Steve Forbes on Homeland Security
2000 Republican Primary Candidate for President
Act unilaterally, without UN command or involvement
Forbes supports the following principles regarding defense:- The US should take unilateral military action if Iraq does not comply with all accepted United Nations resolutions
- The US should continue to play a prominent leadership role in the
peace process between Israel and the Palestine Authority
- The US should not commit military troops to United Nations peacekeeping missions
- Forbes says the US should never put American soldiers under UN command.
Source: 2000 National Political Awareness Test
, Jan 13, 2000
Haiti & Somalia interventions were mistakes
Q: What troops would you bring home from what countries? A: They didnt have to send in troops to Haiti. We tried that from 1915-34. It didnt work then. It didnt work today. In Somalia it was one thing to get the food on the ground, quite
another to play social workers and try to re-make that benighted country. That was a mistake. We do have very real interests in the world. But throwing our forces around [without] an exit strategy and not building up the military is a policy of disaster.
Source: Phoenix Arizona GOP Debate
, Dec 7, 1999
Maintain production of F-22 fighters
Congress has canceled production of the proposed new F-22 fighter aircraft. The aircraft is light-years ahead of the current F-15 and F-16 in stealth capabilities, avionics and weapons systems. Critics carp that the plane is unneeded in a post-Cold War
world and that we should, instead, only upgrade the F-15 and F-16. But foreign fighter planes are coming along that will match our current crop of fighters. Moreover, foreign countries are developing more sophisticated antiaircraft missiles.
Source: Fact and Comment, Forbes Magazine
, Nov 15, 1999
Problem is procurement process, not defense spending
As for the cost of the F-22, the same criticisms were made years ago when the F-15 and the F-18 were being developed. The problem of cost overruns lies not so much in the F-22 itself as in the entire government procurement and
development process, an area that badly needs reform. But it would be shortsighted to shoot down the F-22 because of governmental operational deficiencies. Change the process, but dont sacrifice this new fighter.
Source: Fact and Comment, Forbes Magazine
, Nov 15, 1999
Percentage of GDP on defense is too little
Today, the US spends less on defense as a percentage of our economy than we did at any time since he Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. For the worlds only superpower, that is an invitation to very serious trouble. Can we turn things around? Of course.
But it is going to take real leadership that will seriously assess our situation and persuade the American people that business as usual will not be enough to protect us from threats that lie just over the horizon.
Source: A New Birth of Freedom, p. 159-60
, Nov 9, 1999
Deploy an Aegis-style missile defense worldwide now
We could construct viable missile defenses for ourselves and our allies in Europe, Israel, Japan, Taiwan, and South Korea-to name a few-by integrating new missile defense innovations with existing technologies on the Navys Aegis cruisers. American
taxpayers have already invested some $50 billion in missile defense research. Experts believe it would take less than $10 billion to finish the job. But the president & vice president continue to drag their feet. What in Gods name are they waiting for?
Source: A New Birth of Freedom, p. 161-2
, Nov 9, 1999
ABM Treaty was a bad idea then and worse today
The current administration clings to the ABM Treaty, which prevents the US from fully developing effective missile defenses. The treaty was a bad idea during the Cold War, given its reliance on assured vulnerability. But it certainly makes no
sense today. The nation we signed the treaty with-the USSR-no longer exists. The proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and the missiles to carry them makes the ABM Treaty an even worse idea-and missile defenses an even better idea-today.
Source: A New Birth of Freedom, p. 162
, Nov 9, 1999
More $ for veterans health & housing; fund WWII memorial
Steve Forbes supports the Veterans Benefits Improvement Act, which provides:- a cost-of-living increase for disability compensation and pensions
- provides compensation payments and adequate health, education and housing benefits for surviving
spouses of former prisoners of war
- accelerates construction of the national World War II Memorial
- and directs the VA Secretary to begin planning four new national veterans cemeteries.
Source: Press Release on Veterans Health
, Sep 6, 1999
Military has been hollowed with little to show
Under the Clinton-Gore administration, our military has been hollowed out and sent on numerous foreign adventures, Forbes said, though he didnt mention Kosovo or any places. I ask you, is the world more organized than when they took over? Are our
armed forces stronger or weaker? Is our classified intelligence more secure or at jeopardy? Is our mission clearer or more confused? Forbes rhetorically said to his supporters.
Source: CNN.com/AllPolitics Forbes raises $1 million
, Jun 17, 1999
SDI defends against rogue states nuclear blackmail
We must go all out to develop a ballistic missile defense system. Efforts by hostile nations to acquire ballistic missiles with biological or nuclear payloads pose a growing threat. Soon these countries will have enormous blackmail capability. Iraq could
say: Do you really want to risk American civilian lives just to stop us from grabbing Kuwait? Congress should pass the necessary legislation [to develop SDI despite the Anti-Ballistic Missile treaty with the USSR].
Source: Fact and Comment FORBES Magazine
, Aug 24, 1998
Stop demobilizing US military, or pay long-term price
The Clinton Administration is engaged in a dangerous demobilization of US defense capabilities. It is systematically stripping away Americas military might. It is weakening our ability to defend ourselves, to project our power, or to protect our allies
and interests. We have been fortunate so far. But remember the 1920s & 1930s, and the fearful price we paid for Allied drift, dithering and indecision. American defense spending [will be] down to just 2.6% of GDP by 2002, the lowest since the 1930s.
Source: American Leadership speech at Casey Inst., NYC
, May 4, 1998
Lack of military readiness hurts global economy
Forbes accused the Clinton-Gore Administration of severely reducing American military readiness. He argued that if uncorrected, US military and diplomatic weakness could seriously undermine US and global economic prosperity. We live in a time of
relative peace and rising prosperity, said Mr. Forbes. But this did not happen by magic. The international economic order rests upon a foundation built by free markets, free elections, and the strong and vigilant moral and military leadership of the US
Source: American Leadership speech at Casey Inst., NYC
, May 4, 1998
Increase defense spending to meet global responsibilities.
Forbes signed Project for the New American Century Statement of Principles
American defense policy is adrift. Conservatives have not fought for a defense budget that would maintain American security and advance American interests in the new century. We aim to change this.
We are living off the capital--both the military investments and the foreign policy achievements--built up by past administrations. Cuts in foreign affairs and defense spending, inattention to the tools of statecraft, and inconstant leadership are making it increasingly difficult to sustain American influence around the world. As a consequence, we are jeopardizing the nation's ability to meet present threats and to deal with potentially greater challenges that lie ahead.
We seem to have forgotten the essential elements of the Reagan Administration's success: a military that is strong and ready to meet both present and future challenges.
We need to increase defense spending significantly if we are to carry out our global responsibilities today and modernize our armed forces for the future;
Source: PNAC Principles 97-PNAC-HS on Jun 3, 1997
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