Dick Cheney on Free Trade
Vice President of the United States under George W. Bush
Worldwide market thrives only with peaceful stability
We are a trading nation, and our prosperity is directly linked to peace and stability in the world. The real victory in the Cold War was the years of peace in which free societies could grow and prosper. And while the threat of Soviet communism may now
be gone, the end of the Cold War had not ended all threats to our way of life. There is not a home or a business that would not be adversely affected if Saddam Hussein had been allowed to grab control of the worlds supply of oil. Simply stated, the
worldwide market that we are part of cannot thrive where regional violence, instability, and aggression put it at peril. Our economic well-being and our security depend an a stable world in which the community of peaceful democratic nations continues to
grow. Hostile and anti-democratic regimes must know that aggression is a risk that will not pay. [We must] maintain capable, ready military forces that can deter aggression and, if that fails, be ready to go at a moments notice.
Source: Speech at Lawrence Technical University (1990s History)
, Sep 14, 1992
Sponsored bills limiting trade & allowing import fees
Cheney sponsored the following bills in Congress:- H.R.1001 (1989): A bill to clarify that charges and fees may be collected in connection with foreign trade zones at certain
small airports.
- H.R.1033 (1985): A bill to prohibit the importation of certain products of Australia and New Zealand (prohibiting imporint wool, lamb, veal, and uranium).
Source: Congressional Record
, Jan 1, 1989
Supported import tax on crude oil & energy security
Cheney co-sponsored the following bills in Congress::- H.R.2200 (1988):A bill to amend the Strategic Petroleum Reserve and the International Energy Program, and to impose a tax on the importation of crude oil and petroleum products.
- H.R.2662 (1988):A bill to insure energy security for the Nation by expanding the domestic petroleum base.
- H.R.664 (1989):A bill to provide tax incentives for oil and natural gas exploration and production, and for other purposes.
Source: Thomas Register of Congressional Votes
, Jan 1, 1988
Supports linking MFN to human rights outside of China
Cheney co-sponsored the following bills in Congress:- H.R.1250 (1988):A bill to suspend most-favored-nation treatment to the products of Romania until that country recognizes and protects fundamental human rights, and for other purposes.
- H.J.RES.429 (1988):A joint resolution deploring the Soviet Governments active persecution of religious believers in the Ukraine.
Source: Thomas Register of Congressional Votes
, Jan 1, 1988
Voted against textile import limits
Cheneys votes on key social issues bills in Congress:- Voted NO to impose textile import limits over Reagan veto (1986)
- Voted YES to weaken gun control laws (1986)
- Voted YES to reject hospital cost control plan (1979)
- Voted NO to establish the Department of Education (1979)
- Voted YES to approve anti-busing Amendment (1979)
Source: (X-ref Health) Congressional Record, in Poltics in America
, Jan 1, 1986
Supported export promotion & import tax relief
Cheney co-sponsored the following bills in Congress:- H.R.3515 (1986):A bill to eliminate foreign predatory export credit practices, and establish a tied aid credit facility.
- H.RES.404 (1986): Expresses that Federal excise taxes & tariffs should
remain deductible.
- H.R.4830 (1986):A bill to reform the trade laws: Increases export promotion activities. Establishes a Competitive Tied Aid Fund. Sets forth US agricultural trade policy. Provides for the implementation of the Nairobi Protocol.
- H.R.3522 (1986): The Trade Partnership Act of 1985: Provides for an international conference on trade and monetary policies. Transfers certain import relief functions from the President to the US Trade Representative. Enforces US patent laws on
- H.CON.RES.316 (1988): Expressing deep concern that Japan has imposed unreasonable and unjustifiable obstacles which have precluded Federal Express from implementing its small-package express service between the US and Japan.
Source: Thomas Register of Congressional Votes (1980s History)
, Jan 1, 1986
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