unborn lives are protected. The Supreme Court has a historic opportunity to
make that a reality. As soon as Roe v. Wade is overturned, our state laws are ready to protect every unborn South Dakota child. But until then, we can take steps to protect South Dakota children, today.
Every human life is unique in a truly beautiful
way from the moment that they are conceived. It isn't long before they have their own unique heartbeat, too. Science tells us that an unborn child's heartbeat starts 6 weeks after conception. And any abortion after that point stops that heartbeat--
stops that life--stops that gift from God. Today, I am asking all of you to protect the heartbeats of these unborn children. I am bringing legislation to ban all abortions once a heartbeat can be detected.
No mother should be pressured into ending a child's life
No mother should ever be pressured to have an abortion due to outdated stereotypes about what and who is "normal" or the potential of a life with Down syndrome. For that matter, no mother should ever be pressured into ending a child's life.
Instead, our country and the world should acknowledge the inherent worth and dignity of every human person, born and unborn, regardless of preexisting conditions like Down syndrome.
The South Dakota governor's office includes an unborn person advocate, a post created by Gov. Noem, whose job is to fearlessly fight to protect both expectant mothers and unborn babies.
South Dakotans have also stopped late-term abortions more than halfway through pregnancy, when science shows unborn children can feel pain.
Ban abortion of preborn diagnosed with Down syndrome
I look forward to the day when the Supreme Court recognizes that all preborn children inherently possess this right to life, too. Until that time comes,
I am asking the South Dakota legislature to pass a law that bans the abortion of a preborn child, just because that child is diagnosed with Down syndrome.
Source: 2021 State of the State Address to South Dakota legislature
, Jan 12, 2021
Protect life from miracle of conception to dignified death
I am, and always have been, pro life. From the miracle of conception to a dignified death, life is precious and should be protected. The federal government has no business forcing taxpayers to pay for abortions.
If elected to Congress, I will maintain a 100% pro-life voting record.
Source: 2010 House campaign website, kristiforcongress.com, "Issues"
, Nov 2, 2010
Supports prohibiting human embryonic stem cell research.
Noem supports the CC survey question on banning stem-cell research
The Christian Coalition voter guide [is] one of the most powerful tools Christians have ever had to impact our society during elections. This simple tool has helped educate tens of millions of citizens across this nation as to where candidates for public office stand on key faith and family issues.
The CC survey summarizes candidate stances on the following topic: "Prohibiting human embryonic stem cell research". [Supporting this statement means the candidate would ban such research; opposing it means the candidate would allow such research].
Source: Christian Coalition Survey 10-CC-q1a on Aug 11, 2010
Noem opposes the CC survey question on funding abortion
The Christian Coalition voter guide [is] one of the most powerful tools Christians have ever had to impact our society during elections. This simple tool has helped educate tens of millions of citizens across this nation as to where candidates for public office stand on key faith and family issues.
The CC survey summarizes candidate stances on the following topic:"Public funding of abortions, (such as govt. health benefits and Planned Parenthood)"
Source: Christian Coalition Survey 10-CC-q1b on Aug 11, 2010
Prohibit federal funding for abortion.
Noem signed No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act
TITLE I: Prohibiting Federally-Funded Abortions and Providing for Conscience Protections
Prohibits federal funds from being used for any health benefits coverage that includes coverage of abortion. (Currently, federal funds cannot be used for abortion services and plans receiving federal funds must keep federal funds segregated from any funds for abortion services.)
Excludes from such prohibitions an abortion if: the pregnancy is the result of rape or incest; or the woman would be place in danger of death unless an abortion is performed.
TITLE II: Elimination of Certain Tax Benefits Relating to Abortion
Disqualifies, for purposes of the tax deduction for medical expenses, any amounts paid for an abortion.
Excludes from the definition of `qualified health plan` after 2013, for purposes of the refundable tax credit for premium assistance for such plans, any plan that includes coverage for abortion.
Noem scores 0% by Planned Parenthood abortion voting record - Planned Parenthood Action Fund 2015 Lifetime Score
Planned Parenthood provides reproductive services for women, including contraception, information on STDs, and abortion services. The organization receives federal funding, but not for abortion services. The organization scores legislators on their voting record on abortion rights.
Source: Planned Parenthood website 12-P-P on Jan 1, 2012
No family planning assistance that includes abortion.
Noem co-sponsored Title X Abortion Provider Prohibition Act
Prohibits providing any federal family planning assistance to an entity unless the entity certifies that, during the period of such assistance, the entity will not perform, and will not provide any funds to any other entity that performs, an abortion. Excludes an abortion where:
the pregnancy is the result of an act of rape or an act of incest; or
a physician certifies that the woman suffered from a physical disorder, injury, or illness that would place the woman in danger of death unless an abortion is performed, including a condition caused by or arising from the pregnancy.
Excludes hospitals from such requirement so long as the hospital does not provide funds to any non-hospital entity that performs an abortion.
Noem voted YEA No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act
Heritage Action Summary: The No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion and Abortion Insurance Full Disclosure Act (H.R.7) would establish a permanent, government-wide prohibition on federal taxpayer funding of abortion and health benefits plans that include coverage of abortion, as well as prevent federal tax dollars from being entangled in abortion coverage under ObamaCare.
ACLU recommendation to vote NO: (1/22/2015): We urge voting against H.R. 7. The legislation is broad and deeply troubling and the ACLU opposes it [because] H.R. 7 would make discriminatory restrictions that harm women`s health permanent law. The bill singles out and excludes abortion from a host of programs that fulfill the government`s obligation to provide health care to certain populations. Women who rely on the government for their health care do not have access to a health care service readily available to women of means and women with private insurance. The government should
not discriminate in this way. It should not use its power of the purse to intrude on a woman`s decision whether to carry to term or to terminate her pregnancy and selectively withhold benefits because she seeks to exercise her right of reproductive choice in a manner the government disfavors.
Cato Institute recommendation to vote YES: (11/10/2009): President Obama`s approach to health care reform--forcing taxpayers to subsidize health insurance for tens of millions of Americans--cannot not change the status quo on abortion. Either those taxpayer dollars will fund abortions, or the restrictions necessary to prevent taxpayer funding will curtail access to private abortion coverage. There is no middle ground.
Thus both sides` fears are justified. Both sides of the abortion debate are learning why government should not subsidize health care.
Legislative outcome: Passed by the House 242-179-12; never came to a vote in the Senate.
Source: Congressional vote 15-H0007 on Jan 22, 2015
Ban abortion after 20 weeks, except for maternal life.
Heritage Action Summary: This legislation will protect unborn children by preventing abortions five months after fertilization, at which time scientific evidence suggests the child can feel pain.
ACLU recommendation to vote NO: (Letter to House of Representatives, 6/18/2013): The ACLU urges you to vote against the misleadingly-captioned `Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act,` which would ban abortion care starting at 20 weeks of pregnancy. H.R. 1797 [2013 version of H.R.36 in 2015] is part of a wave of ever-more extreme legislation attempting to restrict a woman`s right to make her own decision about whether or not to continue a pregnancy. We have seen state after state try to take these decisions away from women and their families; H.R. 1797 would do the same nationwide. We oppose H.R. 1797 because it interferes in a woman`s most personal, private medical decisions. H.R. 1797 bans abortions necessary to protect a woman`s health, no matter how severe the situation.
H.R. 1797 would force a woman and her doctor to wait until her condition was terminal to finally act to protect her health, but by then it may be too late. This restriction is not only cruel, it is blatantly unconstitutional.
Cato Institute recommendation to vote YES: (2/2/2011): Pro-lifers herald a breakthrough law passed by the Nebraska legislature on Oct. 15, 2010: the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act prohibits abortion after 20 weeks gestation except when the mother has a condition which so `complicates her medical condition as to necessitate the abortion of her pregnancy to avert death or to avert serious risk of substantial or irreversible physical impairment of a major bodily function.` Versions of the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act are [being] introduced in a number of state legislatures.
Legislative outcome: Passed by the House 242-184-6; never came to a vote in the Senate.
Source: Congressional vote 15-H0036 on May 13, 2015
Include pre-born human beings in 14th Amendment protection.
Noem co-sponsored H.R.816/S.2464
A bill to implement equal protection under the 14th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States for the right to life of each born and preborn human person.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, to implement equal protection for the right to life of each born and preborn human person, the Congress hereby declares that the right to life guaranteed by the Constitution is vested in each human being.
Nothing in this Act shall be construed to require the prosecution of any woman for the death of her unborn child, a prohibition on in vitro fertilization, or a prohibition on use of birth control or another means of preventing fertilization.
In this Act, the terms `human person` and `human being` include each member of the species homo sapiens at all stages of life, including the moment of fertilization or cloning, or other moment at which an individual member of the human species comes into being.
Source: Life at Conception Act 16-HR816 on Feb 9, 2015