Student Financial Aid: Support lower interest on student loans or forgiving them?
Brandon Presley (D): Yes, at least partly. "We need to...expand access to Mississippi's teacher loan repayment programs."
Tate Reeves (R): No. Opposes federal loans forgiveness programs. When Reeves was President of the State Senate as Lt. Governor, the state cut loan forgiveness programs for teachers.
Source: candidate survey on 2023 Mississippi Senate race
, Aug 8, 2024
Be cautious of funding change supported by liberal activists
Be very cautious of a last minute change in funding formula that seems to have unanimous support amongst Democrats in Senate and liberal activist groups.
Very very cautious. Instead of funneling more money to the District offices--where our kids won't see it--why not another teacher pay raise? Put it in the classroom!
The year I first presided over a State of the State in 2012, Mississippi was dead last in fourth grade math. Now, we're above the national average at Number 23. That means that over the last ten years since we passed education reform,
Mississippi surpassed half the states in the nation. We've gone from needs improvement to most improved. We've led the nation in fourth grade reading and fourth grade math gains.
When it comes to education, Mississippi should protect parents' voices and their right to be involved in the classroom. Because at the end of the day, the state doesn't run a child's life--parents do. We need more transparency in schools in this country.
We need more choice. We need more freedom. That will be the best way to protect our children. Nobody, and I mean nobody, is more invested in the life and the future of a child than a parent.
Won't require pronouns that fail to correspond with reality
This Parents' Bill of Rights would further cement that when it comes to the usage of names, pronouns, or health matters, schools will adhere to the will of parents. There is no room in our schools for policies that attempt to undercut parents and
require the usage of pronouns or names that fail to correspond with reality. I'm especially proud to have signed legislation that ensured, that in Mississippi, we're going to let boys play boys sports, and girls play girls sports.
Source: 2023 State of the State Address to the Miss. legislature
, Jan 30, 2023
Basic right of parents to determine their child's education
We know that there are many who enjoy criticizing Mississippi. They trash our way of life, they trash our institutions, and they frequently deride our education. And at times in our past, they might have been at least a little bit right about our
educational system. But Mississippi's schools have made a major turnaround. It is the product of dedication of our teachers, a result of the intelligence of our people, and conservative, common-sense reforms enacted by many of us here today.
Mississippi schools and teachers answer to parents. It is shocking to me, that in some corners of this country, the basic right of parents to determine their child's education is ignored. We must strive to be better than that. We recognize that no
classroom can replace a parent's care. Your voice should not just be heard, it should be sought. It should reign. All public servants answer to the people. In education, we answer to the parents and as long as I'm governor, we always will.
Critical race theory is a looming threat in too many schools
Across the country, there is a looming threat in too many schools. It is propaganda that seeks to divide us. It's what's called critical race theory. It doesn't really matter what you call it. And I'm not interested in semantics. I'm interested in the
integrity of our civic education. In too many schools in other states, they teach the lie that America is inherently racist. They teach students that by virtue of the color of your skin you are inherently a victim or oppressor.
They teach this for a purpose.
it is designed to allow a small group of idealogues to pose as saviors--false heroes. It is arrogance and ambition, masquerading as education.
When you are a victim by birth, only their generosity can save you. When you are an oppressor by birth, only your silent cooperation with their radical worldview can sanctify you.
Job training lifts people out of poverty, into proud work
I also believe we need to sharpen one particular tool to get our economy rolling--our state's workforce development. We don't need Mississippians to be stuck in low-paying jobs. We want them to embark on careers with good pay and freedom.
The best way to accomplish that is to give them access to training that puts them in a position to succeed. It is essential. It is how we will succeed. It is how we will lift people out of poverty and into proud work.
Source: 2021 State of the State Address to Mississippi legislature
, Jan 26, 2021
Ensure parental choice to save children from bad districts
We need to keep fighting for every child to have access to the education that they deserve. We need to ensure that parents have
the choice to save their child from a district that lets them down. And we need to reward our teachers for the exceptional, life-changing work that they do.
Source: 2021 State of the State Address to Mississippi legislature
, Jan 26, 2021
Have invested more than $10 billion in education programs
My vision is creating a seamless system of education from cradle to career. I have invested more than $10 billion in K-12 schools and early childhood education, including investments that prioritize career and technical education,
and building an antiracist curriculum that is honest about the past. We will continue to make progress toward stomping out the opportunity gap by ensuring 8,000 more kids are eligible for home visiting, early head start, and preschool promise.
Source: 2021 State of the State Address to the Oregon legislature
, Jan 21, 2021
Let's pay our teachers as much as we can possibly afford
As we begin to allocate this new revenue, I can think of no one more deserving, and no task more essential, than increasing the pay of our teachers. I know that there is broad consensus and commitment to achieve this quickly and to increase pay
substantially. I want all of you to know that my priority is simple: let's pay our teachers as much as we can possibly afford. Send me a budget that does that, and I'll stand beside each of you to sign it with joy.
We will not win this great competition without a financial investment in the people who can make it happen. Last year, I outlined a plan to put $100 million into workforce development--training Mississippians so that we are ready to work.
Teaching skills to students from the earliest possible age. Apprenticeships, community college grants, and assistance for workers. We can make noise across the nation when they see our commitment to this cause.
Reeves slipped $2 million for a private school voucher program in the eleventh hour of the 2019 legislative session, during his gubernatorial election year,
after giving public educators a nominal pay raise that prompted members of the largest association of public school teachers in the state to mull a strike.