Ensure violent criminals don't automatically go free on bail
Despite our ranking as the Number One State for Public Safety in the United States--we know there is still more work to do to keep our communities safe. I was grateful to see that just yesterday the Senate passed SB 294--which will ensure violent
criminals do not automatically walk free on bail. This law is critical in protecting victims of domestic violence--attackers shouldn't be able to continue to prey on their victims.
Source: 2022 State of the State Address to New Hampshire legislature
, Feb 17, 2022
Fund body-worn and in-car camera for all police
Bill NH SB96: co-sponsored by 11 Democrats and 4 Republicans: Relative to establishing a body-worn and in-car camera fund and making an appropriation therefor; amending juvenile delinquency proceedings and transfers to superior court;
and establishing committees to study the role and scope of authority of school resource officers and the collection of race and ethnicity data on state identification cards.
There is hereby established the body-worn and dashboard camera fund for
the purpose of encouraging local law enforcement agencies to equip officers.
The fund shall provide grants to local law enforcement agencies to assist agencies with the purchase, maintenance, and ongoing costs.
All local law enforcement agencies
shall be eligible to apply for grants from the fund.
Legislative Outcome: Introduced 01/06/2021 and Referred to Judiciary; reported as "Ought to Pass with Amendment" on 6/3; adopted 7/21; signed by Governor Sununu on Aug/25/21
Committed to bring greater accountability to our system
This budget continues the commitment I made to bring greater accountability to our system by funding the Public Integrity Unit within the Attorney General's Office. It's an independent, statewide office that reviews complaints of misconduct. It invests
into our new programs in the Police Standards and Training Academy. And it creates a $1 million matching fund for local Law Enforcement Agencies to make the investments they desperately need, like body and dashboard cameras.
Source: 2021 State of the State Address: New Hampshire legislature
, Feb 11, 2021
Q: Restrict police use of force and increase public oversight?
Chris Sununu: Yes. Signed a "bill to ban police choke holds and require mandatory reporting of police misconduct." Formed commission to recommend police training reforms.
Dan Feltes: Yes. In State Senate passed bill that "bans choke holds by police and mandates police reporting of misconduct by other police." "We must do more including updating police standards and training with implicit bias training and de-escalation."
Source: CampusElect survey on 2020 New Hampshire Gubernatorial race
, Nov 3, 2020
Supports capital punishment, to support crime victims
New Hampshire became the 21st state to ban capital punishment as the state Senate voted 16-8 to override the governor's veto of a death-penalty repeal. Sixteen votes in the 24-member chamber were required to override the veto.
Republican Gov. Chris
Sununu, a staunch opponent of repeal, cited law enforcement and families of crime victims in his reaction to the override vote. "I am incredibly disappointed that the Senate chose to override my veto," the governor said in a statement.
Death penalty opponents withstood a strong lobbying effort by Sununu and active members of law enforcement throughout the state. Sununu came within one vote of having his veto sustained in the House, which voted last week to
override the veto, 247-123, just meeting the two-thirds requirement. Repeal of the death penalty was a major initiative for the Democratic leadership in House and Senate.
This morning, 18 respected members of New Hampshire's law enforcement community joined together in support of Chris Sununu for Governor. The coalition highlights Sununu's broad support from New Hampshire's public safety officials: "As
New Hampshire faces a debilitating drug crisis, it has never been clearer the strong support we need from a governor who will work to expedite the critical resources that enable us to quickly and safely combat crime and
reduce the scourge of drugs," said a police spokesperson. "As governor, Chris Sununu will make support for law enforcement one of his top priorities."
Chris Sununu said of the announcement, "In New Hampshire, we are proud to have one of the
most effective and professional law enforcement communities in the country. Our officers work tirelessly to keep our families safe and to address some our state's most complex and dangerous issues. Support for law enforcement has never been more vital."