Books by and about 2020 presidential candidates |
Crippled America, by Donald J. Trump (2015) |
Fire and Fury, by Michael Wolff (2018) |
Trump Revealed, by Michael Kranish and Marc Fisher (2016) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2016) |
Promise Me, Dad , by Joe Biden (2017) |
The Book of Joe , by Jeff Wilser (2019; biography of Joe Biden) |
The Truths We Hold, by Kamala Harris (2019) |
Smart on Crime, by Kamala Harris (2010) |
Guide to Political Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2017) |
Where We Go From Here, by Bernie Sanders (2018) |
Our Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2016) |
This Fight Is Our Fight, by Elizabeth Warren (2017) |
United, by Cory Booker (2016) |
Conscience of a Conservative, by Jeff Flake (2017) |
Two Paths, by Gov. John Kasich (2017) |
Every Other Monday, by Rep. John Kasich (2010) |
Courage is Contagious, by John Kasich (1998) |
Shortest Way Home, by Pete Buttigieg (2019) |
Becoming, by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Higher Loyalty, by James Comey (2018) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2017) |
Trump vs. Hillary On The Issues , by Jesse Gordon (2016) |
Outsider in the White House, by Bernie Sanders (2015) |
Book Reviews |
(from Amazon.com) |
(click a book cover for a review or other books by or about the presidency from Amazon.com)
Survey of 2024 Gubernatorial campaign websites
 (Click for external website)
2024 Gubernatorial campaign websites:
- Delaware.gov, Office of the Lieutenant Governor Bethany Hall-Long, "Initiatives Overview," 9/14/23, (Link)
- 2024 Delaware Gubernatorial Campaign website, Matt Meyer, 8/30/23, (Link)
- 2024 Washington State Gubernatorial Campaign website, Hilary Franz, 8/29/23, (Link)
- 2024_MO_Gov: Office of the Missouri Lieutenant-Governor, "Support for 'Missouri Stands with Ukraine' Initiative, Encouraging Local Purchasing Power," March 2, 2022, (Link)
- 2024_NC_Gov: Press release, "Attorney General Josh Stein Challenges Decision to Block Access to Medication Abortion," 4/10/2023, (Link)
- 2024_NC_Gov: Press release, "North Carolina and United Kingdom Sign Agreement to Strengthen Economic Ties and Transition to a Clean Energy Economy," July 20, 2022, (Link)
- 2024_NC_Gov: Press release, "North Carolina National Guard to Provide Support and Military Equipment to Ukraine," April 28, 2022, (Link)
- 2024_NC_Governor Campaign site, Mark Robinson, downloaded 7/30/23, (MarkRobinsonForNC.com)
- 2024_NH_Governor Campaign site, Cinde Warmington, downloaded 8/23/23, (CindeWarmington.com)
- 2024_WA_Governor Campaign site, Mark Mullet, downloaded 8/4/23, (MulletForGovernor.com)
OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
Bill Eigel: Voted for Heartbeat Bill banning abortion in Missouri.
Patrick Morrisey: The first pro-life Attorney General in West Virginia history.
JB McCuskey: McCuskey supported laws prohibiting abortion procedures.
Andy Wells: I believe life begins at conception, but allow exceptions.
Michael Morgan: Women must have access to healthcare, abortion services.
Mike Braun: Secure and strengthen gains we have made to protect life.
Bob Ferguson: Protect the right to bodily autonomy, reproductive freedom.
Eric Doden: As a Christian, I am 100 percent pro-life.
Eric Doden: Will be a champion for the unborn; for zero-cost adoption.
Jay Ashcroft: Protect pre-born children regardless of circumstances.
Curtis Hill: Supports legislation that restricts access to abortion.
Brian King: Progressive mother's support for Roe v. Wade was influential.
Merrill Piepkorn: For a woman's right to make her own healthcare decisions.
Peter Duval: Person who is pregnant should decide about abortion.
Budget & Economy
Bill Eigel: Cap spending immediately, reduce each year.
Andy Wells: COVID-related spending by Congress caused inflation.
Mark Mullet: Must factor affordability into every government decision.
Mike Braun: America First economic agenda brought unmatched prosperity.
Suzanne Crouch: Limit expenditures to a 2% inflation adjusted growth rate.
Cinde Warmington: Approved additional $40M to expand rural broadband.
Curtis Hill: Audit government to make appropriate budget cuts .
JB McCuskey: Natural resources: engine for economic revitalization.
Brian King: Develop a strong workforce to strengthen our economy.
Dave Reichert: Focus on lowering gas prices and property taxes .
Michael Morgan: Economy should encourage entrepreneurs and work for everyone.
Jennifer McCormick: Launch comprehensive workforce development initiatives.
Merrill Piepkorn: Budget cuts would discourage communities needing help.
Mike Ramone: Hold lawmakers and agencies accountable for their spending.
Mike Ramone: Make the necessary investments to improve infrastructure.
Peter Duval: Dedicated funds within state government should be avoided.
Civil Rights
Michael Morgan: Equality should not depend on who you love, how you identify.
Andy Wells: Supports Supreme Court ruling overturning Affirmative Action.
Mike Braun: There only two genders; no biological males in girls' sports.
Bob Ferguson: Won case guaranteeing rights for same-sex couples.
Jay Ashcroft: Banning biological males from women's sports is a priority.
Curtis Hill: Will end radical transgender athletic policies.
Phil Lyman: Supports consenting adults, opposes gender indoctrination.
Bob Ferguson: Strongest civil rights division fighting discrimination.
Esther Charlestin: Co-chairs the State of Vermont's Commission on Women.
Jennifer McCormick: Support for women and minority-owned businesses.
Mike Braun: ESG puts investors and retirees at financial risk.
Jay Ashcroft: Ethical investing is against shareholder interests.
Curtis Hill: Cut state corporate income tax from 4.9% to 3.5%.
Semi Bird: Hold prosecutors accountable for enforcing the rule of law.
Mark Walker: Law enforcement hemorrhaging lacking support and resources.
Andy Wells: Support the police, arrest criminals, send them to jail.
Mark Mullet: Hire more police officers, access mental health treatment.
Michael Morgan: Every citizen deserves a community where they feel safe.
Mike Braun: Make sure the justice system is not failing law enforcement.
Mike Braun: Violent criminals will serve hard time in state prison.
James Craig: Reduced sentencing efforts undermines the deterrence effect.
Bob Ferguson: Increased protections for survivors of human trafficking.
Dave Reichert: Led team that captured the "Green River Killer".
Dave Reichert: Co-sponsored Thin Blue Line Act to punish cop killers .
Eric Doden: Prevent rogue prosecutors from unilaterally defying our laws.
Jay Ashcroft: Local control of police has endangered public safety.
Semi Bird: Mandatory maximum sentence for fentanyl distribution.
Curtis Hill: Target criminal organizations, crack down on violent crime.
Andy Wells: Support police as first line of defense .
Jennifer McCormick: Expunge records for low-level marijuana-related convictions.
Mike Ramone: Ensure police have resources, reduce recidivism rates.
Eric Doden: For strongest sentencing guidelines for fentanyl crimes.
Semi Bird: I will make Schedule 1 drugs a felony again.
JB McCuskey: Stand by addicts and support thru recovery.
Steve Williams: City is a national model for how to deal with opioid crisis.
Bill Eigel: Prohibit biological boys from playing in girls sports.
Bill Eigel: Ban "hate-based ideology," other "woke" programs in schools.
Bill Eigel: Give parents access to curricula and lesson plan records.
Patrick Morrisey: Successfully defended the state's school choice laws.
Semi Bird: Facilitate school choice including private and home schools.
Mark Walker: Block federal mandates, get DC bureaucracy out of classrooms.
Andy Wells: Schools should educate not indoctrinate students.
Jennifer McCormick: Focused on a high-quality public education for every child.
Michael Morgan: Every child deserves access to a quality public school.
Mike Braun: Everyone should be able to enroll in school of their choice.
Mike Braun: Ensure parents meaningful input on curriculum and materials.
Tanner Smith: Quality education for students, competitive pay for teachers.
Eric Doden: I support ensuring transparency in school curriculums.
Jay Ashcroft: Our kids our deluged with inappropriate content.
Semi Bird: Parental access to ALL curriculum materials used in class.
Curtis Hill: Money should follow the student rather than the system.
Phil Lyman: Ensure parental rights on education choices and curriculum.
Phil Lyman: Protect conscience & religious belief in schools.
JB McCuskey: Empower students and families: flexibility over bureaucracy.
Esther Charlestin: Affordable Childcare for All.
Merrill Piepkorn: Support public education, school lunches for all students.
Mike Ramone: Ensure teachers have the tools, resources, and classrooms .
Peter Duval: Add two years to the existing education system, preK-13 .
Energy & Oil
Moore Capito: The solution is to return our country to energy independence.
Semi Bird: Maximize clean nuclear energy & hydroelectricity.
JB McCuskey: Ensure prosperity for the coal industry--state's backbone.
Mark Mullet: Make sure climate change policies aren't unaffordable.
Michael Morgan: North Carolina ready to lead in conservation & green energy.
Mike Braun: No transition to technologies that can't meet energy demands.
Tanner Smith: Advocate for sustainable and diverse energy sources.
Phil Lyman: Utah is already a leader in oil, gas, coal, and uranium.
Andy Wells: Believe your own eyes at gas pump; economy not recovering.
Brian King: All-of-the-above policy provides reliable, affordable energy.
Jennifer McCormick: Adopt renewable energy, incentivize green technology .
Merrill Piepkorn: Develop our energy resources while protecting the land.
Merrill Piepkorn: Consider all of our renewable resources, including solar.
Mike Ramone: Expand alternative energy research such as solar and nuclear.
Peter Duval: Vermont has fallen behind in meeting weak climate goals.
Patrick Morrisey: Recognized leader in the fight against federal overreach.
JB McCuskey: Against burdensome climate rules that harm coal economy.
Mike Braun: Farmers try to prosper while attacked by climate alarmists.
Bob Ferguson: Defended Obama-era climate change protections.
Curtis Hill: Partnered with Trump to fight EPA's excessive regulation.
Jennifer McCormick: Create and implement an overall water management plan.
Peter Duval: Urgently need to return half of Vermont to wilderness.
Families & Children
Mark Walker: Oppose child mutilations and gender reassignment surgery.
Peter Duval: Provide a universal parent stipend.
Foreign Policy
Mike Kehoe: Response to Ukraine: Russia does not share our values.
Jay Ashcroft: Wrote bill forbidding enemies from owning Missouri land.
Free Trade
Mark Robinson: I lost not one, but two jobs due to NAFTA.
Dave Reichert: Chaired Trade Subcommittee; championed free-trade agreements.
Government Reform
Bill Eigel: No more machines; hand count ballots on election day.
Semi Bird: Help farmers, ranchers mitigate regulatory barriers.
JB McCuskey: West Virginia has become most transparent state in America.
Mark Mullet: Make our permitting process more predictable and timelier.
Michael Morgan: There's an urgent need to protect our democratic principles.
Mike Braun: Mike fought against the federal takeover of elections.
Bob Ferguson: Secured the largest campaign finance penalty in history.
Dave Reichert: Lower taxes and reduce regulations to grow economy.
Dave Reichert: Make state government open, responsive, and inclusive.
Curtis Hill: As A.G., fought burdensome federal overreach.
Curtis Hill: Set new precedents of transparency and accountability.
Phil Lyman: Seen his best friends killed due to federal overreach.
Phil Lyman: Get real about bona fide attacks on our elections.
Jennifer McCormick: We will govern with the highest standards of transparency .
Jennifer McCormick: Expand opportunities for voter registration .
Mike Ramone: Consolidate state income tax, reduce burdensome regulations.
Peter Duval: Voting is just the beginning of active citizenship.
Peter Duval: Tradition of open primary voting needs exercise.
Gun Control
Bill Eigel: 2nd amendment protects us from tyrannical government.
JB McCuskey: Gun rights fundamental for sport, freedom, and protection.
Andy Wells: Gun owner, supports the right to keep and bear arms.
Bethany Hall-Long: Worked with state legislature to pass assault weapons ban.
Bob Ferguson: Ban the sale of assault weapons and high-capacity magazines.
Eric Doden: I am a firearm owner and 100% pro-Second Amendment.
Curtis Hill: Proud that Indiana is a constitutional-carry state.
Jennifer McCormick: I will work to repeal the permitless carry law.
Health Care
Semi Bird: Mental health & addiction are root cause of homelessness.
Bill Eigel: Prohibit transgender-related treatment for children under 18.
Michael Morgan: Quality, affordable healthcare is a fundamental human right.
Mike Braun: Innovation, competition can address high cost of healthcare.
Mike Braun: Will never lockdown state or mandate masks for kids.
Bob Ferguson: Defended the Affordable Care Act from legal attack.
Eric Doden: Ensure hospitals provide full transparency in pricing.
Eric Doden: Opposes gender affirming treatments or therapies for minors .
Brian King: Important to make mental health treatment more accessible.
Jennifer McCormick: We will make it a priority to fully fund Medicaid.
Merrill Piepkorn: Improve mental health services, drug and alcohol treatment.
Mike Ramone: Remove regulatory burdens driving up the cost of service.
Homeland Security
Bob Ferguson: Strengthened consumer protections for veterans, military .
Mike Ramone: Eliminate the state income tax on veterans benefits.
Peter Duval: Reducing fuel use does less to prop up Russia.
Andy Wells: Secure the border and stop illegal immigration, period.
Bob Ferguson: Opposed Muslim Travel Ban; blocked rescinding DACA.
Jennifer McCormick: Create a humane pathway for those seeking legal immigration.
Bill Eigel: Defund all government DEI-based positions and programs .
Bethany Hall-Long: A card-carrying union member at University of Delaware.
Michael Morgan: Our economy should offer equal pay for equal work.
Bob Ferguson: Defended state's minimum wage against legal challenge.
Principles & Values
Bill Eigel: Prosecution of Trump is atrocious abuse of power.
Bill Eigel: I believe that God has a plan for each and every one of us.
Moore Capito: Faith, family and freedom are nation's foundational values.
Semi Bird: Raised in a Christian environment; no "victim mentality".
Suzanne Crouch: Will protect our faith, families, and freedom.
JB McCuskey: Fighting for West Virginians and their conservative values.
Mark Walker: With Lord's guidance will fight radicals & political elites.
Andy Wells: Politicians don't solve problems; they create problems.
Bethany Hall-Long: To whom much is given, much is expected.
Mike Braun: Save America by making Indiana a beacon of freedom.
Mike Braun: The Constitution protects our God-given rights.
Tanner Smith: Montana born and raised, great pride in "God's country".
Bob Ferguson: An internationally rated chess master.
Curtis Hill: Guided by faith; strongly advocates for traditional values.
Eric Doden: My values traced to faith, family, small town roots.
Curtis Hill: Advocate for Hoosiers, not Washington lobbyists.
Brian King: I believe that it is Christlike to challenge the status quo.
Brian King: Opposes restricting freedoms in the names of religion.
Ryan Busse: Running as a champion for our Montana way of life.
Peter Duval: Campaign applies an Earth perspective to every issue.
Steve Williams: Mayor of city selected America's Best Community in 2017.
Steve Williams: I want West Virginia to be a model for what's possible.
Social Security
Curtis Hill: Eliminate the state income tax on retirement benefits.
Tax Reform
Bill Eigel: Repeal the regressive state personal property tax.
Bill Eigel: Eliminate the corporate and personal income tax in Missouri.
Moore Capito: Always be working to cut taxes so people can reinvest more.
JB McCuskey: Simply put, West Virginians need less taxes, not more.
Mike Braun: Reducing the size of government is the key to cutting taxes.
Suzanne Crouch: Axe the Tax: Return budget surpluses; eliminate income tax.
Tanner Smith: Implement policies to lower taxes, promote economic growth.
Eric Doden: Make school teachers exempt from state income tax.
Semi Bird: Provide tax relief; reduce spending; restructure welfare.
Curtis Hill: Cut spending; eliminate income tax on earners aged 18-35.
Merrill Piepkorn: Tax relief--but not elimination--for property owners.
Merrill Piepkorn: Don't pass bill eliminating income tax for mega-wealthy.
Mark Walker: Expand our agricultural footprint with widespread broadband.
Curtis Hill: Protect personal information from Big Tech monopolies .
Jennifer McCormick: Invest in fast and reliable broadband connectivity.
Welfare & Poverty
Semi Bird: Restructure welfare from a hand-out to a hand-up system.
Semi Bird: Cause of homelessness is mental illness, not affordability.
The above quotations are from Survey of 2024 Gubernatorial campaign websites.