We are a leader in education freedom. Idaho is a top ten state for charter schools, and I'm bringing a bill this session to cut more red tape to support charter schools while providing taxpayers the transparency they deserve. Idaho was the first state
to ban critical race theory in our schools. We're taking a stand that we should NOT divide our children. We introduced a new history curriculum for Idaho schools, one that teaches students to appreciate and respect our country.
And we are a leader
in education freedom. I will continue to support a fair, responsible, transparent, and accountable approach to expanding school choice in Idaho--one that does not draw resources away from our public schools.
My IDAHO WORKS plan proposes the largest
investment EVER in school facility construction and our maintenance match--$2 billion. We get a two-fer! This $2 billion investment in school facilities is $2 billion in long term property tax relief.
We also put the single largest ongoing investment ever into Idaho education - $330 million for public schools and $80 million for in-demand career training. The people's vote affirming tax relief and our education investments passed in every single
county, every single city, and every single legislative district. The overwhelming support of our plan means, unmistakably, Idahoans expect us to support public schools.
We are third in the nation for education freedom--measures that include spending, school choice, transparency, and regulations. Whether it is traditional public schools,
public charter schools, public magnet schools, private schools, online academies, or homeschooling, hundreds of schooling options are available to Idaho families.
$8500 scholarship for in-state post-high school education
I am very proud to announce my budget provides access to a scholarship of $8,500 starting next year to graduating high school students in Idaho to attend an Idaho university, community college, career technical or workforce training program of their
choice. Never have we provided a catalyst of this magnitude for students to "go on," in whatever way suits them. There are many pathways to success in today's economy and all pathways deserve our support.
Source: 2023 State of the State Address to the Idaho legislature
, Jan 9, 2023
Add $47 million in ongoing funding to literacy programs
It all starts with literacy. Today, I propose adding $47 million in ongoing funding to literacy programs--to build on the reading success that parents instill at home. Local school districts across Idaho, with input from families, will decide how best
to deploy the resources. Literacy has been my top priority because it just makes sense. Our investments in education later on will have more impact if we can work with families to get more students to read proficiently early on.
Source: 2022 State of the State Address to the Idaho legislature
, Jan 10, 2022
Empowering Parents grants let families control education
Last year, we served 18,000 Idaho families and 46,000 students with grants to help cover educational needs outside the classroom. And now, to build on our success, I am proposing $50 million for the new Empowering Parents grants.
The grants will cover things such as computers, tutoring, internet connectivity and other needs so students have the best chance for success. The Empowering Parents grants put families in control of their child's education, as it should be.
Source: 2022 State of the State Address to the Idaho legislature
, Jan 10, 2022
Double scholarships for members of Idaho National Guard
I want to invest in the soldiers and airmen of the Idaho National Guard. My plan doubles our investment in scholarships for Guardsmen, which boosts our efforts to get more Idahoans to sign up for the Guard. Military service has always been one of the
most honorable ways for a person to serve their community, state, and country. We are so grateful to our Guardsmen and all military service members and veterans for all they have done and continue to do to promote freedom and peace in our country.
Source: 2022 State of the State Address to the Idaho legislature
, Jan 10, 2022
Make sure all students can read by end of third grade
With all the disruptions in education delivery over the past ten months, many of Idaho's students are experiencing a learning loss. We must close the achievement gap. To help, my "Building Idaho's Future" plan recommends investments in literacy--my
highest priority in education.
We must ensure this school year is an anomaly--not a permanent system-wide flaw for Idaho's students in the next decade or more. We must make sure all young students are on track to read by the end of the third grade.
Source: 2021 State of the State Address to the Idaho legislature
, Jan 11, 2021
Doubled funding for literacy; don't rely on property tax
As state elected leaders, our constitutional obligation to K-12 public education is clear. Article 9 Section 1 states it is our duty "to establish and maintain a general, uniform and thorough system of public, free common schools." I want to thank the
Legislature for joining me last year in passing significant investments in public education. We raised starting teacher pay. We increased funds available for Opportunity Scholarships. We doubled funding for one of my highest priority areas--literacy.
We cannot simply rely on the good hearts of teachers any longer to retain an effective teaching workforce in Idaho. We must pay them competitively. Your property taxes shoulder a growing share of teacher salaries and operating expenses in our school
districts. It's out of balance and not sustainable. I propose we put an additional $30 million in ongoing General Fund as a down payment to continue increasing teacher pay over the next several years. Performance criteria will ensure accountability.
Direct state colleges & universities to work together
I have directed our universities, community colleges, and the State Board of Education to adopt a fresh approach to meeting the needs of Idaho students and businesses by working together. I am recommending the development of cybersecurity programs
that will be offered jointly by Boise State University, Idaho State University, and University of Idaho. This increased level of collaboration will offer Idahoans a path to earn a degree in a high-demand profession by partnering with Idaho employers.
Source: 2020 Idaho State of the State address
, Jan 6, 2020
Invest in public school teacher salary increases
Education policy requires long-term planning and commitment. These past four years, Idaho has a successful record of responsible investment in education. We have increased the budget for our schools by 32%. This past year, Idaho teachers received one
of the nation's largest year-to-year pay increases.
As Governor, I will continue our momentum and be an unrelenting advocate for educational excellence in our state. To amplify the voices of those on the front lines of education, I will create a
Children's Cabinet to advise me throughout my term on a variety of education issues. My Children's Cabinet will consist of traditional education stakeholders, parents, and groups across our state dedicated to advocating for children.
Our Task Force on
Public Education and its five-year plan has been the envy of other states. It has been the force behind an unprecedented, sustained effort to improve Idaho education.
My budget recommends the next phase of increased teacher salaries.
I oppose the federalization of our education system. I support local and parental control of our public schools.
Parents and teachers play an integral role in ensuring our children are getting the most out of the classroom.