Halt expansion of Medicaid; halt ObamaCare unfunded mandates
While Olszewski remains opposed to ObamaCare and voted against Montana's expansion of Medicaid last session, he said Republican efforts in Congress to replace the federal health-care law with the American Health Care Act--a measure lawmakers ultimately
withdrew--were misguided.
"The intent was good but it missed the mark," he said. "It didn't do anything to touch the very complex network of regulations. What is killing me as an independent business owner are the regulations and unfunded mandates."
ObamaCare is imploding; shore up healthcare system
Olszewski said, "Health care is in a struggle to decide what it's going to do in the 21st Century," he said. "Private health insurance is very unstable. And we're really at an area where ObamaCare is imploding. What we need to do is, we need to find a
way to shore up, or fix the health-care system, so it doesn't collapse around us."
[Olszewski opposed the unsuccessful Republican efforts in Congress to replace ObamaCare with the American Health Care Act as well-intended but "misguided".]
Voted NO on insuring the working poor with federal dollars
Gov. Bullock in State of the State speech said, "Rep. Noonan and I are proposing a uniquely Montana plan--based upon the popular Healthy Montana Kids Plan--that will extend coverage to tens of thousands of Montanans. The Healthy Montana Plan will
bring our federal dollars back to Montana, to cover those without insurance.
Rep. Olszewski voted NAY on Committee Report vote, March 10, 2015 (bill failed 41-59-0)
HB 249 Legislative Summary: A bill for an act entitled: "an act creating the Healthy Montana Act to expand health care coverage to additional individuals and improve access to health care services; establishing a health care coverage program to
provide certain low-income Montanans with access to health care services using Medicaid funds and an arrangement with a third-party administrator; providing support for health care delivery across Montana; and establishing a special revenue account.