When I campaigned for this office, I got the message down to a bumper sticker: "Bob's for Jobs." What can I say, I have a good name for politics!
It wasn't just a slogan; it's why I ran. That's why our chief priority has been simple:
to put in place the policies necessary to help the great free enterprise system create good jobs and opportunities for our people.... and then get the heck out of the way!
Source: 2014 State of the State Address to Virginia legislature
, Jan 8, 2014
$38 million to spur job creation in targeted programs
Our work starts with finding work for the 260,000 Virginians who are currently unemployed. It is the most pressing issue facing our Commonwealth: Virginians need good paying private-sector jobs. This session, I am asking you to put $38 million
more into targeted programs that spur job creation.
I have proposed state incentives and initiatives for tourism, film, agricultural and forestry products, technology, modeling and simulation, cyber security, international marketing,
workforce development, advanced manufacturing, and life sciences. These are proven job and revenue generators.
I am also proposing a new investor tax credit to provide working capital to small businesses which create 70 percent of the new jobs in
America, and the extension of time during which the major business facility job tax credit may be taken. States are competing against each other, and the world, for job-creating businesses.
All Americans should have the opportunity to find and keep meaningful work, and the dignity that comes with it. Many of us here, and many of you watching, have family or friends who have lost their jobs. 1 in 10 American workers is unemployed.
That is unacceptable. Good government policy should spur economic growth, and strengthen the private sectors ability to create new jobs.
Source: 2010 State of the Union GOP response
, Jan 27, 2010
Strongly opposes federal Card Check legislation
We need to send a clear message that Virginia is open for business, with a pro-free enterprise climate that stands out because of low taxes, incentives for job creation, limited and sensible regulation, a predictable litigation climate, and a fiscally
sound and efficient government that lives within its means. We must also recognize that our strong Right to Work law is a powerful magnet for business investment in Virginia and an essential tenet of worker freedom. It is now in real danger as a result o
federal proposals like Card Check, which would deny the secret ballot to workers and replace contract negotiations by businessmen with binding arbitration by bureaucrats. To ensure that new jobs continue to come to Virginia, Bob McDonnell will defend our
pro-free enterprise Right to Work Law, the cornerstone of our economic prosperity. And Bob will strongly oppose "Card Check" legislation at the federal level and fight to keep Virginia the best place in America to do business.