Howie Hawkins on Education
Green Party Challenger for President
Free college tuition for qualified students; abolish loans
Provide free college tuition to all qualified students at public universities and vocational schools. Abolish all student and parent loans taken out to finance post-secondary and vocational education.Eliminate police officers from our schools.
Ensure school security personnel are trained for, and held accountable to, conflict resolution techniques and anti-bias training. Security personnel should demonstrate cultural competency and refrain from enforcing white supremacist oppressive tactics.
Source: Green Party Platform adopted by 2020 presidential hopeful
, Jul 12, 2020
Increased funding for the arts as essential
Eliminating all laws that seek to restrict or censor artistic expression, including the withholding of government funds for political or moral content. Increased funding for the arts appropriate to
their essential social role at local, state and federal levels of government. Education programs in the community that will energize the creativity of every community member from the youngest to the oldest,
Source: Green Party Platform adopted by 2020 presidential hopeful
, Jul 12, 2020
Lifelong, tuition free public education at any age
Our Economic Bill of Rights includes the right to lifelong, tuition-free public education, from child care and pre-K through
K-12 to college, technical, and graduate studies at any age. We want to boost federal funding of public schools to reduce student-teacher ratios to 15-to-1 for pre-K through 12th grade.
Source: Declaration of Candidacy for the Green Party Nomination
, May 28, 2019
Free public education from pre-K through college
A VOTE FOR THE GREEN TICKET IS A VOTE FOR:- AN ECONOMIC BILL OF RIGHTS: Free Public Education from Pre-K Child Care through College
- JUSTICE: Empower Racially Oppressed Communities and Disempower Institutional Racism through
Community Control of Police, Schools, Housing, and Businesses
- PEACE: A Global Green New Deal--Invest the Peace Dividend from Military Spending Cuts inClean Energy, Regenerative Agriculture, and Basic Human Needs Around the World
Source: 2020 Presidential Campaign website HowieHawkins.us
, May 19, 2019
Guarantee a quality education to everyone
Guarantee a quality education to everyone, including equal access to resources such as books, school facilities that work, and great teachers who are paid enough to stay in the profession.
Source: 2006 Senate campaign website, hawkinsforsenate.org, "Issues"
, Jun 30, 2006
Page last updated: Jan 01, 2025; copyright 1999-2022 Jesse Gordon and OnTheIssues.org