Disallow absentee voting except for a valid reason
Legislative Summary: A BILL relating to absentee voting: persons eligible to vote absentee in person without providing a statutory reason. Any registered voter may vote absentee, in person, in any election in which he is qualified to vote,
without providing a reason. The application for an absentee ballot to be cast in person shall require the voter to provide [only] the following information: His printed name and the last four digits of his social security number; and a statement that he
is registered at his residence address.
OnTheIssues Explanation:: Previous law required that absentee voter be on vacation or business trip; on active duty; attending school away from home; disability or health reasons; or imprisonment,
as a reason to vote absentee. New law would allow absentee voting at the voter's convenience.
Legislative Outcome:: Sen. Wagner voted NAY; introduced Dec. 28, 2015 ; passed Senate, 21-19-0, on Feb. 1; died in House Committee on Feb. 3.
Legislative Summary: Requires photo ID at the polls by eliminating all forms of identification that do not contain a photograph of the voter from the list of forms of ID any one of which a voter must present in order to be allowed to vote.
The bill also adds a valid US passport to the list and requires that a student ID card issued by an institution of higher education in the Commonwealth contain a photograph in order to be used by a voter. The bill does not affect the right of a voter
who does not present one of the required forms of ID to cast a provisional ballot. The bill also provides that the State Board shall provide free voter registration cards that contain a voter's photograph and signature if the voter does not possess
other satisfactory photo ID.
Legislative Outcome:: Sen. Wagner voted YEA; passed Senate 20-20 on Feb. 5, with tie-breaker by Lt. Gov. Bill Bolling; passed House 65-34-1 on Feb. 20; signed by Gov. Bob McDonnell on March 25