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Jill Stein on War & Peace

Green Party presidential nominee; Former Challenger for MA Governor


Charges Israel, US leaders with war crimes

Stein denounced the Israeli military's assault on Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza as a war crime: "Attacking a hospital with bombs and snipers, shooting doctors and patients, cutting off power and blocking supplies keeping patients alive, including premature babies--these are not acts of war, they are acts of genocide."

"We call for an investigation of the [Israeli Prime Minister] Netanyahu regime's war crimes, as well as the role of Biden and US leaders in aiding and abetting them," said Dr. Stein. "And above all, these crimes must stop now." Dr. Stein blasted Democratic and Republican party leaders including Mike Johnson, Chuck Schumer and Hakeem Jeffries for standing together at a rally where speakers including Johnson denounced calls for a ceasefire while the crowd approvingly chanted "no ceasefire."

��No ceasefire� is a call for �More dead children�,� said Dr. Stein �I stand against the Democratic and Republican allies of war profiteers and AIPAC, demanding�#CeasefireInGazaNOW.�

Source: Presidential 2024 campaign press release:"Al-Shifa" , Nov 15, 2023

End policy of regime-change and military intervention

Q: What about the Mideast?

STEIN: U.S. foreign policy based on regime-change and military intervention has been an utter disaster. It is exhausting our budget; it takes up 54 percent of our discretionary budget for a defense department, which is truly an offense department, and it takes almost half of your income taxes. And what do we have to show for it?

Q: How are you going to pull the troops back in a way that, for instance, won't allow Iraq to collapse? Obama promised to pull the troops back, tried to do it, got sucked in again.

STEIN: Well, right. Shouldn't have been in there in the first place. We are bombing seven countries right now. Yesterday we fired missiles at Yemen. I mean, there is no end to U.S. incursions. We have this terrific power of militarism, and we're doing it all over the place. So here's the solution: We need a weapons embargo in the Middle East, and we need to freeze the bank accounts of those countries who insist on funding terrorist extremism.

Source: interview after Second 2016 Presidential Debate , Oct 19, 2016

Stop bombing Muslims abroad and stop bashing them at home

Donald Trump: Whether we like it or not, there is a problem and we have to be sure that Muslims report it when they see hatred.

Hillary Clinton: I intend to defeat ISIS to do so in a coalition with majority Muslim nations.

Jill Stein: If we want peace at home we need peace abroad. It's despicable for Trump to bash Muslims and Hillary to bomb them overseas.

Source: Stein Twitter posts on Second 2016 Presidential Debate , Oct 9, 2016

Libyan invasion was a catastrophe that inflamed the Mideast

HILLARY CLINTON: Words matter when you are president. And I want to reassure our allies in Japan and South Korea and elsewhere that we have mutual defense treaties, and we will honor them. Our word is good. People around the word follow our presidential campaigns so closely, trying to get hints about what we will do. Can they rely on us? Are we going to lead the world with strength and in accordance with our values? That's what I intend to do.

DR. JILL STEIN: Let's be mindful here of Secretary Clinton's track record. Was the invasion of Libya an example of how we lead with strength consistent with our values? It would be hard to imagine a more catastrophic war than what took place in Libya, that helped strengthen ISIS, that helped release an incredible stockpile of weapons, further inflaming the crisis and the violence in the Middle East. Clinton has said she would like to impose a no-fly zone over Syria, which basically means we are going to war with Russia, [who fly in that airspace].

Source: DemocracyNow interview on First 2016 Presidential Debate , Sep 27, 2016

Nuclear disarmament with Russia, not threats over Syria

Hillary Clinton has said she would like to impose a no-fly zone over Syria, which basically means we are going to war with Russia, because imposing a no-fly zone [means] you shoot down people that are in that airspace. And remember, we have 2,000 nuclear weapons now, between us and the Russians, on hair-trigger alert. So, this is certainly a very dangerous territory, where Hillary Clinton has continued to beat the drums of war, leading us in a very dangerous direction.

Instead of spending a trillion dollars creating a new generation of nuclear weapons and modes of delivery, it's time to instead change direction here and move as quickly as humanly possible towards nuclear disarmament. And instead of blaming the Russians, we need to acknowledge it was actually the Russians who tried to engage us in a nuclear disarmament process, again, several decades ago. We need to revive that proposal, take them up on it and move to nuclear disarmament as quickly as we possibly can.

Source: DemocracyNow interview on First 2016 Presidential Debate , Sep 27, 2016

Invasions violate international law unless we're threatened

Q: Your running mate [Ajamu Baraka] referred to the "gangster states" of NATO. 'Gangster' means criminal. Do you agree?

STEIN: Well, criminal? Does it violate international law? Yes. I think it does violate international law.

Q: What violates international law?

STEIN: For example, sending in the troops to Libya. Sending in the troops to Iraq for that matter. I think the criteria for invading other countries is that we need to be under imminent threat. And I think it would be hard to establish that we were under imminent threat, say, in Libya. Or in Iraq for that matter. I would argue that this is not consistent with international law or human rights, and that that should be the basis of our foreign policy going forward. We're proposing essentially a weapons embargo, a freeze on the bank accounts of countries who continue to fund terrorist enterprises and also we call on allies like Turkey to close their borders to the movement of jihadi groups.

Source: Wash. Post editorial board on 2016 presidential hopefuls , Aug 25, 2016

Pro-war means anti-feminist

Stein criticized Clinton's brand of feminism, by casting the Democrat as pro-war, and therefore anti-woman. "The war effort that Hillary has especially been the engine behind--to my mind, that's just not compatible with what my view of feminism is, that has a responsibility, not just to your own family, but to all families and to the human family," she said.
Source: Eli Watkins, CNN, joint interview of Stein and Baraka , Aug 17, 2016

War on terror has cost $6T and a million lives

We are calling for a foreign policy that goes back to the drawing board because our current policy is based on economic and military domination. We need a foreign policy based on international law, human rights and diplomacy.

The current foreign policy isn't working out so well for us. We've spend $6 trillion since September 11, 2001, on these wars for oil or wars on terror, whatever you call them. A million people have been killed in Iraq alone, and that isn't winning the hearts and minds of people in the Middle East, to say the least. And we have killed or wounded tens of thousands of U.S. soldiers. What do we have to show for it? Failed states and a mass refugee crisis.

And with each new front in this war in the Middle East, we are creating worse terrorist threats.

Source: interview of 2016 presidential hopefuls , May 9, 2016

War in Iraq created Frankenstein's monster of ISIS

ISIS grew out of the devastation in Iraq, which was largely our doing, just as al-Qaeda grew out of our policies in Afghanistan. In fact, the origins of Jihadist terrorism goes right back to the CIA and the Saudi monarchy, which created this religious, extremist force in order to fight the USSR in Afghanistan. But it came back to bite us in a very big way. We created a Frankenstein's monster. And it unleashed the Saudis, who have been enabled by us as a terrorist monarchy in their own right.
Source: interview of 2016 presidential hopefuls , May 9, 2016

We have killed millions of civilians in our war for oil

This year's Pentagon budget is roughly $600 billion. "Much of what we spend our military budget on is morally wrong. We have killed and destroyed the lives of millions of civilians in our war for oil. We routinely invest American tax dollars in propping up governments and dictators that systematically violate the human rights of their own citizens," noted Stein. Stein also condemned the escalation of the use of drones under the Obama administration that have killed an untold number of civilians.
Source: 2016 presidential campaign website, , Apr 18, 2016

U.S-backed regime change in Iran caused current conflict

Stein cited the Iranian-US relationship as a perfect example of the failures of American diplomacy: "Why did we develop conflict with the Iranians in the first place?" she asked. "It's a glaring example of the disaster of regime change, 60 years later."

Stein was referring to the US-backed overthrow of the democratically elected Mohammed Mosaddegh, a reformer who began nationalizing the country's oil industry. That action, argued Stein, paved the way for his government's eventual toppling by the CIA: "We overthrew Mosaddegh and substituted the shah. That resulted in a tyrannical regime, which was then overthrown [by people]."

Iran wanted a nuclear free zone in the Middle East, Stein pointed out. She added that such a zone could be a "stepping stone to worldwide disarmament." "Fortunately things have mellowed on both sides" of the conflict between the US and Iran, Stein said. "There's an enormous potential for engagement and peace."

Source: American Herald Tribune foreign policy interview , Feb 29, 2016

Nuclear-free Iran as step toward worldwide disarmament

Iran wanted a nuclear free zone in the Middle East, Stein pointed out. She added that such a zone could be a "stepping stone to worldwide disarmament." Stein believes that the democratic reforms in Iran can offer an opportunity for the US, Iran, and the world at large. She hopes for an end to "a conflict we [the US] completely generated with our misguided and reprehensible policy of regime change. There is enormous potential for engagement."

Part of that conflict's resolution is based in the nuclear agreement reached in July of 2015. Although Stein believes that the "issue of the nuclear threat was concocted" by the US, she welcomes the potential for nuclear disarmament and a nuclear free zone in the Middle East as a whole.

Source: American Herald Tribune foreign policy interview , Feb 29, 2016

Involved in Vietnam anti-war movement in school & college

Q: You describe your family of origin as apolitical--were you?

STEIN: I became very involved in the antiwar movement in high school & sort of had that combat in my household. They weren't quite ready to go there.

Q: So they supported the Vietnam War?

STEIN: Yes. They were clueless about the Vietnam War. And they considered themselves reliable, faithful, patriotic Americans. So of course they supported the war. You know, they were not into questioning things.

Q: And how much were your parents children of the Cold War?

STEIN: No, they were not--they were sufficiently apolitical that they really didn't tune in to sort of international anti-communist issues and so on.

Q: So you start getting involved in the antiwar movement in high school. Where do you go to college?

STEIN: I went to Harvard.

Q: It's also a fairly political time there as well?

STEIN: It was. Yes. It was a great time to be at Harvard. There was a very vibrant antiwar, human rights movement going on at the time.

Source: TRNN: The Real News Network 2015 interview of Jill Stein , Feb 15, 2015

ISIS grows out of chaos that we created in Iraq

We need a foreign policy based on international law, human rights, and diplomacy, instead of militarism. Our current foreign policy has been an outright incredible disaster. Drones and torture have especially been damaging.

The past decade of endless war on terror has been an unmitigated disaster which is now blowing back at us in the proliferation of extremist groups. ISIS itself grows directly out of the chaos; we see this in Iraq through ten years of vicious warfare and sectarian conflict that was promoted by our policies in Iraq.

Source: 2015 State of the Union Green Party response , Jan 20, 2015

Stop economic sanctions and cyber-attacks against Iran

Q: Ron Paul recently called the economic sanctions against Iran an "Act of War." Would you agree with his description?

STEIN: We define cyber attacks as an act of war so by our own definition we have engaged in unilateral warfare with Iran. That approach has been extremely unhelpful and we are not using diplomacy. If there are real threats to US security then sanctions are warranted but I don't see that Iran is threatening US security right now. The issue of Iran is that it has the potential to build nuclear weapons, it does not have nuclear weapons right now. There are already illegal nuclear weapons in the region in Israel and Pakistan. We need a comprehensive and evenhanded policy. There are drastic violations of human rights right now amongst both our friends and our enemies. Creating a nuclear free Middle East is the only way we are going to stop the development of nuclear weapons.

Source: interview of Jill Stein , Nov 1, 2012

National conversation before we go to war

Q: The Green Party platform states that the US must handle disputes with foreign countries through the United Nations. If a humanitarian crisis erupts and the UN fails to pass a resolution would you consider bypassing the UN and staging an intervention without the assistance of other countries?

STEIN: I think the priority is that we do not bypass the American people who have been routinely bypassed in most of the interventions in recent decades including Iraq and Libya. This is being done without the explicit permission from Congress and is a critical check and balance that has gotten lost in the shuffle and is a violation of the US Constitution and the war powers act. It is very dangerous when politicians declare war and exhaust economic resources and spill the blood of Americans and civilians overseas. Most of the conflicts of the last decade would not have happened had there been a national conversation and discussion about what the true risks and benefits of our national security were.

Source: interview of Jill Stein , Nov 1, 2012

Blowback across Middle East due to our immoral war policy

OBAMA: I think it's important to step back and think about what happened in Libya. We took leadership in organizing an international coalition that made sure that we were able to liberate a country that had been under the yoke of dictatorship for 40 years. And as a consequence, despite this tragedy, you had tens of thousands of Libyans after the events in Benghazi marching and saying, "America's our friend."

STEIN: It's very clear that there is blowback going on now across the Middle East, not only the unrest directed at the Libyan embassy. 75% of Pakistanis actually identify the US now as their enemy, not as their supporter or their ally. And, you know, in many ways, we're seeing a very ill-conceived, irresponsible and immoral war policy come back to haunt us, where US foreign policies have been based, unfortunately, on brute military force and wars for oil. Under my administration, we will have a foreign policy based on international law and human rights and the use of diplomacy.

Source: Democracy Now! Expanded Third Obama-Romney 2012 debate , Oct 22, 2012

Stop the flow of arms to Syria on both sides

OBAMA: [In Syria] we are going to do everything we can to make sure that we are helping the opposition. But what we can't do is, as Governor Romney has suggested, giving heavy weapons to the Syrian opposition.

ROMNEY: The right course is to identify responsible parties within Syria, organize them, bring them together, and then make sure they have the arms necessary to defend themselves.

STEIN: It's as if there's collective amnesia here, as if we didn't just go through a decade, $5 trillion and thousands of U.S. soldiers whose lives have been sacrificed, and far more civilians whose lives have been lost, in an attempted military resolution in Iraq and in Afghanistan. So with a far smaller commitment, how in the world are they thinking that a lesser degree of military intervention is going to solve the problem? This is a failed policy from its very conception. With arms flowing in to both sides in Syria, you have really a catastrophe in the making. We need to stop the flow of the arms.

Source: Democracy Now! Expanded Third Obama-Romney 2012 debate , Oct 22, 2012

Iran does not threaten our national security

Q: How should the U.S. deal with Iran?

A: Iran does not threaten our national security and there is no proof they are building a nuclear weapon.

Q: Should the U.S. continue to support Israel?

A: Yes, but not the current regime.

Source: Presidential comparison website , May 16, 2012

We're not safer internationally with drone wars

Q. Does President Obama deserve credit for other accomplishments?

A. Small time, sure. There are minor improvements. But on the other hand, he took single-payer off the table. He absolutely took a public option off the table. As we found on issue after issue--the war, reappointing George Bush's secretary of defense, sticking to George Bush's timeline on Iraq, expanding the war, expanding the drone wars all over the place. And how about bringing Wall Street in, the guys who created the problem, among his first appointments. It was pretty clear right then that this was going to be business as usual on steroids. We're certainly not more secure, more equitable, more healthy or safer internationally, with what Obama has brought.

Source: Michael Shear, NY Times, "5 Questions" on 2012 election , Feb 14, 2012

End the Oil Wars

Source: 2012 Presidential Campaign website, "Brochure" , Feb 3, 2012

Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were illegal

The deficit has been made worse by unconscionable spending choices: notably the 4 trillion dollars spent on the illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and trillions more spent on the bloated Pentagon budget, tax giveaways for the wealthy, and bailouts for Wall Street.

Instead of austerity, we can end the Wall Street bailouts, cut the bloated military and tax the bloated rich.

Source: Green Party 2012 People's State of the Union speech , Jan 25, 2012

We never should have been in Iraq; we're still not out

Q: What are your views on this week's US formal withdrawal of troops from Iraq?

A: We are not out of Iraq--we should be out of Iraq and we are not. We never should have been in Iraq. We have spent perhaps $1 trillion, lost nearly 5,000 American lives, and probably 100,000 or perhaps one million Iraqi lives. It's an unspeakable shame that this war occurred at all. A war caused by lies and military opportunism A war that has conveniently secured some oil supplies for the US and the West but what a horrible price that has been paid for that illegitimate bounty.

Source: 2011 OnTheIssues interview with Jill Stein , Dec 21, 2011

We should not be in Afghanistan; no military solution

Q: What should US policy be regarding the war in Afghanistan?

A: As in Iraq, in Afghanistan likewise we should not be there. If we hadn't been training militaries in Afghanistan to start with 30 or 40 years ago, there never would have been an Osama bin Laden. Afghanistan is a symbol: military solutions are not solutions. They don't end.

Source: 2011 OnTheIssues interview with Jill Stein , Dec 21, 2011

Humanitarian aims in Libya ok; but not regime change

Q: What about the war in Libya?

A: We're going to see it's not over in Libya . You don't solve problems, you don't promote international stability and democracy by bringing in the army and the bombs. That does not create national stability. The humanitarian concerns were legitimate but those humanitarian aims were really cast aside very early. After NATO entered the fray it quickly morphed from protecting civilians to regime change. There was no legitimate international justification for that.

Source: 2011 OnTheIssues interview with Jill Stein , Dec 21, 2011

End our military misadventures in Iraq and Afghanistan

Before President Obama took office, the Democratic Party criticized Bush for killing thousands of people looking for weapons of mass destruction that never existed. But now their voices have fallen silent. Gov. Patrick is promoting the troop surges and engaging in shameless attempts to use the troops as props for his election year photo ops. He dished out upbeat descriptions of our military misadventures in Iraq and Afghanistan. He described morale as being high, conveniently ignoring the fact that suicides among the troops had just reached record levels.

The Iraq and Afghanistan wars are costing Massachusetts $3.4 billion per year. That money could go a long way toward creating jobs here in Massachusetts. Rather than serving as a Pentagon propagandist and obediently sending our National Guard off for yet another tour of duty, the Governor of Massachusetts should be telling President Obama that we need to end the wars, bring our National Guard home, and heal our economy.

Source: 2010 Gubernatorial Campaign website, "Issues" , Sep 29, 2010

Other candidates on War & Peace: Jill Stein on other issues:
2024 Republican Presidential Candidates:
Former Pres.Donald Trump (R nominee)
Ohio Senator J.D. Vance (VP nominee)
Ryan Binkley (R-TX)
Gov. Doug Burgum (R-ND)
Gov. Chris Christie (R-NJ)
Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL)
Larry Elder (R-CA;withdrew)
Gov. Nikki Haley (R-SC)
Rep. Will Hurd (R-FL;withdrew)
Gov. Asa Hutchinson (R-AR)
Perry Johnson (R-IL)
Mayor Steve Laffey (R-RI)
Former V.P.Mike Pence (R-IN;withdrew)
Vivek Ramaswamy (R-OH)
Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC)
Secy. Corey Stapleton (R-MT)
Mayor Francis Suarez (R-FL;withdrew)

2024 Democratic and 3rd-party primary candidates:
V.P.Kamala Harris (D nominee)
MN Gov Tim Walz (VP nominee)
Pres. Joe Biden (D-DE,retiring)
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (I-NY)
Chase Oliver (L-GA)
Rep.Dean Phillips (D-MN)
Jill Stein (Green)
Cornel West (Green Party)
Kanye West (Birthday Party)
Marianne Williamson (D-CA)
Civil Rights
Foreign Policy
Free Trade
Govt. Reform
Gun Control
Health Care
Homeland Security
Social Security
Tax Reform

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