
John McCain topics and responses
PRO: - 12/12/2007: Loss of economic strength leads to losing military strength
CON: - 07/30/2009: Voted NO on $192B additional anti-recession stimulus spending
- 05/02/2012: Ranked by UFCW, indicating a pro-management voting record
- 01/24/2008: Cut corporate income taxes to keep jobs here
- 11/28/2007: Republicans have forgotten how to control spending
- 01/26/2000: Use veto power to reduce government spending
- 01/23/2012: Disapprove of increasing the debt limit
- 02/10/2009: Voted NO on additional $825 billion for economic recovery package
- 07/12/2008: Can`t pass trillions of dollars of debt to our children
- 09/26/2008: Recoup financial bailout cost by cutting spending
- 07/02/1998: Supports Balanced Budget Amendment
- 01/24/2008: Impose some fiscal discipline to revive the economy
PRO: - 12/12/2007: Climate change is real and must be addressed
- 09/09/1998: Supports immediate reductions in greenhouse gases
- 09/26/2006: Utility lobbyists influence White House climate policy
- 02/10/2005: Sponsored bill for greenhouse gas tradeable allowances
- 01/19/2004: 2000: Criticized Bush`s withdrawal from the Kyoto Treaty
CON: - 01/13/2000: Strength Clean Air & Water Acts; but not Kyoto
- 04/01/2009: Voted YES on requiring full Senate debate and vote on cap-and-trade
- 04/06/2011: Voted YES on barring EPA from regulating greenhouse gases
- 04/02/2009: Voted YES on protecting middle-income taxpayers from a national energy tax
PRO: - 05/10/1999: Campaign Finance: ban both labor union & corporate donations
- 01/22/2001: Clearer rules about campaign finance; no soft money
- 05/07/2002: Finance reform will prevail if we have the votes & the guts
- 04/02/2007: 527s are clearly illegal; reform intended for small donors
- 07/12/2001: Supports Shays-Meehan Campaign Finance Reform
- 10/07/1997: Voted YES on favoring 1997 McCain-Feingold overhaul of campaign finance
- 05/11/2010: Require Internet disclosure of all earmarks
- 05/07/2002: Campaign finance reform needed to restore faith in politics
- 03/20/2002: Voted YES on banning "soft money" contributions and restricting issue ads
- 04/02/2001: Voted YES on banning campaign donations from unions & corporations
- 03/28/2006: Voted YES on establishing the Senate Office of Public Integrity
- 02/02/2005: Sponsored bill subjecting 527s to political committee rules
CON: - 05/20/2009: Ban paid voter registration
- 03/29/2006: Voted YES on allowing some lobbyist gifts to Congress
PRO: - 06/29/2001: End commercial whaling and illegal trade in whale meat
- 05/08/2013: Voted YES on protecting ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes ecosystems
CON: - 01/13/2012: Ranked by HSLF, indicating an anti-animal welfare voting record
- 01/31/2007: Scored 40% on Humane Society Scorecard on animal protection
PRO: - 07/02/1998: Supports alternative fuels, emission controls, & CWA
- 06/10/2003: Voted YES on targeting 100,000 hydrogen-powered vehicles by 2010
- 03/13/2002: Voted NO on terminating CAFE standards within 15 months
CON: - 06/16/1999: Voted YES on defunding renewable and solar energy
- 06/16/2005: Voted NO on reducing oil usage by 40% by 2025 (instead of 5%)
- 04/17/2008: Gas tax holiday for the summer
- 12/31/2006: Ranked by the CAF, indicating opposition to energy independence
PRO: - 08/17/1999: Ban cheap guns; require safety locks; for gun show checks
CON: - 05/10/1999: Punish criminals who abuse 2nd Amendment rights
- 03/27/2007: Ban gun registration & trigger lock law in Washington DC
- 07/21/1998: Voted YES on maintaining current law: guns sold without trigger locks
- 07/02/1998: Repeal existing gun restrictions; penalize criminal use
- 02/08/2008: Allow firearms in National Parks
- 04/17/2013: Voted NO on banning high-capacity magazines of over 10 bullets
- 09/01/2007: Opposes restrictions on assault weapons and ammunition types
- 09/01/2007: Prosecute criminals, not citizens for gun ownership
- 04/12/2011: Allow veterans to register unlicensed guns acquired abroad
- 05/20/1999: Voted NO on background checks at gun shows
- 08/17/1999: Voted against Brady Bill & assault weapon ban
- 09/01/2007: Don`t hold gun manufacturers liable for crimes
- 07/29/2005: Voted YES on prohibiting lawsuits against gun manufacturers
- 04/02/2009: Voted YES on allowing firearms in checked baggage on Amtrak trains
- 03/02/2004: Voted YES on banning lawsuits against gun manufacturers for gun violence
- 05/11/1999: Voted YES on loosening license & background checks at gun shows
PRO: - 12/08/1999: Politicians keep unneeded bases open for political purposes
- 05/03/2007: Clean up waste in defense acquisition
- 12/08/1999: Terminate C-130, B-2, and Seawolf; use funds to modernize
- 05/26/1999: Voted YES on allowing another round of military base closures
- 06/14/2006: Sponsored bill for Iraq budget to be part of defense budget
- 10/30/1997: Voted NO on favoring 36 vetoed military projects
- 09/09/1998: Reduce federal government size & scope, including military
- 04/20/2005: Voted YES on requiring on-budget funding for Iraq, not emergency funding
- 09/05/1995: Voted NO on 1996 Defense Appropriations
CON: - 10/09/2007: We need bigger army for more militaristic foreign policy
- 01/30/2002: Supports $48 billion in new spending for anti-terrorism
- 10/09/2007: Half of world's defense spending should be US as global cop
- 03/17/1999: Voted YES on deploying National Missile Defense ASAP
- 02/24/1999: Voted YES on military pay raise of 4.8%
- 08/03/1999: Raise military pay to avoid military draft
- 12/31/2003: Ranked by SANE, indicating a pro-military voting record
- 07/11/2007: Voted NO on limiting soldiers' deployment to 12 months
- 11/01/2004: Eliminate defense pork, but increase most other defense
- 06/04/1996: Voted YES on considering deploying NMD, and amending ABM Treaty
CON: - 12/08/2006: Sponsored bill for grants to Indian tribes to fight meth
- 05/14/1999: Voted YES on more penalties for gun & drug violations
- 07/02/1998: Stricter penalties; stricter enforcement
- 10/29/1999: We`re losing drug war - just say no
- 03/05/2000: Administration is AWOL on the war on drugs
- 07/25/1996: Voted YES on spending international development funds on drug control
- 03/18/1999: $1B for detection equipment for more border interdiction
PRO: - 02/05/2008: GovWatch: 1999: Don`t force women to have illegal operations
- 05/13/2007: Concerned if women undergo illegal dangerous operations
- 08/24/1999: Wants Roe vs. Wade made irrelevant, but would not repeal it
- 06/04/2004: Expand embryonic stem cell research
- 04/11/2007: Voted YES on expanding research to more embryonic stem cell lines
- 10/09/2007: 1999: Repealing Roe forces dangerous illegal abortions
CON: - 03/14/2008: Voted YES on defining unborn child as eligible for SCHIP
- 03/12/2003: Voted YES on banning partial birth abortions except for maternal life
- 01/31/2000: Prosecute abortion doctors, not women who get them
- 08/24/1999: Opposes partial-birth abortions & public financing
- 02/07/2008: Pro-life and an advocate for the Rights of Man everywhere
- 06/20/2000: Voted YES on maintaining ban on Military Base Abortions
- 12/31/2003: Ranked by NARAL, indicating a pro-life voting record
- 03/05/2009: Voted YES on restricting UN funding for population control policies
- 05/03/2007: Supports repealing Roe v. Wade
- 01/22/2000: Overturn Roe v. Wade, but keep incest & rape exceptions
- 03/25/2004: Voted YES on criminal penalty for harming unborn fetus during other crime
- 01/22/2008: Prohibit transporting minors across state lines for abortion
- 07/25/2006: Voted YES on notifying parents of minors who get out-of-state abortions
- 03/17/2005: Voted NO on $100M to reduce teen pregnancy by education & contraceptives
- 10/18/2007: Voted YES on barring HHS grants to organizations that perform abortions
PRO: - 12/21/1999: Would be "comfortable" with a gay president
- 01/01/2007: Leave gay marriage to the states
- 01/07/2000: Accepts gays in military under current policy
- 01/19/2004: 1994: No Senate hiring discrimination by sexual orientation
- 11/15/2006: Ban on same-sex marriage is unRepublican; leave it to states
- 06/07/2006: Voted NO on constitutional ban of same-sex marriage
CON: - 07/02/2008: Supports CA Prop. 8: one-man-one-woman marriage
- 09/10/1996: Voted NO on prohibiting job discrimination by sexual orientation
- 06/20/2000: Voted NO on expanding hate crimes to include sexual orientation
- 09/10/1996: Voted YES on prohibiting same-sex marriage
- 06/11/2002: Voted NO on adding sexual orientation to definition of hate crimes
PRO: - 09/27/2010: Repeal and replace the massive federal health-care law
- 01/19/2004: 1993: To socialize healthcare would be to ruin it
- 01/29/2009: Voted NO on expanding the Children's Health Insurance Program
- 09/26/2008: Family should make health decisions, not federal government
- 01/05/2006: Include a health savings account in healthcare reform
- 01/19/2004: 1989: No mandatory catastrophic Medicare coverage
- 07/13/1999: Voted YES on limiting self-employment health deduction
- 04/18/1996: Voted NO on blocking medical savings acounts
- 05/25/2011: Voted YES on the Ryan Budget: Medicare choice, tax & spending cuts
- 02/02/2006: Voted NO on expanding enrollment period for Medicare Part D
- 06/22/2000: Voted NO on including prescription drugs under Medicare
- 02/03/2008: Harness market competition for comprehensive reform
- 06/26/2003: Voted NO on $40 billion per year for limited Medicare prescription drug benefit
- 12/31/2003: Ranked by APHA, indicating a anti-public health voting record
- 04/03/2001: Voted YES on funding GOP version of Medicare prescription drug benefit
CON: - 07/15/1999: Allow paying extra for choice of doctors & care
- 05/24/2002: Tax credits for those without employee health insurance
- 06/24/1997: Voted NO on Medicare means-testing
- 03/17/2005: Voted YES on negotiating bulk purchases for Medicare prescription drug
- 07/02/1998: More tax-deductible health costs; limits on malpractice
- 12/13/1999: Matching funds for seniors citizens` prescription drugs
- 05/24/2002: $350 billion for prescriptions for poor seniors
- 11/03/2005: Voted YES on increasing Medicaid rebate for producing generics
- 12/13/1999: Expand health insurance to 11 million uninsured children
- 06/11/2009: Voted YES on regulating tobacco as a drug
PRO: - 05/17/2001: Voted YES on reducing marriage penalty instead of cutting top tax rates
- 01/22/2000: Remove charitable deduction; it only benefits rich
- 01/11/2000: Middle-class tax cut: expand 15% tax bracket
- 05/23/2003: Voted NO on $350 billion in tax breaks over 11 years
- 04/05/2000: Voted NO on prioritizing national debt reduction below tax cuts
- 09/09/1998: Implement socially fair, broad-based tax cuts
- 02/05/2008: GovWatch: 2001: against tax cut that went to rich
CON: - 07/18/2000: Voted YES on eliminating the 'marriage penalty'
- 02/13/2008: Voted YES on raising the Death Tax exemption to $5M from $1M
- 09/27/1999: Cut marriage tax, inheritance tax, & earnings test
- 02/02/2006: Voted YES on retaining reduced taxes on capital gains & dividends
- 08/03/2006: Voted YES on supporting permanence of estate tax cuts
- 03/23/2007: Voted YES on repealing the Alternative Minimum Tax
- 04/02/1998: Voted YES on requiring super-majority for raising taxes
- 07/14/2000: Voted YES on phasing out the estate tax ("death tax")
- 10/02/1998: Voted YES on Internet sales tax moratorium
- 06/08/2006: Voted YES on permanently repealing the `death tax`
- 01/01/2012: Supports the Taxpayer Protection Pledge
- 03/13/2008: Voted YES on allowing AMT reduction without budget offset
- 02/02/2006: Voted NO on $47B for military by repealing capital gains tax cut
- 02/03/2008: Require a 3/5 majority vote in Congress to raise taxes
- 08/12/2010: Taxpayer Protection Pledge: no new taxes
- 10/09/2007: Tax system is fair; wealthy pay bulk of taxes
- 03/21/2007: Voted YES on raising estate tax exemption to $5 million
- 04/04/2001: Voted NO on spending $448B of tax cut on education & debt reduction
- 04/30/1999: Taxes should be flatter, lower, and simpler
- 11/18/2005: Voted YES on extending the tax cuts on capital gains and dividends
PRO: - 04/06/2000: Voted YES on preserving budget for ANWR oil drilling
CON: - 03/16/2005: Voted YES on banning drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
- 11/03/2005: Voted YES on disallowing an oil leasing program in Alaska's ANWR