Polluters should have burden of proof of safe practices
Restore state health, safety, and consumer protection laws by striking federal preemptions that weaken state law.
Preserve and expand product-labeling requirements.
Repeal the misnamed Bankruptcy Abuse
Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005.
Establish new independent government consumer advocacy agencies to protect the interests of consumers and restore the U.S. Office of Consumer Affairs.
Uphold the precautionary principle, requiring polluters to bear the burden of proof in demonstrating the safety of their practices.
Expand the application of the precautionary principle from chemicals and health
to land use, waste, energy, food policy and local economic development.
Support, enforce and strengthen the National Environmental Policy Act.
Water is essential to all forms of life. The Green Party calls for an international declaration that water belongs to the Earth and all of its species. Water is a basic human right! The U.S. Government must lead the way in declaring
water a fundamental human right and prevent efforts to privatize, export, and sell for profit a substance that is essential to all life.
The Green Party supports a strengthened and enforceable Endangered Species Act.
We support reintroducing native species to areas from which they have been eradicated, eliminating predator control on public lands, and reintroducing native predators where they would contribute to a viable ecosystem.
We should educate ourselves about animal behaviors to overcome our culture's irrational fear of wildlife, and learn techniques of co-existence with other species.
Shut down existing waste incinerators, impose a moratorium on new waste incinerators, and phase out landfills. For all possible waste streams, we support the following strategies (in order of priority) as alternatives to incineration and landfills:
(a) toxics use reduction; (b) source reduction, reuse, clean recycling or composting /digestion; or (c) neutralization, sterilization or detoxification methods where applicable.
Source: Green Party Platform adopted by 2020 presidential hopeful
, Jul 12, 2020
Convert corporate agribusiness to organic agriculture
The Green New Deal will convert corporate agribusiness to organic agriculture. Conversion to regenerative agriculture is needed to combat climate change by drawing atmospheric carbon into the biosphere and to end the pesticides and habitat destruction
of industrial farming that is a major cause of the mass extinctions of species now underway. We want to replace monocultural, chemicalized, and industrialized corporate agribusiness with family and cooperative organic farms.
Source: Declaration of Candidacy for the Green Party Nomination
, May 28, 2019
Environmental collapse follows from capitalist system
THE ECOSOCIALIST CASE AGAINST CAPITALISM: Under a capitalist system, we cannot solve the central problems of our time.
ECOLOGICAL DESTRUCTION: We will never reverse pending planetary environmental
collapse as long as we have a capitalist economy where competition for profits drives the blind, relentless growth that is consuming the environment, heating up the planet, and destroying ecological foundations of human civilization.
Source: 2020 Presidential Campaign website HowieHawkins.us
, May 19, 2019
Strengthen environmental regulation and enforcement
Hawkins supports the following principles regarding the environment and energy.
Strengthen the regulation and enforcement of the Clean Water Act.
Strengthen the regulation and enforcement of the Clean Air Act.
Strengthen emission controls and fuel efficiency standards on all gasoline and diesel-powered engines, including cars, trucks, and sport utility vehicles.
Encourage further development and use of alternative fuels to reduce pollution.
Support the use of ethanol as an alternative fuel.
Support the Kyoto Protocol to limit global warming.
Hawkins adds, "Support cellulosic ethanol, not corn or soybean ethanol.
Take $300 billion a year from the military and invest it in a renewable energy infrastructure for the world. In ten years this program should reduce carbon emission s by 70 percent to stop global warming and end resource wars over oil."