Topics in the News: Gay Rights
Kamala Harris on Civil Rights
: Sep 9, 2024
Will fight to pass the Equality Act for LGBTQI+ Americans
As President, she'll always defend the freedom to love who you love openly and with pride. In 2004, she officiated some of the nation's first same-sex marriages and as Attorney General, she refused to defend California's anti-marriage equality
statewide referendum. As President, she'll fight to pass the Equality Act to enshrine anti-discrimination protections for LGBTQI+ Americans in health care, housing, education, and more into law.
Click for Kamala Harris on other issues.
Source: 2024 Presidential campaign website
Tim Walz on Civil Rights
: Aug 6, 2024
Added religious-liberty protections to human-rights statutes
The Democratic governor issued executive orders establishing Minnesota as a "sanctuary state" for out-of-staters seeking transgender medical procedures. He has also signed legislation that bans so-called "conversion therapy" and made it
illegal to remove books from libraries because they contain LGBTQ themes.[A Republican] state lawmaker was critical of Walz for failing to criticize
2023 state legislation that sought to give people identifying as transgender protected status without guaranteeing religious-liberty exemptions.
This year, Walz approved new legislation that added religious-liberty protections to Minnesota's human-rights statutes, a measure that was strongly supported by the state's Catholic bishops.
Click for Tim Walz on other issues.
Source: National Catholic Register: 2024 Vice Presidential hopefuls
JD Vance on Jobs
: Aug 2, 2024
Protecting transgender workers betrays traditionalists
2020: "The Supreme Court ruled that a landmark civil rights law protects gay and transgender workers from workplace discrimination, handing the movement for LGBT equality a long-sought and unexpected victory. 'An employer who fires an individual merely
for being gay or transgender defies the law,' Justice Neil M. Gorsuch wrote for the majority in the 6-to-3 ruling. The decision, the first major case on transgender rights, came amid widespread demonstrations, some protesting violence aimed at
transgender people of color." [New York Times, 6/15/20]Senator J.D. Vance lashed out at the 'conservative legal movement' after the Supreme Court ruled that gay and transgender employees should be protected from job discrimination. "The conservative
legal movement has accomplished two things: libertarian political economy [enforced by judges] and betrayal of social conservatives and traditionalists,' Vance tweeted." [Washington Examiner, 6/15/20]
Click for JD Vance on other issues.
Source: Washington Examiner in 2024 Trump Research Book
JD Vance on Families & Children
: Jul 16, 2024
I'll stop saying "groomers" when they stop sexualizing kids
Vance has also echoed false tropes increasingly used by conservatives to describe LGBTQ people and those who support them as "groomers": "I'll stop calling people 'groomers' when they stop freaking out about bills that prevent the sexualization of my
children," Vance said on social media in April 2022. GLAAD wrote in its post about Vance's record: "There is no evidence that discussing LGBTQ people 'sexualizes' anyone. Experts say false rhetoric about grooming diminishes understanding about actual
Vance also spoke about bills that would censor discussions of LGBTQ issues on Fox News' "Tucker Carlson Tonight" in April 2022, arguing that teachers were also hiding their efforts to teach children about sexual orientation or gender
identity. "So, one of the things we're learning, Tucker, is that this is being forced by some of these really radical teachers, and they're hiding it from the parents," he said. "'That's maybe the most pernicious part."
Click for JD Vance on other issues.
Source: NBC News on 2024 Veepstakes
Francis Suarez on Civil Rights
: Jan 22, 2024
Country should be pro-equal rights for LGBTQ community
Suarez told NBC News he initially supported Governor DeSantis' 'Don't Say Gay' law, but he said expanding the anti-LGBTQ+ legislation to all grades was "excessive." He said that he doesn't "want little kids being taught about sexuality in the
classroom", but he wanted the US to be a "country that is pro-equal rights for the LGBTQ community".
Click for Francis Suarez on other issues.
Source: Pink News on 2024 Presidential hopefuls
Jill Stein on Civil Rights
: Dec 18, 2023
Ensure rights and freedoms for all marginalized groups
Americans cherish ideals of liberty and justice, yet countless millions are still fighting for basic rights. We must put an end to the shameful legacy of systemic discrimination against women, Black and Brown people, Indigenous people, immigrants,
people with disabilities, the LGBTQIA+ community, and other marginalized groups, and come together to ensure our rights, freedoms, and justice for all.
Click for Jill Stein on other issues.
Source: 2024 Presidential campaign website
Joe Biden on Civil Rights
: Sep 19, 2023
Rights for women and minorities part of our shared humanity
We have to continue working to ensure that women and girls enjoy equal rights and equal participation in their societies. That Indigenous groups; racial, ethnic, religious minorities; people with disabilities do
not have their potential stifled by systemic discrimination. That the LGBTQI+ people are not prosecuted or targeted with violence because of who they are. These rights are part of our shared humanity.
Click for Joe Biden on other issues.
Source: Speech to the United Nations (2023 presidential hopefuls)
Chase Oliver on Civil Rights
: Aug 22, 2023
Don't tell LGBTQ people who to be or how to live
A gay Libertarian from Georgia is making waves in his run for his party's nomination for U.S. president--becoming the first-ever third-party candidate to speak at the Iowa State Fair Political Soapbox. Oliver spoke with the Bay Area Reporter, telling
the paper that 2024 represents "a unique opportunity for our party to break out into the mainstream.""We have stood for self-expression and self-ownership and autonomy since our founding in 1971--just two years after Stonewall," Oliver said of the
Libertarian Party. "It took Democrats decades to catch up because they had to wait until it was politically popular. If there's one thing I know about LGBTQ people it's that we like to go our own way and not be told who to be or how to live."
And Oliver might be right--enthusiasm for the lead candidates in the Democratic and Republican primary races, Biden and former President Donald Trump, respectively, is not great.
Click for Chase Oliver on other issues.
Source: Bay Area Reporter on 2023 Presidential hopefuls
Chase Oliver on Education
: Aug 22, 2023
Let schools & parents decide on LGBTQ books in libraries
On "Don't Say Gay" bills such as in Florida, Oliver said school choice--a system wherein money follows the pupil, rather than everyone paying for public education--could give parents options in states with anti-LGBTQ school policies."I'm somebody
who wants to have inclusive education that focuses on critical thinking and age-appropriate curriculum, and I think we can certainly have that while being inclusive to LGBTQ people and families," he said. "Personally I think it's important to acknowledge
LGBTQ people exist. I believe personally, in my personal opinion, that should fall under the role of education--but as a candidate for president, ultimately parents and students should decide where to send their education dollars."
When it comes to
books about LGBTQ people or with LGBTQ themes being allowed in school libraries, Oliver said that's a decision best left to the schools and parents themselves. Competition from private schools may cause public schools to reassess.
Click for Chase Oliver on other issues.
Source: Bay Area Reporter on 2023 Presidential hopefuls
Cornel West on Civil Rights
: Aug 7, 2023
Secure the rights of LGBTQ+ and Trans-Peoples
Securing the rights of
LGBTQ+ and Trans-Peoples.
Click for Cornel West on other issues.
Source: 2024 Presidential campaign website
Will Hurd on Civil Rights
: Jul 2, 2023
Use diversity to solve the major problems that we're facing
I wish they would focus and focus their attacks on war criminals like Vladimir Putin, not my friends in the LGBTQ community. It is 2023. We should be talking about, how do we embrace our differences? Because here's what I have learned as
I have crisscrossed the country. We're better together. And we should be having our leaders that are encouraging that, that are protecting that, in order -- how we use our diversity to solve the major problems that we're facing.
Click for Will Hurd on other issues.
Source: CNN interviews on 2023 Presidential hopefuls
Marianne Williamson on Civil Rights
: Jun 6, 2023
Denial of LGBTQ rights is a stain on our national character
There is still no federal law explicitly protecting the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) communities from discrimination. These communities, therefore, do not enjoy the full breadth of freedoms that this country
espouses to guarantee to each and every citizen. This is in direct violation of our founding principles. The idea that there should be God-given life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, "except for them," is a stain on our national character.
Click for Marianne Williamson on other issues.
Source: 2024 Presidential campaign website
Marianne Williamson on Civil Rights
: May 15, 2023
Declare transgender murder/suicide a national emergency
Transgender rights are a hot-button social issue, with Republican-led legislatures passing laws restricting access to gender affirming care for transgender youth and limiting the ability to discuss gender identity in schools.President Biden has
voiced support for transgender rights, but has faced some scrutiny from LGBTQ+ advocates over his plan for transgender athletes in high school sports.
Williamson has called for more protections for the LGBTQ+ community, including for transgender
individuals. She supportsdeclaring transgender murder and suicide rates a national emergency, legislation requiring police departments to "ensure fairer interactions with transgender people," and implementing LGBTQ+ inclusive public education,
according to her campaign site.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr., however, has broken from most Democrats on one key issue surrounding transgender rights, saying that he is "against people participating in women's sports who are biologically male."
Click for Marianne Williamson on other issues.
Source: Newsweek magazine on 2023 Presidential hopefuls
Joe Biden on Civil Rights
: Apr 30, 2023
Dangerous to question LGBT rights and contraceptive rights
Q: With reference to Justice Thomas' concurrence with Dobbs [overturning Roe v. Wade], he said, "in future cases we should reconsider all of this court's substantive due process precedents, including Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell." Here's what
President Biden said that day about that portion.JOE BIDEN: Justice Thomas' said as much today. He explicitly called to reconsider the right of marriage quality, the right of couples to make their choices on contraception. This is an extreme and
dangerous path the court is now taking us on.
FACT-CHECK: Justice Thomas frequently writes concurring opinions that talk about other theories that maybe he's the only one on the court to hold. The opinion [on Dobbs] is clearly limited to abortion and
it's also clear that while Justice Thomas is willing to consider rethinking substantive due process, Justice Thomas believes in the "privileges & immunity clause" [due process before abridging rights] which other justices don't follow.
Click for Joe Biden on other issues.
Source: Fox News Sunday FactCheck on 2024 Presidential Hopefuls
Ron DeSantis on Education
: Mar 27, 2023
Expands school choice program; ends financial requirements
HB1/SB202: Revises provisions relating to Family Empowerment Scholarship Program, FL Tax Credit Scholarship Program.ACLU-FL in opposition: Defunds our public schools and diverts billions of public taxpayer dollars to mostly private
Christian religious schools that lack standards of accountability and have a history of discriminating against LGBTQ+ students, students of minority religions, and students with disabilities.
Governor's P.R. in favor 3/27: Florida is
number one when it comes to education freedom and education choice, and today's bill signing represents the largest expansion of education choice in the history of the US. When you combine private scholarships, charter schools, and district choice
programs, Florida already has 1.3 million students attending a school of their choosing.
Legislative Outcome: Passed House 83-27-9 on Mar/17/23; passed Senate 26-12-2 on Mar/23/23; signed by Governor Ron DeSantis on Mar/27/23.
Click for Ron DeSantis on other issues.
Source: Presidential 2024 press release on Florida voting record HB1
Chase Oliver on Families & Children
: Oct 18, 2022
Support LGBTQ kids; stop demonizing LGBTQ people
Q: You're running as Georgia's first openly-gay Senate candidate. What do you think Congress needs to take up for the LGBTQ community? A: I support the Equality Act. But at the end of the day, what we need to be doing is to stop demonizing LGBTQ
people. I hear from folks like [GOP Senate nominee] Herschel Walker about how terrible LGBTQ people are; about how they're destroying our children. The fact is, I was a gay child at one time, and I was thankful that I had supportive teachers & supportive
people in my life that could help me as I was growing up. I don't want to do away with that. But the reality is that we have far too many people looking to demonize LGBTQ people and I am not one who's going to stand for that. I support the Equality Act
but the best way for me to be a good representative as an LGBTQ person is to get up, do the work, and just be like everybody else. Because that's what LGBTQ people are--we just love different people. There's nothing inherently wrong with us.
Click for Chase Oliver on other issues.
Source: Atlanta Press Club debate: 2022 Georgia Senate race
Joe Biden on Civil Rights
: Apr 28, 2021
To all transgender Americans: your president has your back
I hope Congress will get to my desk the Equality Act to protect LGBTQ Americans.
To all transgender Americans watching at home, especially the young people, who are so brave, I want you to know your president has your back.
Click for Joe Biden on other issues.
Source: 2021 State of the Union address
Joe Biden on Homeland Security
: Mar 31, 2021
Kept promise to allow transgendered to serve in military
PROMISE MADE: (CNN LGBT Town Hall, 10/10/19): If I were president, [transgendered people] would not have to choose [between their gender identity and serving their country]. The fact of the matter is transgender men and women should be
able to do anything anybody else can do. There should be no difference.PROMISE KEPT: (Military Times, 3/31/21):
The Pentagon swept away Trump-era policies that largely banned transgender people from serving in the military, issuing new rules that offer them wider access to medical care and assistance with gender transition.
The new department regulations allow transgender people who meet military standards to enlist and serve openly in their self-identified gender, and they will be able to get medically necessary transition-related care authorized by law.
Click for Joe Biden on other issues.
Source: Military Times on Biden Administration promises
Joe Biden on Civil Rights
: Feb 4, 2021
Reverse ban on transgender individuals serving in military
To further repair our moral leadership, I'm issuing a presidential memo to agencies to reinvigorate our leadership on the LGBTQI issues and do it internationally. You know, we'll ensure diplomacy and foreign assistance are working to promote the rights
of those individuals, included by combatting criminalization and protecting LGBTQ refugees and asylum-seekers.And finally, to successfully reassert our diplomacy and keep Americans safe, prosperous, and free, we must restore the health and morale of
our foreign policy institutions.
The United States will again lead not just by the example of our power but the power of our example. Within hours of taking office,
I signed an executive order overturning the hateful, discriminatory Muslim ban; reversed the ban on transgender individuals serving in our military.
Click for Joe Biden on other issues.
Source: Manchester Ink Link on 2020 New Hampshire Senate race
Joe Biden on Foreign Policy
: Feb 4, 2021
Promote LGBTQI+ rights worldwide via State Department
PROMISE MADE: (CNN LGBT Town Hall, 10/10/19): In my State Department, we will have a special office that's devoted directly to promoting LGBTQ rights around the world.PROMISE KEPT: (Executive Memo on LGBTQI, 2.4/21): I am
directing all agencies engaged abroad to ensure that U.S. diplomacy and foreign assistance promote and protect the human rights of LGBTQI+ persons. The Department of State shall lead a standing group, with appropriate interagency representation, to help
ensure the Federal Government's swift and meaningful response to serious incidents that threaten the human rights of LGBTQI+ persons abroad.
OnTheIssues ANALYSIS: Biden has fulfilled this promise in general, but not for the specific
promise of establishing a special office. We consider this a general fulfillment because Biden expanded on his promise from "LGBTQ" to "LGBTQI+"--adding "intersex persons"--Biden has consistently used the longer list in his public pronouncements.
Click for Joe Biden on other issues.
Source: White House LGBTQI press release on Biden Promises
Joe Biden on Civil Rights
: Oct 15, 2020
LGBT rights are in jeopardy from Supreme Court
Q: What do you say to LGBTQ Americans who are very worried about erosions of their rights?BIDEN:
I think there's great reason to be concerned for the LGBT community, something I fought very hard for, for a long time to make sure there's equality across the board.
Click for Joe Biden on other issues.
Source: Second 2020 Presidential Debate/ABC Town Hall Philadelphia
Chase Oliver on Civil Rights
: Sep 21, 2020
Equal rights regardless of color; even black transgender
He wants to work on criminal justice reform, push for accountability for police through the Ending Qualified Immunity Act, end cash bail, improve healthcare, add LGBTQ people to the Civil Rights Act and end the country's war on drugs and
immigrants. "I'm absolutely looking to support any kind of legislation that will help our LGBTQ brothers and sisters live a more free and equal life in our country," Oliver said.In the Podcast Q interview Oliver, a former Obama Democrat, also
discusses becoming a Libertarian, protecting black transgender people, campaigning with masks and hand sanitizer, combatting HIV and breaking through to voters in the heavily Democratic district. "At the end of the day, [Libertarians] believe in
criminal justice reform. We believe in limited government that is answerable to the people. And we believe that everyone regardless of color, creed sexual orientation, deserves equal inherent rights," Oliver said.
Click for Chase Oliver on other issues.
Source: The Q Substack for 2020 House race GA-5
Joe Biden on Civil Rights
: Oct 10, 2019
Pass Equality Act, enforce Civil Rights Act to protect LGBTQ
Q: Our son Matthew [Shepard] was murdered in 1998. What will you do to reduce violence and hate crimes against LGBTQ people? BIDEN: We have to pass the Equality Act. That's important because it would change a whole range of things. This is a civil
rights issue, protected by the Civil Rights Act, and we should focus on how to enforce that. My Justice Department will do that. Lastly, I think that it's important we start early and educate the population.
Click for Joe Biden on other issues.
Source: CNN LGBT Town Hall 2020
Kamala Harris on Civil Rights
: Oct 10, 2019
End unequal treatment under law by sexual orientation
Q: What protections can you put into place to ensure all Americans have a discrimination-free workplace? HARRIS: How can we defend that our LGBTQ brothers and sisters are treated differently under the law when they walk into their place of work?
I will fight for equality. We saw great success in terms of marriage. But there is still not full equality for members of the LGBTQ community, and that relates to housing, it relates to employment, it relates to education, and many other issues.
Click for Kamala Harris on other issues.
Source: CNN LGBT Town Hall 2020
Joe Biden on Foreign Policy
: Oct 10, 2019
US should promote LGBTQ rights worldwide; stop aid if needed
Q: I recently visited a country where homosexuality is illegal and could result in the death penalty. What is your stance on LGBTQ rights when it comes to our relationships with countries that have different beliefs? BIDEN: In my State Department,
we will have a special office that's devoted directly to promoting LGBTQ rights around the world. I would curtail aid to countries that engage in that kind of behavior.
Q: Saudi Arabia?
BIDEN: Saudi Arabia, same thing.
Click for Joe Biden on other issues.
Source: CNN LGBT Town Hall 2020
Kamala Harris on Principles & Values
: Oct 10, 2019
The power of a president's support will help LGBTQ youth
Q: How would your administration address the crisis of LGBTQ youth suicide? HARRIS: One of the most powerful tools in the hands of the president is that microphone she holds. The real strength of a leader is based not on who you beat down, it's
based on who you lift up. We have to create a safe place for those youth to go, where they can be in a peer- based place, where they can talk about how they are experiencing the world in a way that nurtures and strengthens them.
Click for Kamala Harris on other issues.
Source: CNN LGBT Town Hall 2020
Tulsi Gabbard on Civil Rights
: Jun 26, 2019
No one in government should tell anyone who they can love
No one in our government at any level who has the right to tell any American who they should be allowed to love or who they should be allowed to marry. My record in Congress for over six years shows my commitment to fighting for LGBTQ equality.
I serve on the Equality Caucus and recently voted for passage of the Equality Act. Maybe many people in this country can relate to the fact that I grew up in a socially conservative home, held views when I was very young that I no longer hold today.
Click for Tulsi Gabbard on other issues.
Source: June Democratic Primary debate (first night in Miami)
Howie Hawkins on Civil Rights
: May 28, 2019
Amend Civil Rights Act to include LGBTQIA+
We will campaign for the freedom of the LGBTQIA+ community, in particular for passage of the Equality Act to amend the Civil Rights Act to prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity in employment, education,
housing, credit, public accommodations, adoption, foster parenting, public spaces and services, federally-funded programs, military service, and jury service.
Click for Howie Hawkins on other issues.
Source: Declaration of Candidacy for the Green Party Nomination
Kamala Harris on Civil Rights
: Apr 22, 2019
Ally of LGBTQ community; must end discrimination
I have been an ally of the LGBTQ community. We must have a country that agrees that no group should be treated without equality under the law. On day one would pass the Equality Act to make sure that we give LGBTQ people equal rights under the law.
On the issue of transgender rights, we have a president who wants to kick them out of the military because they are transgender. It is absolutely unconscionable. And that is something I would reverse immediately when I am elected president.
Click for Kamala Harris on other issues.
Source: CNN Town Hall 2020: 5 candidates back-to-back
Marianne Williamson on Civil Rights
: Apr 14, 2019
Attacks on gay rights is attack on us all
I want you to know why I would support you as a LGBTQ person. I would support you because you're an American. I don't want to just talk to you as a lesbian or as an LGBTQ. I don't want to talk to somebody else because you're black, you're white, you're
gay, you're straight, you're a Jew, you're Christian, you're Muslim. I want to talk to you because you're an American. Martin Luther King said injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. What you do to a lesbian, you do to me. Stop right there.
Click for Marianne Williamson on other issues.
Source: CNN Town Hall 2020 Democratic primary
Mike Pence on Principles & Values
: Apr 9, 2019
No problem with gays; they just say so for publicity
Pence, who has a history of anti-LGBTQ positions, spoke warmly [in 2015 of Pete] Buttigieg after his announcement about his sexuality. This was despite the fact that Buttigieg had criticized Pence's support of a controversial religious liberty law that
some groups said would give legal cover to discrimination."I hold Mayor Buttigieg in the highest personal regard," Pence told local station WSBT in June 2015. "We have a great working relationship," he said of Buttigieg. "I see him as a dedicated
public servant and a patriot."
Pence's team is pointing back to those compliments this week in the wake of new comments from Buttigieg--now an openly gay candidate for president.
Pence's wife, Second Lady Karen Pence, addressed Buttigieg's remarks
during a radio interview: "They've always had a great relationship," she said. "I don't think the vice president does have a problem with him, but I think it's helping Pete to get some notoriety by saying that about the vice president."
Click for Mike Pence on other issues.
Source: People e-zine "LGBTQ History," on 2020 Presidential Hopefuls
Marianne Williamson on Civil Rights
: Apr 8, 2019
Expand LGBTQ rights to end discrimination
Our Declaration of Independence holds that the inalienable rights of, "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness," are endowed to ALL humans by their creator at birth. In 2015, marriage equality became the law of the land, yet there is still no
federal law explicitly protecting the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) communities from discrimination. These communities, therefore, do not enjoy the full breadth of freedoms that this country espouses to guarantee to each
and every citizen.This is not only unacceptable; this is in direct violation of our founding principles.
Generation after generation, people have fought to rid our country of the "except for's." "Except for blacks," "except for women," and
so forth. Today, we are challenged by the ongoing prejudice that seeks to repudiate the fundamental American dedication to freedom and equality for all. "Except for them" is a stain on our national character.
Click for Marianne Williamson on other issues.
Source: 2020 presidential campaign website
Dean Phillips on Civil Rights
: Mar 13, 2019
Supports Equality Act and extraordinary LGBTQ community
Rep. Phillips announced that he is an original co-sponsor of the Equality Act, a bill aimed at ending discrimination against LGBTQ Americans in public accommodations, education, federal financial assistance, employment, housing, credit and federal jury
service."It's time to end the era of uncertainty and discrimination against our LGBTQ friends, neighbors and family members," said Phillips. "Our nation was built on the promise of equality and opportunity, and the Equality Act extends that promise
to our extraordinary LGBTQ community. I'm proud to help introduce this long overdue legislation in the House today and will continue working hard to make sure the Equality Act is signed into law."
Amending existing civil rights law provides clarity
and consistency for individuals who experience discrimination as well as for businesses and organizations trying to comply with the law. More than 160 corporations have endorsed the legislation.
Click for Dean Phillips on other issues.
Source: 2020 MN-3 House campaign website
Bernie Sanders on Civil Rights
: Feb 19, 2019
1983: Approved "Gay Rights Day" in Burlington Vermont
On LGBTQ rights, Sanders has touted his early moves in support of the gay rights movement. In 1983, as mayor of Burlington, he approved a resolution declaring "Gay Rights Day;" in 1993, he opposed the military's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy; and in
2000 he supported gay civil unions in Vermont. He opposes President Donald Trump's push to ban transgender people from the military, and laws that would block transgender people from using the bathrooms of their choice.
Click for Bernie Sanders on other issues.
Source: PBS News hour on 2020 Presidential hopefuls
Donald Trump on Civil Rights
: Feb 19, 2019
Global campaign to end the criminalization of homosexuality
The Trump administration is launching a global campaign to end the criminalization of homosexuality in dozens of nations where it's still illegal to be gay.U.S. Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell, the highest-profile openly gay person in the
Trump administration, is leading the effort. The U.S. embassy is flying in LGBT activists from across Europe for a strategy dinner to plan to push for decriminalization in places that still outlaw homosexuality--mostly concentrated in the Middle East,
Africa and the Caribbean. "It is concerning that, in the 21st century, some 70 countries continue to have laws that criminalize LGBTI status or conduct," said a U.S. official involved in organizing the event.
Although the decriminalization strategy
is still being hashed out, officials say it's likely to include working with global organizations like the United Nations and the European Union, as well as other countries whose laws already allow for gay rights.
Click for Donald Trump on other issues.
Source: Josh Lederman, NBC News, on 2019 Trump administration
Tulsi Gabbard on Civil Rights
: Jan 20, 2019
Views on LGBT rights evolved; 100% rating from HRC
Q: Let's talk about your record on LGBT rights. You spent years opposing LGBT rights?A: I was raised in a socially conservative household with views and beliefs and things that I no longer hold today.
My views have evolved, to the point where now you can look to my record over the last six years in Congress that reflect what's in my heart and my commitment to fighting for equality, my commitment to fighting for LGBT rights.
I have a 100 percent legislative voting record with the Human Rights Campaign.
I'm a member of the Equality Caucus, and, again, look forward to continuing to recognize the work that still must be done towards equality and working to make that change happen.
Click for Tulsi Gabbard on other issues.
Source: CNN 2019 "State of the Union" on 2020 Presidential hopefuls
Tulsi Gabbard on Civil Rights
: Jan 17, 2019
Actively supports equal rights on LGBTQ+ issues
[In response to her work in the early 2000s touted for her father's anti-gay organization, which mobilized to pass a measure against same-sex marriage in Hawaii and promoted controversial conversion therapy]: "Over the past six years in Congress,
I have been fortunate to have had the opportunity to help work toward passing legislation that ensures equal rights and protections on
LGBTQ+ issues, such as the Equality Act, the repeal of DOMA, Restore Honor to Service members Act, the Employment Non-Discrimination Act,
the Safe Schools Improvement Act and the Equality for All Resolution. Much work remains to ensure equality and civil rights protections for LGBTQ+ Americans and if elected President, I will continue to fight for equal rights for all."
Click for Tulsi Gabbard on other issues.
Source: CNN KFile, "Conversion Therapy," on 2020 Democratic primary
Tulsi Gabbard on Homeland Security
: Jan 14, 2019
Allow transgender Americans in the military
- Gabbard supports the legal status of same-sex marriage, opposes attempts to bar transgender Americans from the military and supports laws to ban discrimination based on sexual preference.
- Gabbard has changed her position. In 2004,
she opposed a bill allowing civil unions for same-sex couples in Hawaii.
- Hawaii's LGBT caucus withheld their endorsement from her in 2016. She has said that her time in Iraq sparked soul-searching and led to changes in her beliefs.
Click for Tulsi Gabbard on other issues.
Source: PBS News hour on 2020 Presidential hopefuls
Tulsi Gabbard on Civil Rights
: Jan 13, 2019
2012: Apologized for anti-LGBT past; pro-LGBT bills now
In 2012, when running for Congress, Gabbard apologized to LGBT activists in Hawaii for her past comments. "I want to apologize for statements that I have made in the past that have been very divisive and even disrespectful to those within the
LGBT community," Gabbard said. "I know that those comments have been hurtful and I sincerely offer my apology to you and hope that you will accept it."Since joining Congress in 2013, Gabbard has supported efforts to promote
LGBT equality, including co-sponsoring pro-LGBT legislation like The Equality Act, a bill to amend the 1964 Civil Rights Act to protect LGBT individuals.
"I grew up in a very kind of conservative household. A multi-ethnic, multi-racial,
multi-faith home," Gabbard said in New Hampshire in December 2018, speaking to her shift. "Diverse in our makeup and diverse in our views. And I held views growing up that I no longer hold."
Click for Tulsi Gabbard on other issues.
Source: Andrew Kaczynski,, on 2020 presidential hopefuls
Tulsi Gabbard on Civil Rights
: Jan 13, 2019
Regrets past anti-gay statements; now pro-LGBTQ+ rights
Gabbard said in a recent CNN interview that she will seek her party's nomination for president in 2020. Her past views and activism in opposition to LGBT rights in the late 90s and early 2000s, which put her out of step with most of the Democratic Party
at the time, have come under more intense scrutiny since her announcement.Although Gabbard's positions on LGBT rights have shifted dramatically in more recent years (she signed a 2013 amicus brief supporting a challenge to the
Defense of Marriage Act), the extent of Gabbard's past anti-gay activism has already drawn criticism from prominent Democrats and will likely be a major issue for her as she seeks the party's nomination.
In a statement to CNN provided after the
initial publication of this story, Gabbard said, "First, let me say I regret the positions I took in the past, and the things I said. I'm grateful for those in the LGBTQ+ community who have shared their aloha with me throughout my personal journey."
Click for Tulsi Gabbard on other issues.
Source: Andrew Kaczynski,, on 2020 presidential hopefuls
Mike Pence on Civil Rights
: Aug 28, 2018
OpEd: supports conversion therapy & anti-LGBTQ extremism
Mike Pence has made virulent anti-LGBTQ activism the cornerstone of his political career. HRC's comprehensive "The Real Mike Pence" campaign includes a report, microsite and series of videos that shine a spotlight on Pence's decades-long crusade against
LGBTQ equality, and inside-the-White House efforts leading the Trump-Pence administration's attacks on LGBTQ people, including those who bravely serve our nation in the military. It lays out his long record of support for the abusive practice of
so-called "conversion therapy;" his relentless pursuit of a license to discriminate against LGBTQ people; his attempts to block hate crime legislation and funding for HIV and AIDS prevention; and his efforts to undermine access
to health and reproductive care essential to LGBTQ people. He also keeps busy with his extremist agenda by working to undermine science, health, transparency, education, justice and public safety.
Click for Mike Pence on other issues.
Source: on 2018 Trump Administration
Nikki Haley on Civil Rights
: Aug 3, 2017
No need for any new transgender bathroom law
Catherine Templeton was asked if she would "stand up for the Lord's word," as in a theocracy, and back a law banning transgender people from using bathrooms matching their gender identity, or if she would "buckle like North Carolina."
Setting aside for the moment that North Carolina's HB2 compromise, HB142, is just more of the same anti-LGBTQ hatred with a slightly different name, it is important to note that South Carolina has so far killed any effort to see a similar bill come
to pass in South Carolina.
Both former Governor Nikki Haley and current Governor Henry McMaster have said there is no need for such a law.
Templeton said she thinks transgender people should use the bathrooms matching their birth gender, not their identity. She stopped short of calling for a law to be passed.
Click for Nikki Haley on other issues.
Source: on South Carolina voting record NC-HB142
Tulsi Gabbard on Civil Rights
: May 27, 2017
Against gay marriage but no government morality
Her state Democratic Party LGBT caucus openly distrusts her and backed her primary opponent in 2016. When questioned why, the chairman cited two things. One was her less-than-stellar answers to a questionnaire they had sent. The other was a
2015 interview with Ozy, in which she confirmed that her personal views on gay marriage and abortion hadn't changed, just her view on whether the government should enforce its vision of morality.
In 2013, the caucus asked Gabbard to send someone to testify at the legislative special session on same-sex marriage, only to be told that Gabbard "doesn't get involved in state politics." Gabbard's Hawaiian colleagues in Congress all sent a
representative to testify in support. Gabbard does not actively work against gay rights. She's cosponsored and supported numerous bills favoring the LGBT community, from the repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act to the Employment Non-Discrimination Act.
Click for Tulsi Gabbard on other issues.
Source: Jacobin Mag., "Not your friend": 2020 presidential hopefuls
Mike Pence on Civil Rights
: Jan 15, 2017
No place in our administration for LGBTQ discrimination
Q: President Trump decided this week to let stand President Obama's executive order on LGBT rights. And it prompted questions from social conservatives.PENCE: Throughout the campaign, President Trump made it
clear that discrimination would have no place in our administration. He was the very first Republican nominee to mention the LGBTQ community at our Republican National Convention and was applauded for it. And I was there applauding with him.
Click for Mike Pence on other issues.
Source: ABC This Week 2017 interview by George Stephanopoulos
Mike Pence on Principles & Values
: Jan 15, 2017
Repeal the Johnson Amendment: free speech from the pulpit
Q: Social conservatives object to Trump's acceptance of LGBT rights.PENCE: This week [Trump] reiterated his commitment to repeal the Johnson Amendment, that's put a chilling effect on free speech in religious institutions around the country.
Do think a new executive order is necessary on religious liberty?
PENCE: The Johnson amendment essentially threatens the tax-exempt status of churches and synagogues and religious institutions if they were seen to be involved in political expression.
I don't think we'd have ever made it to these hallowed halls back in 1790 if the pulpits of this country had been silenced from speaking about what they thought was right and wrong. The president identified the Johnson amendment and he told people of
faith of every background across this country that he would work to repeal it. And he's directed the administration to begin to look at ways, both legislatively and through executive action to do that.
Click for Mike Pence on other issues.
Source: ABC This Week 2017 interview by George Stephanopoulos
Jill Stein on Civil Rights
: Aug 8, 2016
Protect LGBTQIA+ people from discrimination
- Protect LGBTQIA+ people from discrimination.
Defend indigenous rights, lands and treaties.
Click for Jill Stein on other issues.
Source: Stein-Baraka platform on 2016 presidential campaign website
Doug Burgum on Civil Rights
: Jun 25, 2016
No discrimination because of sexual orientation
Q: Would you support discrimination protections for LGBT citizens?Nelson: Yes.
Stenehjem: I do support extending anti-discrimination protections for the LBGT community in housing and employment. One thing that will be necessary
is to establish that discrimination in that area is a problem that needs to be addressed. No one should have to worry about finding a job or a place to live because of their sexual orientation.
But these protections must also be accompanied by protections for religious freedom, especially as it relates to small business.
Burgum: As with any legislation, the specific language is very important.
I believe no one should be discriminated against because of their sexual orientation and would want to work with the legislature to appropriately address this issue.
Click for Doug Burgum on other issues.
Source: Grand Forks Herald on 2016 North Dakota Gubernatorial debate
Donald Trump on Civil Rights
: Jun 17, 2016
Sexual orientation is invalid reason for firing workers
Should "gender identity" be added to anti-discrimination laws?- Donald Trump's answer: Yes. Asked whether private companies should be able to fire employees simply because they're gay, Trump said on "Meet The Press" that he didn't think sexual
orientation "should be a reason" for letting workers go.
- Hillary Clinton's answer: Yes. "We should ban discrimination against LGBT Americans and their families so they can live, learn, marry, and work," she says on her campaign website.
Gary Johnson's answer: Yes. Johnson says that he doesn't believe there should be workplace discrimination against gays, referencing racial segregation and civil rights laws from the 1960s: "There has to be an awareness, and there has to be
consequences to discrimination. And there should not be discrimination."
- Bernie Sanders' answer: Yes, and the government should do more to protect minorities from discrimination.
- Jill Stein's answer: Yes.
Click for Donald Trump on other issues.
Source: 2016 presidential hopefuls: "Gender identity"
Bernie Sanders on Principles & Values
: Jan 30, 2016
Agrees with Hillary, but more fervently, on many issues
Where do Hillary and Bernie agree on the outcome, except for the level of fervency of pushing the issue, or recency in coming to the current stance?- Abortion: Both would promote reproductive rights, although Hillary would consider opposing
- Gay Rights: Both would promote same-sex marriage; although Hillary was slower to evolve on this issue than many progressives.
- Healthcare: Both would maintain ObamaCare, but Bernie would move towards a single-payer system.
Gun Control: Hillary is the progressive on this issue (hard-core consistently in favor of gun control, while rural-state Bernie has the more moderate stance and mixed historical voting record.
- Stimulus: both agree on federal spending to end the Great
Recession, although Bernie would devote substantially more resources to infrastructure and an increased minimum wage.
- Alternative energy: both would move away from fossil fuels, although Hillary was slow to oppose the Keystone pipeline.
Click for Bernie Sanders on other issues.
Source: Bernie vs. Hillary On The Issues, by Jesse Gordon
Mike Pence on Civil Rights
: Oct 24, 2015
Listen to the merits of debate on LGBT rights
Civil rights expansion: This is the elephant on the table. All sides are digging in. This creates a situation where either Gov. Pence, Speaker Brian Bosma or Senate President David Long will have to take the lead.
Pence is playing his cards close to the vest. He has repeatedly said that he will listen to the "merits" of the coming, noisy debate as
Freedom Indiana and the Indiana Pastors Alliance will hold dueling demonstrations during legislative Organization Day in November.This is a policy and political gauntlet for Gov. Pence.
He will have to be adroit and communicate well, or he faces the prospect of being a one-term governor. It's time for statewide non-discrimination protections for LGBT Hoosiers!
Click for Mike Pence on other issues.
Source: Kokomo Perspective on 2016 Indiana Gubernatorial race
Mike Pence on Civil Rights
: Sep 24, 2015
Religious Freedom Act is not about LGBT discrimination
The most hot-button issue of all during the 2015 General Assembly, the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, was signed in March. Proponents of the bill said it was designed to keep local and state laws from "substantially burdening" the deeply-held
religious principles of individuals, businesses or religious institutions. Those against the bill felt it opened a Pandora's box for discrimination against minorities, especially the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered) community.
"This bill is not about discrimination, and if I thought it legalized discrimination in any way in Indiana, I would have vetoed it," Pence said at the time. "In fact, it does not even apply to disputes between private parties unless government
action is involved. For more than 20 years, the federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act has never undermined our nation's anti-discrimination laws, and it will not in Indiana."
Click for Mike Pence on other issues.
Source: Kokomo Tribune on Indiana Voting Records for bill SB101
Bernie Sanders on Civil Rights
: Sep 5, 2015
Vermont implemented ENDA 22 years ago; so should feds
Q: Despite progress, we have a ways to go with regards to LGBTQ issues in the workplace.A: Unfortunately many LGBTQ people still feel uncomfortable or even unsafe coming out in their workplaces. And they can't be blamed--they're paid less and have
fewer employment opportunities than non-LGBTQ Americans. Bernie voted in favor of the Employment Discrimination Act in 2009 to prohibit workplace discrimination as a result of sexual orientation. He commended Pres. Obama last year after he prohibited
discrimination against gay and transgender federal employees saying:
"We've got to end LGBT discrimination in the workplace. Vermont did this 22 years ago when it passed one of the first state laws in the country protecting lesbian and gay workers.
Congress should have acted long ago, House Republicans won't even allow a vote on the Employment Non-Discrimination Act [ENDA] that the Senate passed last year. That's why Pres. Obama's executive order is an important step in the right direction."
Click for Bernie Sanders on other issues.
Source: 2016 grassroots campaign website, "Issues"
Bernie Sanders on Families & Children
: Sep 5, 2015
Violence Against Women Act applies to men and gays, too
The rates of sexual and domestic violence against women in this country are both shocking and tragic. Bernie believes that the rates of sexual and domestic violence against women--and men--is too high, and that "much more has to be done".In 2012,
Bernie co-sponsored the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act, a bill that included additional provisions to protect LGBT victims, expand access to justice for victims on Native American reservations, and extend protection for immigrants.
After the renewal of the VAWA, Bernie said: "While we are reducing the incidence of domestic violence, much more has to be done. Too many girls and women are still suffering from domestic violence and sexual abuse and that must end."
Men are victims of domestic violence, and Bernie supports all victims of domestic violence. Although the title of this Act states that it is for women, the operative text is gender-neutral and applies to men and women, including transgender people.
Click for Bernie Sanders on other issues.
Source: 2016 grassroots campaign website, "Issues"
Bernie Sanders on Families & Children
: Sep 5, 2015
LGBTQ values are family values
Bernie Sanders has been consistent in his belief that the LGBTQ community deserves equal rights, and has supported them long before it was politically expedient to do so.In 1972 and 1976, when Bernie first ran for office in Vermont, he was an
outspoken ally of the LGBTQ community; as a plank of his platform, he proposed the abolishment of all discriminatory laws pertaining to sexuality. In 1983, after he was elected to be mayor of Burlington, Vt., Bernie backed the city's first-ever
pride march.
Throughout his decades of public service, Bernie has voted against measures that impede the LGBTQ community's rights and has supported those that protect them from discrimination.
LGBTQ Values Are Family Values: Bernie was an early
supporter and continue to be a committed advocate for LGBTQ families. He has regularly fought for them to have the same rights as families formed by heterosexual couples, publicly equating family values with LGBTQ values.
Click for Bernie Sanders on other issues.
Source: 2016 grassroots campaign website, "Issues"
Jill Stein on Civil Rights
: Jul 6, 2015
No discrimination based on orientation whether it's LGB or T
OnTheIssues:In the wake of national same-sex marriage, what about transgender rights?
Stein: I include transgender rights in GLBT protection. Sexual orientation should not be a basis for discrimination whether it's LGB or T.
In my first run for office in 2002, when this issue was first brought to my attention, I was for marriage, not just civil unions. It wasn't until 3 years ago that the leadership of the Democratic Party changed its tune--even in 2004
Hillary was still opposing gay marriage. Vice President Joe Biden finally broke the ice [by saying he was "comfortable" with gay marriage in 2012]--
by that time gay marriage was rating highly favorable in the polls--is that leadership? I believe in doing what is right and leading the way. The Democratic Party is doing the opposite of that.
Click for Jill Stein on other issues.
Source: Phone interview on 2016 presidential race by
Jill Stein on Civil Rights
: Jul 6, 2015
After marriage equality comes workplace equality
OnTheIssues: What's next for the GLBT community now that the Supreme Court affirmed same-sex marriage?Stein: My sense is that we need to end discrimination in the workplace and housing. There are 28 states that have not enacted protection
in the workplace. Suicides are four times elevated among LGBT youth.
OnTheIssues: You mean you're worried about same-sex couples being "Married on Sunday; fired on Monday?"
Stein: Yes that's right.
Click for Jill Stein on other issues.
Source: Phone interview on 2016 presidential race by
Kamala Harris on Civil Rights
: Aug 27, 2014
Eliminate "gay panic" tactic for criminal defendants
Legislative Counsel's Digest: A "gay panic" or "trans panic" defense allows a criminal defendant to claim that the victim's sexual orientation or gender identity provoked them to violence. This outrageous tactic sends the message that
violence against members of the LGBT community is understandable or acceptable. These defense tactics also hurt survivors and loved ones of victims by asking the jury to find that the victim's sexual orientation or gender identity excuses the
defendant's actions. AB 2501, the first bill of its kind in the nation, eliminates "gay panic" and "trans panic" as a tactic for criminal defendants, ensuring that attacks on members of the LGBT community can be seen for what they are.
Legislative Outcome: Co-sponsored by Attorney General Kamala D. Harris; 8/26/14: Passed Senate, 25-9-6; 8/27/14: Passed Assembly, 58-15-6; signed by Governor Brown
Click for Kamala Harris on other issues.
Source: California legislative voting records for AB 2501
Jill Stein on Civil Rights
: Jul 31, 2014
Recognize gay marriages & civil unions from abroad in visas
- We will pursue legislation against all forms of hate crimes, including those directed against people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer, transgender, and intersex. Offenders must pay compensation to the LGBTIQ people who have suffered
violence and injustice.
- The Green Party will end all Federal military and civilian aid to national governments whose laws result in the imprisonment or otherwise bring harm to citizens and residents based on sexual orientation, or gender identity,
characteristics, and expression.
- The Green Party will enact a policy that the U.S. Government recognize all international marriages and legal equivalents, such as civil unions, in processing visitor and immigration visas.
The Green Party would end security surveillance and covert infiltration of organizations that promote equal rights on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity.
Click for Jill Stein on other issues.
Source: Green Party Platform adopted by National Committee Jul. 2014
Page last updated: Jan 01, 2025
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